Title: Mecha Zeta Project Title:NextGeneration Real Time Internet Game Selfproposed
1Mecha ZetaProject Title Next-Generation Real
Time Internet Game (Self-proposed)
- Supervisor(s) Dr. C.L.Wang, Dr. W.Wang and Dr.
A.T.C.Tam - 2nd Examiner Dr. K.S. LuiÂ
- Project Members (CE)
- Cheung Hiu Yeung, Patrick
- Sin Pak Fung, Lester
- Wong Tin Chi, Ivan
- Ho King Hang, Tabris
- Yuen Man Long, Sam
2Project description
- Motivation
- Majority of present large capacity interactive
Internet games - Client-Server bottleneck of frequent
communications - Pre-computed shadowing
- Approximate collision-detection
- Project goal
- To test the feasibility of developing
interactive, real and large capacity real-time
multiplayer games under unreliable Internet
communication in P2P architecture - P2P network architecture over the Internet
- Partitioning and P2P synchronization
- Real-time shadowing
- Accurate collision-detection
3Mecha Zeta
- P2P network architecture
- Cheung Hiu Yeung, Patrick
4Network Architecture
5Communication Subsystem
- Communication needed in the game
- Get the data stored in the server when starting
the game - Each client needs to recognize the state of the
game. - Broadcast controls and position to peers
6Communication Subsystem
- TCP and UDP available in JAVA
- TCP, reliable connection-oriented transfer, no
lost, in-order - UDP, unreliable connectionless transfer
- Decide which one to choose on game purpose
7Communication Subsystem
- Test result on measuring RTT in TCP and UDP
implementation in JAVA
8Client Server communication
- Login and get data when starting game
- Send peer groups game state
- TCP is acceptable as connection is needed
9Client Server communication
- Server is aware of each coordinator
- If find one coordinator is left, take another
client as new coordinator - Send ping message to determine
10Peers Communication
Command from keyboard
Format the command in the game system
Send out the formatted command by network methods
Received the packet and then make update to the
11Peers Communication
- Broadcast controls to all other peers
- No connection is needed for dynamic grouping
- UDP is employed
12Peers Communication
- Recognize status of a peer
- Use ping and customize the UDP
Testing time 30 minutes, Timeout for Ping 3sec,
Time period for retry 4sec
13Peers Communication
- Reliable transfer is still needed between peers,
e.g. being attack or firing - Reliable protocol design
- Stop-and-wait protocol is employed
- Timeout and re-transmission
- Sliding window protocol
- Message size is small, seldom need parallel
sending to one recipient
14Peers Communication
- Challenge outburst of controls in client
- Congestion control to prevent congested channel
- Simple rate-based one can be employed
- Define a rate limit at the send channel
- If over limit, reduce the number of packets being
sent in next frame
15Peers Communication
- Some other congestion control schemes
- AIMD congestion control
- Used in TCP
- Reduce the rate by half each time a congestion
comes - Equation-based congestion control
- Involve complicated calculation
- Increase the work load in complicated game engine
16Mecha Zeta
- Partitioning
- Sound Engine
- Sin Pak Fung, Lester
17Network Architecture
- Peer to peer Architecture
18Partitioning system
- Challenge
- Number of client increases gt increase amount of
network traffic exponentially, e.g, - 10 players, 10 x (10 1) 90 messages
- 100 players, 100 x (100 1) 9,900 messages
lt110 timesgt - 1000 players, 1000 x (1000 1) 999,000
messages lt11100 timesgt
19Partitioning system
- Idea - Send message only to those who need it
- Theory - The game world is partitioned into
different regions. Each region is named as a
partitioned area, or a cell.
20Partitioning system
21Dynamic VS Static
- A dynamic system
- Initiates the game with one cell
- As the number of player in a cell increases,
split the cell - Can control the maximum number of player in a
cell - A static system
- Partitioned the world at the compile time
- Will not deal with runtime calculation
- Can minimize calculation at runtime
22Dynamic VS Static
- Static partitioning is selected, because
- We used P2P architecture, every client should
know who they need to communicate - For dynamic system, updating all players upon
change of cells is required. (that is, updating n
clients by the server) - For static system, the partitioned world could be
pre-calculated and loaded to every client at
compile time - Static partitioning is preferred in P2P
architecture, while dynamic partitioning is
preferred in client-server architecture - Sacrifice the control of max. number of player in
every cell.
