Title: Non-technical web page considerations
1Non-technical web page considerations
2Electronic Business Models
- B2B
- Linking with your suppliers
- Linking with your transportation provider
- B2C
- Replacing the traditional storefront
- Actually enhancing the entire process
- C2C
- eBay
3As we go through this
- Think about the differences and similarities
between electronic business and bricks mortar
business - One example of this is the marketing perspective
of prepurchase, purchase and postpurchase support
4Pre / purchase / post
- Prepurchase
- Pros/cons of electronic business?
- Purchase
- Pros/cons of electronic business?
- Postpurchase
- Pros/cons of electronic business?
5Making money via the webyou can...
- Sell products
- Sell information
- Provide services
- Design/host web sites for others
- Provide access (ISP) like America Online
- Sell advertising
6Focus of this module
- This module will focus more on selling a product
or service
7Traditional store
- Focus is on location, location, location
- But also important
- store layout
- customer service
8Web storefront
- Focus is on web presence
- This takes on a lot of different meanings
9One issue
- Might be easier for customers to find a
traditional store - once youve been to the mall, you kind of
remember where it is - easier to forget where a particular web site is
- although bookmarks make this easier
- So it may be more difficult to get repeat
10Web Presence Goals
- Attract visitors to your site
- Make site interesting so customers stay
- Create an impression consistent with
organizations desired image - Reinforce POSITIVE images about the organization
visitor already has - Encourage visitors to use site links
11No standard solution
- Visit these two sites
- http//www.coke.com
- http//www.pepsi.com
- Note the differences
- Are there similarities?
12A few more sites
- http//www.quakeroats.com
- http//www.toyota.com
- How easily can you get information?
- How recognizable are the images/products?
13Some Visitor Needs
- Learning about products
- Buying products
- Obtaining information
- Identifying people
- Contact information
- Company history
- probability company will stay around
14Jakob Nielsen(ONE web presence expert)
- http//www.useit.com/alertbox
15Usability testing
- To see how effective a web site is
- Volunteers view web sites and
- verbalize their thought processes
- eye patterns are monitored
- keystrokes are captured
- mouse clicks are monitored
- Oftentimes, function vs. visual appeal is the
- What do you think are important issues in web
- Similar to the CLEO award for best commercial
- Given to the best web sites
- Muddies are given to the worst web sites
18Advertising costs and effectiveness
- In the traditional business world
- Advertising costs are sometimes based on cost per
thousand customers (CPM) - (The M of CPM is not a typo here)
- Measured by estimates
19Web site advertising terms
- Trial visit - first time a visitor clicks a site
- Repeat visit - subsequent page loads at the same
site - Page view - each page loaded by visitor
- Ad view - if the page has an ad, the page view is
also counted as an ad view
20More web site advertising terms
- Impression - each time a banner add loads while
the visitor is on that page - Click (or click-through) - number of times a
visitor clicks on a banner add
21Different measurements for different businesses
- For example, you might expect a lower page view
at a stock quote site than at a museum - Visitor types in stock symbols, then loads one
more page to view results - Museum visitor would hopefully load many pages
during their visit - Both could be considered successful visits
22Advertising costs and effectiveness for the web
- CPM basis is still used
- but the thousand is 1000 impressions
- What are some differences between advertising on,
say, TV and advertising on the web? - You can focus your response in terms of
- What customer information can you get?
- How easily can you measure effectiveness?
24Traditional advertising
- Mass media
- broadcast media
- limited demographics about customers who might be
exposed to the ads - addressable media
- more focused (direct mailings)
- Personal contact
- mall surveys, telemarketers
- How is web communication different from mass
media or personal contact? - What characteristics are the same?
26Trust issues
Approach Trust level of consumer
Mass media Lowest Web Medium Pers
onal contact Highest
27Technology-enabled Customer Relationship
- Abbreviated (CRM)
- Firm obtains information about customers
- behavior, preferences, needs, buying patterns
- And uses them to
- set prices, negotiate terms, tailor promotions,
add features to products - customize its customer relationships
28Reaching people through technology
- You can buy lists of potential customers
- then call them (telemarketing)
- or email them
- You can gather email addresses from chat rooms,
listserves, bulletin boards, etc. - Sending unsolicited emails is spamming
- received about as well as telemarketers calls
29Permission marketing
- Maintain an email list of people who have
requested information about your product - Use this email list for promotions and
30Conversion rates
- Percentage of customers who respond to an
advertisement - banner ads have around 0.5 - 1 rates
- permission marketing has 10 - 30 rates
31Affiliate marketing
- Cross linking between sites
- If a visitor comes to my site because they were
directed by another site, that other site gets a
commission - I benefit from the advertising that is posted on
the original site - Amazon.com has these links with 10s of thousands
of sites
32Branding on the web
- Branding looks to build
- differentiation from competitors products
- relevance to the customer
- perceived value to the customer
33Types of branding
- Emotional
- appeal to the customers feelings
- United Way showing people in need
- Rational
- focus on utility to the customer
34Emotional branding
- Works better with TV, radio, billboards
- most customers will put up with ad as opposed to
changing the radio station - Difficult to convey on the web
- web users are more into utility and may not view
the entire add - user is more in control on the web
35Rational branding works better
- Offer to help web user
- In exchange for getting the user to view ad
- Yahoo gives free email service
- User puts up with banners everytime they use Yahoo
36Bricks vs. online
- Similarities?
- Differences?
- Web presence requires different thinking than
traditional business practices - Web customers may not be at all like traditional
customers - Web sites need to entertain while remaining
functional - Web technologies have potential to create better
and worse customer relationships