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Physics 2120 University Physics


Physics 2120 University Physics Dr. Bill Robertson Middle Tennessee State University Course Overview Text: Fundamentals of Physics, 8th Edition by Walker, Halliday ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Physics 2120 University Physics

Physics 2120University Physics
  • Dr. Bill Robertson
  • Middle Tennessee State University

Course Overview
  • Text Fundamentals of Physics, 8th Edition by
    Walker, Halliday, and Resnick.
  • Web site
  • Office WPS 207
  • Office Hours Monday Wednesday mornings
  • Grading
  • 3 Exams (In-class 3 worth 20, 20, 20) 60
  • Homework 10
  • Final Exam 30

Electrostatics and charge
  • How was the concept of electric charge
    discovered? History Earliest experiments on
    charge involved simple static attraction and
    repulsion effects with dielectric rods rubbed on
    cloth or fur. From these experiments a number of
    basic terms and a law of attraction (Coulombs
    law) was derived.

  • The electrostatic effect were attributed to the
    fact that objects could become charged.
  • There were two types of charge positive and
  • Like charges repel and opposite charges attract.
  • Charge is measured in Coulombs
  • Smallest unit of charge, e 1.6 x 10-19 C

Conductors and insulators
  • In general terms materials fall into the category
  • Insulators materials in which charge cannot move
    freely (rubber, plastic, pure water..)
  • Conductors materials in which charge can move
    freely (metals, water with dissolved impurities,
  • We now understand that conduction occurs because
    of the movement of electrons (negative charges).

  • Induced charge A charged insulating rod held
    close to one end of a neutral metal rod attracts
    the metal rod. Why?

Save the bunny
  • The physics is all wrong, but
  • http//

Coulombs law
  • Charges were observed to attract or repel,
    Coulombs law quantified the size and direction
    of the force between charges.
  • Similar to Newtons gravitational law, inverse
    square dependence on distance.
  • k 8.99x109 Nm2/C2 1/4peo

  • What is the force on an electron situated 1 cm
    away from a 0.1 C positive charge?

Example (leave the math!)
  • Two otherwise identical metal spheres carry
    charges Q1 and Q2.  When their centers are a
    distance 1.19 m apart, the spheres attract one
    another with a force of magnitude 0.0853 N.  The
    spheres are then briefly put into contact with
    one another, and again separated to a distance of
    1.19 m.  The spheres are then found to repel one
    another with a force of magnitude 0.0196 N.  What
    were the original charges on the spheres if
    sphere 1 was initially positive?

  • Three charges Q1, Q2, and Q3 are attached to the
    corners of an equilateral triangle of side s
    0.50 m.  Find the net electrical force acting on
    the charge Q2 if Q1 2.0 mC, Q2 7.0 mC, and Q3
    4.0 mC.

  • The practical side of the electromagnetism.
  • We will cover some basic concepts that are
    required for the lab work. We will define these
    terms and then reconcile more completely with the
    Coulomb force and electric field material as the
    semester progresses.

  • Current is the rate of flow of charge past a
    point in space (e.g. in a wire or a beam of
    charged particles).
  • Typically given the symbol i or I.
  • Mathematically
  • Unit of current is the Ampere (amp) 1 Amp 1 C/s
  • Current can flow in a conductor but not an
  • If the current is constant and 5 C passes through
    a wire in 10 seconds what is I?

EMF and Voltage
  • In order to get charges to move around a circuit
    there needs to be some force that causes them
    to move. (EMF stands for Electromotive Force, an
    olde worlde term no longer popular).
  • An EMF source maintains a potential energy
    difference between its terminals.
  • The EMF source of initial interest is the
    battery. More generally called a dc-power supply.
  • dc direct current as opposed to ac alternating

EMF and Voltage
  • EMF is defined in terms of the work done on a
    charge that travels from one terminal to the
  • EMF is defined as the work done per unit charge.
  • Units of EMF are work/charge i.e. Joules/Coulomb
    Volt (1 Volt 1 Joule per Coulomb)

  • How much work is done when a steady current of 5
    mA flows for 3 minutes out of a 9 Volt battery?
  • What is the instantaneous power expended by the
    battery during this time?
  • Review Power Work done per unit time and is
    measured in Watts.

Energy measured in electron volts
Power from a battery
  • Power from batteryVoltage x Current
  • The unit of the Volt is energy per coulomb thus
    we can express energy as charge times voltage.
  • When a an electron moves through a voltage of 1
    volt it acquires an increase in energy of 1
    electron volt.

Charge accelerator
  • Electrons are accelerated (in vacuum) by a
    voltage of 20 kV. What is the energy of an
    electron in electron volts and in joules? How
    fast is the electron traveling?

  • We have said that there are two classes of
    materials conductors and insulators.
  • A perfect conductor lets charge flow freely
    whereas an insulator will not let charge flow at
  • In practice materials, and their geometry (e.g.
    thin wire versus thick wire), offer some
    impediment to the flow of charge. This property
    is known as resistance.