23Design and construction
The Blue Area the area without any overlapping.
Robots here only send message to its cell.
The Red Area the area that is overlapped by
other cells. Robots here need to send message to
its cell, and other associated cells.
The Green Area the area that this cell overlaps
its adjacent cells. Robots over there need to
send their message not only to their cell, but
also to this cell.
24Working principle
- Robot joining
- Add this robot to a cell
- Send cell information to this robot
- Update other robots in that cell
- Robot movement
- According to their positions at that time, send
messages to others at particular cell(s)
25Working principle
- Cell transition
- monitored by the server
- If detected, update the cell ID of this robot
- Update the robots in the new cell
- Remove this robot from the original cell
- Robot exiting
- Remove this robot from the original cell
- For 100 players, without partitioning system
- In every update of position,
- 100 (100 1) 9900 messages
- Assume 10 cells are added with 10 players at a
cell, - 100 (10 1) 900 messages
- Network traffic could be reduced
- Determination of cell transition
- Involve heavy computation
- May use coordinator to help monitor
- However,
- Server is still involved in update of other cells
- Unfair
- Dynamic VS Static
- Static partitioning sacrifices the control of
max. number of player in every cell - If this control should be stressed in a
particular game, a dynamic system should be used
28Sound Engine
- Using JDK 1.2 (making use of java.applet.AudioClip
) - Using Java Sound API
- Using Java Media Framework (JMF)
29Sound Engine
- Little trick - pre-loading the audio clip
- Response time is shortened
- Play, loop or stop at suitable time
- A sound engine is implemented
30Mecha Zeta
- Synchronization mechanism
- Wong Tin Chi, Ivan
- The role of synchronization mechanism
- Current design trend
- Synchronization mechanism in Mecha Zeta
- Conclusion
32The role of Synchronization Mechanism
- Minimize the adverse effect of network delay on
the simulation. - Prediction and Correction
- 2 sub-systems
- Consistency protocol
- Synchronization algorithm
- Performance of Synchronization algorithms on the
2 aspects - Responsiveness vs Consistency
- Minimal disturbance to simulation
- Computation and storage overhead of error recovery
34Current design trend
- Consistency protocol
- State-based
- Command-based
- Synchronization algorithm
- Conservative
- Lockstep
- Chandy-Misra
- Optimistic
- TimeWarp
- Breathing
- Bucket
35Challenges in Mecha Zeta
- Frequent P2P communications
- Requires fast response
- Responsiveness and consistency
- Disturbance to the simulation
- Large game state
- Computational and storage overhead
36Synchronization mechanism in Mecha Zeta
- Semantic remark
- Command Command or Event
- Game Clock - NTP
- Command Classification
37Protocol Algorithm
- Consistency Protocol
- Command-based
- Synchronization algorithm
- Optimistic
- Bucket Synchronization (Hybrid)
- Multi-States Synchronization
38Bucket Synchronization
- Idea It employs the bucket mechanism to
buffer the incoming events and commands but
execute them optimistically. It also reduces the
no. of game states.
- Inherits
- Buffering (Bucket)
- Command game state achieved for future rollback
(TimeWarp) - Threshold (Breathing)
- Advances
- Lower storage overhead (TimeWarp)
- Faster response (Bucket)
39Bucket Synchronization
Simulation Time
Local Host
400 ms
600 ms
200 ms
Host 2
Host 3
Current Time
40Bucket Synchronization
Simulation Time
Local Host
400 ms
600 ms
200 ms
Host 2
Host 3
Current Time
41Bucket Synchronization
Simulation Time
Local Host
400 ms
600 ms
200 ms
Host 2
Host 3
Current Time
42Bucket Synchronization
Simulation Time
Local Host
400 ms
600 ms
200 ms
Host 2
Host 3
Current Time
43Bucket Synchronization
Simulation Time
Local Host
400 ms
600 ms
200 ms
Host 2
Host 3
Current Time
44Multi-States Synchronization
- Idea Instead of locating the error point in
case there is a mistake , get data for rollback
from a parallel execution of the game.
