Canada's Economic Regions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Canada's Economic Regions


Canada s largest economic region It included all ... Mineral deposits such as lead ... But today cod and ground fish stocks are depleting the fishing industry, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Canada's Economic Regions

Canada's Economic Regions
The Alantic Region
  • Canadas eastern Economic region
  • Provinces of New Brunswick,Prince Edwards
    Island,Nova Scotia,the island of Newfoundland,
    and the gaspe region of Quebec.
  • Major land resources such as fish, forest and
  • Mineral deposits such as lead,zinc and coal.
  • Coal Mining in the time of confederation was used
    2/3 in Canada.
  • Steel manufacturing was traded a lot with the the
    US and Britain.
  • Natural harbors.
  • Oil and natural gas reserves off the coast of
  • Potato farming in PEI and New Brunswick and
    orchards in Nova Scotia.
  • Harsh climate in Newfoundland,settlement
    remaining low. More fertile land in more southern
    areas of the region and not as harsh climate
    settlement grew quickly.
  • Forest in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were
    prized as masts for naval ships and also harvest
    pulp and paper mills.
  • Time of confederation Halifax and Saint John had
    internationally imported dockyards and
    shipbuilding facilities. Making Advance in The
    Steamboat and iron ships.
  • Canadas power increased and eventually came in
    to control of the regions Mining,financial, and
    limited manufacturing industries after
    confederation.Changing markets and
    technology,depleted resources, and reliance on
    resource-based activities led to the regions
    economic decline, relative to the rest of Canada.

  • In The Atlantic region regional disparity has
    been and remains a chronic issue. But today cod
    and ground fish stocks are depleting the fishing
    industry, changing the Atlantic economy.
  • Environmental issues, such as changes in water
    temperature,pollution, and seal pollution plays a
    factor in changing in the Atlantic community.
  • In other industries such as the Agricultural
    industry business has sky rocketed leaving many
    more people with jobs such as farming, trucking,
    and equipment manufacturing.
  • The Hibernia oil field holds more promise for the
    Atlantic region, except where the Environmental
    issues come in.
  • Newfoundland and the Atlantic region stands up to
    not only oil royalties and job opportunities, but
    from optimism at a time when older industries are
    in decline.

The Atlantic Region
The Great Lakes- St Lawrence Region
  • Water transportation routes connected the various
    comminutes and allowed raw materials to be
  • As lumbering increased, more land was cleared,
    and agriculture and decrement expanded.
  • By the confederation, manufacturing of iron and
    steal, clothing, saw mills, breweries, and even
    an oil refinery, became major component of the
  • strategically close to the booming U.S.
  • Eventually linked up to the railway to Atlantic
    and the western provinces.
  • Smallest economic region
  • Occupies less then 2 percent of the nations total
    land area.
  • Geographically the region consists of fertile low
    lands and mild climate
  • The St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes both
    valuable resources and superb waterways
  • European contact brought the fur trade, and
    better settlement and the beginnings of

  • Known as Canadas Industrial Heartland
  • Became Canadas financial center
  • In late decades of twentieth century, the
    automotive sector dominated the regions
  • U.S automotive giants ford, chiseler, and general
    motors, have long operated plants here
  • Region provides a pool of skilled labors and a
    strong infrastructure
  • Japanese automakers Honda, and Toyota also have
    points based here.
  • High-tech industries also expanded and reshaped
    the economy
  • Many high-tech companies located here.
  • In a world of high finance this region is still
    on top
  • Most of Canadas banks, trust companies, and
    insurance companies have head offices in this
  • Both are very polluted.
  • Great Lakes also has an abundant supply of
  • Home of more than half of Canadas population
  • Largest market in Canada
  • Golden horse shoe is heavily industrialized and
    densely populated.
  • Severe environmental damage has resulted from
    industrial waste, and smog

Canadian Shield Region
  • Canadas largest economic region
  • It included all of Labrador, Ontario, Quebec,
    eastern tip of Baffin Island and, east and south
    of Great bear lake.
  • The shield Region has many deposits, like nickel,
    copper, gold, silver, lead, and zinc.
  • Before European contact, native groups like the
    Ojibwa, fished for a living and for food.
  • Fur trade, forestry, pulp, and paper became major
  • In 1901a logia steel dominated
  • In 1902 INCO was formed(international Nickel
  • INCO was to mine some of the worlds richest
    deposits of nickel, copper, and silver.
  • INCO soon built many smelters, the built them in
    Sudbury, Ontario and Thompson, and Manitoba where
    is sold its products around the world.

  • Massive Hydroelectric developments flooded
    watersheds and threatened the lives of many
    aboriginal people.The government has responded
    by imposing emission Reduction programs,
    environmental reviews, and aboriginal
    consultations.But the issues are far from being
  • The minerals and metals are commodities that
    change in value of global demand and supply
  • If a region is heavily dependent on the mining it
    might have struggles.
  • When a mine closes the own around it may disperse
    or struggle to survive.
  • Schefferville, Quebec, the Ion Ore Company
  • In 1981 world prices were too low for the company
    to make any profit

  • Occupies a vast area of Canadas landmass.
  • Its western limit cuts into a corner of the
    Yukon of the Beaufort Sea.
  • The boundary swings east and south through the
    Northwest Territories and Nunavut, skirts the
    northern area of Manitoba and Ontario along
    Hudson Bay, and swings north again to include the
    northwestern tip of Québec and most of Baffin
  • Most of it is above the tree line, north of the
    line of continuous permafrost.
  • The landscape is stark and the climate is harsh.
  • Waterway is frozen during wither.
  • Long cold dark winters.
  • The north region consists of mountains, plateaus,
    lowlands and high lands.

The North Region
The Prairie Region
  • The northern portion of the Interior Plains.
  • The region fallows the contour of the Canadian
    shield on the east.
  • On the west it reaches to the Western Mountains.
  • It includes the southern portions of Manitpba and
    Saskatchewa, most of the Alberta and the
    northeastern corner of BC.
  • In the north, the prairie tapers off and turns,
    occuping a samll section of the Yykon
  • Consists primarily of rolling plains, which
    gradually slope downwardin 3 levels from west to
  • Natives in this region hunted bison.
  • Europeans were focuced on the fur trade.
  • Many settlers came after confederation and the
    building of railways, and changed the aboriginals
    way of life forever.
  • Forestry was a huge activity I the prairies.
  • By 1914,most of the natural grasslands in the
    southern areas had been ploughes under.

  • More than 80 of Canadas farmland is located
  • In 1914 oil was discovered.
  • As in other regions, population has become
    increasingly urbanized.
  • Technological change has led to fewer and larger
    farms and a drastic reduction in the number of
    people employed in faming.
  • The Prairie Region now has a number of
    metropolitan areas. Such as Edmonton, Calgary,
    Winnipeg, and Saskatoon.
  • The regions economy is still largely
    resource-based and subject to global price
    cycles. But continuing investment in our sectors

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