Checklist - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Power cord extension to projector Computer Power cord to computer Mouse for computer Net antennae Usb cord for antennae Usb extension for antennae ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Checklist

  • Supplies
  • Plastic spoons, knives and forks
  • Coffee maker
  • Coffee
  • Coffee cups
  • Water/juice cups
  • Juice
  • Food/desert
  • Tablecloth
  • Napkins
  • Torah scroll
  • Tallit
  • Extra Tallit for reader
  • Kippa
  • Tsit tsits
  • Webcam
  • Shofar
  • Keys for building
  • Envelopes
  • Biz cards
  • Welcome cards
  • Sign
  • Sandwich boards
  • Congregational
  • Projector
  • Blue cord to projector
  • Power cord extension to projector
  • Computer
  • Power cord to computer
  • Mouse for computer
  • Net antennae
  • Usb cord for antennae
  • Usb extension for antennae

Temple Sheckles Available In The Hallway!
Romans 31 What advantage then hath the Jew? Or
what profit is there of circumcision? 2 Much in
every way!
  • low the Shofar

  • Why do we blow the Shofar?
  • Exodus 1916
  • On the morning of the third day there was
    thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over
    the mountain, and there was the sounding of a
    very loud SHOFAR blast. Everyone in the camp
  • Because this is the way G-D begins sacred

  • (Show Mosque Makeovers 3 minute video)

HEMA ISRAELHear oh Israel
  • Shema Israel Adoni Elohaynu
  • (Hear oh Israel the L-RD our G-D)
  • Adoni Echad
  • (The L-RD is one)

HEMA ISRAELHear oh Israel Part 2
  • Barukh shem k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed.Blessed
    be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and

hy do we recite/sing the SHEMA?
  • Because Messiah said it was the greatest
  • Mark 1228-29
  • 28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard
    them reasoning together, and perceiving that He
    had answered them well, asked Him, Which is the
    greatest commandment of all?
  • 29 And Yeshua answered him, The first of all the
    commandments is, Hear, O Israel The Lord our God
    is One Lord

e-nay Ma TovBehold how good - Psalm 1331Am
  • He-Nay Maw tove
  • Behold how good
  • Oo-maw nyeeem
  • And how pleasant it is
  • Shevet aw-heem
  • For brothers to dwell
  • Gum Yaw Hawd
  • In unity

menCL 3 A
  • A-men .A-men.A-men, A-men, A-men
  • Baw-rouk Ha-Shem, Baw-rouk Ha-Shem,
  • Blessed be the Name, blessed be the Name
  • Baw-rouk Ha-Shem Me-she-ach
  • Blessed be the Name of Messiah

Chavareem Toveem!
  • Chavareem Toveem!
  • Meet any new people. Let them see that Messianics
    truly understand community and brotherly/sisterly
  • If someone is already talking to a visitor stand
    in line to meet them dont just walk away. We
    want to descend on them like they are a lost
  • Say hello to old friends. Find out how their week
    has been going. Show that you care.
  • Say hello to anyone you have something against
    and give them a hug ?. There is room in the Body
    for forgiveness.
  • Exercise modesty with your hugs.

Chavareem Toveem
Chavareem Toveem
  • Chavereem toveem (Good friends) Chavereem Toveem
    (Good friends)
  • this is the time to stand up and sing
  • Chavereem Toveem (Good friends) Chavereem Toveem
    (Good friends)
  • on this Sabbath day it's an offering we bring
  • Baruch HaShem chavere shellee (Blessed be The
    Name my friend)
  • we're brothers and sisters one family
  • Chavereem toveem chavereem toveem
  • this is the time to stand up and sing
  • Chavereem toveem chavereem toveem
  • on this Sabbath day it's the offering we bring
  • Baruch HaShem chavere shellee
  • united in Him we will live throughout eternity.
  • Chaveereem toveem

  • Joann, Barbara, Pam, Karin, Jesse, Bob, Mona,
    Baby Claire (cystic fibrosis) and Gleeah (joining
    us in 1 week) for physical healing.
  • Prayer for Salvation for loved ones (Kathys
    nephew, Barbaras Son Van ) and the Jewish
  • Sha'alu shalom YerushalayimPray for the Peace of
    Jerusalem. May His Shalom (Yeshua) come quickly.
    Bus bombing victims.
  • Jordan, Syria.
  • The orphans in Russia.
  • Evis Husbands cousin Jerry for salvation and
    son Sean

