Communication and Decision-making - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Communication and Decision-making


Communication and decision making in organisation – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Communication and Decision-making

Communication and Decision Making
  • Prepared by
  • Narendra Singh Chaudhary

Committees, Teams and Group Decision Making
  • A committee is a group of persons to whom, as a
    group, some matter is committed.
  • Definition of team is similar, a small number of
    people with complementary skills who are
    committed to a common purpose, set of performance
    goals and approach for which they hold themselves
    mutually accountable.
  • A group may be defined as two or more people
    acting interdependently in a unified manner
    towards the achievement of common goals.

Nature of Committee and Groups
  • Group Process in CommitteesGroups go through
    four stages Forming (the members of the group
    get to know each other), storming (the members of
    the group determine the objective of the meeting
    conflicts arise), norming (the group agrees on
    norms and some behavior rules) and performing
    (the group gets down to the task).
  • People play certain role in committees e.g.
    information giver, information seekers,
    coordinator etc. To be effective in a group, one
    must not only listen to what is said but also
    observe the nonverbal behavior. The seating
    arrangement may have an impact on the group

Functions and Formality of Committees and Groups
  • Some committees undertake managerial functions,
    and others do not. Some make decisions, while
    others merely deliberate on problems without
    authority to decide.
  • A committee may have either line or staff
    functions, depending on its authority. If its
    authority involves decision making affecting
    subordinates responsible to it, it is a plural
    executivea line committee that also carries out
    managerial functions such as the board of
    directors if its authority relationship to a
    superior is advisory, then it is a staff
  • Committee may also be formed or informal, if
    establish as a part of the organization
    structure, with specifically delegated duties and
    authority, they are formal. Most committees with
    any permanence fall into this class. Those that
    are informal are organized without specific
    delegation of authority. Committees may be
    relatively permanent or they may be temporary.

Disadvantages and Misuse of Committees
  • They are costly.
  • They may lead to indecision
  • They also can split responsibility
  • They can lead to situation in which a few persons
    impose their will on the majority, not allowing
    participation of its members.
  • In general, committees should not be used as
    replacement for manager for research study, for
    unimportant decisions and for decisions beyond
    the participants authority.

Conflicts in Committees, Groups and Teams
  • Conflicts may arise between and among individuals
    (interpersonal conflicts), among groups
    (inter-group conflicts) and the organization and
    its environment such as with other organization.
  • Reasons-
  • Clash of interests, Difference in opinions.
  • Varied styles of working and decision-making

  • The word communication has been derived from
    the Latin word communis which means common.
    Communication, thus, is the process of sharing
    facts, ideas and opinions in common.
    Communication is said to take place when an
    individual conveys some information to other.
  •   The person conveying of sending the information
    is called the sender or the communicator and
    the person receiving the information is called
    the receiver or the communicatee. The
    information conveyed is known as the message.
    The act of conveying the message is called
    transmission. The reaction of the receiver to
    the message is what is called response.

Definitions of Communication
  • Communication is the process of passing
    information and understanding from one person to
    another Haimann.
  • Communication is the sum of all the things one
    person does when he wants to create understanding
    in the minds of others Allen.
  • Communication is the exchange of facts, ideas,
    opinions or emotions by two or more persons
    Newman and Summer.
  • Communication is the transfer of information from
    one person to another whether or not it elicits
    confidence but the information transferred must
    be understandable to the receiver G.C.Brown.

  • Communication is an intercourse by words,
    letters, symbols or messages, and is a way that
    one organization member shares meaning and
    understanding with another Koontz and
  • Communication is the intercourse by words,
    letters or messages, intercourse of thoughts or
    opinions F.G.Meyer.
  • Communication is the process of conveying
    messages (facts, ideas, attitudes or opinions) by
    one person to another so that they are understand

Process of Communication
Communication Process
(No Transcript)
Components of Communication Process
  • Context - Communication is affected by the
    context in which it takes place. This context may
    be physical, social, chronological or cultural.
    Every communication proceeds with context. The
    sender chooses the message to communicate within
    a context.
  • Sender / Encoder - Sender / Encoder is a person
    who sends the message. A sender makes use of
    symbols (words or graphic or visual aids) to
    convey the message and produce the required
  • Message - Message is a key idea that the sender
    wants to communicate. It is a sign that elicits
    the response of recipient. Communication process
    begins with deciding about the message to be
    conveyed. It must be ensured that the main
    objective of the message is clear.

