Title: Hartlepool Household Survey Results
1Hartlepool Household Survey Results
- Throston Grange Neighbourhood Area
- 2008
- Introduction
- Quality of life
- Jobs and economy
- Community safety
- Health and wellbeing
- Lifelong learning and skills
- Environment
- Housing
- Culture and leisure
- Strengthening communities
- Population profile
- In summary
3Introduction - 1
- This report presents 2008 results for the
Throston Grange neighbourhood area, and
comparisons with data from Hartlepool Borough as
a whole. National comparisons are included where
available. - The household survey was first undertaken by
Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute in 2004 on
behalf of Hartlepool Partnership, Hartlepool NDC
and Hartlepool Borough Council, and it was
repeated again in 2006 and 2008. - Throston Grange was sampled as a separate
neighbourhood for the first time in 2008 and the
results are based on 82 interviews conducted
face-to-face in home among residents aged 16
between April-October 2008. Hartlepool Borough
results are based on interviews conducted across
all neighbourhood renewal areas and wider
Hartlepool 1,365 in 2004, 1,249 in 2006 and
1,371 in 2008. - The source for national comparisons are shown as
footnotes. Note that many of these should be
viewed as indicative, given slight differences in
how questions are asked, differences in timing
and fieldwork approaches.
4Introduction - 2
- Data are weighted to correct for multiple
dwellings or households at addresses. Data based
on individual responses are also weighted to
reflect the number of adults aged 16 in each
household and by gender and age profiles for the
Borough based on updated census information. - For questions based on all respondents
differences of more than 11 percentage points are
required when comparing the figures for Throston
Grange with Hartlepool Borough to be sure they
represent actual differences. However, smaller
differences may still give an indication of
direction of change. - For further information, please contact Kate
Brough (kate.brough_at_ipsos.com)
5Quality of life
Satisfaction with area Rating quality of
life Improving quality of life
6Satisfaction with area
QQL1 How satisfied are you with this area as a
place to live?
very/fairly satisfied
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 02/03
National 05/06
National 06/07
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Survey of English Housing
7Satisfaction with area
- Over nine in ten residents (93) of Throston
Grange are very or fairly satisfied with the area
as a place to live. - This is a higher proportion than for Hartlepool
Borough as a whole (86). It is also a slightly
higher figure than is the case nationally.
8Quality of life
QQL2 How would you rate your quality of life?
very/fairly good
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 2001
National 2008
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Public Attitudes to Quality of
Life and the Environment (2001), Ipsos MORI
Public Affairs Monitor (2008)
9Quality of life
- Similarly to satisfaction with the area, nine in
ten Throston Grange residents (92) also rate
their quality of life as very or fairly good. - Again, this is slightly higher than the
proportion that do so across Hartlepool Borough
(89). - Hartlepool Borough residents views of their
quality of life are broadly consistent with
residents nationally.
10Improving quality of life
QQL3NEW What three or four things most need
improving in this area to improve the quality of
your life?
Throston Grange Hartlepool Borough Hartlepool Borough
2008 2004 2008
Children/young people 35 Transport 26 Transport 27
Crime and safety 23 Environment 25 Environment 24
Transport 20 Crime and safety 24 Children/young people 24
Environment 14 Children/young people 23 Crime and safety 17
Local facilities 13 Housing 9 Local facilities 8
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4
Priority 5
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1371 (2008)
11Improving quality of life
- Priorities for improving the quality of life in
the area are similar in Throston Grange to
Hartlepool Borough as a whole. - Suggestions relating to children/young people,
including facilities for teenagers and play areas
and facilities for younger children and getting
rid of youths/gangs hanging around on the streets
are most commonly mentioned as ways of improving
the area. - Issues relating to crime and safety, particularly
local police services are also a high priority
for improvement, as is transport/roads/pavements,
particularly parking provision.
12Jobs and economy
Employment Unemployment Work status of
households Household income
13In employment
QWO1 Which of the statements on this card apply
to each person aged 16 years and over in the
In paid work (incl. govt scheme)
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
14In employment
- Half of Throston Grange residents are in paid
work in 2008 and this is the same as in
Hartlepool Borough as a whole.