  • Pray for Pastor (Beebe) Pray for all Pastors in
  • Pray for Pams daughter Rachel.
  • Unspoken request for Jimmy and Ruthi.
  • Pams niece Kara for safe delivery
  • Yosef safe trip to Nicaragua
  • For Evis Husband and 2 daughters
  • Karins Granddaughter Heather
  • Nephew Danny, started dialysis needs transplant
  • END

-Seh ShalomCL3 Play Em
  • Em
  • O-seh Shalom Beem rue-mawv
  • Am D7
  • Who yah-seh Shalom aw-lay-nu
  • Am D7
  • V'al kol Yees-raw-ale
  • Em Am
    Em Bf7 Em
  • B'-eem rue Eem rue Ah- main
  •  -------------------------------------------------
  • Em
    Am D7
  • Ya-a-seh sha-lom Ya-a-seh sha-lom
  • G Bf7

  • Shalom aw-lay-new Val kol Yees-raw-ale
  • Sing twice 2X
  • May He who makes peace in His heights make peace
    upon us and upon all IsraelAmen."

ring our gifts to the altar
  • We Bring Our Sacrifice With Praise
  • We Bring Our Sacrifice With Praise
  • Unto the House of the LORD (2 X)
  • And we offer unto Him
  • Our sacrifices with thanksgiving
  • And we offer unto Him
  • Our sacrifices with joy

La'asok B'divray Torah Blessing Before The
Reading Of The Torah
Next Weeks Parsha
  • Apr 2, 2011 Tazria ("Conceived")
  • Torah Leviticus 121-1359
  • Haftarah 2 Kings 442-519
  • Luke 10-11

Todays Parsha
  • Mar 26, 2011 Shmini ("Eighth")
  • Torah Leviticus 91-1147
  • Haftarah Ezekiel 4516-4618
  • Brit Hadasha Luke 7-9
  • Well read
  • Lev 10 whole chapter
  • Ezekiel 4516 to end of chapter
  • Luke 81-15

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 1 But Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aharon, each took
    his censer, put fire in it, laid incense on it,
    and offered unauthorized fire before ADONAI,
    something he had not ordered them to do. 2 At
    this, fire came forth from the presence of ADONAI
    and consumed them, so that they died in the
    presence of ADONAI.

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 3 Moshe said to Aharon, "This is what ADONAI
    said 'Through those who are near me I will be
    consecrated, and before all the people I will be
    glorified.'" Aharon kept silent. 4 Moshe called
    Misha'el and Eltzafan, sons of 'Uzi'el Aharon's
    uncle, and told them, "Come here, and carry your
    cousins away from in front of the sanctuary to a
    place outside the camp."

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 5 They approached and carried them in their
    tunics out of the camp, as Moshe had said. 6 Then
    Moshe told Aharon and his sons El'azar and
    Itamar, "Don't unbind your hair or tear your
    clothes in mourning, so that you won't die and so
    that ADONAI won't be angry with the entire
    community. Rather, let your kinsmen - the whole
    house of Isra'el -mourn, because of the
    destruction ADONAI brought about with his fire.

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 7 Moreover, don't leave the entrance to the tent
    of meeting, or you will die, because ADONAI's
    anointing oil is on you." 8 ADONAI said to
    Aharon, 9 "Don't drink any wine or other
    intoxicating liquor, neither you nor your sons
    with you, when you enter the tent of meeting, so
    that you will not die. This is to be a permanent
    regulation through all your generations,

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 10 so that you will distinguish between the holy
    and the common, and between the unclean and the
    clean 11 and so that you will teach the people
    of Isra'el all the laws ADONAI has told them
    through Moshe." 12 Moshe said to Aharon and to
    El'azar and Itamar, his remaining sons, "Take the
    grain offering left from the offerings for ADONAI
    made by fire, and eat it without leaven next to
    the altar, because it is especially holy.

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 13 Eat it in a holy place, because it is your and
    your sons' share of the offerings for ADONAI made
    by fire for this is what I have been ordered. 14
    The breast that was waved and the thigh that was
    raised you are to eat in a clean place - you,
    your sons and your daughters with you for these
    are given as your and your children's share of
    the sacrifices of the peace offerings presented
    by the people of Isra'el.

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 15 They are to bring the raised thigh and the
    waved breast, along with the offerings of fat
    made by fire, and wave it as a wave offering
    before ADONAI then it will belong to you and
    your descendants with you as your perpetual
    share, as ADONAI has ordered."

