Chapter One: The Evolution of Psychology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter One: The Evolution of Psychology


William James was an American philosopher and psychologist, who advanced the ... Rejects determinism by the unconscious (psychoanalysis) or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter One: The Evolution of Psychology

Chapter One The Evolution of Psychology
  • Psychology is defined as the scientific study of
    behavior and mental processes, and how they are
    affected by an organism's physical and mental
  • Psychology has its roots in mythology, religion
    and philosophy. People believe that the
    chronology of psychology goes as far back as the
    age of the sage Greeks. In particular, many
    believe that several hundred years B.C., it was
    Plato and Socrates that started the academic
    pursuit of understanding the human mind and
    behavior. But it was not until the 1870's that
    psychology had become ready to set itself as an
    independent academic field.
  • The word psychology comes from two Greek words,
    psyche, meaning the soul and logos, referring to
    the study of the subject. The two words were
    first put together in the 16th century when
    psyche was used to distinguish the soul, spirit,
    or mind from the body.

Chapter One The Evolution of Psychology
  • Psychologys Early history
  • 1.    Originated within philosophy
  • 2.    Forerunners of psychology a.  Hippocrates
       b.  Aristotle c.  Descartes
  • 3.   Not yet a separate field of study.
  • 4.   Did not use the scientific method -

The Birth of Modern Psychology
  • Wilhelm Wundt is considered the "father of
    psychology." Wundt used introspection and
    established the first psychology laboratory.
    According to Wundt, psychologys primary focus
    was consciousness the awareness of immediate
  • Wundt defined psychology as the study of the
    structure of conscious experience. Wundt was a
    proponent of Structuralism, which was an attempt
    to study the mental world with introspection. The
    goal was to find the 'atoms' of conscious
    experience, and from there to build a knowledge
    of how the atoms combine to create our
    experience. Wundt hoped to thus emulate the
    success of the natural sciences.
  • G. Stanley Hall, a student of Wundt, founded the
    American Psychological Association (APA)

The Birth of Modern Psychology cont
  • William James was an American philosopher and
    psychologist, who advanced the principle of
    Functionalism in psychology, thus removing
    psychology from its traditional place as a branch
    of philosophy and establishing it among the
    laboratory sciences based on experimental method.
  • Functionalism focuses on how behavior and mental
    abilities help people adapt to their environment.
    "Consciousness is an everchanging stream or flow
    of sensations"
  • Charles Darwin was a British scientist, who laid
    the foundation of modern evolutionary theory with
    his concept of the development of all forms of
    life through the slow-working process of natural
    selection. His work was of major influence on the
    life and earth sciences and on modern thought in

Psychology's Perspectives
  • The Behavioral Perspective
  • John Watson is the founder and leading exponent
    of the school of psychology known as
    behaviorism, which restricts psychology to the
    study of objectively observable behavior and
    explains behavior in terms of stimulus and
  • Watson maintained that psychology should only
    study directlyobservable and measurable events,
    not private experienceslike mental events.
  • Emphasized learning and the influence of the
    environment. Pavlov's experiments explained
    automatic or involuntary behaviors.
  • Skinner extended behaviorism to explain the
    learning of voluntary behaviors.
  • Social learning theory an outgrowth of
    behaviorism a.    Explains behaviorism beyond
    the study of behavior to           include
    learning by observation, insight, imitation.
    b.    Combines classic behaviorism with research
    on thinking. c.    Bandura is a key figure.

Psychology's Perspectives - (cont)
  • The Psychodynamic Perspective
  • Based on the work of Freud in the early 1900s.
  • Maintains that psychological distress due to
    childhood conflicts.
  • Introduced the idea of unconscious.
  • Emphasizes biological instinct like
  • Launched theories based on Freudian approach
    called psychodynamic.      a.   
    Emphasized inner forces and conflicts.
         b.    Emphasized instinctual energy.
  • The Sociocultural Perspective
  • Examines how the cultural values and
    political systems affect experience.
  • Looks at the influence of the historical and
    social context on behavior.