QWO1 Which of the statements on this card apply
to each person aged 16 years and over in the
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All respondents Throston Grange 105
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
- Six per cent of Throston Grange residents are
unemployed. - Again this is at a similar level to that across
Hartlepool Borough as a whole.
17Work status summary 2008
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Economically active
In paid work
Registered unemployed/not registered but seeking
Economically inactive
Base All household members 16, Throston Grange
(127) Hartlepool (2359) National Labour Force
Survey Quarter 2 (April-June) 2008
Source Ipsos MORI
18Work status summary 2008
- When looking at the work status of all household
members aged 16, just over half in Throston
Grange are economically active and just under
half are in paid work. - Residents in Hartlepool Borough are slightly more
likely to be economically active and in paid work
than Throston Grange residents. - Correspondingly, Throston Grange residents are
more likely to be registered unemployed (6)
and economically inactive (46) than residents
of Hartlepool Borough (3 and 36 respectively).
19Household income (gross weekly income)
Throston Grange Hartlepool Borough Hartlepool Borough Hartlepool Borough National National National
2008 2004 2006 2008 2004 2006 2008
Under 60 per week 0 2 2 2 1 1 1
60 to less than 100 7 7 10 7 4 4 2
100 to less than 200 24 26 27 24 11 10 9
200 to less than 300 9 15 13 14 10 9 10
300 to less than 400 7 7 6 7 8 8 9
400 to less than 500 1 5 5 5 8 7 8
500 to less than 600 12 5 3 5 6 7 8
600 to less than 700 2 3 3 3 6 5 5
700 and above 2 6 6 7 15 16 20
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Ipsos MORI Public Affairs
20Household income (gross weekly income)
- A quarter of Throston Grange households (24)
have a gross weekly income of between 100 and
200 and only two per cent have a weekly income
of 700 and above. - This is broadly similar to Hartlepool Borough as
a whole, although residents of Hartlepool Borough
are more likely to have a weekly income of 700
and above and Throston Grange residents are more
likely to have a weekly income of 500-600.
21Low income households
QFI6 Household income below 100 per week
Throston Grange
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Ipsos MORI Public Affairs Monitor
22Low income households
- Seven per cent of households in Throston Grange
have a weekly household income below 100 per
week. - This is on a par with Hartlepool Borough as a
whole and higher than the national level.
23Community safety
Safety after dark Area getting safer Satisfaction
with police
24Safety after dark
QCR1 How safe do you feel walking alone in or
around this area after dark?
very/fairly safe
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 04/05
National 07/08
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National British Crime Survey
25Safety after dark
- Just under half (47) of Throston Grange
residents feel very or fairly safe walking alone
in their area after dark. - This is significantly lower than the proportion
in Hartlepool Borough over six in ten who
feel safe doing so. - Nationally, the figure who feel safe is even
higher around seven in ten.
26Area getting safer
QHAR2 Would you say this area is more or less
safe, or about as safe as three years ago?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
27Area getting safer
- Two in five Throston Grange residents (43) feel
that the area is about as safe as it was three
years ago. This is lower than Hartlepool Borough
as a whole (65). - One in three (29) feel that the area has become
less safe, compared to 14 for Hartlepool
Borough. - One in five (21) feel the area has become more
safe in the last three years, compared to 14 for
Hartlepool Borough.
28Satisfaction with police
QCR2 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with
the quality of the service provided by the
very/fairly satisfied
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
29Satisfaction with police
- Just under half of Throston Grange residents
(48) are very or fairly satisfied with the
quality of the service provided by the police
compared with six in ten residents in Hartlepool
Borough (62). - Across the Borough, satisfaction levels with the
police have been rising from 48 in 2004 to 62
in 2008.