Resistance and Ohms Law
  • A perfect conductor would have zero resistance
  • A perfect insulator would have infinite
  • How is resistance defined?
  • This relation is known as Ohms law. (I tend to
    remember it as VIR)
  • The unit of resistance is the Ohm (W) (1 volt per
    amp equal 1 Ohm)

Circuit Symbols
  • The resistor
  • The battery (positive terminal long line,
    negative short line). Current always flows from
    positive to negative.
  • The ground connection

  • A 9 V battery is attached to a 250 Ohm resistor.
    What current flows in the circuit?
  • Circuit diagrams Which is the positive terminal
    of the battery? Which direction does current

  • A 15V battery is connected end-to-end with a
    1.2 kW resistor.  The negative terminal of the
    battery is grounded.
  • (a) Draw the circuit diagram, label the circuit
    elements, and draw in and label the current.
  • (b) Wires used to connect circuit elements have a
    negligible resistance within a circuit (compared
    to other resistances in that circuit). Discuss
    the consequences of this fact when connecting a
    circuit and analyzing its behavior.
  • (c) Find the value of the current in the circuit.
  • (d) Plot a graph of Voltage vs. Position around
    the circuit
  • (e) Plot a graph of Current vs. Position around
    the circuit

Solving single loop circuits
  • Rule 1 The sum of the potential around a closed
    loop of any circuit must equal zero.
  • Across a battery the potential change is positive
    from the negative to the positive terminal
    negative otherwise.
  • The potential drop across a resistor is negative
    if the path goes in the same direction as the
    current across the resistor positive otherwise.
  • Rule 2 The sum of the currents into a junction
    equals the sum of currents out of a junction.

  • Solve for the current in the circuit below.

Resistors in parallel and in series
  • What is the one resistance that could replace the
    two resistors in the following circuits?
  • What is common (current or voltage) for the (a)
    series and (b) parallel resistors?

Combining resistors summary
  • Resistors in parallel
  • Resistors in series

Solving circuits
  • If possible see if the resistors can be combined
    using the parallel and series combination rules.
    Simplifying the circuit by replacing parallel and
    series resistors by their equivalent values can
    allow the circuit parameters to be determined.

  • Solve the total current drawn from the battery
    and the current in R3. R1 R3 30W, R2 40 W
    R4 60 W. V 12 V.

Real batteriesinternal resistance
  • Ideally a battery has a given EMF value. When
    current is drawn from a real battery the voltage
    between the terminals falls from the ideal EMF
    value. The larger the current the more the
    reduction from the ideal EMF value. This effect
    is modeled as an internal series resistance
    within the battery.

Real batteries
  • A 9 V battery gives a voltage of 8.7 V when a
    current of 250 mA is drawn from it. What is the
    internal resistance of the battery? What voltage
    would there be if 25 mA were drawn from the

Multiple loop circuits
  • Apply the loop potential rule around all the
    loops of the circuit. Each loop will give one
    equation relating the potentials and the loop
    currents. Use simultaneous equations to solve for
    the quantity of interest.

  • Find the value of the current and its direction
    for each resistor in the circuit shown below.
  • (b) What would be the reading on a voltmeter if
    its black lead were connected to point A and its
    red lead were connected to point B?

V1 34 V  V2 20 V  R1 4.0 W         R2
7.0W           R3 10W   R4 9.0 W
Example for you to ponder
  • What is the diagonal resistance of a cube of
    resistors each with resistance of 1 W?

Power dissipation in a resistor
  • When a current I flows through a resistor what is
    the power generated?
  • Every charge, q, changes its energy as it crosses
    the resistor by a value of q DV where DV is the
    voltage drop across the resistor. By Ohms law
    DVIR, and the charge that flows per second is I.
    Thus the energy change per second is I2R.
  • Power dissipated I2R
  • How else can we write this using Ohms Law?

  • A capacitor is a device that stores charge.
  • A capacitor consists of two conductors separated
    by an insulator.
  • The simplest capacitor consists of a pair of
    parallel metal plates.
  • When charge is moved from one plate to the other
    a voltage develops between the plates. Why?

  • The voltage difference between the plates, V, and
    the charge on the plates,Q, are related by
  • Q CV
  • The units of capacitance are Coulombs per Volt
    which is named the Farad (1 F 1 C/V).
  • Capacitance is determined by the geometry of the
    conductors (e.g. area of plates and their

RC discharge
  • Imagine a charged capacitor connected in series
    with a switch and a resistor. If the capacitor
    initially hold a charge Q0 ,what is capacitor
    charge Q as a function of time after the switch
    is closed?

Charging RC circuit
  • We could similarly derive the equation for the
    charging of a capacitor as
  • The quantity RC is called the time constant often
    given the symbol t. Note Ohms times Farads equals

Energy stored in a capacitor
  • A capacitor, C, that holds a charge Q stores
    potential energy U
  • How else can this expression be written (remember

R1 100 kW, R2 50 kW, C 20 mF, Vin 50 V
  • Consider the circuit shown in the diagram.  At
    t0 the switch is thrown to position A the
    capacitor is initially uncharged. (a) What is the
    current in the circuit immediately after the
    switch is closed? (b) At what time, t0, is the
    capacitor charge 90 of its maximum value? (c)
    What is the voltage across the capacitor at
    t0?(d) At what rate is energy being delivered by
    the voltage source at t0?

R1 100 kW, R2 50 kW, C 20 mF, Vin 50 V
  • At time to, the switch is thrown to position B.
  • (e) How long does it take after the switch is
    thrown to position B for the charge on the
    capacitor to be reduced by 90?  Call this time
    t1. (f) At what rate is energy being lost due to
    Joule heating at time t1?(g) At what rate is
    energy being delivered by the capacitor at time
    t1? (Does this result make sense?)

Electric Field
  • The electric field is the force field that a
    single charge or a collection of charges creates
    in the surrounding space.
  • The Electric field is defined as the force per
    unit charge i.e. the E-field at a point in space
    is equal to the force that a 1 Coulomb charge (a
    unit charge) would feel at that point.

E-field due to a point charge
  • From Coulombs law the force between two charges
  • If one charge (say q2) is a unit charge then E
    due to q1 is defined as the force per unit charge

E-field is a vector field
  • The electric field is a vector fieldit has a
    magnitude and a direction at every point.
  • The E-field vector points away from a positive
    charge and towards a negative charge.
  • The electric field at a point due to a collection
    of charges is the vector sum of the E-field
    created by every charge.
  • A charge does not see its own E-field.