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 16 Then Moshe carefully investigated what had
    happened to the goat of the sin offering and
    discovered that it had been burned up. He became
    angry with El'azar and Itamar, the remaining sons
    of Aharon, and asked,

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 17 "Why didn't you eat the sin offering in the
    area of the sanctuary, since it is especially
    holy? He gave it to you to take away the guilt of
    the community, to make atonement for them before
    ADONAI. 18 Look! Its blood wasn't brought into
    the sanctuary! You should have eaten it there in
    the sanctuary, as I ordered."

Lev 10 whole chapter
  • 19 Aharon answered Moshe, "Even though they
    offered their sin offering and burnt offering
    today, things like these have happened to me! If
    I had eaten the sin offering today, would it have
    pleased ADONAI?" 20 On hearing this reply, Moshe
    was satisfied.
  • END

Ezekiel 4516 to end of chapter
  • 16 'All the people in the land are to present
    this offering to the prince in Isra'el. 17 The
    prince's obligation will be to present the burnt
    offerings, grain offerings and drink offerings at
    the feasts, on Rosh-Hodesh, and on Shabbat - at
    all the designated times of the house of Isra'el.
    He is to prepare the sin offerings, grain
    offerings, burnt offerings and peace offerings to
    make atonement for the house of Isra'el.'

Ezekiel 4516 to end of chapter
  • 18 "Adonai ELOHIM says this 'On the first day of
    the first month you are to take a young bull
    without defect and purify the sanctuary. 19 The
    cohen will take some of the blood from the sin
    offering and put it on the door-frames of the
    house, on the four corners of the altar's ledge
    and on the supports of the gate of the inner

Ezekiel 4516 to end of chapter
  • 20 You are also to do this on the seventh day of
    the month for everyone who has sinned
    inadvertently or through ignorance. Thus you will
    make atonement for the house. 21 "'On the
    fourteenth day of the first month you are to have
    the Pesach, a feast seven days long matzah will
    be eaten.

Ezekiel 4516 to end of chapter
  • 22 On that day the prince will provide, for
    himself and for all the people of the land, a
    young bull as a sin offering. 23 On the seven
    days of the feast he is to provide a burnt
    offering for ADONAI, seven young bulls and seven
    rams without defect daily for the seven days, and
    a male goat daily as a sin offering.

Ezekiel 4516 to end of chapter
  • 24 He is to provide as a grain offering a bushel
    of grain for a young bull and a bushel for a
    ram, and for each bushel of grain a gallon of
    olive oil. 25 "'On the fifteenth day of the
    seventh month, during the feast of Sukkot he is
    to do the same thing for those seven days in
    regard to the sin offerings, burnt offerings,
    grain offerings and olive oil.' END

Luke 81-15
  • 1 After this, Yeshua traveled about from town to
    town and village to village, proclaiming the Good
    News of the Kingdom of God. With him were the
    Twelve, 2 and a number of women who had been
    healed from evil spirits and illnesses -- Miryam
    (called Magdalit), from whom seven demons had
    gone out 3 Yochanah the wife of Herod's finance
    minister Kuza Shoshanah and many other women
    who drew on their own wealth to help him.

Luke 81-15
  • 4 After a large crowd had gathered from the
    people who kept coming to him from town after
    town, Yeshua told this parable 5 "A farmer went
    out to sow his seed. As he sowed, some fell along
    the path and was stepped on, and the birds flying
    around ate it up. 6 Some fell on rock and after
    it sprouted, it dried up from lack of moisture. 7
    Some fell in the midst of thorns, and the thorns
    grew up with it and choked it.

Luke 81-15
  • 8 But some fell into rich soil, and grew, and
    produced a hundred times as much as had been
    sown." After saying this, he called out, "Whoever
    has ears to hear with, let him hear!" 9 His
    talmidim asked him what this parable might mean,
    10 and he said, "To you it has been given to know
    the secrets of the Kingdom of God but the rest
    are taught in parables, so that they may look but
    not see, and listen but not understand.

Luke 81-15
  • 11 "The parable is this the seed is God's
    message. 12 The ones along the path are those who
    hear, but then the Adversary comes and takes the
    message out of their hearts, in order to keep
    them from being saved by trusting it. 13 The ones
    on rock are those who, when they hear the word,
    accept it with joy but these have no root --
    they go on trusting for awhile but when a time
    of testing comes, they apostatize.

