Title: Studying and Modeling Real Audio Traffic
1Studying and ModelingReal Audio Traffic
- John Heidemann
- 4 October 2000
- joint work with Art Mena and Kun-Chan Lan
2Why Study Real Audio?
- streaming mediaa new class of traffic
- today real audio, Microsoft streaming media
protocol, MBone audio/video - tomorrow these formats, IP telephony, etc.
- streaming media is different
- to the network
- to simulate
3Network Characteristics
- delay and jitter sensitive
- interactive traffic inherently sensitive
- (but can trade buffering for sensitivity)
- different transport protocols
- RTP, RTSP, etc.
- different congestion control mechanisms
- potentially very different traffic profile
4Why Simulation?
from (Jain et al, 1988)
from sims by Xuan Chen
Answer what if?
For protocols, scales, scenarios outside
experimentation. (But depends on good models in
interesting part of space.)
5Simulation Characteristics
- no source code---cant cheat to get accurate
model - opportunity to develop and apply multiple-scale
modeling techniques
6Digression Time-Scales
Self-similarity traffic that has similar
characteristics over wide range of
time-scales. Measured traffic is bursty at all
timescales. (Vs. Poisson which becomes smoother
when aggregated.) Multimedia traffic?
7Digression Why Does Burstiness Matter?
- router queueing, provisioning and packet loss
- aggregation of Poisson sources smoothes away
burstiness gt enough buffering is possible - self-similar traffic is always bursty gt cannot
overprovision buffering gt must learn to tolerate
or avoid loss other ways
- Challenges
- Methodology
- Preliminary trace analysis
- Modeling Real Audio traffic
- Related work and future directions
- Collect and analyze traces of traffic
- almost all real audio traffic
- collected at the server
- up to 18.2 hours/5.9M packets long
- dont have detailed description of content
- Much thanks to Henry Heflich, Gary Nelson, and Ed
Luczycki of broadcast.com for making this tracing
10Trace Summary
Data and basic analysis reference (Mena
Heidemann, 2000).
11Basic Statistics
- aggregate data arrival rate, duration, RTT,
interdeparture times - per-user data user arrival rate, duration,
interdeparture times, TCP vs. UDP - per-flow data packet interdeparture times, flow
12Basic Statistics
- aggregate data arrival rate, duration, RTT,
interdeparture times - per-user data user arrival rate, duration,
interdeparture times, TCP vs. UDP - per-flow data packet interdeparture times, flow
Two time-scales users and protocol
13Digression Structural Modeling
Structural modeling (term from Willinger et
al.) Hypothesis reproducing the structure of the
application is necessary to accurately reproduce
the traffic
- multiple levels of feedback
- TCP / HTTP / content / user
- across multiple timescales
- lt 1s / 1-10s / 10-100s / gt 100s
14Digression2 Congestion Reactive Protocols
from (Jacobson, 1988)
Hypothesis TCP Congestion Control algorithms
allow net to scale over huge range of bandwidth,
load, loss. (Floyd Fall, 1999)
15Basic Statistics Revisited
- aggregate data arrival rate, duration, RTT,
interdeparture times - per-user data user arrival rate, duration,
interdeparture times, TCP vs. UDP - per-flow data packet interdeparture times, flow
Two time-scales users and protocol
- Challenges
- Methodology
- Preliminary trace analysis
- Modeling Real Audio traffic
- Related work and future directions
17Per-user Durations
Not heavy tailed (in the mathematical
sense). Hypothesis external factors limit
listening time (program length).
(5.5h) (10.5h) (18.2h)
18Implications of User Duration
- Very long flows common (compared to TCP)
- User interest (content-specific?) an important
factor - gt Could be beneficial to aggregate different
traffic content on a single server
19Detailed Flow AnalysisTime-Sequence Plots
At large time-scales appears to be constant-bit
rate traffic (CBR). (Some evidence of congestion
20Interdeparture Stats
Mean and quartiles are more complex mean grows
smoothly, quartiles are clustered.
21Time-Sequence Revisited
More complex behavior at small-time
scales bursts and gaps of 1.8s.
1.8s inter-burst interval
22Adjacent Interdepartures
(flow A)
Comparing adjacent interdepartures (for packets
A, B, C plot AB delay vs. BC delay) clustering
at 0.04s and 1.8s.
previous packet interdeparture (s)
line- speed
packet interdeparture (s)
23Interdeparture CDFs
(flow A)
(flow B)
cumulative pkts
cumulative pkts
Slower flows have similar pattern at multiples of
packet interdeparture (s)
packet interdeparture (s)
24Small-Scale Behavior Implications
- Burstiness suggests more frequent loss of
multiple packets - affects coding schemes (FEC) and loss repair
- Burstiness will have much different interaction
with routers, other traffic (than CBR) - prior work with CBR based simulations
- Other protocol design choices?
- Challenges
- Methodology
- Preliminary trace analysis
- Modeling Real Audio traffic
- Related work and future directions
26Basic Model of Real Audio
- Each user picks number of flows
- For each flow, sequentially
- Pick an overall rate , packet size (fixed),
duration - While flow is active
- Pick on off duration (on fixed)
- Calculate of packets to send in on-time to
satisfy rate
( See next slide)
27Model Limitations
No source code nor content details, so
- Each user picks number of flows
- For each flow, sequentially
- Pick an overall rate , packet size (fixed),
duration - While flow is active
- Pick off duration (on fixed)
- Calculate of packets to send in on-time to
satisfy rate
- Doesnt model content-specific effects
- Doesnt model Real Audio congestion control.
work in progress but, does pretty well (much
better than CBR).