Field Line representation
  • Maxwell came up with the field line
    representation as a way to visualize the electric
  • The field lines show the direction of the E-field
    and the density of lines is related to the
    strength of the field.
  • Field lines cannot cross!
  • The field line model is a useful representation
    rather than a quantitative method

E-Field due to a Point Charge
  • Drawing not so good!
  • Lines should be uniformly spaced and emanate from
    the center of the charge

E-field due to a sheet of charge
  • What will the E-field due to an infinite sheet of
    charge look like?
  • We wont get a quantitative answer (yet) but we
    will figure out the direction of the field.

  • Find the field at a distance r along the x-axis
    of two opposite charges spaced by a distance d
    (see figure). Show that in the limit that rgtgtd
    the field is

Charge density distributions
  • In many cases the charge is distributed along a
    line, over a surface, or in a volume.
  • The charge is defined as a linear, areal, or
    volume density
  • E.g. A 1 m2 surface has 0.01 C of charge evenly
    distributed. s0.01/1 C m-2
  • The charge in an infinitesimal area dA sdA

  • A line of charge of length L has a nonuniform
    linear charge density given by l Ax, where A is
    a constant.  The line is situated along the
    positive x-axis, as shown in the diagram below.
  • (a) What are the SI units of the constant A?
  • (b) Find an expression for the total line charge,
  • (c) Find an expression for the x-component of the
    electric field at the point P, a distance d from
    the end of the line.

  • What is the linear charge density?
  • Calculate the E-field at a distance L
    perpendicular to the circle of charge, Q.
  • In the limit of very large L does the result make

  • Find the surface charge density and the E-field
    at the point A. Examine the case x?8. What is E
    as R? 8? (Infinite plane of charge).

Electric Field and Gausss Law
  • Gausss law relates the flux of the electric
    field through a closed surface to the total
    charge enclosed.
  • Define flux
  • Define closed surface and surface integral
  • Dielectric permittivity eo

  • A measure of the flow of electric field through
    a surface.
  • Analogy imagine the flow of water through wire
    loop. Can you see how the flow depends on the
    orientation of the loop and the direction of the
    flow of water? When is the flow the greatest?

  • The electric field flux, fe, through a surface is
    given by the surface integral
  • What is the flux through a 1 cm2 loop in a
    uniform E-field is the area of the loop is (a)
    parallel to E, (b) 45 degrees to E and (c) 90
    degrees to E?
  • Note the direction of dA is outward from a closed

  • What is the flux through the shaded area in the
    figure due to an E-field given by

Gausss law for a point charge
  • We know the E-field (direction and magnitude) for
    a point charge.
  • Lets examine the E-field flux through a closed
    spherical surface that has the point charge Q at
    its center.
  • What does Gausss law give for the value of E?

E-field due to a non-conducting sheet of charge
  • Imagine a large non-conducting sheet of charge
    with surface charge density of s C m-2. Use
    Gausss law to find an expression for the E-field
    above and below the charged sheet.
  • Consider a pill box Gaussian surface

E-field due to capacitor plates
  • Capacitor plates (when charged) can be
    represented by two parallel sheets of opposite
    charge. Using the result of the E-field due to a
    single sheet of charge figure out the field above
    below and in between two capacitor plates.

E-field due to a charged conductor
  • Inside a conductor the E-field must be zero. Why?
    Charges in a conductor are free to move, if there
    is an E-field they will move! They keep moving
    until E0 inside the conductor.
  • This argument means that any excess charge on a
    conductor resides on the surface and that E is
    perpendicular to the surface of the conductor.

E-field due to charged conductor
  • A sphere of radius a has a charge Q distributed
    uniformly throughout its volume. The sphere is
    surrounded by a conducting spherical shell of
    inner radius b and outer radius c. (See picture
    on the following slide). The conducting shell
    carries charge 5Q
  • Find an expression for the charge density of the
    inner sphere.

  • Find E for rlta, altrltb, bltrltc, rgtc
  • What is the charge on the inner and outer surface
    of the conducting shell?

  • A solid, non-conducting sphere of radius R has a
    non-uniform volume charge density given by
  •   where a is a constant.  Find E(r) in the range
    0 lt r lt R.

Spherical co-ordinates
  • Volume element
  • dVr2sinqdqdf

Cylindrical symmetry
  • A long straight wire of radius a carries a charge
    per unit length l. What is the E field around the
    wire for rlta and for rgta?

  • A long, non-conducting cylindrical shell of
    inner radius a and outer radius b has a
    non-uniform charge density given by
  • where ro is a constant.
  • (a) Find the electric field in the region r lt a.
  • (b) Find the electric field in the region a lt r lt
  • (c) Find the electric field in the region b lt r.

Electrostatic potential
  • The potential approach to electrostatics uses
    work and energy instead of force and
    acceleration. Compare this approach to the two
    techniques used in mechanics forces/accelerations
    etc versus potential and kinetic energy.
  • Which approach is more fundamental?
  • Why two approaches?

Definition of potential
  • In any volume of space where there is an E-field
    we can define an electric potential between two
    points as the negative of the work done per unit
    charge by the E-field to move from one point to
    the other.

The point charge
  • Where is a good choice for zero potential?
  • What is the potential at a radius R?

Potential due to charge distributions
  • Single point charge
  • Charge distributions

  • Find the potential in the middle of the square of

  • A line of charge of length L is situated along
    the x-axis as shown.  The line has a linear
    charge density given by l(x) ax, where a is a
    constant. What is the electrostatic potential at
    point P, a distance D from the end of the line?

