Title: Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations
1 Sales Promotionand Public Relations
1. Define and state the objectives of sales
promotion. 2. Discuss the most common forms of
consumer sales promotion. 3. List the most
common forms of trade sales promotion. 4. Discu
ss the role of public relations in the
promotional mix.
3Sales Promotion ? Provides Incentive
- Sales promotion consists of a diverse collection
of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed
to stimulate quicker or greater purchases of
particular products or services by consumers or
the trade.
4Increasing Importance of Sales Promotion
- Number of brands has increased
- Competitors use promotions frequently
- Many brands are seen as similar
- Consumers are more price-oriented
- The trade has demanded more deals from
manufacturers - Advertising efficiency has declined
Increasing Promotion Clutter
5Sales Promotion
Objectives of Sales Promotion
Immediate Purchase
Increase Trial
Boost consumer inventory
Encourage repurchase
Increase ad effectiveness
Encourage brand switching
Encourage brand loyalty
6Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion Targets
7Tools for Consumer Sales Promotion
Popular Tools for Consumer Sales Promotion
8Consumers Sales Promotion Goals
9Tools for Trade Sales Promotion
Unique Tools for Trade Sales Promotion
10Why use trade promotion tools?
- To persuade the retailer or wholesaler to carry
the brand - Prices off, allowances, free goods or slotting
allowances - To persuade the retailer or wholesaler to carry
more units than the normal amount - Volume allowances trade will work harder when
they are loaded with manufacturers product - Induce retailers to promote the brand
- Featuring, display and price reductions
- Stimulate retailers to push the product
- Push money, sales aids, sales contests
- Insist on proof of performance
11Consumer vs. Trade promotions
12Price vs. Added-Value Promotions
- Types of sales promotion may enhance brand image
- Pine-Sol ran a Pine-Sol in Pine Valley
sweepstakes - Association of ordinary cleaning agent with stars
- Toro Snow Insurance 50 to each Sept. buyer if
it didnt snow before January. - Häagen-Dazs ran cents-off sales promotion Sweet
Charity where price savings would be contributed
to support public TV
13Public Relations
A public is any group that has an actual or
potential interest in or impact on a
companys ability to achieve its objectives
Public Relations (PR) involves a variety
of programs designed to promote or protect a
companys image or its individual products.
14Functions of Public Relations
Press Relations
Corporate Communication
Public Affairs
Employee and Investor Relations
Crisis Management
15Major Public Relations Tools
Tools Used By PR Professionals