30Serious problems 2008
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
a serious problem
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Car crime
Crowds or gangs
Drug dealing/use
Household burglary
People being attacked/harassed
Property set on fire
Racial harassment
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1371 (2008)
31Serious problems 2008
- A quarter of Throston Grange residents (25)
think that car crime is a serious problem in the
area and a fifth are concerned about disturbance
from crowds and gangs or hooliganism (22) and
vandalism/graffiti (19). - Residents of Hartlepool Borough are less likely
to think these things are serious problems one
in ten residents think that car crime,
disturbance from crowds or gangs and
vandalism/graffiti are serious problems in the
32Car crime (e.g. damage, theft, joyriding)
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
a serious problem
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 2004
National 2006
National 2008
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Ipsos MORI Public Affairs
33Car crime (e.g. damage/theft/joyriding)
- A quarter of Throston Grange residents consider
car crime to be a serious problem in their area. - This is considerably greater than the proportion
of Hartlepool Borough residents that consider it
to be a serious problem (8), and residents
nationwide (9).
34Disturbance from crowds/gangs
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
a serious problem
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
35Disturbance from crowds/gangs
- A fifth of Throston Grange residents (22) feel
disturbance from crowds, gangs or hooligans is
a serious problem in the area. - Fewer Hartlepool Borough residents think that it
is a serious problem one in ten do.
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
a serious problem
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 2004
National 2006
National 2008
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Ipsos MORI Public Affairs
- One in five residents of Throston Grange think
that vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate
damage to property is a serious problem in the
area. - In contrast, one in ten residents of Hartlepool
Borough feel this way, which is similar to the
proportion of residents nationwide.
38Health and wellbeing
Health over last 12 months Long standing limiting
illness Healthy eating Smoking Mental health
39Health over last 12 months
QHE1 Over the past 12 months, would you say that
your health has on the whole been good, fairly
good or not good?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 02/03
National 04/05
National 2006
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National General Household Survey
40Health over last 12 months
- Six out of ten (58) Throston Grange residents
say that their health has been good over the last
12 months. - This is higher than the proportion of Hartlepool
Borough residents who say this 49 and is
similar to the national figure (62).
41Long standing limiting illness
QHE3/4 Limiting long-term illness
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 02/03
National 04/05
National 2006
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National General Household Survey
42Long standing limiting illness
- Three in ten (31) Throston Grange residents say
that they have a long standing illness or
disability that limits their activities. - This is similar to the proportion of Hartlepool
Borough residents who have a long standing
limiting illness (29). - Both of these figures are higher than the
national level (19).
43Healthy eating
QHE6 Can you tell me how often, on average, you
eat five portions of fruit or vegetables a day?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
44Healthy eating
- Three in ten Throston Grange residents (29) say
that they eat five portions of fruit or
vegetables every day. This is considerably
higher than the those who do so in Hartlepool
Borough as a whole (18). - Only three per cent of Throston Grange residents
never eat five portions of fruit or vegetables a
day, compared with 12 in Hartlepool Borough as a
QHE7 Do you smoke cigarettes at all nowadays?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 02/03
National 04/05
National 2006
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National General Household Survey
- Three in ten Throston Grange residents (30)
smoke cigarettes, the same proportion as in
Hartlepool Borough as a whole in 2008. - The proportion of the population nationwide who
smoke is slightly lower 22.
47Mental health issues
QHAR5 Does any member of your household have any
of these health problems on this card?
Hartlepool Hartlepool
2004 2006
15 18
5 6
1 2
81 78
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Anxiety/problems with nerves/ depression/ stress
Alcohol/drug problems
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
48Mental health issues
- A fifth of Throston Grange households (22) have
a member who suffers from anxiety/problems with
nerves/depression/stress. This is a similar
figure to that across Hartlepool Borough. - Loneliness/isolation is suffered by someone in
one in ten households in Throston Grange (9),
slightly more than in Hartlepool Borough (6) but
not significantly so. - Around seven in ten households in Throston Grange
(72) have no member who suffers from any of
these mental health issues, and this is
consistent with the proportion in Hartlepool
Borough (76).