  • A solid sphere of radius R has a total charge Q
    distributed uniformly throughout its volume. 
    What is the electrostatic potential at the center
    of the sphere (relative to infinity)?

Finding E from V
  • The electric field at a point in space can be
    found from the gradient of the potential V.
  • Gradient is given by the partial differentiation
  • In words, the component of E in any direction is
    the rate at which V changes in that direction.

Surface of a conductor
  • The surface of a conductor must be an
    equipotential. Why? If V changes then there is a
    gradient of V leading to an electric field E,
    leading to a force on the surface charges of the

  • V as a function of position in Cartesian
    coordinates is given by
  • What is E at the point (2,-1,3)

  • We have already defined capacitance earlier as
    the ratio of charge to voltage for a pair of
    conductors carrying opposite charges Q. CQ/V
  • The voltage difference between conductors can be
    found by
  • which means we can determine how C depends on
    conductor geometry.

Finding C of pairs of conductors
  • Assume each conductor has equal magnitude charge
    but opposite sign.
  • Find E (Gausss law usually) in the region
    between the conductors
  • Find the potential difference between the
    conductors, DV, by integrating E.dl along a path
    joining the conductors
  • Use CQ/DV to find an expression for C.

  • Find an expression for the capacitance of a pair
    of parallel conducting plates of area, A, and
    separation distance, d.
  • How does this result guide you in determining how
    to combine capacitors in parallel?

Combining capacitors in series
  • What quantity is the same for the capacitors in
    series? (Hint rhymes with barge.)
  • What single capacitor CT could replace C1 and C2
    in series?

  • Find an expression for the capacitance of two
    concentric spheres of radii a and b (b gt a)
  • What is the capacitance of an isolated metal

Energy in a capacitor
  • The stored energy in a capacitor can easily be
    shown to be
  • Energy density in a parallel plate capacitor

  • Insulating materials (also called dielectrics) in
    a capacitor alter the E field.
  • In insulators the charges are not completely free
    to move but they can distort i.e. positive tends
    to move in one direction whereas the negative
    moves in the opposite. Polarization.

Free and bound charges
  • Use Gausss law to find E in the dielectric
  • What is q in term so k and q?

  • A coaxial cable consists of a wire of radius a
    surrounded by a metal cylinder of radius b. The
    intervening space is filled with a dielectric
    with k.
  • What is the capacitance of 1 m of the coaxial
  • What is C if a2 mm, b5 mm k9?
  • What is the free charge if V20 V?
  • What is the bound charge?

Magnetic fields
  • Electric fields are created by charges
  • Magnetic fields are created by currents (i.e.
    moving charges)
  • Electromagnets i.e. due to real currents in wires
  • Spin and angular momentum of electrons in
    atomsmagnetic materials
  • We define E due to the force it exerts on another
    charge. Same method for magnetic field.

  • Magnetic field representationsimilar to E-field
    a vector field based on the force exerted on
    charges (but only moving charges).
  • No magnetic monopolesi.e. no isolated sources of
    magnetic field

Force on a moving charge
  • The magnetic field is given the symbol B.
  • The force on a moving charge in a magnetic field
    B is given by
  • Can a magnetic field accelerate a particle? (yes)
    Can it change a particles speed? (no).

Magnetic field, B
  • Measured in unit of Teslas
  • 1 T 1 Newton second/Coulomb meter 1
    Newton/Amp meter

Right Hand Rule
  • An electron moves with a velocity of 3 x105 m/s
    in the y direction in a region of magnetic field
    given by
  • What is the magnetic force acting on the electron?

  • An ion of mass 3.2 x 10-26 kg and charge e is
    accelerated through a voltage of 833 V. The
    charge then enters a uniform magnetic field 0f
    0.92 T as shown in the figure. What is the radius
    of the resulting circular motion? What is the
    period and linear frequency?

Magnetic force on a wire
  • Consider the force on each of the charges that
    makes up the current in a wire of length L and
    cross-sectional area A.
  • Force on a wire

  • A conducting rod is supported horizontally by two
    conducting springs in a uniform horizontal
    magnetic field. The linear mass density of the
    rod is 0.040 kg/m, and the magnetic field
    strength is 3.6 T.  Find the current through the
    rod that results in zero tension in the support

Force on a wire loop in a B field
  • Operating basis of many electric motors
  • N turns of wire in loop. What is the torque t?

Magnetic dipole moment
  • A current loop behaves like a little bar magnet
    aligning with a magnetic field.
  • The magnitude of the dipole moment is
  • The direction of the dipole moment vector is
    given by right hand rule

Torque on a dipole
  • From original definition
  • Now with mNiA

Biot-Savart Law
  • Moving charges are affected by magnetic fields
    similarly moving charges (currents) create
    magnetic fields.
  • Biot-Savart law

  • A wire is configured as shown in the diagram.
    What is the magnetic field at P due to a current
    I 75 ma. a 1.2 cm b 3.5 cm, qp/3 radians.

Test 2 topics
  • You need to be able to
  • derive the E-field for planar, cylindrical, and
    spherical geometries using Gausss law (with and
    without dielectrics)
  • Integrate E to get the voltage between conductors
    and hence find capacitance
  • Find the potential, V, due to a collection of
  • Find the force (magnitude direction) on charges
    in a magnetic field
  • Determine the magnetic field due to a current
    using the Biot-Savart law (HW questions Ch 29

Amperes Law
  • Amperes law is to magnetism what Gausss law is
    to electrostatics.
  • This method works in cases with high symmetry
    where the properties of the B field can be
    inferred, figured out, whatever.