Psychology's Perspectives - (cont
  • The Neuroscience Perspective
  • Associates all actions, feelings and thoughts
    with bodily events.
  • Examines how bodily events interact with the
    environment to produce perceptions, memories and
    behavior. Related to evolutionary psychology
    that examines how evolutionary past may help
    explain some present behaviors and psychological
  • The Cognitive Perspective.
  • Popularized in the 1950s and 1960s. Returns to
    the study of mental processes. Studies
    perception, memory, language, problem solving
    using new research methods. Shows how
    explanations and perceptions affect behavior and
    feelings. Serves as one of the strongest forces
    in psychology today.

Psychology's Perspectives - (cont)
  • Humanism
  • Humanistic psychology or the "third force."
    Rejects psychoanalytic perspective as too
    pessimistic and     behaviorism as too
  •   Rejects determinism by the unconscious
    (psychoanalysis) or     by the environment
    (behaviorism) believes in free will.
  • Goals of humanism     (1)    To help people
    express themselves creatively.     (2)    To
    help people reach their full potential.
  •   Has influenced psychotherapy not scientific
  • Eclecticism
  • Incorporates features of diverse theories and
  •   Employs broad guidelines      a.    Relies on
    empirical evidence.      b.    Rejects
    supernatural explanations.

Psychology's Specialties
  • Pure research - knowledge for its own sake.
  • Applied research - concerned with the practical
    uses of   knowledge.
  • Some Major Non Clinical Specialties in Psychology
  • Experimental psychologists - conduct laboratory
    studies of learning, motivation, emotion,
    sensation and perception,     physiology, human
    performance and cognition.
  • Educational psychologists - study principles
    that explain learning and look for ways to
    improve learning in educational systems.
  • Developmental psychologist - study how people
    change and    grow physically, mentally and
    socially over time.
  • Social psychologist - study how groups,
    institutions and the     social context
    influence individuals and vice versa.

The Practice of Psychology
  • Those who try to understand and improve physical
    and mental health.
  • Settings in which those who practice psychology
    work.     a.    Mental or general hospital.
        b.    Clinics     c.    Schools     d.   
    Counseling centers     e.    Private practice
  • Types of psychology practitioners     a.   
    Counseling psychologist deal with problems of
    everyday life.      b.    School
    psychologist try to enhance student's performance
                and emotional development.
  • Degrees for practice may include Ph.D., Ed.D.
    (doctorate in     education) and Psy.D.
    (doctorate in psychology).

The Practice of Psychology - cont
  • Types of non-psychologist practitioners     
    a.    Therapist - anyone who practices
    psychotherapy unrelated to formal 
    education and rarely requires
    licensing.      b.    Psychoanalyst - someone
    with specialized training at a            
    recognized psychoanalytic institute.      c.   
    Psychiatrist - a medical doctor (M.D.) with a
    residency in             psychiatry.
                (1)    May treat the more severely
    disturbed.             (2)    More medically
    oriented.             (3)    Can write
    prescriptions             (4)    May not have
    thorough training in theories and
                         methods of  psychology.
          d.    Counselors, social workers and other
    mental health              professionals - treat
    general problems in adjustment,             
    licensing requirements vary.

Themes Related to Psychology as a Field of Study
  • Theme 1 Psychology is Empirical
  • Empirical is the premise that knowledge
    should be acquired through direct observation
    rather than on reasoning, speculation,
    traditional beliefs, or common sense.
  • Empiricalism lends itself to skepticism
  • Theme 2 Psychology is Theoretically Diverse
  • A theory is a system of interrelated ideas used
    to explain a set of observations. A theory
    links apparently unrelated observations and
    tries to explain them.
  • Theme 3 Psychology Evolves in a Sociohistorical
  • Trends, issues, and values in society influence
    psychology's evolution. Reciprocally,
    psychology influences trends, issues, and
    values in society

Themes Related to Psychology as a Field of Study
  • Theme 4 Behavior is Determined by Multiple
  • Behavior is governed by a complex network of
    interacting factors, an idea referred to as the
    multifactoral causation of behavior.
  • Theme 5 Behavior is Shaped by Cultural Heritage
  • Culture refers to the widely shared customs,
    beliefs, values, norms, institutions, and other
    products of a community that are transmitted
    socially across generations.
  • Theme 6 Heredity and Environment Jointly
    Influence Behavior
  • Heredity and environment are important in
    influencing behavior
  • Theme 7 Peoples Experience of the World is
    Highly Subjective
  • People actively process incoming stimulation,
    selectively focusing on some aspects of that
    stimulation while ignoring others.
  • Article on Critical Thinking Skills
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