49Lifelong learning and skills
Highest qualifications Improving skills
50Highest Qualifications NVQ Level Equivalents
Working Age
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Hartlepool
2004 2006
10 11
26 23
14 17
23 27
27 21
Hartlepool Borough
Level 1 or below
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
No quals
Base All working age respondents Throston
Grange 47 (2008) Hartlepool 931 (2004), 861
(2006), 948 (2008) National Labour Force
Survey 2008
51Highest Qualifications NVQ Level Equivalents
Working Age
- 16 of Throston Grange working age residents have
no qualifications, similar to Hartlepool Borough
(20). - However, slightly fewer Throston Grange residents
have Level 4 or above (18) than in Hartlepool
Borough (23). - More Throston Grange residents have level 2 and 3
qualifications than Hartlepool Borough residents
52Improving skills
QED2 Do you think you need to improve any of the
following skills?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Hartlepool
2004 2006
12 11
6 5
7 6
15 13
76 77
Hartlepool Borough
None of these
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006),
Hartlepool 1371 (2008) National Ipsos MORI
Public Affairs Monitor 2008
53Improving skills
- Seven in ten Throston Grange residents (68) do
not think that they need to improve any skills
a similar figure to that across Hartlepool
Borough. - A quarter (26) think that they need to improve
their maths skills, a higher figure than that in
Hartlepool Borough (16). - 13 think that they need to improve their
spelling, a similar figure to that in Hartlepool
Borough. - 7 think that they need to improve their reading,
a similar figure to that in Hartlepool Borough. - 5 think that they need to improve their reading,
again similar to Hartlepool Borough (8).
Environmental issues considered a serious problem
55Serious problems 2008
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
Hartlepool Borough
Throston Grange
serious problem
Litter and rubbish
Dogs causing nuisance/mess
Speed/volume of traffic
Quality/lack of parks/open spaces
Poor public transport
Abandoned/burnt out cars
Run down/boarded up properties
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1371 (2008)
56Serious problems 2008
- A fifth of Throston Grange residents (22)
consider litter and rubbish in the streets to be
a serious problem, a similar proportion to that
in Hartlepool Borough. - A fifth of Throston Grange residents (19) think
that dogs causing nuisance/mess is a serious
problem. This higher than across Hartlepool
Borough (13). - The speed and volume of road traffic is
considered to be a serious problem by 15 of
Throston Grange residents. This is slightly less
than across Hartlepool (20). - One in ten Throston Grange residents (10) feel
that the quality/lack of parks or open spaces is
a serious problem in the area, similar to those
in Hartlepool.
57Litter/rubbish in the streets
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
serious problem
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 02/03
National 05/06
National 06/07
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Survey of English Housing
58Litter/rubbish in the streets
- Litter and rubbish in the streets is considered
to be a serious problem by a fifth of Throston
Grange residents (22). - A similar proportion across Hartlepool Borough
consider it to be a serious problem, although it
is a less serious problem nationally (13).
59Dogs causing nuisance/mess
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
serious problem
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 05/06
National 06/07
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Survey of English Housing
60Dogs causing nuisance/mess
- Dogs causing nuisance/mess is considered to be a
serious problem in Throston Grange by a fifth of
residents (19). - This is a slightly higher percentage than in
Hartlepool Borough (13) and the national figure
61Speed/volume of road traffic
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
serious problem
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 02/03
National 05/06
National 06/07
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Survey of English Housing
62Speed/volume of road traffic
- The speed and volume of road traffic is
considered to be a serious problem by 15 of
Throston Grange residents. - This issue is considered to be a serious problem
by slightly more residents in Hartlepool Borough
(20) which is similar to the national figure.
Housing tenureSatisfaction with accommodation
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
- Just over half of Throston Grange residents (53)
are social renters, and almost all of the
remaining residents (44) are owner occupiers. - This split is similar to the proportions in
Hartlepool Borough as a whole, except that
Hartlepool Borough as a higher percentage of
private renters (12).
66Satisfaction with accommodation
QHO3 Taking everything into account, how
satisfied are you with this accommodation?
very/fairly satisfied
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 02/03
National 05/06
National 06/07
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Survey of English Housing
67Satisfaction with accommodation
- Almost all Throston Grange residents are
satisfied with their accommodation (98). - This is a slightly higher percentage than
Hartlepool Borough (93) and the national figure.