Current enclosed
  • Current density J is the current per unit area
    through a wire.
  • Example What is J for a 6 mm diameter wire
    carrying a uniformly distributed current of 5

  • Use the Biot-Savart law to determine the
    direction of the magnetic field around a current
    in a long-straight wire.
  • Use Amperes law to find the magnitude of the
    magnetic field a distance r from the center of
    the wire.
  • Find the value of the magnetic field magnitude a
    distance of 10 cm from a wire carrying a current
    of 1.0 A.

  • A current of 2.5 A flows through a solid wire
    cable of radius 2.5 cm.  Assuming that the
    current is distributed uniformly across the cross
    section of the wire, find the magnetic field
    magnitude inside the wire at a distance of
    one-half the wires radius from its central axis.

  • A solenoid consists of loops of wire carrying a
    current I. Let the solenoid be wrapped with n
    turns-per-unit-length of wire.  Find an
    expression for the magnetic field inside the

Faradays law and Lenzs law
  • Faradays law describes how magnetic fields can
    create voltages i.e. we are now connecting
    magnetic and electric phenomena
  • In words a time varying magnetic flux through a
    circuit loop creates a voltage difference between
    the ends of the loop.
  • Lenzs law indicates the polarity of the voltage

Faradays law
  • Vind is the induced voltage between the ends of
    the loop, fM is the magnetic flux through the
  • Flux through 1 loop is given by
  • Flux through N loops is N fM

Lenzs law
  • The voltage induced is always such as to keep the
    flux through the circuit constant. The direction
    of the voltage is oriented to create a current in
    the loop such that the flux remains the same.
  • For example, what is the current direction in the
    loop below as B increases into the page?

Solving Faraday law problems
  • Draw a picture of the configuration
  • Calculate an expression for the flux through the
  • Determine the voltage across the loop from
  • Determine the polarity of the voltage from Lenzs

  • A single loop of wire has a rectangular cross
    section of area A 8.0 x 104 m2 and contains a
    resistor of resistance R 2.0 W. The loop is in
    a region of uniform magnetic field that points
    perpendicularly into the coil from your
    perspective. The magnetic field magnitude
    decreases linearly from Bi 2.5 T to Bf 0.50 T
    over a time interval of 1.0 s. Find the
    magnitude and direction of the current that is
    induced in the resistor while the magnetic field
    is changing.

  • A small loop of 250 turns and radius r 6.0 cm
    is inside a large solenoid with 400 turns/m.  The
    axis of the small loop is coincident with the
    axis of the solenoid. The current in the solenoid
    windings varies with time according to
  • where Io 30 A and a 1.61 s-1.  Find the
    voltage induced around the small loop at t 1.0

Motional EMF
  • A metal rod moving through a uniform B field as
    shown. The motion creates a force on the charges
    in the rod that causes them to move in the rod.
    What is the voltage between the ends of the rod?
    (2 methods)

  • A metal rod of length L has one end a distance a
    from a long straight wire carrying a current I. 
    The rod has a velocity that is parallel to the
    current in the wire. Find the induced voltage
    across the rod and specify the polarity.

Faradays law big picture
  • The fundamental point of Faradays law is that a
    time-varying magnetic flux, fM, leads to an
    induced voltage and thus an E-field.
  • In the briefest of terms
  • A changing magnetic field produces an electric

  • Earlier we defined capacitance as a ratio of
    stored charge to voltage for 2 conductors.
  • Here we define a similar quantity, inductance,
    that relates magnetic flux through circuit, NfM,
    to the current, i.

Inductance of a solenoid
  • A solenoid has a length L, cross-sectional area,
    A, and a total of N turns. What is the
  • Note that inductance only depends on the
    geometrical properties of the object.

Inductors in circuits
  • The definition of inductance says
  • Faradays law says
  • Thus, in terms of inductance
  • Sign of VL depends on i increasing or decreasing

RL circuit
  • When the switch is closed what does the circuit
    do? What is the direction of VL?

RL behavior
  • With voltage source
  • Without voltage source
  • What do these equations look like graphically?

Energy stored in an inductor
  • Consider the circuit below. By the loop rule
  • Multiply both sides by i interpret each term
  • Conclusion

Energy density in a B field
  • Consider a solenoid. Inductance per unit length
    is Lmon2A
  • Now use the energy stored in an inductor formula
    UB and rearrange to find the energy density uB
    (i.e. energy per unit volume).

Energy density in E and B fields
  • Compare the energy density in E and B fields
  • Remember energy density is equivalent to pressure.

  • A circuit contains 2 resistors, a power source,
    inductor and switch as shown.  At t 0, the
    switch is thrown from neutral to A. Data  R1
    4.0 W   R2 7.0 W   L 8.0 mH  V 6.0 V
  • (a) What is the time constant of this circuit?
  • (b) What is the maximum current that can flow in
    this circuit?
  • (c) What is the current in the circuit at to
    250 ms?
  • (d) What is the rate at which energy is being
    stored in the magnetic field of the inductor
    coils at time to?
  • (e) At time to the switch is set to B.  How much
    later has the rate at which energy loss due to
    Joule heating in the resistors is down by a
    factor of 10 from its value when the switch was
    set to position B?

LC oscillations
  • LC circuit Apply loop rule to get

  • Show that the total energy in an LC circuit (that
    is, the energy in the electric field between the
    capacitor plates and the magnetic energy in the
    magnetic field around the inductor coils) is a

  • An LC circuit with inductor L80 mH and capacitor
    C5.0 mF. The initial charge on the capacitor and
    current through the inductor at t0 are Qo1.2 mC
    and Io 6.7 mA.    Find
  • (a) the natural frequency of oscillation of the
  • (b) the phase constant.
  • (c) the charge amplitude.
  • (d) the current amplitude.
  • (e) the period of the current oscillations.
  • (f) the charge on the capacitor plates when t
    2.0 ms.
  • (g) the current through the inductor coils when t
    2.0 ms.
  • (h) the time at which the energy stored in the
    magnetic field around the inductor coils first
    goes to zero after t 0.
  • (i) the rate at which the energy being stored in
    the electric field between the capacitor plates
    is changing at t 2.0 ms.

