Chapter 1 Introducing Psychology and Research Methods - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 1 Introducing Psychology and Research Methods


Chapter 1 Introducing Psychology and Research Methods Correlations and Relationships (cont d) Positive Correlation: Increases in one variable are matched by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 1 Introducing Psychology and Research Methods

Chapter 1Introducing Psychology and Research
What Is Psychology?
  • Psychology
  • Psyche Mind
  • Logos Knowledge or study
  • Definition The scientific study of behavior and
    mental processes
  • Behavior Overt i.e., can be directly observed
  • Mental Processes Covert i.e., cannot be
    directly observed (remembering) private,
  • Empirical Evidence Information gathered from
    direct observation

  1. Where would you position psychiatrists on this
    org. chart?
  2. What are the major differences in the duties of
    psychiatrists vs. psychologists?
  3. How are clinicians and experimental psychologists

Many Flavors of Psychologists
  • Psychologists Usually have masters or doctorate.
    Trained in methods, knowledge, and theories of
  • Clinical Psychologists Treat psychological
    problems or do research on therapies and mental
  • Counseling Psychologists Treat milder problems,
    such as poor adjustment at work or at a school
  • Psychiatrists MD usually use medications to
    treat problems. Generally do not have extensive
    training in providing talk therapy.

Many Flavors of Psychologists (contd)
  • Psychoanalysts Receive additional Freudian
    psychoanalytic training post-Ph.D. or M.D. at an
  • Counselors Advisers who help solve problems with
    marriage, career, school, or work
  • Psychiatric Social Workers Many have masters
    degrees and perform psychotherapy.
  • Use social science principles.
  • Presently a very popular profession.
  • Not all psychologists perform therapy! For,
    example experimental psychologists conduct
    research and usually teach, too.

What Might a Psychologist Research?
  • Development Course of human growth and
  • Learning How and why it occurs in humans and
  • Personality Traits, motivations, and individual
  • Sensation and Perception How we come to know the
    world through our five senses

What Might a Psychologist Research?(contd)
  • Social Human and social behavior
  • Cultural How culture affects human behavior
  • Cognitive How reasoning, problem solving, and
    other mental processes relate to human behavior
  • Evolutionary How our behavior is guided by
    patterns that evolved during human history

Figure 1.3a
FIGURE 1.3 (a) Specialties in psychology.
Percentages are approximate. Any particular
psychologist might do several of these activities
during a work week (APA, 1998). As you can see,
most psychologists specialize in applied areas
and work in applied settings.
Figure 1.3b
FIGURE 1.3. (b) Where psychologists work. Any
particular psychologist might do several of these
activities during a work week (APA, 1998). As you
can see, most psychologists specialize in applied
areas and work in applied settings.
Figure 1.3c
FIGURE 1.3 (c) This chart shows the main
activities psychologists do at work. Any
particular psychologist might do several of these
activities during a work week (APA, 1998). As you
can see, most psychologists specialize in applied
areas and work in applied settings.
What Are the Goals of Psychology?
  • Description of Behaviors Naming and classifying
    various observable, measurable behaviors
  • Understanding The causes of behavior(s)
  • Prediction Forecasting behavior accurately
  • Control Altering conditions that influence
  • Positive Use To control unwanted behaviors,
    (e.g., smoking, tantrums, etc.)
  • Negative Use To control peoples behaviors
    without their knowledge

History of Psychology (Brief!) Beginnings
  • Wilhelm Wundt Father of Psychology
  • 1879 Set up first lab to study conscious
  • Stimulus Any physical energy that affects the
    person and provokes a response
  • Introspection Looking inward (i.e., examining
    and reporting your thoughts, feelings, etc.)
  • Wundts ideas brought to the U.S. by Tichener and
    renamed Structuralism
  • Question What are the building blocks of mental
    experience? Structuralists disagreed, and no way
    to prove who was correct!

