Title: Satisfaction Survey Results
1Satisfaction Survey Results
- Enrollee
- Provider
- Disease Management
- 1,298 practice sites were mailed surveys
- 574 Responded
- 44 Response rate (32.7 in 2007)
- Survey is administered by a third party vendor
(Care Call) - Survey consisted of 10 questions
3Provider Survey
- 1. I believe the ACCESS Plus Field Staff is
knowledgeable about the ACCESS Plus program - 2. I believe the Access Plus Field Staff is
knowledgeable about the resources available to
assist me in my practice. -
4Provider Survey
- 3. I believe the ACCESS Plus Call Center Staff is
knowledgeable about the ACCESS Plus program.
4. I believe the ACCESS Plus Call Center Staff is
helpful in providing assistance with appointment
scheduling and access to referral sources.
5Provider Survey
- 5. I believe the ACCESS Plus Provider Handbook is
useful to my practice - 6. I believe the ACCESS Plus Web site is useful
to my practice.
6Provider Survey
- 7. I believe the ACCESS Plus monthly Panel Roster
is useful to my practice.
8. I believe the disease management program is
useful to my practice and me.
7Provider Survey
- 9. I believe the disease management program
useful to my patients. - 10. I believe the McKesson staff that provides
the disease management program is helpful and
knowledgeable about the conditions.
8CAHPS Enrollee Survey (Adult)
- Random sample of 1,336 valid surveys sent
- 541 surveys completed via phone or mail (40.5
response rate) - 54 questions
- Survey is administered by a third party vendor
(The Myers Group)
9Enrollee Survey
10Enrollee Survey
11Enrollee Survey
12(No Transcript)
13Enrollee Survey
14Enrollee Survey
- Key Opportunities
- Customer Service
- Getting Care Needed
15Disease Management Survey
- Survey administered to those consumers that have
participated in a disease management program for
at least 6 months - Survey is administered by a third party vendor
(Care Call) - 11,355 people were eligible to be surveyed
- 6,270 were unreachable by phone (7 attempts)
- 5,227 completed the survey (83 of those reached
on phone) - 30 Questions
16Disease Management Survey
17Disease Management Survey
- Satisfaction with nurses ability to answer
18Disease Management Survey
- Overall satisfaction with the program
19Disease Management Survey
Responded Yes
- Does having the program available make you think
more positively about your health coverage? -
20Disease Management Survey
- Was the information and support provided by the
nurse and in the program materials understandable
and useful in managing your condition?
21Disease Management Survey
A Few of the Actions Being Taken
- Monthly review with corrective actions pertaining
to DM clinical results - Survey has been replaced by DMAA survey