Title: ActionHRM has Expertise in Human Resource Management Systems
1ActionHRM has Expertise in Human Resource
Management Systems
2ActionHRM has been developing Human Resource
Systems since 1997, we have been a pioneer of web
based HRM solutions and had our first private
cloud client in 2006. Our clients prefer us over
competitors because we continually maintain their
systems, listen to their suggestions and
communicate regularly with them to ensure that
they are satisfied with the services being
provided. In fact customers, quality services and
feedback drive our company. That is why we have a
98 customer retention rate!
3In 2009/10 we launched our latest Version 4
release into the US and Canadian markets where we
now have some partners, a distributor and first
clients. This version contains all the latest HR
software necessary to manage SME businesses all
on one easy to use and easy to configure platform
that covers recruitment (applicant tracking),
on/off boarding, jobs management, employee
details, workforce management, performance,
learning management and OHSA.
4The basis of our new Version 4 from our
experience and feedback was that all companies
require the same tools but many of the larger SME
have systems and processes in place (manual,
spreadsheets or some base HR products) but
recognized the need for change as they started to
expand or contract. So to make the changeover for
these companies seamless, ActionHRM decided to
make the system as flexible as possible giving
maximum control to the data owners, and this
involved creating online configuration.
5This means that workflows now can be split,
joined, escalated, terminated or include business
logic. Data can be filtered and parsed online,
smart fields can be added, kiosks can be changed
added etc. Globally, the system handles multiple
languages, currencies, date fields, time zones
all user selectable and all kept on a designated
home time zone.
6The company delivers a strong human resource
management system that provides all the necessary
functional information to the resource to manage
the day-to-day work and attend to tasks
independently. To know more about the services
and HR solutions offered by the company, please
browse through www.actionhrm.com
7 Thank You