68Culture and leisure
Usage of local services Satisfaction with local
69Usage of local services
QHAR4 Which of the following services, if any,
have you or a member of your household used in
the last 12 months?
Hartlepool Hartlepool
2004 2006
33 28
54 50
30 27
25 21
11 11
62 53
18 22
Hartlepool Borough
Throston Grange
Museums/art galleries
Sports clubs/facilities
Childrens play areas
Youth/community centres
Public parks/open spaces
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008), Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
70Usage of local services
- The local services most commonly used by Throston
Grange residents are libraries (52), public
parks/open spaces (42) and museums/art galleries
(20). - This is broadly similar to the most commonly used
services across Hartlepool Borough, except that
residents of Hartlepool Borough are more likely
to use sports clubs/facilities (26) and
childrens play areas (22).
71Satisfaction with libraries
QHAR3B How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with
the quality of libraries in this area?
users very/fairly satisfied
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All users Throston Grange 44 (2008)
Hartlepool 640 (2004), 619 (2006), 627 (2008)
72Satisfaction with local services
- All of the 44 Throston Grange residents who use
the libraries in their area are very or fairly
satisfied with this service. This is higher than
for the Borough as a whole where nine in ten
residents (89) are satisfied with the libraries
in their area. - The bases for user satisfaction with other local
services were too small to report.
73Strengthening communities
Community spirit Feeling part of the
communityPeople getting on well
togetherInfluencing decisionsInvolvement in
voluntary activitiesPotential issues
74Community spirit
QHAR1 Would you say there is a lot of community
spirit in this area?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
75Community spirit
- Around half (48) of residents in Throston Grange
say that there is a lot of community spirit in
this area. - This is similar to the proportion who say this in
Hartlepool Borough (44).
76Feeling part of the community
QCO1 Overall, to what extent do you feel part of
the local community?
great deal/fair amount
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 2006
National 2008
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Ipsos MORI Public Affairs
77Feeling part of the community
- Two-thirds (65) of Throston Grange residents
feel part of the community. - This is a higher proportion than Hartlepool
Borough where half (52) of residents feel this
78People from different backgrounds
NEWHAR1 Do you agree or disagree that this local
area is a place where people from different
backgrounds get on well together?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Citizenship Survey 2007
79People from different backgrounds
- Just under half (47) of Throston Grange
residents agree that their local area is a place
where people from different backgrounds get on
well together. - A slightly higher proportion of residents in
Hartlepool Borough feel this way (55). - The percentage who feel this way nationally is
much higher (81).
80Influencing decisions
QCO5 Do you feel you can influence decisions that
affect your area?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 2004
National 2006
National 2008
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Ipsos MORI Public Affairs
81Influencing decisions
- Under a fifth of Throston Grange residents (17)
feel that they can influence decisions that
affect their area. - A slightly higher proportion (23) of Hartlepool
Borough residents feel this way. - The national figure (31) is significantly higher.
82Involvement in voluntary activities
QCO6 Have you been involved in any local
organisation on a voluntary basis over the last
three years?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 2004
National 2006
National 2008
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Ipsos MORI Public Affairs
83Involvement in voluntary activities
- Five per cent of Throston Grange residents have
been involved in any local organisation on a
voluntary basis over the last three years. - This is lower than the figure in Hartlepool
Borough 10. - The national figure is higher still 22.
84Types of voluntary activities
QNEWHAR4A In the last 12 months have you done any
of these things UNPAID for someone who isnt a
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
Giving advice to someone
Transporting/escorting someone
Babysitting/caring for children
Writing letters/filling forms
Looking after property/pet
Decorating/home or car repairs
Doing shopping/collecting pensions/ paying bills
No help given in last 12 months
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1371 (2008)
85Types of voluntary activities
- Seven in ten (68) Throston Grange residents have
not given any unpaid help to someone who isnt a
relative, compared with six in ten (57)
Hartlepool Borough residents. - For those who do give help in Throston Grange (23
people), this is most commonly giving advice to
someone, transporting or escorting someone and
babysitting or caring for children. - In Hartlepool Borough, the most common activities
are giving advice to someone and looking after a
property or pet for someone who is away.
