Title: Grade 5 Model Lessons
1Grade 5 Model Lessons
- Day One
- Model Lesson Design
- A Walk Through Unit One
2 3The Unit Booklet
- Unit Overview
- Lesson Plans
- Appendix
- Blackline Masters
- Teacher Resources
4 A Lesson Plan
30 min . Morning Menu (TR1)
- Introduction
- Concept Development
- Student Practice
- Assessment
- Closure
45 min. Whole-group mini- and/or more fully
developed lessons
60 min. Small-group, individual work, center
activities assessment to determine grouping
15 min. Whole-group
5 A Lesson Plan a sidebar
These may not be the BIG pieces,
however Objectives Resources
6The Appendix
- A1 - General Information, Bibliography,
Preparation - Explanations, Examples, Activity Development
- Additional Professional Development
- B1 - Student Unit Overview
- Student Handouts
- Overhead Transparencies
- Charts
- Notes to the Teacher
8Teacher Resources
- TR1 - Morning Menu
- Study/Discussion Guides
- Text Reprints
- Extended Pieces
- PowerPoint Notes
- Success For All Treasure Hunts
9A Walk Through...
- Unit One
- Seems Like Old Times!
- 10 lessons - review, reinforce, extend
- Focus on the Middle Ages
- Key Concepts
- reading process
- writing process
- eight parts of speech
- basic comprehension (TAKS Obj. 1)
- expository text
- content area reading skills
11Preparationfor the year for the unit
- A1
- Reading and Writing Portfolios
- Language Arts Notebooks
- Independent Reading Notebook
- Bibliography
12Basic Instructional Texts
- English
- Read-Alouds
- Knights of the Kitchen Table by Jon Scieszka
- Matilda Bone by Karen Cushman
- Student Texts
- The Middle Ages - Grolier Online Reprint (TR6)
- Medieval Society by Kay Eastwood (small group
13Basic Instructional Texts
- Spanish
- Read-Alouds
- The Midwifes Apprentice / Aprendiz de comadrona
by Karen Cushman - El caballero del albo by Mary Pope Osborne.
- Student Texts
- La Edad Media by Andrea Bachini (small group set)
- or article from website
- http//www.blasoneshispanos.com/Historia/Feudalism
14Supplementary Resources
- Classroom Library (A1)
- Mix it up!
- Be resourceful!
- PowerPoint Presentations
- The Middle Ages (TR3)
- Text Features (TR5)
15 The Morning Menu - A Routine
- TR1
- Daily Oral Language
- Spelling Units
- Read-alouds
16Looking At the LessonsLesson 1
- Active Listening
- Knights of the Kitchen Table
- Pre-reading (Reading Process)
- Activating Prior Knowledge/ Building Background -
Chart and PowerPoint - Purposes and Characteristics of Expository Texts
- KWL and student investigation - classroom library
17Looking At the LessonsLesson 2
- Effective Reading Behaviors/ Pre-Reading
- Skimming (a quick review to get an overall
picture) and Scanning (looking quickly for more
specific information) - PowerPoint - Text Features
Fastest Reading Slowest Reading Skimming S
canning Read Re-read Reflect
18Looking At the LessonsLesson 2
- Setting a Purpose
- Combining concepts in one practice activity -
Scavenger Hunt B7 - Main Idea TR6
- Reinforce pre-reading skills
- Model, Model, Model
- Modify if necessary
19Notes on modeling...
- Use think-alouds
- Establish a clear objective - focus on only one
or two skills - Practice, practice, practice
20Why Think-Alouds?
- Help students learn to make meaning (learn to
read). - Negotiate various texts/genres.
- Provide metacognitive support for students.
- Make the implicit explicit.
- Emphasize strategy instruction.
- Move students from decoding to comprehension.
21The Steps of a Think-Aloud
Adapted from Improving Comprehension with
Think-Aloud Strategies by Jeffrey Wilhelm
- Choose a short section of text or a short text
(such as a picture book). - Provide each student a copy of the text.
- Retype or photocopy and provide margins for note
taking, if desired.
