Title: Epoch Multihousing MPACT
1Epoch Multihousing M-PACT
- Now Is The Time
- To Live As A Missionary
2Church Planting Movements
- Some people are convinced that this newest epoch
will come as the church blesses and deploys
everyday Christ followers into the harvest to
make disciples and establish smaller,
relational-based faith communities.
3The Missional Lifestyle
- A missional life is one marked by dependence on
God and a commitment to being biblically
faithfully and culturally appropriate.
4What do missionaries do?
- They tell people about Jesus.
5Epoch in the Mission and Ministry of Paul
- Paul accomplished his mission in the context of
6Epoch in the Mission And Ministry of Paul
- Paul focused on a strategic audience.
7Epoch in the Mission And Ministry of Paul
- Paul found receptive people.
8Epoch in the Mission And Ministry of Paul
- Paul engaged his audience.
9Epoch in the Mission And Ministry of Paul
- Paul created and immersed himself in community.
10Epoch in the Mission And Ministry of Paul
- Paul intentionally made disciples.
11Epoch in the Mission And Ministry of Paul
- Paul developed and multiplied leaders.
12Epoch in the Mission And Ministry of Paul
- Paul gathered people together for Gods worship
and glory.
13The Importance of Prayer
- Implementing Epoch Missionary principles must be
totally dependent upon the power and presence of
the Holy Spirit in the lives of the participant.
14When the church prays
- The power of God is received.
- After they prayed, the place where they were
meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with
the Holy Spirit. - Acts 431 NIV
15When the Church Prays
- The purpose of God is achieved.
- And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
and spoke the word of God boldly. - Acts 431
16When the Church Prays
- Prayer is not the mission of the church. Prayer
empowers it.
17When the Church Prays
- Foundational
- Focus on Three Areas.
- Establish a Network of Prayer Warriors (Mt.1819)
- Pray Daily for Laborers (Luke 102b)
- Prayer walk your community on a regular basis
18When the Church Prays
- Jericho Style
- Praying Down the Walls
- Seven Weeks of Focused Prayer
19Introducing Epoch In Your Church
- ...Through a Church-wide Emphasis Upon Living as
a Missionary
20Introducing Epoch in Your Church
- Through a Community Assessment Exercise
21Introducing Epoch in Your Church
- Through a Calling Out the Called Activity
22Introducing Epoch in Your Church
- Through an Equipping and Certification Process
23Introducing Epoch in Your Church
24Introducing Epoch in Your Church
25Introducing Epoch in Your Church
- into Your Existing Small Group Ministry
26Introducing Epoch in Your Church
- The Importance of Creating a Support Network
27Introduction to Coaching
- Coaching is a dynamic experience through which a
coach helps an individual discover what he or she
needs to do and helps him or her discover ways to
do it.
28Introduction to Coaching
- Why do we need coaching?
- Who needs to be coached?
- Who can do the coaching?
29Introduction to Coaching
- The qualities of a good coach
- Listening skills
- Communication skills
- Rapport-building skills
- Ability to motivate and inspire
- Curiosity
- Flexibility
- Courage
- Ability to help people dream dreams
30Introduction to Coaching
- Coaching is about questions
- Goals to be discovered.
- Issues need to be addressed.
- Actions need to be taken.
- Results need to be realized.
31Introduction to Coaching
- What does a coaching agreement include?
- Who is the agreement between?
- When and how will they meet?
- How will contacts between coaching sessions take
place? - What are the mutual commitments and expectations?
- How long will the agreement be in effect?
32Coaching for Epoch M-Pact
- Doorways
- Form a Team
- Identify a People or Place
- Find and Understand a Receptive People
- Engage People
33Coaching for Epoch M-Pact
- Doorways
- 5. Build Community
- 6. Make Disciples
- 7. Gather for His Worship and Glory
- 8. Multiply
34Coaching on Form A Team
Live There Already
Moves Into the Community
Come On Site Regularly
35Coaching on Identify a People or Place
36Coaching on Finding and Understanding a Receptive
37Coaching on Engaging People
- Multihousing Community Survey
- Dos and Donts With Managers
- Multihousing Managers/Owners Network
38Coaching on Building Community
- Connecting People and Community The Next
Frontier in Apartment Marketingand Resident
Retention -
39Coaching on Intentional Disciple Making
- David Valentine, Huntsville
- Welcome Back
- Life Transformation Groups
40Coaching for Gathering for His Worship and His
- Mission Arlington
- Worship
- Hang Around and Hover Around John 316
41Coaching for Multiplying
- of
- Multihousing
- Church Planting
42Epoch Multihousing M-Pact
- I am here to serve you!
- Bob Burton
- National Missionary
- North American Mission Board
- bburton_at_namb.net
- 678-386-4948
- www.namb.net
- www.churchplantingvillage.net
- www.experiencemultihousing.com