History of Psychology William James
  • William James (American) and FunctionalismAssumed
    consciousness is an ever-changing flow of images
    and sensations soWhat does the mind do?
  • How the mind functions to help us adapt to our
  • Functionalists admired Darwin and his theory of
    Natural Selection Animals keep features through
    evolution that help them adapt to environments

History of Psychology Behaviorism and Cognitive
  • Behaviorism Watson and Skinner
  • Psychology must study observable behavior
  • Watson studied Little Albert with Rosalie Raynor
    Skinner studied animals almost exclusively
  • Cognitive Study thoughts, memory, expectations,
    perceptions, and other mental processes
  • Cognitive Behaviorism Ellis and Bandura
  • Our thoughts influence our behaviors used often
    in treatment of depression

History of Psychology Gestalt
  • The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Key names Wertheimer, Perls

Figure 1.2
FIGURE 1.2 The design you see here is entirely
made up of broken circles. However, as the
Gestalt psychologists discovered, our perceptions
have a powerful tendency to form meaningful
patterns. Because of this tendency, you will
probably see a triangle in this design, even
though it is only an illusion. Your whole
perceptual experience exceeds the sum of its
History of Psychology Freud
  • Psychoanalytic Freud
  • Our behavior is largely influenced by our
    unconscious wishes, thoughts, and desires,
    especially sex and aggression.
  • Freud performed dream analysis and was an
    interactionist (combination of our biology and
    environment make us who we are).
  • Repression Unconscious thoughts held out of
    awareness because they are threatening

History of Psychology Humanism
  • Humanism Rogers and Maslow
  • Goal of psychology is to study unique aspects of
    the person focuses on subjective human
  • Each person has innate goodness and is able to
    make free choices (contrast with Skinner and
  • Maslow Self-actualization Develop ones full
    potential and become the best person you can be

3 Perspectives on Psychology
  • Biologicalexplains behavior in terms of
    biological principles (brain processes,
    evolution, genetics)
  • Psychologicalviews behavior as a result of
    psychological processes within each person
  • Socioculturalwhat impact do social/cultural
    contexts have on behavior?

Psychology Today
  • Biopsychology Our behavior can be explained
    through physiological processes
  • Uses brain scans to gather data (CT, MRI, PET)
  • Looks at neurotransmitters
  • Treats psychological problems with medications
  • Positive Psychology Study of human strengths,
    virtues, and optimal behavior

Cultural Awareness
  • Many thoughts and behaviors are influenced by our
  • Psychologists need to be aware of the impact
    cultural diversity may have on our behaviors.
  • What is acceptable in one culture might be
    unacceptable in another.

Table 1.1
Table 1.3
Psychologists Observe Measure Behavior
  1. Silently choose a number between 2 9.
  2. Multiply that number by 9.
  3. Add the 2 digits of the resulting number.
  4. Subtract 5 from that result.
  5. Think of the letter of the alphabet that
    corresponds to the number arrived at in step 4.
  6. Write the name of a country that begins with this
  7. Write the name of an animal that begins with the
    last letter of this country.
  8. Write the name of a color that begins with the
    last letter of that animal.
  9. Look at concentrate on the listed country,
    animal, and color.

The Scientific Method
  • Six Basic Elements
  • Observing
  • Defining a problem
  • Proposing a hypothesis (an educated guess that
    can be tested)
  • Gathering evidence/testing the hypothesis
  • Publishing results
  • Building a theory

Some Terms
  • Hypothesis Testable hunch or educated guess
    about behavior
  • Operational Definition States exact procedures
    used to represent a concept. Allows abstract
    ideas to be tested in real-world terms.

