Title: Marc Lee
1Imprivata OneSignThe Converged Identity and
Access Management Platform
- Marc Lee
- Sales Director Northern Europe
- marc_at_imprivata.com
232 of Fraud Theft Is Insider-based
32 of Fraud Theft is Insider-based source,
2007 ECrimes survey by CSO Magazine
3Data Breach Costs Per-Incident
4.8M or 182 per Record
Ponemon Institute, October 2006
4Data Protection Regs/Mandates
Y2K without an end date!
Source CSC and IDC, 2006
5Enforcing and Monitoring Employee Access Policy
is Critical
6Its Also A Legal Requirement
All share common access control requirements
Basel II
- Control all user access
- Implement two-factor authentication
- Monitor all login events
- Automatically terminate access for users no
longer authorized to access a system - Provide reporting that confirms users are no
longer authorized to access a system
7IT Access Questions
- Do you have more active accounts than employees?
- Do you know who is accessing your applications?
- Do you know all your users application logons?
- Can you enforce password policies across all
users and each application? - Do you know your password management costs?
- Do you have visibility into all access activities
across all of your systems? - Can you lock down ALL of a users network and
application access?
8So - Why Are Those Questions Difficult to Answer?
9One Employee, Multiple Identities
Employee, Contractor, Temporary Hire
10Silos of Authentication and Access Policy
Employee, Contractor, Temporary Hire
11Silos of Audit and Reporting
Employee, Contractor, Temporary Hire
12What If You Could?
13Converge Identity and Access Management
14Imprivata OneSign Platform
A Converged Identity and Access Management
platform that enforces secure and compliant
employee access to networks and applications
15Simplifying Access Management
- No impact to existing IT or Physical Security
infrastructure - No changes to directories or applications
- No installation complexity
- No disruption to your users existing workflows
16Proven In Demanding Environments
17Network Access
Workplace Access
Enterprise Data Access