Title: Consumer Behavior Chapter 1
1Chapter 1Consumers Rule
By Michael R. Solomon
Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being
2What is Consumer Behavior?
- Consumer Behavior
- The study of the processes involved when
individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or
dispose of products, services, ideas, or
experiences to satisfy needs and desires - Role Theory
- Identifies consumers as actors on the marketplace
stage - Consumer Behavior is a Process
- Exchange A transaction in which two or more
organizations give and receive something of value
3Some Issues That Arise During Stages in the
Consumption Process
Figure 1.1
4Consumers Impact onMarketing Strategy
- Market Segmentation
- Identifies groups of consumers who are similar to
one another in one or more ways and then devises
marketing strategies that appeal to one or more
groups - Demographics
- Statistics that measure observable aspects of a
population - Ex. Age, Gender, Family Structure, Social Class
and Income, Race and Ethnicity, Lifestyle, and
5A Lesson Learned
- Nike was forced to pull this advertisement for a
running shoe after disabilities rights groups
claimed the ads were offensive. - How could Nike have done a better job of getting
its message across without offending a powerful
6Market Segmentation
- Finely-tuned marketing
- segmentation strategies
- allow marketers to
- reach only those
- consumers likely to be
- interested in buying
- their products.
7Consumers Impact onMarketing Strategy (cont.)
- Relationship Marketing Building Bonds with
Consumers - Relationship marketing
- The strategic perspective that stresses the
long-term, human side of buyer-seller
interactions - Database marketing
- Tracking consumers buying habits very closely,
and then crafting products and messages tailored
precisely to peoples wants and needs based on
this information
8Marketings Impact on Consumers
- Marketing and Culture
- Popular Culture
- Music, movies, sports, books, celebrities, and
other forms of entertainment consumed by the mass
9 Popular Culture
- Companies often create product icons to develop
an - identity for their products. Many made-up
creatures and - personalities, such as Commander Safeguard etc,
which are widely recognized figures in popular
10Consumer Behavior InvolvesMany Different Actors
- Consumer
- A person who identifies a need or desire, makes a
purchase, and then disposes of the product - Many people may be involved in this sequence of
events. - Purchaser / User / Influencer
- Consumers may take the form of organizations or
- vdos\Commander Safeguard Complete 5 Part 1
12 Popular Culture
- vdos\pepsi call.mp4
- vdos\walls noori.mp4
14- Marketers play a significant role in our view of
the world and how we live in it.
15Marketings Impact on Consumers The Meaning of
- The Meaning of Consumption
- People often buy products not for what they do,
but for what they mean. - Types of relationships a person may have with a
product - Self-concept attachment
- Nostalgic attachment
- Interdependence
- Love
- vdos\Coke ad (Coke and Meal, Part1)
17Discussion Question
- What kind of statement does the Nike Swoosh make?
18Discussion Question
Discussion Question
Discussion Question
19Marketings Impact on Consumers The Meaning of
Consumption (cont.)
- Consumption includes intangible experiences,
ideas and services in addition to tangible
20Marketings Impact on Consumers The Global
- By 2006, the majority of people on earth will
live in urban centers. - Sophisticated marketing strategies contribute to
a global consumer culture. - Even smaller companies look to expand overseas.
21The Global Consumer
- American products like Levi jeans are in
- demand around the world.
22The Global Consumer
23Marketings Impact on Consumers Virtual
- The Digital Revolution is one of the most
significant influences on consumer behavior. - Electronic marketing increases convenience by
breaking down the barriers of time and location. - U-commerce
- The use of ubiquitous networks that will slowly
but surely become part of us (i.e., wearable
computers, customized advertisements beamed to
cell phones, etc.) - Cyberspace has created a revolution in C2C
(consumer-to-consumer) activity.
24Virtual Brand Communities
25Blurred BoundariesMarketing and Reality
- Marketers and consumers coexist in a complicated
two-way relationship. - Its increasingly difficult for consumers to
discern the boundary between the fabricated world
and reality. - Marketing influences both popular culture and
consumer perceptions of reality.
26Blurred Boundaries
- Marketing managers
- often borrow imagery
- from other forms of
- popular culture to
- connect with an
- audience. This line of
- syrups adapts the look
- of a pulp detective
- novel.
27Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
- Business Ethics
- Rules of conduct that guide actions in the
marketplace - The standards against which most people in the
culture judge what is right and what is wrong,
good or bad - Notions of right and wrong differ among people,
organizations, and cultures.
28Needs and WantsDo Marketers Manipulate
- Consumerspace
- Do marketers create artificial needs?
- Need A basic biological motive
- Want One way that society has taught us that
need can be satisfied - Are advertising and marketing necessary?
- Economics of information perspective Advertising
is an important source of consumer information. - Do marketers promise miracles?
- Advertisers simply dont know enough to
manipulate people.
29Discussion Question
- This ad was created to counter charges that ads
create artificial needs. - Do you agree with the premise of the ad? Why or
why not?
- Culture Jamming
- A strategy to disrupt efforts by the corporate
world to dominate our cultural landscape
31Culture Jamming
- Adbusters Quarterly is a Canadian magazine
devoted to culture jamming. This mock ad skewers
32Consumerism and Consumer Research
- Green Marketing
- When a firm chooses to protect or enhance the
natural environment as it goes about its
activities - Reducing wasteful packaging
- Donations to charity
- Social Marketing
- Using marketing techniques to encourage positive
activities (e.g. literacy) and to discourage
negative activities (e.g. drunk driving)
33Consumer Related Issues
- UNICEF sponsored this advertising campaign
against child labor. The field of consumer
behavior plays a role in addressing important
consumer issues such as child exploitation.
34The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior
- Consumer Terrorism
- An example Susceptibility of the nations food
supply to bioterrorism - Addictive Consumption
- Consumer addiction
- A physiological and/or psychological dependency
on products or services - Compulsive Consumption
- Repetitive shopping as an antidote to tension,
anxiety, depression, or boredom
35The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior (cont.)
- Consumed Consumers
- People who are used or exploited, willingly or
not, for commercial gain in the marketplace - Illegal Activities
- Consumer Theft
- Shrinkage The industry term for inventory and
cash losses from shoplifting and employee theft - Anticonsumption
- Events in which products and services are
deliberately defaced or mutilated
36Consumer BehaviorAs a Field of Study
- Consumer behavior only recently a formal field of
study - Interdisciplinary influences on the study of
consumer behavior - Consumer behavior studied by researchers from
diverse backgrounds - Consumer phenomena can be studied in different
ways and on different levels
37The Wheel of Consumer Behavior
Figure 1.3