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German Grammar Lectures


German Grammar Lectures Lecture 6: German Adjective Endings Designed by Paul Joyce University of Portsmouth E-Mail: 6.1 Three types of endings ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: German Grammar Lectures

German Grammar Lectures
  • Lecture 6
  • German Adjective Endings
  • Designed by Paul Joyce
  • University of Portsmouth
  • E-Mail

6.1 Three types of endings
  • So far we have looked at 2 types of endings
  • Noun declension (i.e. genitive endings for
    masculine neuter nouns, dative plurals)
  • Definite indefinite articles and their
  • The third type of endings that must be learned by
    heart are adjective endings.

6.2 What is an adjective?
  • Adjectives are words that describe, modify or
    qualify nouns or pronouns - e.g. alt, jung, neu,
    grau, freundlich.
  • German participles can be used adjectivally
  • Ich sah ein untergehendes Schiff.
    (I saw a ship going down.)
  • Ich sah ein untergegangenes Schiff.
    (I saw a ship that had gone down.)

6.3 Predicative adjective usage
  • Adjectives that follow the noun to which they
    refer (as part of a verbal construction) do NOT
    add endings.
  • This is the predicative use of the adjective.
  • Michael ist jung.
  • Die Patientin liegt krank im Bett.
  • Er streicht die Wand gelb.
    (He paints the wall yellow.)

6.4 Attributive adjective usage
  • Adjectives that appear directly before the noun
    to which they refer DO add endings.
  • This is the attributive use of the adjective.
  • Examples
  • Michael ist ein junger Mann.
  • Die kranke Patientin liegt im Bett.
  • Er streicht die gelbe Wand.
    (He paints the yellow wall.)

6.5 How to choose endings
  • The endings that attributive adjectives take are
    determined by four factors
  • 1) Gender of the noun
  • 2) Number of the noun (singular / plural)
  • 3) Case of the noun
  • 4) Type of article preceding the adjective
  • There are THREE basic types of endings.

6.6 Weak adjective declension
  • The weak adjective endings are used after the
    definite article and its equivalents
  • der - the (definite article)
  • dieser - this jener - that
  • jeder - each welcher? - which?
  • aller, sämtlicher - all
  • beide ( plural) - both

6.7 Weak adjective endings
  • The weak declension only has TWO possible
    endings -e and -en.
  • -e is only used with
    - the nominative
    singular of all genders
  • - the accusative feminine singular
  • - the accusative neuter singular
  • -en is used
    - in all other combinations of
    case gender
    - in all plurals

6.8 Weak adjective endings alt
6.9 Careful learn the articles!
  • The weak endings show little information - 2
    endings only!- because they are used after
    determiners whose endings clearly show the case,
    gender and number of the noun.
  • This means that the endings of the adjective and
    the determiner which governs it decline in
    different ways - both must be learnt!
  • The definite article endings were discussed in
    Lecture 4.

6.10 Endings Definite Article
6.11 Weak adjective declension
6.12 Other determiners
  • The same endings are found on the other
    determiners that take the weak declension
  • Der Geruch dieses roten Apfels
  • (The smell of this red apple.)
  • Von welchem weißen Wein? (From
    which white wine?)
  • Alle vernünftigen Menschen wissen das! (All
    sensible people know that!)

6.13 beide / die beiden
  • Beide ( both) can be used as a determiner - it
    then declines like dieser.
  • It can also be used as a simple adjective, in
    which case it takes the endings determined by the
  • Beide Brüder sind gestern abgereist.
  • Die beiden Brüder sind gestern abgereist.
  • Seine beiden Brüder sind gestern abgereist.

6.14 Quiz weak adjective endings
  • Welch____ neu____ Haus gefällt Ihnen?
    ( Which new house do you like?)
  • Östlich d____ deutsch____ Gebiet___ .
    ( To the east of the German territory.)
  • Ich rede mit dies____ jung____ Dame.
    ( Im talking to this young lady.)
  • Wir kennen jed____ britisch____ Film.
    ( We know every British film.)

6.15 Quiz answers
  • Welches neue Haus gefällt Ihnen?
    ( Which new house do you like?)
  • Östlich des deutschen Gebiets.
    ( To the east of the German territory.)
  • Ich rede mit dieser jungen Dame.
    ( Im talking to this young lady.)
  • Wir kennen jeden britischen Film.
    ( We know every British film.)

6.16 Strong adjective declension
  • Strong adjective endings are used if there is
    no determiner before the adjective whose ending
    clearly shows the case, gender and number of the
    noun. This happens
  • when there is no determiner at all
  • after simple numerals - zwei, drei usw.
  • after certain plurals - viele, wenige, ein paar,
    mehrere, einige, etliche, folgende

6.17 Strong adjective endings neu
6.18 Strong adjective declension
6.19 Strong adjective declension
  • Starkes Bier wirkt erfrischend.
    (Strong beer is refreshing.)
  • Der Geruch heißen Tees ist überall.
    (The aroma of hot tea is everywhere.)
  • Ich esse Spaghetti mit kalter Tomatensauce.
    (I eat spaghetti with cold tomato
  • Brasilianischer Kaffee mit frischer Milch
    (Brazilian coffee with fresh milk.)

