Title: Local Planning Process The General Plan
1Local Planning ProcessThe General Plan
2Jurisdiction in California
- Federal
- Federally Owned Lands
- Regulation
- State
- State Owned Lands
- Regulation
- Local
- General Plan and the Local Planning Process
3Local Authority, Land Use
- The majority of planning occurs at the local
(city or county) level in California. - City or county authority to regulate land use is
derived from its inherent police power, not from
the delegation of authority by the state.
(constitutional authority) - Local governments create their own
codes/ordinances that govern various land use,
planning, and zoning regulations. - A land use regulation or action must not be
unduly restrictive such that it causes a taking
of property without just compensation. (US and CA
4Local Plans and Ordinances
- General Plan
- Specific Plan
- Zoning
- Approval of Individual Development Applications.
5The General Plan
- Decisions involving the future growth of the
state, most of which are made and will continue
to be made at the local level, should be guided
by an effective planning process, including the
local general plan (GC 65030.1) - The General Plan has been called the
constitution for all future development of an
area by the California courts. - Lesher Communications v. City of Walnut Creek
6General Plan Basic Requirements
- Each city or county must adopt a General Plan.
- Looks at long term growth for the jurisdiction
(15-20 year scope) - Addresses land within boundaries and any land
outside boundaries that could be affected by
policies contained in the General Plan - Comprehensive document that is consistent across
all elements
7General Plan
- The general plan shall consist of a statement of
development policies and shall include a diagram
or diagrams and text setting forth objectives,
principles, standards and plan proposals. (GC
8(No Transcript)
9Mandated Elements
- The seven mandatory elements
- (GC 65302)
- Land Use
- Circulation
- Housing
- Conservation
- Open Space
- Noise
- Safety
10Optional Elements
- Cities and Counties have the authority to adopt
optional elements beyond the 7 required elements - Examples of Optional Elements Include
- Historical/Cultural Element
- Water Element
- Environmental Justice Element
- Energy Element
- Format and Flexibility
- Elements may be combined
- Plan may be adopted as one document or several
documents - The degree of specificity and level of detail of
the discussion of each element shall reflect
local conditions and circumstances. (GC 65301)
12Policy Development
- The General Plan is a policy document.
- Policies that guide future development.
- What type of development and where.
- Protection of Natural Resources
- Health and Safety
- Mobility, transportation options
- Policies should be developed with input from
public and stakeholder groups.
13Data Collection/Information Gathering
- In order to develop sound policies Cities and
Counties must first gather data/information. - Hazards (natural, man made)
- Historical/Archeological/Cultural
- Traffic/Transportation
- Housing Needs
- Infrastructure Water Supply, Energy, Roads, etc
14Adopting/Updating a General Plan
- Adopting a new General Plan or comprehensively
updating an existing General Plan can take
several years to accomplish. Most jurisdictions
go through extensive public participation and
outreach in creating a new General Plan or
updating an existing one.
15Public Participation
- Public Participation (GC 65351)
- During the preparation or amendment of the
general plan, the planning agency shall provide
opportunities for the involvement of citizens,
California Native American tribes, public
agencies, public utility companies, and civic,
education, and other community groups, through
public hearings and any other means the city or
county deems appropriate.
16Public Participation
- Goals and Outcomes
- Providing valuable information leading to more
informed policy development by decision-makers. - Insuring the plans successful implementation by
building a base of long-term support with the
public. - Reducing the likelihood of conflict and drawn-out
battles addressing public concerns during the
general plan process rather than on a case by
case basis in the future.
17Public Participation Public Hearings
- Statute requires two public hearings before a
jurisdiction can adopt or amend a general plan. - Planning Commission (GC 65353)
- Legislative Body City Council, Board of
Supervisors (GC 65355)
18Commissions Advisory Bodies
- Planning Commission makes recommendations to
Legislative Body on Adoption of General Plan (GC
65354) - Planning Advisory Councils/Commissions
- Many jurisdictions have planning advisory
commissions/committees/councils that make
recommendations to the Planning Commission and
the Legislative Body on a variety of planning
issues. - Councils are usually designated by a geographic
area within a jurisdiction (planning area).
Community Planning Advisory Councils (CPAC)
19(No Transcript)
20Comprehensive Update
- Cities and Counties are encouraged to
update/revise their General Plan every 10 years.
OPR notifies cities and counties if their General
Plan has not been revised in 8 years and notifies
the Attorney General of cities and counties that
have not revised their General Plan in the last
10 years. (GC 65040.5) - The age of a General Plan does not necessarily
mean it is inadequate.
21Amending the General Plan
- Amendments (GC 65358)
- No mandatory element shall be amended more than
four times during any calendar year (usually done
quarterly) Does not apply to Charter Cities.
22Amending the General Plan
- Amendments
- Suggested Considerations
- Is the amendment in the public interest?
- Is the amendment consistent with all other parts
of the General Plan? - If other changes will be required, are they being
considered at the same time (ripple effect)? - Will the amendment necessitate changes in zoning
or other implementing ordinances?
23Why Amend?
- Examples include
- Development Proposal requires change in General
Plan. - New state law requires change in the general plan
or change in an element. - City/County proposes to amend general plan to
facilitate certain type of development. - City/County proposes to amend general plan to
protect a resource.
24Open Space Element
- One of the Seven Mandatory Elements.
- The open-space element guides the comprehensive
and long-range preservation and conservation of
open-space land (GC 65563).
25Open Space Element
- Open-space land is any parcel or area of land
or water that is essentially unimproved and
devoted to an open-space use and that is
designated for any of the following - The preservation of natural resources
- The managed production of resources
- Outdoor recreation
- Public Health and Safety
- Support of the mission of military installations,
areas adjacent to military installations - Protection of Native American cultural places
- (GC 65560)
26Open-Space Action Program
- Every local open-space plan shall contain an
action program consisting of specific programs
which the legislative body intends to pursue in
implementing its open-space plan.(GC 65564) - Ideas for action programs to preserve OS
- Open-space zoning (exclusive ag, overlays for
hazards, overlays for cultural resources) - Public acquisition of OS.
27OS Action Program
- Private acquisition of OS
- Provisions for OS in Specific Plans
- Provisions for OS in Development Agreements
- OS in planned unit developments
28Specific Plan
- Specific Plan for the systematic implementation
of the general plan for all or part of the area
covered by the general plan. (GC 65450) - Usually a specific plan covers a defined portion
of a jurisdiction. - Examples
- Downtown Specific Plan
- Waterfront Specific Plan
- Southeast Specific Plan
29Amending/Adopting a Specific Plan
- A specific plan shall be prepared, adopted, and
amended in the same manner as a general plan,
except that a specific plan may be adopted by
resolution or ordinance and may be amended as
often as deemed necessary by the legislative
body. - (GC 65453)
- Implementation tools
- Specific Plans
- Zoning
- Development Applications
- Subdivisions, Development Agreements, etc
- Resource Management Plans
- All must be consistent with General Plan