22The Steps of aThink-Aloud
- Decide on the strategy or strategies you will
highlight. - Activating Background Knowledge
- Decoding
- Determining Word Meanings
- Setting Purpose(s) for Reading
- Monitoring Repairing Comprehension
- Prediction Visualizing
- Questioning Summarizing
- Paraphrasing Reflecting
- Inferring Synthesizing
23The Steps of aThink-Aloud
- State your purposes.
- Watch out for sensory overload.
- Select your focus strategy/ies. It is better to
work on one thoroughly than diffuse your effort
and energy. - Use the think-aloud to reinforce attentive and
active listening.
24The Steps of a Think-Aloud
- Read the text aloud concurrently think aloud.
- Target your focus strategy.
- Be natural. Use normal routines, but stay
focused. - Notice text features that are relevant to the
genre. - Use age-appropriate language and
anecdotes to help students understand the
25The Steps of a Think-Aloud
- Discuss the cues in the text that lend themselves
to the use of the selected strategy. - Connect the think-aloud to other reading
situations and real life situations.
26The Steps of a Think-Aloud
- Provide practice.
- Have students participate in modified
think-alouds or think-alongs. - Provide strategy references.
- Have students write about the strategy.
(Closure) - Logs/Journals
- Thought Bubbles
- Use Post-its.
27Looking At the LessonsLesson 3
- During Reading - Note Taking, Paraphrasing,
Summarizing B9 - Reading Block
- Parts of Speech B11, B12, B13
- Expert groups A3
- Expectations - class book/ presentation
- Definitions, usage rules, examples
28Lesson 3 Close UpReading Block A2
- Small Group
- Centers
- Reading Practice
- Reteach, review, intervene
- Focus on fluency
29Lesson 3 Close UpReteach, review, intervene...
- Read, Cover, Remember, Retell
- Sketch to Stretch
- Key Word Strategy
- Linda Hoyt
- Make it Real Strategies for Success With
Informational Texts - Revisit, Reflect, Retell Strategies for
Improving Reading Comprehension
30Lesson 3 Close UpFocus on fluency with oral
- Builds confidence
- Connects spoken and written language
- Strengthens decoding skills
- Fosters fluency
- Boosts comprehension
- Allows a view into the reading process
- A significant tool
- A powerful instructional support
31Looking At the LessonsLesson 4
- Technical/Specialized Vocabulary
- Using Reference Aids B14
- Text Coding
- Combined practice in Reading Block!
- Parts of Speech Investigations
- Vocabulary Project B16
32Looking At the Lessons - Lesson 5
- Context Clues
- text-based (semantic/syntactic)
- graphically based (typographic)
- Continued grammar investigations
- problem solving
- Closure a little poetry, please
33Looking At the Lessons - Lesson 6
- Word Origins A4, B19, B20
- Surnames
- English origins
- Middle English
- French
- Latin
- TAKS Moment (reinforce skills) B21
- Use your think-aloud skills!
- Help students learn to discern...
- Grammar Presentations
34Looking At the Lessons - Lesson 7
- Word Origins B22, B23
- Latin Roots
- Root Web (small group)
- Grammar Presentations
- Prewriting and Drafting (The Class Book)
35(No Transcript)
36Looking At the Lessons - Lesson 8 Pulling it
- During Reading/Monitoring Comprehension
- self-questioning B27
- adjusting rate (The Continuum of Reading
Behaviors) - Drafting and Revision (The Class Book) TAKS
Rubric - Closure... a little poetry, please
37Looking At the Lessons - Lesson 9 Review of
Basic Skills
- Review
- Use a visual anchor B29
- After Reading/Retell B30
- Revising and Editing
- Use expert groups, when possible
- Use to diagnose mastery of prerequisites
(complete sentences and s-v agreement)
38Looking At the Lessons - Lesson 10 Review of
Basic Skills
- Retells
- Exam B32
- Publishing
- Review final copies assemble book
- Require a minimum standard!
- We will reconvene here at 800.
- Bring your questions.
- Bring your bag back.
- Get ready to walk through Unit Two.