Title: Updating the Council State Plan
1Updating the Council State Plan
Mary Beth Greene Program Specialist Administration
on Developmental Disabilities Faith
McCormick Director, Office of Programs Administrat
ion on Developmental Disabilities
2Code of Federal RegulationsTitle 45, Volume
4, Parts 1200 to end
-Any State desiring to receive assistance under
this subtitle shall submit to the Secretary, and
obtain approval of, a 5-year strategic State plan
under this section. From regulation Sec. 1386.30
State plan requirements Development of the State
Plan and applicable annual amendments are
responsibilities of the State Developmental
Disabilities Council. ___________________________
______________________ Strategic - forming part
of a long-term plan or aim to achieve a specific
3Sec. 1386.31 State Plan submittal and
approval. (a) The Council shall issue a public
notice about the availability of the proposed
State Plan or State Plan amendment(s) for
comment. The Notice shall be published in formats
accessible to individuals with developmental
disabilities and the general public (e.g., tape,
diskette, public forums, newspapers) and shall
provide a 45 day period for public review and
comment. The Council shall take into account
comments submitted within that period and respond
in the State Plan to significant comments and
suggestions. A summary of the Council's response
to State Plan comments shall be submitted with
the State Plan and made available for public
review. This document shall be made available in
accessible formats upon request.
4- (d) The Commissioner must approve any State plan
or plan amendment provided it meets the
requirements of the Act and these regulations. - (demonstrates responsibility of ADD)
- (e) Amendments to the State plan are required
when substantive changes are contemplated in plan
content. - 49 FR 11779, Mar. 27, 1984, as amended at 61 FR
51160, Sept. 30, 1996 -
- Substantive - substantial in amount or quantity
having practical importance, value, or effect In
law a matter of substance as opposed to a matter
of procedure
5Components of the 5 Year State Plan
6What do you report in your amendments?
7What do you report in your amendments?
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9Discussion How do you prepare the comprehensive
review and analysis at your Council?
10For goal determination ask the following
questions What is the rationale for the goals
selected? Are goals based on quantitative/qualitat
ive data? Is there a strategic plan for
development and implementation of goals? Are
issues addressed that were discussed in
comprehensive review and analysis? Do goals and
objectives build on currently existing
resources? Are resources allocated across areas
of emphasis? Is the Council working in several
areas of emphasis? If not justify.
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16State Plan
BEGINNINGS If assumptions about the factors that
influence issues are true
RESULTS Should contribute to results expected.
Planning Design
Logic Model
Evaluation Communication
Performance Reports
Management Plan
PLANNED WORK Then the activities built on