6.20 Strong adj. endings numerals
  • Acht fleißige StudentInnen waren da.
    (Eight hard-working students were there.)
  • Eine Begegnung mit drei alten Männern (A
    meeting with three old men.)
  • Der Bau vier neuer Schiffe
    (The construction of four new ships)
  • Seht ihr neunundneunzig rote Luftballons?
    (Do you see 99 red balloons?)

6.21 Strong adjectives numerals (2)
  • BUT if a number is used after an article, then
    the endings on any following adjective are
    governed by the article - not the number.
  • Fünf kluge Schüler
    (BUT Die fünf klugen Schüler)
  • Wegen fünf kluger Schüler
    (BUT Wegen der fünf klugen Schüler)
  • Zwei artige Kinder
    (BUT Seine zwei artigen Kinder)

6.22 Strong adj. endings plurals
  • Mehrere richtige Antworten sind möglich.
    (Several correct answers are possible.)
  • Es gibt viele gute Gründe.
    (There are many good reasons.)
  • Trotz ein paar kleiner Schwierigkeiten.
    (Despite a few small
  • Eine Stadt mit einigen alten Bauwerken
    (A town with a few old buildings)

6.23 Quiz strong adjective endings
  • Der Geschmack belgisch____ Bier___ (
    The taste of Belgian beer)
  • Gibt es genug heiß____ Wasser für alle?
    ( Is there enough hot water for everyone?)
  • Er fand mehrer____ schwarz____ Löcher.
    ( He found several black holes.)
  • Wegen viel____ typisch____ Fehler. (
    Because of many typical mistakes)

6.24 Quiz (2) answers
  • Der Geschmack belgischen Biers
    ( The taste of Belgian beer)
  • Gibt es genug heißes Wasser für alle?
    ( Is there enough hot water for everyone?)
  • Er fand mehrere schwarze Löcher. (
    He found several black holes.)
  • Wegen vieler typischer Irrtümer
    ( Because of many typical mistakes)

6.25 mancher, solcher etc.
  • Some determiners vary in usage depending on
    number. The following determiners all take the
    weak declension in the singular
  • folgender ? mit folgendem starken Partner
  • irgendwelcher ? durch irgendwelchen puren Unsinn
  • mancher ? mancher brave Mann
  • solcher ? solches dumme Gerede

6.26 mancher, solcher (2)
  • BUT their usage is less clear in the plural.
  • Weak endings are more usual after solche and
    ? solche schönen Tage (rarely schöne)
    ? irgendwelche dummen Leute
  • Strong endings are more usual after manche ?
    manche neue Orte (less common neuen)
  • Strong endings are the rule after folgende ?
    folgende gute Beispiele

6.27 Mixed adjective declension
  • The mixed adjective declension uses weak and
    strong endings according to context.
  • The mixed adjective endings are used after the
    indefinite article and its equivalents
  • ein - a, an (definite article)
  • kein - not a, no
  • possessives - mein, dein, sein, ihr / Ihr, unser,

6.28 Mixed adjective endings
  • Mixed adjective endings are so called because
    they mix weak and strong adjective endings
  • Strong adjective endings are used with
    - the
    nominative singular of all genders - the
    accusative feminine singular -
    the accusative neuter singular
  • The weak adjective ending -en is used
    - in
    all other combinations of case gender
    - in
    all plurals

6.29 Mixed adjective endings gut
6.30 Mixed adjective declension
6.31 Indefinite Article Adjective
  • Die Bundesrepublik ist ein großes Land.
    (The Federal Republic is a large
  • Er stahl einer jungen Frau die Handtasche.
    (He stole a handbag from a
    young woman.)
  • Sie hatten keine weiteren Fragen.
    (They had no further questions.)
  • Am Ende eines langen Tages
    (At the end of a long day)

6.32 Endings Possessive Adjective
6.33 Examples Possessive Adjective
  • Ihr politischer Kurs nützt niemandem! (Your
    political course isnt helping anybody!)
  • Das ist die Farbe unseres neuen Autos.
    (That is the colour of our new
  • Geht zu eurem hervorragenden Bäcker! (Go to
    your excellent baker!)
  • Das liegt an meiner schwierigen Situation.
    (That is due to my difficult situation.)

