Nuclear Fusion and Renewable Energy Resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nuclear Fusion and Renewable Energy Resources


Solar power. Hydroelectric power. Biomass. Wind energy ... Advantages of Solar Power (both direct and indirect) free and renewable. mostly pollution-free ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Nuclear Fusion and Renewable Energy Resources

Nuclear Fusion and Renewable Energy Resources
  • Lecture 17
  • GLY 120

Alternative energy sources - renewable and low
impact on the environment
  • Nuclear Fusion
  • Geothermal energy
  • Solar power
  • Hydroelectric power
  • Biomass
  • Wind energy
  • Hydrogen fuel

Nuclear Fusion
  • Combine two isotopes to make a larger one and
    harness the resultant energy (similar in amount
    to nuclear fission).
  • Main process in stars (our sun) and hydrogen bomb
    (uncontrolled reaction)
  • The typical nuclear fusion reaction achievable on
    Earth is the combination of heavy Hydrogen
    isotopes to produce Helium
  • 2H 3H (deuterium tritium) He neutron
  • energy (17.6 million electron volts)

  • There has only been limited success in achieving
    controlled nuclear fusion because
  • Extremely high temperatures required
  • gt100 million C
  • Reactions can be maintained over only fractions
    of a second
  • Reaction requires more energy than the amount
  • Future technology may find a way, but it is
    currently not useful

  • Advantages -
  • enormous potential source of energy (essentially
    unlimited, the oceans have vast amounts of
  • low environmental costs
  • no CO2 emissions
  • non-hazardous, benign by-products Helium
  • Disadvantages -
  • technology currently not available...
  • technology may NEVER exist...
  • or may not ever be economical (e.g., requires
    more energy than it creates)

Geothermal Energy
  • Involves tapping heat generated deep in the
    earth, usually due to active or dormant volcanism
  • A sustainable resource as long as it is not
    extracted faster than it is naturally
  • Need the following geologic conditions for a
    potentially economic source of geothermal energy
  • recent volcanic activity (magma body within 3-10
    km of the surface)
  • permeable aquifer
  • impermeable cap rock

  • Three types of power plants are used to generate
    power from geothermal energy
  • Dry steam plants
  • take steam out of fractures in the ground
  • and use it to directly drive a turbine that spins
    a generator.
  • Flash plants
  • take hot water, usually at temperatures over
    200C, out of the ground
  • and allows it to boil as it rises to the surface
  • then separates the steam phase in steam/water
  • and then runs the steam through a turbine.
  • Binary plants
  • the hot water flows through heat exchangers,
    boiling an organic fluid that spins the turbine.
  • The condensed steam and remaining geothermal
    fluid from all three types of plants are injected
    back into the hot rock to pick up more heat

  • Disadvantages
  • Wastewater disposal is a problem (often a saline
    brine - rich in toxic elements),
  • Subsidence during groundwater extraction
    (reduced permeability in aquifer),
  • Can produce earthquakes during forced injection
    (Rocky Mountain Arsenal)
  • Advantages
  • Vast potential energy resource
  • Simple technology
  • Easy to find sources of heat
  • Clean resource
  • little air pollution
  • few CO2 emissions
  • no solid waste

  • Rocky Mountain Arsenal
  • From April 1962 to November 1965, several hundred
    earthquakes occurred in the Denver, CO, area
  • The source of the earthquakes was traced to the
    Rocky Mountain Arsenal, which was manufacturing
    materials for chemical warfare
  • Liquid waste from the manufacturing process was
    being pumped down a deep disposal well to a depth
    of about 3600 m

  • The rock receiving the waste was highly fractured
    metamorphic rock
  • Injection of the new liquid increased the fluid
    pressure, causing slippage along fractures
  • When the injection of the waste stopped, so did
    the earthquakes

  • Geothermal Heat Pumps
  • Take advantage of the stable Earth temperature of
    45-58?F (7.2-14.4?C) just a few feet below the
  • GHP's circulate water or other liquids through
    pipes buried in a continuous loop (either
    horizontally or vertically) next to a building.
  • Depending on the weather, the system is used for
    heating or cooling.

  • Heating
  • Earth's heat (the difference between the earth's
    temperature and the colder temperature of the
    air) is transferred through the buried pipes into
    the circulating liquid and then transferred again
    into the building.
  • Cooling
  • During hot weather, the continually circulating
    fluid in the pipes 'picks up' heat from the
    building - thus helping to cool it - and
    transfers it into the earth

  • GHP's use very little electricity and are very
    easy on the environment.
  • In the U.S., the temperature inside over 300,000
    homes, schools and offices is kept comfortable by
    these energy saving systems, and hundreds of
    thousands more are used worldwide.
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has
    rated GHP's as among the most efficient of
    heating and cooling technologies

  • GHPs can be used worldwide
  • Unlike other kinds of geothermal heat, shallow
    ground temperatures are not dependent upon
    tectonic plate activity or other unique geologic
  • Thus geothermal heat pumps can be used to help
    heat and cool homes anywhere

  • How much geothermal energy is there?
  • Thousands more megawatts of power than are
    currently being produced could be developed from
    already-identified hydrothermal resources.
  • With improvements in technology, much more power
    will become available.
  • Usable geothermal resources will not be limited
    to the "shallow" hydrothermal reservoirs at the
    crustal plate boundaries.
  • Much of the world is underlain (3-6 miles down),
    by hot dry rock - no water, but lots of heat.
  • Scientists have experimented with piping water
    into this deep hot rock to create more
    hydrothermal resources for use in geothermal
    power plants.
  • As drilling technology improves, allowing us to
    drill much deeper, geothermal energy from hot dry
    rock could be available anywhere.
  • At such time, we will be able to tap the true
    potential of the enormous heat resources of the
    earth's crust.