Maxwells Equations
  • Maxwell added one item to the effects we have
    studied so fara changing E field can act like a
    current and create a B field. Compare this with a
    changing B creating an E field (Faradays law).
  • The final four

The wave equation
  • Maxwell combined the 4 equations to show that in
    a charge free and current free region (Q0 and
    I0) the equations combined to predict a coupled
    electromagnetic wave. The E and B of this wave in
    vacuum are described by

Wave properties
  • E and B are perpendicular and they are in phase
  • The direction of the wave is described by
  • The wave speed v (c in vacuum) is given by
  • EcB

Poynting Vector
  • The flow of energy in an EM wave is described by
    the Poynting vector S defined by
  • We can show that the wave intensity, I, is given

Energy density pressure
  • Imagine an EM wave carrying an energy U in a time
    Dt onto an absorbing surface. What is the force
    on the surface?

  • A laser of average power output 10 mW produces a
    coherent beam of radius r 0.80 mm.
  • (a) What is the average output intensity of the
  • (b) What is the average energy density in the
  • (c) What is the electric-field amplitude of the
    light wave produced by the laser?
  • (d) What is the magnetic-field amplitude in the
    output beam?

  • The intensity of solar radiation at the earths
    position is I 1000 W/m2.  The radius of the
    earth is RE 6.37 x 106 m, the masses of the
    earth and sun are ME 5.98 x 1024 kg and MS
    1.99 x 1030 kg, the distance from the earth to
    the sun is D 1.496 x 1011 m, and the universal
    gravitational constant is G 6.67 x 1011 N.
  • (a) What is the average power radiated by the

Example (continued)
  • The albedo of a planet is defined to be the
    ratio of the total light reflected from it to the
    total light incident on it.  The approximate
    albedo of Earth 0.34.
  • (b) What approximate total force acts on the
    earth due to radiation pressure?
  • (c) What is the ratio of the gravitational force
    exerted on the earth by the sun to the total
    force due to radiation pressure?

Introduction to Optics
  • Optics is generally the study of a narrow part of
    the entire EM spectrumprimarily the part we can
    see (wavelengths from 700 nm to 400 nm)

Wave basics
  • In optics the wavelength (rather than the
    frequency) is generally used to describe light of
    a fixed color.
  • Of course wavelength and frequency are related by
  • Red light 650 nm, green light 540 nm, blue 470 nm.

Geometrical Optics
  • Light is a wave and waves diffract.
  • Diffraction is negligible if the apertures and
    objects that the radiation interacts with are
    much larger than a wavelength.
  • Geometrical optics describes light propagation
    where diffraction is not important.
  • Light travels as rays. (Also called ray optics).

Index of refraction
  • Light in vacuum travels at c (3 x 108 m/s)
  • In transparent materials (dielectrics) the speed
    of light slows. The extent of slowing depends on
    the materials and it is described by the
    refractive index, n, of the material.
  • Glass n1.5 (approximately) i.e. vglassc/n
  • Water n1.33
  • Picture of a wave in a materialwhat changes?

Chromatic dispersion
  • The refractive index in a material changes with
    the wavelength of the radiationthis effect is
    called dispersion.
  • Normal dispersion means that the index rises with
    decreasing wavelength.
  • Dispersion causes a prism to split white light
    into its colors and causes different colors to
    focus at different distances from a lens.

  • Orange light of wavelength 600 nm in air enters
    water having an index of refraction of 1.33.
  • (a) What is the frequency of this light?
  • (b) What is the speed of the light in the water?
  • (c) What is the wavelength of the light in the
  • (d) If a person with normal vision were swimming
    under water and looked at this light,
    approximately what color would the person see?

  • When a ray of light moves from one material to
    another the change in velocity causes the ray to
    deviate. Snells law

  • Consider a ray traveling from a high refractive
    index material into a low refractive index
    material. Above what angle of incidence will all
    of the light be reflected? Use the example of
    glass (ng1.5) and air (n1)

  • A small fish is swimming 1.2 m below the surface
    of a calm pond. You are standing on a small
    walking bridge over the pond looking directly
    down at the fish.  How far beneath the waters
    surface does the fish seem to be to you, given
    that the index of refraction of the pond water is

  • A narrow beam of white light is incident at an
    angle of 50o from the normal of a 60o prism made
    of fused quartz.   Find the angular dispersion of
    the light emerging from the far side of the
  • n(656nm)1.4564
  • n(588nm)1.4585
  • n(486nm)1.4631

  • A small dot is placed at the center of a piece of
    paper. Glass of thickness 1.26 cm and index of
    refraction 1.48 is placed on top of the paper. 
    What is the smallest radius of a coin that, when
    placed on top of the glass and centered over the
    dot, prevents anyone from being able to see the
    dot from above the glass?

Lenses and image formation
  • Lenses are created by making one or both surfaces
    of a glass plates spherically curved.
  • By applying Snells law to rays hitting the lens
    parallel rays of light can be brought to a focus.
  • http//

Light from objects
  • Light from illuminated objects diverges from
    every point of the object. Every point of the
    object is a source of scattered light rays
    traveling in all directions.
  • Light rays from distant objects is essentially
    parallel. Thus, direct sunlight consists of
    parallel rays of light.