- Inherits
- Buffering (Bucket)
- Command game state achieve for future rollback
(TimeWarp) - Threshold (Breathing)
- Advances
- Lower storage overhead (TimeWarp)
- Faster response (Bucket)
- Lower computational overhead
45Multi-States Synchronization
Current Time
Simulation Time
Local Host
400 ms
600 ms
200 ms
46Multi-States Synchronization
Current Time
Simulation Time
Local Host
400 ms
600 ms
200 ms
47Bucket vs MSS
- Number of Rollback vs Frequency of command
- Capacity of synchronization algorithms
- PI no. of Rollback at same frequency (70ms)
- Number of Rollback vs Synchronization delay
- Optimizing the consistency and responsiveness
- PI no. of rollback at same delay (100ms)
- Rollback Cost
- Computational overhead
- PI Mean of Rollback cost (ms)
- Synchronization delay determines
- Responsiveness vs consistency
- Storage Computational overhead
- Study on synchronization delay dynamically to
network conditions
50Mecha Zeta
- Graphic engine
- Collision detection
- Ho King Hang, Tabris
51Graphic Engine and Collision Detection
- Goals
- Graphic Engine
- Highly Extensible
- Robust Performance
- Have simple interface to be used by other modules
- Collision Detection
- Accurate collision detection in game
- Co-operative detection to achieve high scalability
52Using Java in Graphics Engine
- What we want - productivity and performance
- Java vs C
- Java offers better productivity and OO structure
- C offers better performance
- From self-constructed benchmarks,
- Java lags 10 performance in OpenGL programming
- Insignificant slow down (lt 1) using JNI for
collision detection - Java is suitable
53Graphic Engine Design
- High Extensibility easy to add other kind of
objects - Simple interface for other modules to
manipulate objects
54Performance Analysis
- Performance Challenges
- Performance is crucial to give realistic and
smooth visual experience to players - Analysis
- Render only objects that are viewable
- Limit amount of objects rendered
55Performance Optimizations
- Frustum Culling
- Renders only viewable objects
- Increase performance by 67 from benchmark
- Limit amount of object display
- The size of frustum is dynamically adjusted
- Display List for rendering duplicated objects
- Precompile the model rendering to memory
- From benchmark, gt200 performance gain in
highly-duplicated scenarios
56Collision Detection System
- Challenges and Analysis
- Overall System
- Many objects in the scene
- Naïve method Pair-wise detection
- Impossible in high scalability scenario
- Accuracy of collision detection
- Exact detection gives players the best realism
- Able to perform well in high scalability scenario
57Co-operative Collision Detection
- Improvement Co-operative detection
- Each player responsible to own detection
- Eliminates duplicated detections
- Collision events transfer like normal controls
- Efficiency improvement O(n2) to O(n)
- Benchmark result
- 5.5 times faster (in term of FPS) then pair-wise
method (without rendering robot) - Dependencies
- Rely on synchronization and reliable protocol
58Collision Detection Mechanism
- 2 types of detection
- Environmental
- Prevent objects from penetrating others
- Bounding Cylinder detection is used
- Attack
- Determine an attack is successful
- High accuracy is important
- Decisive for game results
- Accurate detection is used
59Collision Detection Design
- Challenge
- Too many objects in the world
- Checking impossible collision -gt waste time
- Need to work properly in real time
60Candidate Pruning
- Solution Candidate Pruning
- 2-level process
- 1st Level
- Fetch nearby objects from Partitioning System
- 2nd Level
- Environmental and close attack
- Prune those far away
- Distant attack (shooting)
- Ray-Model detection to select candidate
- Huge performance improvement by 4 times in high
scalability scenarios
61Ray-Model Candidate Pruning
- Bullet direction is used to select candidates
Selected Candidates
Pruned Candidates
Pruned Candidates
Player robot
62Accurate Collision Detection
- External library ColDet
- Base on collision models
- E.g. Head, Body, Sword,
- Collision models built in initialization
- JNI is used
- Detect two models for collision accurately
- E.g. Sword model to other robots models
- Candidate pruning eliminates large portion of
detections - Give very satisfactory performance and excellent
63Detection Accuracy for attack
- Challenge Undetected collision may happens!