Luke 81-15
  • 14 As for what fell in the midst of thorns these
    are the ones who hear but as they go along,
    worries and wealth and life's gratifications
    crowd in and choke them, so that their fruit
    never matures. 15 But what fell in rich soil --
    these are the ones who, when they hear the
    message, hold onto it with a good, receptive
    heart and by persevering, they bring forth a

Noten HaTorah
  • Baruch atah Adonay Eloheynu melech ha'olam, asher
    bachar banu mikol-ha'amim, venatan lanu
    et-torato.Baruch atah Adonay, noten hatorah.
  • Blessed are You, LORD our God, king of the
    universe, who chose us from all the peoples and
    gave to us His Torah. Blessed are You, LORD,
    giver of the Torah.

Video Cam Reminder
  • Turn on the video camera.

Todays Joke
  • A group of scientists got together and decided
    they didnt need G-d any longer because they had
    found a way to create life.
  • So G-d manifested himself to this group and
    suggested a contest.
  • He said, Lets have a contest. Whoever can
    create life the fastest wins. If you win, Ill
    admit man has become greater then G-d.

Todays Joke
  • So G-d got started right away and took some clay
    and started to create.
  • The Scientists also got to it right away and took
    some clay and started their project.

Todays Joke
  • And G-d said, Hey, get your own dirt.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • By Rabbi Stanley

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Today were going to look at another Commandment.
  • Yeaaaaaa!

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • I was going to do two commandments today but I
    dont think well have time, well do the other
    one next week
  • Were going to look at the commandment which
    instructs us to not wear mixed threads.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Lev. 19
  • 19 "'Observe my regulations. "'Don't let your
    livestock mate with those of another kind, don't
    sow your field with two different kinds of grain,
    and don't wear a garment of cloth made with two
    different kinds of thread.
  • The Complete Jewish Bible

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • There is a common misconception that no one keeps
    this Law today.
  • That is absolutely incorrect.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • This Law is in force, and we are required to keep
    it today just as we were required to keep it when
    the Torah was given.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Today, just as in the past, all those who desire
    to keep the Mitzvote of the Torah are careful not
    to wear shatnez (mixed fibers literally mixed
    materials strongs 8162).

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • This is almost as widespread among Jews as
    keeping kosher.
  • Jewish men and women all over the world keep this

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Now, theres 2 categories of Laws.
  • One is called in Hebrew mishpat, a law whose
    reason is explained.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • The other is called Khok and that one is the
    theological equivalent of when your dad
    saysbecause I said so.
  • In other words the explanation is not very

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • You know theres a good reason for it, but you
    dont know what that reason is.
  • As Jews we do as G-d says then we try to figure
    out why later.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Shatnez falls under this category of Khok.
  • In Hebrew Khok is often translated as decrees
    (but not always).

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Just because the Bible doesnt give us an exact
    reason why we should or should not do something
    doesnt mean we cant speculate and try to figure
    out what the reason is.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Some believe we shouldnt mix threads because it
    was something that was done by pagans at that
  • Thats a possibility, thats one possible

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Maimonides, states that the prohibition was a
    case of the general law against imitating
    Canaanite customs.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Maimonides wrote that "the heathen priests
    adorned themselves with garments containing
    vegetable and animal materials, while they held
    in their hand a seal of mineral. This you will
    find written in their books"

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Thats a possibility, thats one possible
  • Some regard such combinations as a defiance of
    God, because according to them God had given each
    species individuality

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • I could see that too. Its possible. Why not?

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Some believe we shouldnt mix threads for
    practical reasons because in Biblical times the
    garments would fall apart easier (ie one thread
    would shrink faster then the other)

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • It makes sense to me too.
  • Some believe it has to do with keeping things
    pure. We see some evidence of that in the passage

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Lev. 19
  • 19 "'Observe my regulations. "'Don't let your
    livestock mate with those of another kind, don't
    sow your field with two different kinds of grain,
    and don't wear a garment of cloth made with two
    different kinds of thread.
  • Complete Jewish Bible

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • So that idea makes sense too.
  • Theres quite a bit of evidence that G-d doesnt
    like just any and everything mixed.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Now, there is some disagreement among the Jews
    concerning which fibers can and cant be mixed.
  • The passage is clear that no fibers can be mixed

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Anything we wear should be 100 percent.
  • Some Jews say it only applies to linen and wool.
  • Where does this idea come from?

