Title: Overview of Organic Production in Saskatchewan
1 Overview of Organic Production in Saskatchewan
Mission of European Buyers to Canada Brenda
Frick, Prairie Coordinator, Organic Agriculture
Centre of Canada August 27, 2003
2Saskatchewan Environment
- Saskatchewan lends itself to organic production
- Clean natural environment
- Open skies, abundant farmland
- Dry and cold discourage diseases, pests
- Diverse growing conditions
- Established organic agriculture community
3Organic Agriculture is Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan has more organic farmers than any
other province in Canada
773 farms reporting certified organic products
in Saskatchewan
35 of Canadian organic farms are in Saskatchewan
Statistics Canada Census of Agriculture 2001
4Organic Producers Increasing
Ann Macey, Organic Statistics, 1996-2001
5 Organic Acreage in Saskatchewan
- 160,000 ac cereal
- 113,000 ac forage
- 35,000 ac oilseed
- 39,000 ac pulses
- 14,000 ac other crops
- 340,000 ac other
- 700,000 ac TOTAL
Frick, Brenda Production Statistics for Organic
Agriculture in Saskatchewan for 2000
6 Organic Cereals in Saskatchewan
- Wheat, Durum
- Oat
- Kamut, Barley, Rye, Spelt, Millet, etc
7 Organic Oilseeds in Saskatchewan
- Flax is the major organic oilseed
- Smaller amounts of mustard
- Hemp, sunola, etc.
8 Organic Pulses in Saskatchewan
- Lentil, field pea
- Chickpea, dry bean
- Pulses as cover crops, chickling vetch, etc
9 Additional Crops in Saskatchewan
- Growing herb and spice industry
- Borage, Caraway, Echinacea
- Development of horticultural options
- Sprouting seeds, vegetables, fruit
- Wild crafting of fruits, forest products
- Berries, mushrooms, syrups
10 Wild Rice in Saskatchewan
- more than 70 of Canadian production in SK
- harvested from natural water bodies
- 1000 2000 tonnes per year
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2002, Canadian
Wild Rice Industry. http//www.agr.gc.ca/misb/spcr
11 Processing and Exporting
- Nearly 40 organic processors in Saskatchewan
- Cleaning, mixing, grinding flours, crushing oil
- Bulk sales - GIOSI, worlds largest private
organic cereal grain supplier and exporter - Cereal based food ingredients
12 Processing Support
13 Organic Forage in Saskatchewan
- Alfalfa, sweet clover, red clovers
- Plowdown for soil building
- Seed
- Greenfeed oat pea mixtures
- Wild oat, kochia
- Feed grains
14 Organic Livestock in Saskatchewan
- Vast areas needed for organic animal production
- Clean water, grass, lower disease potential
- 100 organic feed grass, forage, feed
15 Organic Livestock in Saskatchewan
- 62 organic livestock producers
- 7,000 8000 head of cattle
- Sales of 3,000 finished organic beef / yr
- Lamb, pork, poultry
- Could be certified organic bison
16 COLA headquartered in Saskatchewan
- 2 EU approved organic slaughter
- facilities in Western Canada
- Free Farm US humane society accredited
- CFIA hormone free tags
- European contact Alexander Gibb, Scotland
17Support for Saskatchewan Producers
- Saskatchewan Organic Directorate, SOD,
- a producer-controlled organization with
international credibility promotes the organic
industry in Saskatchewan
- Canadian Organic Growers provides networking and
extension to organic producers
18Support for Saskatchewan Producers
- Saskatchewan government provides an organic
specialist and a system of extension agrologists
- Saskatchewan organic farmers can purchase
organic crop insurance
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides
marketing and trade officers
19Support for Saskatchewan Producers
- Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada provides
research and extension through a Prairie
Coordinator, and education through web based
- University of Saskatchewan assists the organic
industry with production and economic research
and training
20References and Acknowledgements
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2002, Canadian
Wild Rice Industry. http//www.agr.gc.ca/misb/spcr
ops/wildrice_e.phtml - Macey, Ann 1997 - 2001, various statistical
reports, Eco-Farm Garden - Frick, Brenda Production Statistics for Organic
Agriculture in Saskatchewan for 2000, Report for
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food Saskatchewan
Organic Directorate. February 2001 - Saskatchewan Agriculture Food and Rural
Revitalization. 2000. Saskatchewan Organic
Marketing and Processing Directory - Saskatchewan Agrivision Corporation Inc. 2002.
The Organic Agriculture Industry. Fact Sheet. - Statistics Canada Census of Agriculture 2001
- Thanks also to Janine Gibson, Canadian Organic
Growers and Sam Rhode, Certified Organic
Livestock Association for information and
materials and Susan Howse for photographs