- Solution Approaching last frame and leaving this
frame, consider as hit - 100 accuracy achieved from extensive testing
64Screenshots of attack collision
- Graphic Engine
- Optimization is important
- Simple interface for use by other modules can
lead to effective development - Collision Detection
- Co-operative detection
- distributing work load among clients
- Candidate Pruning
- eliminates large portion of unnecessary
detections - Real time collision detection possible
- 100 accurate collision detection is achieved
66Mecha Zeta
- 3D Modeling Animation
- Game Logic
- Shadow Volume
- Yuen Man Long, Sam
683D Modeling
- Challenges
- Reusable components
- Flexible animation scheme
- Smooth motion
- Visual quality
- Playability
693D Modeling
- Challenges
- Reusable components
- Flexible animation scheme
- Smooth motion
- Visual quality
- Playability
- Model format
- MD3
- Vertex position, normal, texture mapping and
animation information - Connect components by Tag
703D Modeling
713D Modeling
- Feasibility of using 3DS
- No tag structure
- There is unknown in the 3DS file format
definition - Inadequacies of MD3
- Number of vertices is fixed
- Frame rate fixed at model building time
- Bounding box is not included
- Challenges
- Reusable components
- Flexible animation scheme
- Smooth motion
- Visual quality
- Playability
- Interpolation frame-skip
- Frame rate for animation fixed
- When display rate gt frame rate
- Interpolate the two adjacent frame
- When display rate lt frame rate
- Frame-skip occurs
- Motion transition
- E.g. a running robot stops
- Current frame of current animation
- First frame of standing animation
- Lower the frame rate for this particular
74Game Logic
- Challenges
- Reusable components
- Flexible animation scheme
- Smooth motion
- Visual quality
- Playability
- Update physics
- Determine how each robot responses upon external
event (e.g. being hit) - Constraints on game
- Control mechanism
75Shadow Algorithms
- Challenges
- Reusable components
- Flexible animation scheme
- Smooth motion
- Visual quality
- Playability
- Fake shadow
- Vertex projection
- Static shadow
- Shadow volume casting
76Shadow Volume
- Advantages
- Produce real-time exact shadow
- Can be applied to any landscape (not only flat
ground) - Proper self-shadowing
- Support dynamic light source
- Disadvantages
- Significantly reduce the frame rate
77Shadow Volume
- Draw the objects
- Determine light-facing faces
- From dot product of the face normal and light
direction - Cast the shadow volume with the edges of those
faces onto the stencil buffer in two passes
78Shadow Volume
One pass
Two passes
79Shadow Volume
- Problems
- Only support infinity light source
- Low performance
- Popping
- Solution to first problem
- Plane equation light position
80Shadow Volume
- Performance improvement
- Determine the Silhouette edges
- Require knowing the adjacent faces
- Draw shadow volume only with these edges
- Solution to popping
- Insetting the shadow volume
- Drawing the objects in two passes
81Shadow Volume
82Shadow Volume
- Performance analysis
- Platform Pentium III 800MHz, 256MB RAM,
GeForce2MX400, WinXP, 800X600
83Shadow Volume
- Conclusions
- Drawing the faces in the shadow casting steps
(two passes of casting) - Frequent checking of the stencil buffer bits
84Overall Evaluation
- P2P network architecture over the Internet
- Complex implementation is adding computational
and network load. - Transfer delay is shortened, favorable for highly
interactive game
85Overall Evaluation (cont.)
- Accurate collision-detection
- 100 accuracy in attack collision to provide high
realism - Co-operative system, candidate pruning makes it
feasible in real time game - Graphics Effects
- Real time shadow is only suitable for high
performance computers - Complex optimizations have to be done
86Mecha Zeta