86Serious problems 2008
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
a serious problem
Teenagers hanging round
Problems with neighbours
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1371 (2008)
87Serious problems 2008
- Of the community related issues that could be a
potential problem in the area, teenagers hanging
around on the street was identified as a serious
problem by two in five (39) of residents
significantly more than Hartlepool Borough as a
whole (22) and nationally (19).
88Teenagers hanging around
QQL3 I would like you to tell me whether each of
these things is a problem in this area?
a serious problem
Throston Grange
Hartlepool Borough
National 2004
National 2006
National 2008
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Ipsos MORI Public Affairs
89Population profile
Household compositionEthnicityLength of
residence in area
90Household composition
Throston Grange Hartlepool Borough Hartlepool Borough Hartlepool Borough National National National
2008 2004 2006 2008 02/03 05/06 06/07
Couple, dependents 10 18 19 15 21 22 22
Couple, no dependents 34 33 28 31 38 37 35
Lone parent 6 10 11 11 7 10 7
Other multi-person 3 8 7 8 6 3 7
Single person 47 32 35 36 28 28 29
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Survey of English Housing
91Household composition
- Almost half of Throston Grange households (47)
are single person households. This is higher
than Hartlepool Borough as a whole (36). - One third (34) of Throston Grange households are
couples with no dependent children and 10 are
couples with dependents. This is consistent
across the Borough.
Throston Grange Hartlepool Borough Hartlepool Borough Hartlepool Borough National
2008 2004 2006 2008
White 100 99 99 99 91.0
Mixed 0 1 1.4
Asian 0 1 1 4.6
Black 0 0 0 2.3
Chinese and any other ethnic group 0 0.9
Base All respondents Throston Grange 80
(2008) Hartlepool 1365 (2004), 1249 (2006), 1371
(2008) National Census 2001 data for England
Note An asterisk () indicates a percentage of
less than 0.5 but greater than zero
- 100 of Throston Grange residents surveyed were
White. - Hartlepool Borough is 99 White.
- Nationally, the population is 91 White.
94Length of residence in area
Throston Grange Hartlepool Borough Hartlepool Borough Hartlepool Borough
2008 2004 2006 2008
Less than a year 3 6 6 6
1 year but less than 3 1 10 7 8
3 years but less than 5 4 7 9 8
5 years but less than 10 10 14 14 15
10 years but less than 20 10 21 17 16
20 years or more 71 42 48 47
Base All except respondents born at address
Throston Grange 80 (2008) Hartlepool 1354
(2004), 1246 (2006), 1370 (2008)
95Length of residence in area
- Seven in ten Throston Grange residents have lived
in the area for 20 years or more and a further
two in ten have lived there for at least 5 years. - In Hartlepool Borough, around half of residents
have lived in the area for 20 years or more and a
further three in ten have lived there for at
least five years.
96In summary
97Key findings - 1
- Throston Grange is a neighbourhood where many
residents have lived for 20 years or more and
where the vast majority are either social renters
or owner occupiers. - Perhaps because of this, satisfaction with the
area as a whole is very high, as is satisfaction
with accommodation, ratings of quality of life
and a feeling of being part of the local
community. - Although residents in Throston tend to be more
concerned about car crime, crowds/gangs causing
disturbance and vandalism/graffiti than residents
across Hartlepool Borough and less satisfied with
the service that they receive from the police,
they are more likely to feel safe in their area
after dark than residents across the Borough. - The issue of teenagers hanging around on the
streets is considered to be a serious problem in
the Throston area, more so than in Hartlepool
Borough as a whole.
98Key findings - 2
- Throston residents tend to rate their health over
the last year highly and eat five portions of
fruit and vegetables more frequently than
residents across Hartlepool Borough but there is
a high proportion of long standing limiting
illness. - While most people dont feel they need to improve
literacy and numeracy skills, maths skills are
most commonly identified as needing improvement.