  • Medium - Medium is a means used to exchange /
    transmit the message. The choice of appropriate
    medium of communication is essential for making
    the message effective and correctly interpreted
    by the recipient. This choice of communication
    medium varies depending upon the features of
    communication. For instance - Written medium
  • Recipient / Decoder - Recipient / Decoder is a
    person for whom the message is intended / aimed /
    targeted. The degree to which the decoder
    understands the message is dependent upon various
    factors such as knowledge of recipient, their
    responsiveness to the message, and the reliance
    of encoder on decoder.
  • Feedback - Feedback is the main component of
    communication process as it permits the sender to
    analyze the efficacy of the message. It helps the
    sender in confirming the correct interpretation
    of message by the decoder. Feedback may be verbal
    (through words) or non-verbal (in form of smiles,
    sighs, etc.). It may take written form also in
    form of memos, reports, etc.

Communication Flows in an
  • In an organization, communication flows in 5 main
  • Downward
  • Upward
  • Lateral/Horizontal
  • Diagonal
  • External

Importance of Communication
  • Communication promotes motivation by informing
    and clarifying the employees about the task to be
    done, the manner they are performing the task,
    and how to improve their performance if it is not
    up to the mark.
  • Communication is a source of information to the
    organizational members for decision-making
    process as it helps identifying and assessing
    alternative course of actions.
  • Communication also plays a crucial role in
    altering individuals attitudes, i.e., a well
    informed individual will have better attitude
    than a less-informed individual. Organizational
    magazines, journals, meetings and various other
    forms of oral and written communication help in
    moulding employees attitudes.
  • Communication also helps in socializing. In
    today's life the only presence of another
    individual fosters communication.
  • Communication also assists in controlling
    process. It helps controlling organizational
    members behaviour in various ways. Communication
    helps in controlling function of management.

Communication Barriers
  • Perceptual and Language Differences Perception
    is generally how each individual interprets the
    world around him.
  • Information Overload Managers are surrounded
    with a pool of information. It is essential to
    control this information flow else the
    information is likely to be misinterpreted or
    forgotten or overlooked. As a result
    communication is less effective.
  • Inattention At times we just not listen, but
    only hear. For example a traveler may pay
    attention to one NO PARKING sign, but if such
    sign is put all over the city, he no longer
    listens to it. Thus, repetitive messages should
    be ignored for effective communication. Similarly
    if a superior is engrossed in his paper work and
    his subordinate explains him his problem, the
    superior may not get what he is saying and it
    leads to disappointment of subordinate.
  • Time Pressures Often in organization the targets
    have to be achieved within a specified time
    period, the failure of which has adverse
    consequences. In a haste to meet deadlines, the
    formal channels of communication are shortened,
    or messages are partially given, i.e., not
    completely transferred. Thus sufficient time
    should be given for effective communication.

  • Distraction/Noise Communication is also affected
    a lot by noise to distractions. Physical
    distractions are also there such as, poor
    lightning, uncomfortable sitting, unhygienic room
    also affects communication in a meeting.
    Similarly use of loud speakers interferes with
  • Emotions Emotional state at a particular point
    of time also affects communication. If the
    receiver feels that communicator is angry he
    interprets that the information being sent is
    very bad. While he takes it differently if the
    communicator is happy and jovial (in that case
    the message is interpreted to be good and
  • Complexity in Organizational Structure Greater
    the hierarchy in an organization (i.e. more the
    number of managerial levels), more is the chances
    of communication getting destroyed. Only the
    people at the top level can see the overall
    picture while the people at low level just have
    knowledge about their own area and a little
    knowledge about other areas.
  • Poor retention Human memory cannot function
    beyond a limit. One cant always retain what is
    being told specially if he is not interested or
    not attentive. This leads to communication

  • Communication and electronic media go hand in
    hand. In this technology oriented era the use of
    electronic communication is inevitable. The role
    and importance of electronic communication can't
    be overlooked. Electronic information interchange
    is necessary for the survival in current era.
    Information is the back bone of the economy of a
    Nation. Electronic media has improved
    communication numerous ways.
  • Internet has immensely helped in communicating.
    There are a lot of new websites coming in each
    day, each hour. Emails are an efficient and
    economical mode for communication with no time
    restraints and country borders. More and more
    people use emails to communicate and spread
    information. These characteristics of electronic
    communication have a tempting effect on the
    organizations to carry on their businesses.
    Organizations use electronic communication as
    their marketing tool leading to spam for some of
    the recipients.