Solar Power
  • Renewable resource many forms including
  • Direct solar energy
  • architectural designs use solar energy to heat
    and cool homes
  • solar panels used to heat water to drive turbines
  • heliostats
  • mirrors move and track the sun
  • focus rays on receiver (gt 1000 C)

  • parabolic reflectors
  • cylindrical reflector focuses rays on heating
  • photovoltaic (solar) cells to generate
  • cells contain a material that becomes unstable
    when struck by light
  • emits electricity as the crystalline lattice
    reorganizes itself
  • low conversion efficiency 10-12 in silicon
    cells, 4-6 in cadmium/copper cells
  • AND high cost per kwh

  • Indirect solar energy - heat from solar energy
    drives other Earth systems which can be harnessed
  • Moving water - hydroelectric power
  • Biomass
  • Wind

Hydroelectric Power
  • Moving water
  • tides - use energy of tidal forces to drive
  • focus water flow using locks, gates
  • ocean currents and waves
  • difficult to concentrate (funnels/horns) and

  • rivers - dams trap the water in a reservoir,
    force water to flow past turbines
  • constructed to increase height from which water
  • provides a constant flow of water through
  • 80-90 efficient in converting energy to
  • 35-40 for fossil fuels
  • 30 for nuclear fuels
  • Harness energy of falling water
  • Require dams to create reservoirs
  • In addition to power generation, also control
    flooding and water supply

  • Energy from organisms or their remains
  • wood
  • agriculture - burn or compost vegetation
  • urban waste - methane gas from decay, collect and
    use as natural gas
  • ethyl alcohol - derived from corn, added to

  • Harness wind energy using "wind farms" with huge

Wind-electric potential 48 contiguous U.S.
states ( of each states energy need). 12 states
could provide 90 of the total U.S. energy need
  • Advantages of Solar Power (both direct and
  • free and renewable
  • mostly pollution-free
  • no CO2 emissions or other pollutants - except

  • Disadvantages - direct solar energy
  • expensive - difficult to store electricity
  • cost per kilowatt hour (kwh) is 5-6 times that of
    other methods but costs may decrease in the
  • intermittent and localized
  • construction of facilities involves semiconductor
  • mining and manufacturing hazards and costs
  • large arrays affect landscape aesthetics

(No Transcript)
  • Disadvantages indirect solar energy
  • dams cause numerous environmental problems to
    river systems
  • sediment pollution
  • change stream velocity
  • inhibit fish migrations
  • large projects displace humans and animals
  • Three Gorges Dam, China
  • dam failures result in catastrophic floods

  • windmills are eyesores, noisy, and affect media
  • wood is renewable but not necessarily sustainable
    as a resource
  • deforestation
  • desertification
  • adds greenhouse gases and other forms of air

Three Gorges Dam Project
  • Will be the worlds largest dam
  • Goals
  • Power generation
  • Flood control
  • Improved navigation

(No Transcript)
Artists drawing of what the finished project
will look like
Some facts about the Three Gorges project
  • Project expected to take 17 years completion
    expected in 2009.
  • The Three Gorges Reservoir will inundate 632
    square kilometers (395 square miles) of land.
  • An estimated 1.2 million people will be resettled
    by the dam
  • The project's 26 hydropower turbines are expected
    to produce 18.2 million kilowatts, up to
    one-ninth of China's output.
  • Source Chinese government

What will it cost?
  • Chinese Government estimate 25 billion
  • Forced resettlement (jobs, culture, housing)
  • Loss of farmland, historical sites, tourism
  • Environment
  • sediment pollution and erosion
  • sediment-filled reservoir no flood control
  • deforestation
  • altered ecosystem

Hydrogen Fuel
  • Three attractive advantages
  • Abundant resource
  • mostly present in molecules combined with other
    elements (i.e., H2O, CH4)
  • Combustion provides large quantities of heat
  • Waste products just water

  • How is hydrogen separated?
  • Pass electric current through water
  • Collect pure oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2)
  • Relatively infinite supply of water, but the
    process does require electricity (fossil fuel?
    hydro? solar?)
  • Usually takes more energy to separate hydrogen
    than you receive from it as a fuel.
  • More of an energy carrier

  • How could it be used as an energy resource (for
    example, in automobile engines)?
  • combustion (like gasoline)
  • fuel cells (hydrogen and oxygen vigorously react
    to produce electricity and heat)
  • electric motor in cars

  • Disadvantages
  • very dangerous, highly explosive
  • needs to be highly pressurized or as a liquid
  • difficult to safely store and transport
  • simple technology could mean on-site manufacturing
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