Figure 1.4
FIGURE 1.4 Operational definitions are used to
link concepts with concrete observations. Do you
think the examples given are reasonable
operational definitions of frustration and
aggression? Operational definitions vary in how
well they represent concepts. For this reason,
many different experiments may be necessary to
draw clear conclusions about hypothesized
relationships in psychology.
  • Operational definitions
  • Which of the following might be used as an
    operational definition of attraction?
  • A feeling of affection when two people are
    together. (1)
  • The number of minutes during which two people are
    touching each other over a four-hour period. (2)
  • (2)

What is a double-blind study?
Naturalistic Observation
  • Observing a person or an animal in the
    environment in which they/it live(s)
  • Problems
  • Observer Effect Changes in a subjects behavior
    caused by an awareness of being observed
  • Observer Bias Occurs when observers see what
    they expect to see or record only selected
  • Anthropomorphic Error Attributing human
    thoughts, feelings, or motives to animals,
    especially as a way of explaining their behavior
    (e.g., Anya my cat is acting like that because
    shes feeling depressed today.)

Figure 1.5
FIGURE 1.5 Psychologists use the logic of science
to answer questions about behavior. Specific
hypotheses can be tested in a variety of ways,
including naturalistic observation, correlational
studies, controlled experiments, clinical
studies, and the survey method. Psychologists
revise their theories to reflect the evidence
they gather. New or revised theories then lead to
new observations, problems, and hypotheses.
Correlations and Relationships
  • Definition Existence of a consistent, systematic
    relationship between two events, measures, or
  • Coefficient of Correlation Statistic ranging
    from 1.00 to 1.00 the sign indicates the
    direction of the relationship.
  • Closer the statistic is to 1.00 or to 1.00, the
    stronger the relationship.
  • Correlation of 0.00 demonstrates no relationship
    between the variables.

Correlations and Relationships (contd)
  • Positive Correlation Increases in one variable
    are matched by increases in the other variable.
  • Negative Correlation Increases in one variable
    are matched by decreases in the other variable.
  • Correlation does not demonstrate causation Just
    because two variables are related does NOT mean
    that one variable causes the other to occur.

Figure 1.7
FIGURE 1.7 The correlation coefficient tells how
strongly two measures are related. These graphs
show a range of relationships between two
measures, A and B. If a correlation is negative,
increases in one measure are associated with
decreases in the other. (As B gets larger, A gets
smaller.) In a positive correlation, increases in
one measure are associated with increases in the
other. (As B gets larger, A gets larger.) The
center-left graph (medium negative
relationship) might result from comparing
anxiety level (B) with test scores (A) Higher
anxiety is associated with lower scores. The
center graph (no relationship) would result
from plotting a persons shoe size (B) and his or
her IQ (A). The center-right graph (medium
positive relationship) could be a plot of grades
in high school (B) and grades in college (A) for
a group of students Higher grades in high school
are associated with higher grades in college.
  • To identify cause-and-effect relationships, we
    conduct experiments.
  • A formal trial to confirm/disconfirm a hypothesis
  • Directly vary a condition you might think affects
  • Create two or more groups of subjects, alike in
    all ways except the condition you are varying.
  • Record whether varying the condition has any
    effect on behavior.

Figure 1.1
FIGURE 1.1 Results of an empirical study. The
graph shows that horn honking by frustrated
motorists becomes more likely as air temperature
increases. This suggests that physical discomfort
is associated with interpersonal hostility. (Data
from Kenrick MacFarlane, 1986.)
  • Definition Any condition that can change and
    that might affect the outcome of an experiment
  • Independent Variable Condition(s) altered by the
    experimenter experimenter sets their size,
    amount, or value. These are suspected causes for
    behavioral differences.
  • Dependent Variable Demonstrates results of the
    experiment. Condition is affected by independent
  • Extraneous Variables Conditions that a
    researcher wants to prevent from affecting the
    outcomes of the experiment (e.g., number of hours
    slept before the experiment).