  • The Internet and electronic communications (also
    called computer mediated communications, or CMC)
    doesn't just mean new tools for communication it
    means new ways to communicate. Today our
    organization interacts with its various
    constituents differently - employees, board
    members, customers, partners and others -
    depending upon the nature of the message, the
    goals you are trying to achieve and the strengths
    (and weaknesses) of the available media -
    telephones, voice mail, fax machines, print,
    etc.Electronic communications adds a powerful
    new channel that not only will change how you use
    this mix of options, but it will create entirely
    new ways to interact.

Decision Making
  • Decision making can be regarded as the mental
    processes (cognitive process) resulting in the
    selection of a course of action among several
    alternative scenarios. Every decision making
    process produces a final choice.
  • Decision making is the study of identifying and
    choosing alternatives based on the values and
    preferences of the decision maker.
  • Making a decision implies that there are
    alternative choices to be considered, and in such
    a case we want not only to identify as many of
    these alternatives as possible but to choose the
    one that (1) has the highest probability of
    success or effectiveness and (2) best fits with
    our goals, desires, lifestyle, values, and so on.

  • A decision may be defined as "a course of action
    which is consciously chosen from among a set of
    alternatives to achieve a desired result." It
    represents a well-balanced judgment and a
    commitment to action.
  • The Oxford Dictionary defines the term
    decision-making as "the action of carrying out or
    carrying into effect".
  • According to Trewatha Newport, "Decision-making
    involves the selection of a course of action from
    among two or more possible alternatives in order
    to arrive at a solution for a given problem".

(No Transcript)
  • 1.Better Utilisation of Resources-Decision making
    helps to utilise the available resources for
    achieving the objectives of the organisation. The
    available resources are the 6 Ms, i.e. Men,
    Money, Materials, Machines, Methods and Markets.
    The manager has to make correct decisions for all
    the 6 Ms. This will result in better utilisation
    of these resources.
  • 2. Facing Problems and Challenges- Decision
    making helps the organisation to face and tackle
    new problems and challenges. Quick and correct
    decisions help to solve problems and to accept
    new challenges.
  • 3. Business Growth- Quick and correct decision
    making results in better utilisation of the
    resources. It helps the organisation to face new
    problems and challenges. It also helps to achieve
    its objectives. All this results in quick
    business growth. However, wrong, slow or no
    decisions can result in losses and industrial
  • 4. Achieving Objectives-Rational decisions help
    the organisation to achieve all its objectives
    quickly. This is because rational decisions are
    made after analysing and evaluating all the

  • 5. Increases Efficiency- Rational decisions help
    to increase efficiency. Efficiency is the
    relation between returns and cost. If the returns
    are high and the cost is low, then there is
    efficiency and vice versa. Rational decisions
    result in higher returns at low cost.
  • 6. Facilitate Innovation- Rational decisions
    facilitate innovation. This is because it helps
    to develop new ideas, new products, new process,
    etc. This results in innovation. Innovation gives
    a competitive advantage to the organisation.
  • 7. Motivates Employees- Rational decision results
    in motivation for the employees. This is because
    the employees are motivated to implement rational
    decisions. When the rational decisions are
    implemented the organisation makes high profits.
    Therefore, it can give financial and
    non-financial benefits to the employees.

