Title: The grassland region
The grassland region
BY Angel Ankrah, Eve Poetzschke, Max Carrion,
and Lena Beckerman
2 The Grasslands
The grasslands have many interesting
characteristics. In the summer the temperature
can go up to 100 degrees! In the winter the
temperature Can go down to 10 degrees Brr! There
are a lot of grass fires in grass- lands. There
are so many animals in the grasslands, here are
some of them. There are Yaks, Cows, Gophers,
Prairie dogs, and a lot of insects. There are so
many different types of insects I wouldnt be
able to fit them on this page! You would love to
see the kinds of plants that grow in the
grasslands. Here are some of them, Prairie
Lily's, Daises, Rose Flowers, Pasque flowers,
shrubs, and trees.
Did you know that lions live in grasslands? Also
did you know that sometimes grass sets on fire
because its so so dry and so hot.
Some jobs you could have in this region are
giving tours, planting grass seed, using wheat
for things to eat, and a photographer taking
Do you know that people in grasslands use reed,
bamboo, straw, hay, wood, blocks, cement, glass,
and pink paint to make their houses.
In summer and spring people in Grasslands might
wear shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, and caprees. In
winter and fall they might wear snow boots,
jeans,overalls, sweatshirts, long-sleeve
tee-shirts, vests, and coats.
In grasslands they ride horses and cars.