Title: Web Services Overview: A technical introduction
1Web Services OverviewA technical introduction
- Clovis Chapman
- Department of Computer Science
- University College London
- c.chapman_at_cs.ucl.ac.uk
2The travel agent example
Travel Agent
Reserve seat
3Examples of (public) Web Services
- Amazon.com E-commerce service
- Allows third-party sites to retrieve and display
product information on their own web site - Enable referral sales
- Google Web Service (beta)
- Enables users to conduct web searches within
their own applications for non-commercial use
only - Do a web Search and obtain web page references
- Obtain a copy of web page cached by google
- Obtain spelling suggestions
4An example for the NIEES
UCL Condor pool
Job submission Service
Run Simulation
Simulation Request
My-App Portal
Store results
- Web Services are not
- Web Pages (WWW)
- Related to Web browsing
Data Repository
5Overview A few keywords
- (Internet scale) Service-oriented architecture
each service represents a set of functionality
that can be requested in the form of individual
operation calls - Loose-Coupling
- Web Services intended for interaction across
organizational boundaries (components must be as
independent as possible) - Platform-heterogeneity using XML
- Loose-coupling means that we cannot expect to
know what is actually happening behind the
scenes (e.g. Operating systems a linux client
must be capable of interacting with a windows
Site B
Web Server
Site A
Run Simulation(job)
Condor Service
Service 2
6Web Services
- Essentially a collection of protocols and
standards (XML-based) - These standards define
- Which operations/requests a service may support
- How to format requests
- Security
- Can mix and match according to requirements (in
theory) - Numerous implementations and development Kits
available (Apache Axis, gSOAP, .Net, etc.)
7First things first XML
- eXtensible Mark-up Language Text-based data
formatting Language - (similar to HTML but NOT HTML)
- Can define your own elements and document
structure - The key to enabling platform-heterogeneity
8First things first XML - Schemas
- Schemas enable constraints to be defined for the
structure of the XML document and content - Schemas enable you to define your own XML syntax
e.g. types or categories of elements - Facilitates parsing of XML documents
1 Namespaces
ltschema xmlnsxsd"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSche
ma"gt ltcomplexType namebook"gt
ltsequencegt ltelement ref"author
typestring /gt ltelement ref"title
typestring/gt ltelement refinStock
typeinteger/gt lt/sequencegt
lt/complexTypegt lt/schemagt
2 Type
9Web Services Architecture Overview
Site B
Web Server
Site A
Condor Service
Service 2
10Web Service Description Language
- Used to describe the functionality provided by a
service and how to communicate with it
ltdefinitions nameJobSubmissionService
targetNamespaceurnCondorgt lttypesgt
ltcomplexType nameJobgt ltsequencegt
ltelement nameinput typeStringgt ..
lt/sequencegt lt/complexTypegt
lt/typesgt ltmessage nameStartJobRequestgt
ltpart nameJobRequest typeJob /gt
lt/messagegt ltportType
nameSubmissionPortTypegt ltoperation
nameStartJobgt ltinput nameStartJobReques
t typeStartJobRequest /gt ltoutput name
gt lt/operationgt lt/portTypegt ltbinding
name gt ltsoapbinding stylerpc
transporthttp//schemas.. /gt ltoperation
nameStartJobgt lt!- encoding format for each
message --gt lt/operationgt lt/bindinggt
ltservice nameJobSubmissionServiceImplgt
ltport nameSubmissionPort binding..gt ltsoapa
ddress locationhttp//hello.ac.uk/services/gt
lt/portgt lt/servicegt
Definitions service name, namespaces, schemas
Types description of datastructures used
Can be automatically generated! e.g. Java2WSDL
Messages structure of messages exchanged
PortType set of operations supported
Binding info on protocol and dataencoding for
operation invocations
Service port specifies the endpoint address
11Simple Object Access Protocol
- XML-based protocol for message exchange between
client and service - Does not have to be SOAP
- Wrapped in HTTP packet (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol used for browsing the World Wide Web) - Better firewall management (in theory)
- Can use other transport protocols
HTTP header (POST)
SOAP Action
ltSOAP-ENVBodygt ltmStartJobRequest
xmlnsm"some-URI"gt ltsymbolgtDEFlt/Symbolgt
lt/mStartJobRequestgt lt/SOAP-ENVBodygt
HTTP header
ltSOAP-ENVBodygt ltmStartJobResponse
xmlnsm"some-URI"gt ltresultgt22.50lt/resultgt
lt/mStartJobResponsegt lt/SOAP-ENVBodygt
12SOAP and Firewalls?
- HTTP traffic is usually allowed through firewalls
for web browsing (in theory) - Bypassing firewalls defeats their purpose
- Some firewalls can filter SOAP headers but not
easy - However Web Services allow session management
through a single port - Multiple services can be accessed through a
single port - Simplifies firewall administration
13SOAP attachments
- SOAP body is restricted to XML character set
- Attachments provide us with means to transfer
binary data (i.e. non text) e.g. input files
for jobs - Uses MIME (Multi-Purpose Internet Mail
Extensions) originally defined for e-mail
attachments - MIME provides encoding schemes that allow binary
content to be transmitted over transports that
are not otherwise able to do so. - Any type of data can accompany SOAP
- Can still add a considerable overhead (e.g.
base64 encoding can add 33) - But probably less overhead than converting your
data to XML
14Web Service Discovery - UDDI
- Universal Description Discovery and Integration
- Enables Just-in-time integration
Publish description
15Building your first Web Service Client
- Using Axis API.
- Generate stubs from WSDL file using WSDL2Java
- e.g. Submit a Job to a JobSubmissionService
- locator new ServiceLocator()
- service locator.getJobSubmissionService(new
URL(http//machineport)) - result service.startJob(myJob)