28Evaluating the Model
- Basic stats
- mean, CDF, etc.
- (not presented here since straightforward)
- Time-variance plots
- Wavelet scaling plots
29DigressionTime-Variance Plots
- Details from (Willinger Paxson, 1998)
- For X a stationary sequenceX X(i), i ? 1
(pkts per smallest timescale)
- Define X(m) as the number of packets at
timescale mX(m)(k) m-1 ? X(i), k(k-1)m1 to
30DigressionScaling Plots
- Details in (Feldman et al, 1999)
- Rough description E(j) is normalized
coefficients of the Haar wavelet for X at that
timescale. - Intuitive description energy at timescale j
corresponds to burstiness at that timescale
31Time-Variance (Model Version 0)
model (version 0)
to generally smooth decay
Basic shape of time-variance graph correct, but
details not correct.
need to look closer.
32Time-Variance (Model Version 1)
model (version 1)
Problem flows are synchronized---different flows
fire at the same time. Correcting this gives
model version 1.
33Scaling Plot (Model Version 1)
model (version 1)
Scaling plot also shows close match. (But model
still preliminary)
34Modeling Observations
- Basic statistics good to get started
- Multi-scale statistics (t-v, scaling) critical to
gaining model confidence (found multiple
problems) - But still work in progress
- need to validate model against fresh traces
- need to model Real Audio feedback/congestion
- Challenges
- Methodology
- Preliminary trace analysis
- Modeling Real Audio traffic
- Related work and future directions
36Related Work
- Several similar studies of web traffic
- (Mah, 1997)
- Crovellas SURGE (earlier work Crovella et al,
1996) - Ramon Cáceres mmdump (Cáceres et al, 1999)
- looks in the structure of multimedia flows
37Network Simulationthe Bigger Picture
- Simulation validation
- how do we know were real enough?
- Just-in-time models
- but is this my traffic?
38Simulation Validation
- Simulation validation an open problem
- How do we know were close enough?
- Question cannot be answered in the abstract
- Better question Are we close enough for question
X? - I.e., close enough for relative comparisons of
queueing disciplines. - More discussion (Heidemann et al, 2000)
39Just-in-Time Modeling
- Problem how to simulate my traffic, not 1999
traffic - Approach combine parameterized models with
network measurements to get just-in-time modeling - Challenges
- right kinds of parameters to models
- integrating measurements from many sources
40SAMAN Project
- Simulation and modeling in the SAMAN project
- model generation
- just-in-time model measurement and
parameterization - simulation scenario pre-analysis and filtering
- network failure analysis (simple and cascading
- Real Audio traffic is not just CBR, there is
relevant internal structure - modeling must consider multiple timescales
- much more work to do
- both Real Audio
- and larger problems in network simulation
42References (1)
- (Cáceres et al, 1999) R. Cáceres, C. J. Sreenan,
and J. E. van der Merwe. mmdump--A Tool for
Monitoring Multimedia Usage on the Internet,
July, 1999. lthttp//www.research.att.com/ramon/pa
pers/mmdump.ps.gzgt. - (Crovella Bestavros, 1996) Mark E. Crovella and
Azer Bestavros. Self-similarity in World Wide
Web traffic evidence and possible causes. In
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS, pp. 160-169.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May, 1996.
6.psgt. - (Floyd Fall, 1999) Sally Floyd and Kevin Fall.
Promoting the Use of End-to-End Congestion
Control in the Internet, ACM/IEEE Transactions
on Networking, V. 7 (N. 4), pp. 458-473, August,
43References (2)
- (Heidemann et al, 2000) John Heidemann, Kevin
Mills, and Sri Kumar. Expanding Confidence in
Network Simulation, ISI Research Report 00-522,
USC/Information Sciences Institute, April, 2000.
Submitted for publication, IEEE Network.
lgt. - (Jacobson, 1988) Van Jacobson. Congestion
Avoidance and Control, in SIGCOMM '88, pp.
314-329, Stanford, California, August, 1988.
(Updated version at ltftp//ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/c
ongavoid.ps.Zgt.) - (Jain et al, 1988) R. Jain, K. Ramakrishnan, and
D. Chiu. Congestion Avoidance in Computer
Networks with a Connectionless Network Layer.
Technical Report N. DEC-TR-506, December, 1988.
44References (3)
- (Mah, 1997) B. Mah. An Empirical Model of HTTP
Network Traffic, In Proceedings of the IEEE
Infocom, pp. 592-600, Kobe, Japan, April, 1997,
m.psgt. - (Mena Heidemann, 2000) Art Mena and John
Heidemann. An Empirical Study of Real Audio
Traffic, in IEEE Infocom, pp. 101-110,
Tel-Aviv, Israel, March, 2000, lthttp//www.isi.edu
/johnh/PAPERS/Mena00a.htmlgt. - (Willinger Paxson, 1998) W. Willinger and V.
Paxson. Where Mathematics meets the Internet,
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, V.
45 (N. 8 ), August, 1998. ltftp//ftp.ee.lbl.gov/p
45More information