Title: By Luke Cotton
1Noyes Property Project
4835 NW Highland Drive
Approximate Project Grid gt A-I1-15 Flag at
4- Common Rush (Juncus effusus)
- Small-Flowered Bulrush (Scirpus microcarpus)
- Insect differences near plants
X Common Rush
X Small Flower Bulrush
6- Expect more insects at the dryer plant
7The Can
8(No Transcript)
- Place in ground
- Check every 7am 2pm
- Leave in ground for 3 days
- Look at catch
10Small-Flowered Bulrush (Scirpus microcarpus)
First Catch
1Beatle 1Spider 5 unknown /\ 2 small?
11First Catch
Common Rush (Juncus effusus)
Est-30 Springtail
1Spider 1OR Pill bug 4 small?
12Analysis 1st time
- In Common Spider
- Small-Flowered Bulrush - Larger Insects
- Common Rush - Smaller insects More in
13Small-Flowered Bulrush (Scirpus microcarpus)
Second Catch
No Catch
14Second Catch
Common Rush (Juncus effusus)
5 Worms 1 OR Pill Bug
15Analysis 2nd time
- In Common Water a lot of water
- Small-Flowered Bulrush Insects able to get out
- Common Rush multiple worms trapped pill bug
16Small-Flowered Bulrush (Scirpus microcarpus)
Third Catch
1 OR Pill Bug 3 Unknown /\
17Third Catch
Common Rush (Juncus effusus)
20 Springtail 2 OR Pill Bugs 3 small?
18Analysis 3rd time
- In Common Oregon Pill Bug (Diff is look)
- Small-Flowered Bulrush Unknowns again
- Common Rush Springtail
19Analysis Total
Insects in common Spider OR Pill Bug Some Small
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
20Small-Flower Bulrush Common Rush
21Small-Flowered Bulrush Larger Insects Less of
an amount of insects Large unknown insects
22Common Rush Conclusion Common flooding of trap -
Worms Large amount of small insects Overall
this site has a greater outcome of insects.
23Conclusion Overview Different Ecosystems only 53
feet apart Little but significant
differences The only relationships between
plants were Oregon Pill Bug, Flooding, and
Spiders Note The Traps altered greatly due
to the flooding. (water tight, weight on top)
24Thanks - Mr. Bregar and Ms. Nunes
By Luke Cotton May 2005