Lens fundamentals
  • Convex Lensconverging lens

Lens Fundamentals
  • Concave lensdiverging lens (note F1 and F2

Lenses and image formation
  • A lens intercepts a selection of the scattered
    light from an object and focuses the rays. In
    order to determine the position of an image
    formed by a lens we consider only 3 easy to
    calculate rays.
  • Ray 1 A ray leaving the tip of the object
    traveling parallel to the optical axis will pass
    through the focal point F2 after passing through
    the lens.
  • Ray 2 A ray leaving the tip of the object and
    passing through the focal point F1 will emerge
    from the lens traveling parallel to the optical
  • Ray 3 The ray leaving the tip of the object and
    passing through the center of the lens will
    emerge from the lens undeviated.

Real and virtual images
  • If the rays after the lens converge to a point
    then the image is real. Real means that it can be
    displayed on a screen placed at the point where
    the rays converge.
  • If the rays after the lens diverge then the image
    is said to be virtual. A virtual image cannot be
    displayed on a screen but they can be observed by
    eye. The lens in the eye makes a real image on
    the retina.

The lens formula
  • The positions of the image and object positions
    are given by
  • f is the focal length (positive for converging
    lens negative for diverging lens)
  • di is positive for a real image, negative for a
    virtual image
  • do and di are positive on left and right of lens

  • The magnification of the lens is given by how
    much bigger the image is compared to the object
  • By examining the center ray it should be clear

  • An object is placed 10 cm from a 15-cm focal
    length converging lens.
  • (a) Find and describe the image analytically.
  • (b) Find and describe the image using a ray

  • A diverging lens has a focal length of magnitude
    15.2 cm.  You view an object of height 3-cm
    through the lens when it is 10 cm from the center
    of the lens.  Locate and describe the image using
    analytical means, and then draw a rough ray
    diagram to help support your calculations and

  • The ray reflection from a mirror the angle of
    incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. qi

  • You are looking at your image in a plane mirror
    mounted flat on the wall 1 meter away directly in
    front of you. The mirror does not come all the
    way down to floor level yet you can just see your
    shoes in the image from the mirror. How high off
    the floor is the mirror (assume you are 1.6 m

Spherical mirrors
  • Curved mirrors (concave and convex) can form
    images just like lenses
  • For a spherical mirror with radius of curvature
    10 cm, at what point is the focal length?

The 3 rays of happiness for mirrors
  • Ray 1 The ray leaving the tip of the object
    traveling parallel to the optical axis will pass
    through the focal point after reflecting from the
  • Ray 2 The ray leaving the tip of the object and
    passing through the focal point will reflect from
    the mirror traveling parallel to the  optical
  • Ray 3 The ray leaving the tip of the object and
    passing through the center point of the mirror
    will be reflected from the mirror undeflected.

Ray diagram
di and do are positive on the reflecting side of
the mirror.
  • A 1.00 cm-high object is placed 10.0 cm from a
    concave mirror whose radius of curvature is 30.0
  • (a) Draw a ray diagram to approximately locate
    and describe the image.
  • (b) Locate and describe the image using
    analytical methods.

Multi-lens systems
  • Apply the lens formula to the lens nearest the
    objectfind the image. Use that image as the
    object for the second lens to find the image of
    the compound lens system.
  • The magnification of a two lens system is just
    the product of the magnifications of successive
  • mtotal m1 m2 m3

  • A compound microscope consists of two converging
    lenses.  The objective lens is a short
    focal-length lens that is closest to the object
    being studied.  The eyepiece is the lens through
    which the viewer looks to see the enlarged image
    of the object. The distance between the two
    lenses should be substantially greater than the
    sum of the two focal lengths of the two lenses,
    and the object is typically placed just outside
    the focal point of the objective lens.
  • In this problem we will study the magnification
    of an ant using a compound microscope.  The
    objective lens has a focal length of 1.0 cm, and
    the eyepiece has a focal length of 2.5 cm.  The
    ant being studied is placed 1.1 cm in front of
    the objective lens, which is 13.4 cm from the
    eyepiece.  The ant is 0.2 mm wide.
  • Locate and describe the image of the ant as
    viewed through this microscope.

  • How does the pinhole allow imaging?

Wave nature of light
  • EM radiation, including light, is a wave
  • The wave nature of light (or any wave phenomenon)
    does not become apparent until the light
    interacts with openings, barrier, etc that are on
    the order of size of the wavelength of the
  • Wave effects diffraction interference

Properties of waves
  • Principle of superposition 2 parts
  • Two or more waves will pass through one another
    without their direction or speed being changed.
    Waves dont collide off each other like particles
  • Where two waves overlap the amplitude at a point
    in space is just the sum of the individual wave
    amplitudes at that point.
  • The second point leads to wave interfere.

  • When two single frequency waves combine the
    relative phase between them determines the extent
    of interference.
  • Two extreme cases are when the waves are exactly
    in phaseamplitudes add leading to constructive
  • When waves are exactly out of phase the
    amplitudes canceldestructive interference.

Huygens Principle
  • Huygens, developed a method of predicting the
    propagation of waves. Each point of a wave front
    becomes a secondary source of new waves. This
    method illustrates (but does not really explain)
    effects like diffraction.

  • http//
  • http//

Path length difference phase
  • If two waves travel different length paths to
    between two points the path difference can be
    expressed as a phase difference.

Path phase
  • If the path difference is Dx then the phase
    difference (for waves of wavelength l) is
  • Constructive interference occurs if Dx is 0, l,
    2l ie Df0, 2p, 4p ..
  • Destructive interference occurs if Dx is l/2,
    3l/2, 5l/2 ie Dfp, 3p, 5p ..

Youngs double slit
  • Demonstrated light was a wave
  • Bright fringe
  • Dark fringe

Intensity of the two slit diffraction
  • Phasor concept
  • At any point on the screen the time varying
    E-field from the two slits is given by
  • The phase difference f is found from the path
    difference at angle q.