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • It comes from Rashi, a Rabbi who lived in the
  • Rashi was the Newman (from the television show,
    Seinfeld) of the medieval times.
  • Sometimes he was right but he always made things
  • He points out another Scripture

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Deut 2211
  • 11 Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts,
    as of woollen and linen together. KJV
  • The KJV translates it correctly here using the
    word as but Rashi says it really means that
    only linen and wool cant be mixed together.
  • The context however disagrees in the 2 previous

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • 9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers
    seeds lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast
    sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled.
  • 10 Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass
  • Verse 10 is a reference again to lev 19 'Don't
    let your livestock mate with those of another
  • All these verses are talking about mixing any
    other kind.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • There are Jews that say its ok to mix fibers on
    their Tzit Tzits including wool and linen. We say
    no way, Ezekiel knocks that idea out of the park.
  • Its made clear in Ezekiel 4417
  • 17 And it shall come to pass, that when they
    enter in at the gates of the inner court, they
    shall be clothed with linen garments and no wool
    shall come upon them, whiles they minister in the
    gates of the inner court, and within.
  • Linen only, nothing mixed with it.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • So, as Messianics we dont go with the Rabbis if
    they disagree with what the Scripture itself is
    telling us.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • In this case even the Rabbis disagree so we have
    to go with the plain interpretation of Scripture
    (peshat, plain, literal and simple meaning).

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • This is why we as Biblical/Torah Observant
    Messianics say no mixed fibers whatsoever.
  • Now, does 100 stamp or label on clothes mean
    100 always?

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • No it doesnt.
  • Just because a label says 100, doesnt mean its
    really 100.
  • By American law it can contain other fibers.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • These two images said they were 100 wool on
    their tags and neither of them were.
  • They were 50 wool and 50 linen.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • http//
  • These garments were tested at a Shatnez Laboratory

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Labels in America don't have to list EVERYTHING
    that's in a garment they usually refer only to
    the shell.
  • So what can we do???

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • We do the best that we can.
  • If it says 100... I usually go with it.
  • And remember Im not a Fiber Fed (or Kippa Cop,
    Tzit Tzit Czar, Kosher Control etc) its all
    between you and HaShem.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • So I usually go with the label.
  • On the other handif it says 100 but Im pretty
    sure it isnt, by the feel of it where its made
    or just a gut feeling, etc I dont buy it.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Do some go so far as to have it sent in to a
    Shatnez laboratory.
  • Yeah, some do, but I dont think we have to go
    that far.
  • There is a Rabbinical rule called the 80 rule

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • If theres an 80 chance that its correct or is
    ok then its ok.
  • For example

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Well look at a food example
  • I go to Denny's and I order hash browns. Is it
    possible that there was pork cooked on that
    griddle right before my hash browns were cooked
    and some pork got on my hash browns?

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Yes, its possible.
  • Does that mean I should never eat at Denny's?
  • No, because theres probably less then a 20
    chance an amount of pork got on my hash browns.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Now does that mean we should buy something that
    says 80 wool and 20 linen?
  • No, because you know it is mixed.
  • Were talking about a 20 chance not a 20

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • So if you buy a garment that says 100, its good
  • If someone wants to go to all the trouble of
    sending it into a Shatnez laboratory (Theres one
    in Seattle), no one will condemn you, knock
    yourself out. We just think its unnecessary.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Now, some may say, Oh this is sooo legalistic.
    All these rules and regulations its all
  • The problem with using the word legalism like
    this in such a context is that it makes the word
    legalism of no value.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • When we use it this way it simply means one is
    keeping more commandments then another.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Take for example
  • One person keeps 9 of the commandments except the
    commandment thou shalt not murder.
  • He could say to the one who keeps all 10

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Oh, how do you do it, your under such a burden
    of the Law. All those rules and regulations
    youre sooo leagalistic

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Same thing for one who keeps 7 of the Ten
    Commandments speaking of one who keeps 8 of the
    Ten Commandments

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Oh you keep 8 of them, thats soooo leagalistic,
    what a Judaizer you are, youre building up the
    middle wall of partition!

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Keeping G-ds Laws is not being legalistic, its
    being smart for one.
  • For 2 it shows you want to be as close to G-d as

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • G-d wouldnt tell us to be legalistic.
  • Legalism is the belief that one is SAVED by
  • Nobody here believes were Saved by works.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 5
  • Were Saved by grace!
  • Then we proceed to keep G-ds Laws so that we may
    walk in Holiness according to His Word.
  • Shabbat Shalom.

The End
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