  • Time Consuming- A lot of precious time is
    consumed for decision making. Individual
    decisions take a lot of time because the manager
    has to study the merits and demerits of all the
    alternatives. He also has to take advice from
    many people before making a decision. All this
    consumes a lot of time. Group decisions are also
    time consuming. This is because it involves many
    meetings and each member has to give his opinion.
    This results in delayed decisions or no
  • 2. Compromised Decisions- In group decisions,
    there is a difference of opinion. This results in
    a compromised decision. A compromised decision is
    made to please all the members. It may not be a
    correct and bold decision. The quality of this
    decision is inferior. So it will not give good
    results on implementation.
  • 3. Subjective Decisions- Individual decisions are
    not objective. They are subjective. This is
    because the decisions depend on the knowledge,
    education, experience, perception, beliefs,
    moral, attitude, etc., of the manager. Subjective
    decisions are not good decisions.
  • 4. Biased Decisions-Sometimes decisions are
    biased. That is, the manager makes decisions,
    which only benefit himself and his group. These
    decisions have a bad effect on the workers,
    consumer or the society.

  • 5. Limited Analysis- Before making a decision the
    manager must analyse all the alternatives. He
    must study the merit and demerits of each
    alternative. Then only he must select the best
    alternative. However, most managers do not do
    this because they do not get an accurate date,
    and they have limited time. Inexperienced
    researchers and wrong sampling also result in a
    limited analysis. This limited analysis results
    in bad decisions.
  • 6. Uncontrollable Environmental Factors-
    Environmental factors include political, social,
    technological and other factors. These factors
    are dynamic in nature and keeps on changing
    everyday. The manager has no control over
    environmental factors. If these factors change in
    the wrong direction, his decisions will also
    divert and go wrong.
  • 7. Uncertain Future-Decisions are made for the
    future. However, the future is very uncertain.
    Therefore, it is very difficult to take decisions
    for the future.
  • 8. Responsibility is Diluted-In an individual
    decision, only one manager is responsible for the
    decision. However, in a group decision, all
    managers are responsible for the decision. That
    is, everybody's responsibility is nobody's
    responsibility. So, the responsibility is

What is Creativity?
  • Creativity is the act of turning new and
    imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity
    involves two processes thinking, then producing.
    Innovation is the production or implementation of
    an idea. If you have ideas, but dont act on
    them, you are imaginative but not creative.
    Linda Naiman
  • Creativity is the process of bringing something
    new into beingcreativity requires passion and
    commitment. Out of the creative act is born
    symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness
    what was previously hidden and points to new
    life. The experience is one of heightened
    consciousness-ecstasy.Rollo May, The Courage
    to Create
  • A product is creative when it is (a) novel and
    (b) appropriate. A novel product is original not
    predictable. The bigger the concept, and the more
    the product stimulates further work and ideas,
    the more the product is creative.Sternberg
    Lubart, Defying the Crowd

What is Innovation?
  • Innovation is the production or implementation of
    ideas. The National Innovation Initiative  (NII)
    defines innovation as The intersection of
    invention and insight, leading to the creation of
    social and economic value.
  • Innovation means making meaningful change to
    improve an organizations products, services,
    programs, processes, operations, and business
    model to create new value for the organizations
    stakeholders. Innovation should lead your
    organization to new dimensions of performance.
    Innovation is no longer strictly the purview of
    research and development departments innovation
    is important for all aspects of your operations
    and all work systems and work processes.
    Organizations should be led and managed so that
    innovation becomes part of the learning culture.
    Innovation should be integrated into daily work
    and should be supported by your performance
    improvement system.

  • Systematic processes for innovation should reach
    across your entire organization. Innovation
    builds on the accumulated knowledge of your
    organization and its people. Therefore, the
    ability to rapidly disseminate and capitalize on
    this knowledge is critical to driving
    organizational innovation.2009-2010 Baldrige
    Criteria for Innovation
  • For innovation to flourish, organizations must
    create an environment that fosters creativity
    bringing together multi-talented groups of people
    who work in close collaboration together-
    exchanging knowledge, ideas and shaping the
    direction of the future.

What is Creativity in Business?
  • Creativity is a crucial part of the innovation
    equation. Creativity requires whole-brain
    thinking right-brain imagination, artistry and
    intuition, plus left-brain logic and planning.
  • Creativity is a core competency for leaders and
    managers and one of the best ways to set your
    company apart from the competition.
  • Corporate Creativity is characterised by the
    ability to perceive the world in new ways, to
    find hidden patterns, to make connections between
    seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate
    solutions. Generating fresh solutions to
    problems, and the ability to create new products,
    processes or services for a changing market, are
    part of the intellectual capital that give a
    company its competitive edge.

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