Title: Using Advertising and Promotion to Build Brands
1Using Advertising and Promotion to
Build Brands
2Chapter Outline
- What are the functional areas of marketing
communication? - What is the IMC concept and process?
- Why is integration so important in marketing
3Chapter Perspective Changing World
Old World
New World
Two-way Dialogue With Consumers
Talking At Consumers
Talking At Consumers
Focus on Building Long Term Relationships With
Focus on Winning New Customers
Focus on Winning New Customers
Marketers Relied Primarily on Advertising and
Marketers Relied Primarily on Advertising and
4Opening Case AFLAC
5Opening Case AFLAC
Only 14 recognized AFLAC brand
- An IMC program featuring
- The Duck as an anchor of consistent set of one
look, one voice messages - The coordinated use of advertising, public
relations, and sales promotion
6What Is a Brand?
Brand A perception resulting from experiences
with, and information about, a company or line of
7What is Marketing Communication?
Marketing Communication Creating, delivering,
managing, and evaluating brand messages which are
the information and experiences that impact how a
brand is perceived.
Promotion is the Primary Focus
8Think About It
9Coke A Successful User of MC to Build a Brand
10What Are The Functional Areas Of MC?
11Tales From the Real World
Since IMC is a relatively young field, even some
professionals in the real world are not quite
sure what it entails. Unfortunately, a lot of
people have the mistaken perception that IMC is
simply another term for advertising. When you
complete this course, hopefully youll add value
in your new job by being able to correctly
explain that IMC is much more than advertising
and by using this knowledge to make your
organization more profitable.
12What Are The Functional Areas Of MC?
Direct Marketing
Publicity (Public Relations)
Events Sponsorships
Sales Promotion
Personal Selling
13What Is IMC Media?
IMC Media The means by which the various types
of marketing communication messages are sent and
14The Media of IMC
15IMC Concept and Process
IMC Concept A process for managing the brand
messages that impact customer relationships
16IMC In Action Saturn
17IMC In Action Saturn
Launch a new car brand
- An IMC program featuring
- New Kind of Car Company message
- Focus on satisfied owners as part of a family
- No hassle buying and servicing policies
18Figure 1-1 IMC is an ongoing process
19Why Is Integration So Important?
When brand messages are integrated
When brand messages are integrated
they reinforce each other
20FedEx Has Done a Good Job of Integrating Brand
21Insight 4 Benefits of IMC
- It Drives Brand Differentiation
- IMC helps make your brand stand out vs.
competitors - Brings Greater Accountability
- IMC allows you to track sales and profits based
on your brands relationships with consumers - Increases the Level of Trust
- IMC focuses on long-term relationships, not
one-time sale - Provides Internal Focus
- IMC focuses on one look, one voice
22Final Note IMC Cuts Through Message Clutter