6.34 Quiz mixed endings
  • Darf ich mein__ groß__ Bruder mitbringen? (
    Can I bring my big brother?)
  • Nach unser____ letzt___ Afrikareise
    ( After our last journey to Africa)
  • Das ist kein___ schlecht____ Idee.
    ( Thats not a bad idea.)
  • Wegen eu____ besoffen____ Lehrer___
    ( Because of your drunk teacher)

6.35 Quiz (3) answers
  • Darf ich meinen großen Bruder mitbringen? (
    Can I bring my big brother?)
  • Nach unserer letzten Afrikareise
    ( After our last journey to Africa)
  • Das ist keine schlechte Idee.
    ( Thats not a bad idea.)
  • Wegen eures besoffenen Lehrers (
    Because of your drunken teacher)

6.36 Two or more adjectives...
  • Two or more adjectives preceding a noun all have
    the same endings
  • Sie trinken gutes bayrisches Bier.
    (They are drinking good Bavarian beer.)
  • Die Lösung wichtiger sozialer Probleme.
    (The solution to important social problems.)
  • Das ist mein lieber alter Vater.
    (That is my dear old father.)

6.37or adverb adjective?
  • BUT take care not to put adjective endings on an
    adverb that qualifies an adjective
  • Das ist ein unglaubliches Ding
    (That is an unbelievable thing!)
  • Das ist ein unglaublich schönes Gefühl.
    (That is an unbelievably beautiful feeling.)
  • Alex ist ein unheilbar fauler Junge.
    (Alex is an incurably lazy boy.)
  • Alex ist ein unheilbarer, fauler Junge.
    (Alex is an incurable lazy boy.)

6.38 Participles used as adjectives
  • Any part of speech used as an adjectives will
    take the appropriate endings
  • Present Participle ? enttäuschende Zahlen
  • Past Participle ? ein untergegangenes Schiff
  • Comparative ? mein größerer Bruder
  • Superlative ? das kleinste Handy der Welt
  • (N.B. Linz ist die drittgrößte Stadt Österreichs)

6.39 Adjectives used as nouns
  • Adjectives used as nouns also have weak, mixed or
    strong endings depending on the determiner that
    precedes them.
  • In other words, they take the same endings as an
    adjective would if it were in that position in
    the clause. They thus have the same endings as
    any preceding adjective
  • e.g. ein zuverlässiger Angestellter ( a reliable
    employee), vom unbekannten Fremden ( from an
    unknown stranger)

6.40 Key adjectival nouns
  • der/die Deutsche the German
  • der/die Fremde the stranger
  • der/die Bekannte the acquaintance
  • der/die Angestellte the employee
  • der/die Jugendliche the youth
  • der/die Reisende the traveller
  • der/die Verwandte the relative
  • der/die Vorsitzende the chairperson

6.41 Adjectival Noun definite article
6.42 Adjectival Noun indefinite article
6.43 Adjectival nouns strong endings
  • The following endings are taken by adjectives
    used as nouns in the strong declension
  • Nominative ? Deutsche sind skeptisch
  • Accusative ? Ekuador für Reisende
  • Genitive ? das Gepäck Reisender
  • Dative ? Er hilft Obdachlosen

6.44 City adjectives ending in -er
  • Adjectives in -er formed from the names of towns
    and cities are written with a capital letter and
    do not inflect (i.e. add endings)
  • the Berlin Wall ? die Berliner Mauer
  • Cologne cathedral ? der Kölner Dom
  • a Viennese tradition ? eine Wiener Tradition
  • Swiss cheese ? Schweizer Käse
  • (the nineties ? die neunziger Jahre)

6.45 Foreign colours
  • Some foreign colour adjectives ending in a vowel
    do not take endings
  • beige ? ein beige Mantel
  • lila ? sein lila Trikot
  • orange ? die orange Farbe
  • rosa ? ihr rosa Sofa
  • (Also prima ? eine prima Idee)

6.46 Adjectives ending in -el
  • Adjectives in -el always drop the -e- of the stem
    when the adjective takes endings
  • dunkel ? ein dunkler Wald (NOT dunkeler)
  • flexibel ? sein flexibles Design
  • miserabel ? der miserable Service
  • passabel ? mit einer passablen Leistung
  • respektabel ? ein respektables Wachstum

6.47 Adjectives ending in -er
  • Foreign adjectives in -er and those with -au- or
    -eu- before the -er always drop the -e-
  • makaber (foreign) ? die makabre Geschichte
  • sauer (-au-) ? deine saure Miene
  • teuer (-eu-) ? trotz teurer Geschenke
  • Other -er adjectives keep the -e- however
  • munter ? ein munteres Kind

6.48 The adjective hoch
  • When inflected, hoch has the special stem hoh- to
    which the endings are added
  • Ist Ben Nevis ein hoher Berg?
    (Is Ben Nevis a high mountain?)
  • Ja, der Berg ist sehr hoch.
    (Yes, the mountain is very high.)
  • Wir fahren mit hoher Geschwindigkeit .
    (We are travelling at high speed.)
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