Figure 1.8
FIGURE 1.8 Elements of a simple psychological
experiment to assess the effects of music during
study on test scores.
  • Experimental Group The group of subjects that
    gets the independent variable.
  • Control Group The group of subjects that does
    NOT get the independent variable.
  • Random Assignment Subject has an equal chance of
    being in either the experimental or control

Figure 1.9
FIGURE 1.9 Experimental control is achieved by
balancing extraneous variables for the
experimental group and the control group. For
example, the average age (A), education (B), and
intelligence (C) of group members could be made
the same for both groups. Then we could apply the
independent variable to the experimental group.
If their behavior (the dependent variable)
changes (in comparison with the control group),
the change must be caused by the independent
Placebo Effects
  • Definition A fake pill (sugar) or injection
  • Placebo Effect Changes in behavior that result
    from expectations that a drug or other treatment
    will have some effect the belief that one has
    taken an active drug

Experiment Types
  • Single Blind Only the subjects have no idea
    whether they are in the experimental or control
  • Double Blind The subjects AND the experimenters
    have no idea whether the subjects are in the
    control or experimental group
  • Best type of experiment if properly set up

Experimenter Effects
  • Definition Changes in behavior caused by the
    unintended influence of the experimenter
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy A prediction that leads
    people to act in ways to make the prediction come

The Clinical Method
  • Case Study In-depth focus of all aspects of a
    single subject
  • Natural Clinical Tests Natural events, such as
    accidents, that provide psychological data

Figure 1.10
FIGURE 1.10 Some of the earliest information on
the effects of damage to frontal areas of the
brain came from a case study of the accidental
injury of Phineas Gage.
The Survey Method
  • Definition Using public polling techniques to
    answer psychological questions
  • Representative Sample Small group that
    accurately reflects a larger population
  • Population Entire group of animals or people
    belonging to a particular category (e.g., all
    married women)
  • Courtesy Bias Problem in research a tendency to
    give polite or socially desirable answers

Figure 1.11
FIGURE 1.11 If you were conducting a survey in
which a persons height might be an important
variable, the non-random sample would be very
unrepresentative. The random sample, selected
using a table of random numbers, better
represents the group as a whole.
Critical Thinking
  • Ability to analyze, evaluate, compare, critique,
    and synthesize information
  • Based on four principles
  • Few truths transcend the need for empirical
  • Judging the quality of evidence is crucial
  • Authority or claimed expertise does not
    automatically make an idea true
  • Critical thinking requires an open mind

How to Critically Evaluate New Information
  • Ask the following
  • What claims are being made?
  • What test (if any) of these claims has been made?
  • Who did the test how good is the evidence?
  • What was the nature and quality of the tests?
    Are they credible and can they be repeated?
  • How reliable and trustworthy were the
  • How much credibility can the claim be given?

  • Pseudo means false. Any unfounded system
    that resembles psychology and is NOT based on
    scientific testing
  • Palmistry Lines on your hands (palms) predict
    future and reveal personality
  • Phrenology Personality traits revealed by shape
    of skull and bumps on your head
  • Graphology Personality revealed by your
  • Astrology The positions of the stars and planets
    at birth determine your personality and affect
    your behavior.
  • Extremely popular today (Whats your sign?).

Why are there so many believers?
  • Uncritical Acceptance Tendency to believe
    positive or flattering descriptions of yourself
  • Fallacy of Positive Instances When we remember
    or notice things that confirm our expectations
    and forget the rest.
  • Barnum Effect Always have a little something
    for everyone. Make sure all palm readings,
    horoscopes, etc. are so general that something in
    them will always apply to any one person!
  • (e.g., Crossing Over with John Edward)

Separating Fact from Fiction
  • Be skeptical.
  • Consider the source of information.
  • Ask yourself, Was there a control group?
  • Look for errors in distinguishing between
    correlation and causation (are claims based on
    correlational results yet passed off as

Separating Fact from Fiction (contd)
  • Be sure to distinguish between observation and
    inference (e.g., Robert is crying, but do we know
    why he is crying?).
  • Beware of oversimplifications, especially those
    motivated by monetary reasons.
  • For example is no proof, i.e., one example is
    not proof
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