Phasor sum
  • Individual phasors (left) and summed phasors

  • The intensity of light is given by the square of
    the total E-field at any point on the screen
  • The E-field varies across the screen because of
  • Phasor picture and a little bit of mathematical

  • Light of wavelength 587.5 nm is incident normally
    on a set of two slits separated by a distance of
    0.20 mm, and then projected onto a distant
    screen.  The second-order maximum of the
    interference pattern thus produced is found to be
    at the position y2 2.0 mm.  Find the distance
    from the slits to the screen.

Single slit diffraction pattern
  • Derivation of the single slit diffraction
  • Minima given by

Intensity for single slit
  • Phasors, but with a whole bunch of sources side
    by side across the opening.
  • EM is the sum of all phasors end to end
  • Eq is the amplitude we seek.
  • I(q)Eq2

Phase, f
  • The phase, f, in the diagram is the difference in
    phase between the paths to the screen from
    opposite ends of the slit opening.
  • Path difference a sinq
  • Phase difference

Intensity for a single slit
  • Final result
  • This is the sinc function. What is its value for

Double slit / slit width
Double slit
Full double slit formula
  • Double slit with slit width, a, and slit
    separation, d.

  • Light from a green laser (540 nm) shines through
    a set of double slits and is incident on the
    board at the front of the room.
  • (a) By inspection of the pattern of laser light
    formed on the board, but without performing any
    distance measurements, estimate the ratio of the
    slit separation to the slit width.
  • (b) Use distance measurements to help estimate
    the separation of the slits and the width of each

Diffraction from a Grating
  • Grating are usually specified by the number of
    rulings or grooves per unit length. For example,
    300 lines per mm. You can get d easily from this
  • Diffraction orders are labeled m0, 1, 2
  • Grating diffraction leads to much narrower
    well-defined bright diffraction spots because of
    the larger illuminated aperture.
  • Resolution

  • Light from a green laser (540 nm) shines through
    a diffraction grating of width 4.5 cm and is
    incident on the board at the front of the room. 
  • (a) What is the separation between adjacent
  • (b) What is the linear groove density in the
  • (c) What is the total number of grooves in the

Thin film interference
  • An everyday example of thin film interference is
    the colorful pattern created by gasoline films on
    water in parking lot puddles.
  • The effect is due to interference between light
    reflected from the top and bottom surfaces of the
    thin gas layer. Cancellation of light occurs when
    the phase difference between the 2 reflected rays
    differs by p, 3p, 5p
  • The effect also occurs in any situation where
    there are two closely spaced reflecting surfaces.

Phase change on reflection
  • Whenever light hits an interface between 2 media
    with different refractive indices some light is
    reflected and some transmitted.
  • If the light is reflected from a low-index to
    high-index transition then the reflected light is
    inverted on reflection (i.e. it suffers a phase
    change of p radians).
  • Zero phase changes occurs for a high n to low n
  • No phase change for transmitted light.

Path difference
  • In a thin film interference problems
  • figure out the path difference between the two
    rays and
  • account for phase changes on reflection, if any.
  • If the total phase change is 0, 2p, 3p.. the
    interference is constructive (bright fringe). If
    total phase is p, 3p/2, 5p/2 the phase change
    is destructive (dark fringe).

  • Thin films of material are often used as
    non-reflective coatings on camera lenses. A
    thin film of magnesium fluoride having an index
    of refraction of 1.38 coats a glass lens having
    an index of refraction of 1.55.  The film has a
    thickness of 0.73 mm. 
  • What wavelengths in the visible region of the
    electromagnetic spectrum can be clearly seen upon
    reflection from the thin film?

Final Exam
  • 7 problems
  • Gausss law
  • Circuits, R, RL, RC
  • Mirrors/lenses and imaging
  • Covers everything up to thin films but not

  • One glass plate is positioned on top of another
    with the end of a hair between the plates at one
    end. The plates are illuminated from above with
    light of wavelength 589.0 nm from a sodium vapor
    lamp. An interference pattern is observed due to
    the variations in the thickness of the air layer
    between the glass plates. Use the interference
    pattern to estimate the diameter of the hair.

  • Polarization refers to the orientation of the
    E-field vector in an electromagnetic wave.
  • Most light is unpolarized, i.e. the E-field of
    the light is equally distributed over all angles.
  • A polarizer is a filter that allows one direction
    of the E-field pass through.

  • E-field vector component parallel to the
    polarizer direction is allowed through.

  • We measure intensity not E-field by eye and using
    light meters.
  • What intensity of unpolarized light is
    transmitted through a polarizer? What is its
    polarization angle after transmission?
  • What is the total incident intensity?
  • What intensity is transmitted?

Polarized light transmission
  • If linearly-polarized light is incident on a
    polarizer what is the intensity of transmission
    as a function of angle, q, between the E-field
    and the polarizer?
  • Law of Malus

  • If unpolarized light of intensity 30 mW/m2 falls
    on a horizontally oriented polarizer, what
    intensity is transmitted and what is the
    orientation of the transmitted lights E-field?
  • If a second polarizer is added at 45 degrees to
    the horizontal, what intensity is transmitted
    through the combination and what is the
    orientation of the E-field?

Polarization on reflection
  • Brewsters angle red p-pol. blue s-pol.

Brewsters angle
  • The angle of minimum reflection of p-polarized
    light is given by

  • Discuss with as much detail as possible the
    Polaroid sunglasses commercial on TV in which
    swimmers beneath the waters surface in a
    swimming pool cannot be seen due to glare from
    the suns light reflected off of the water
    surface, but when Polaroid sunglasses are placed
    over the TV-camera lens, the swimmers can be seen
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