Significance of Diversification of Energy Resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Significance of Diversification of Energy Resources


In the Name of God Significance of Diversification of Energy Resources Reza Amrollahi – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Significance of Diversification of Energy Resources

Significance of Diversification of Energy
In the Name of God
  • Reza Amrollahi

  • Energy Production and Its Perspectives
  • Definition of Security and Its Categories
  • Security Disruption in Energy Supply
  • Types of Energy Production Risks
  • Diversification Security in Energy Supply
  • Energy Production Factors
  • Energy Diversification Factor
  • Energy Supply Risk Factor
  • Solutions
  • Summing Up

Energy Its Perspectives
  • World population would reach 8.2 billion in 2030,
    from 6 billion in 2000.
  • One third of the world population have no access
    to electricity and another one third have only
    limited access.
  • If the per capita energy usages in the developing
    and developed states are to be the same then the
    energy demand would increase 8 fold till 2050.
  • In 2030 70 of total energy demand would form in
    developing countries.
  • Therefore, the energy exchange trade (production,
    demand, supply, transport) would significantly

Energy Its Perspectives
  • In 2030
  • Still more than 1.4 billion people have no
  • Natural gas would rapidly replace other energy
  • Growth in natural gas usage would be limited by
    advances in other energy technologies.
  • Flower-house emissions would increase steeply.
  • Conclusion
  • Stability of states in near future depends
    primarily on their capability to produce clean
    and enough secure energy.

Definition of Security
  • Security can be relatively defined as
  • Getting Free of Risks, Survival,
  • and Preservation of Basic Values
  • Security is the fundamental concern for all
    states from military and non-military aspects.
  • Non-military aspects can be divided into
    different categories, including Energy
    Production, Economic, and Environmental issues.

Security and Disruption
  • Energy Supply and Risking Factors

Technological Limitations Major Dependence on
One or Few Technologies for Energy Production
Geographic Limitations Major Dependence on One
or Few Countries for Energy Imports
Energy Supply Risk
Security and Disruption
  • Energy production security similar to security
    itself, covers a vast and diverse concept.
  • Countries with major reliance on limited energy
    supplies and import them would be more vulnerable
    to risks.
  • Instabilities in energy supply and demand,
    technological, or geographical limitations can
    lead to disruptions in energy market.
  • Energy importing countries usually do not face
    political chaos, but they are threatened by
    market disruptions (e.g. developed states).

Security and Disruption
  • On the other hand, developing countries usually
    experience all three types of disruptions
  • Disruptions Because of Political Issues Due to
    Inability of Exporting Country, Internal
    Political Problems (Internal Chaos, Post-war
    Issues, etc.), External Problems, and Group
    Decisions of Unions,
  • Disruptions in Markets Due to, for instance,
  • Disruptions Due to Accidents Natural Disasters,
    with no humans playing role.

Types of Energy Supply Risks

Effective Risks in Energy Supply
Non-diversifiable Risks
Diversifiable Risks
Problems in the Global Market
Problems in Access to Technologies
Problems in the Local Markets
Types of Energy Supply Risks
  • Non-diversifiable Risks
  • Correspond to oscillations in the global market
    and affect a large number of producers and
    consumers in countries.
  • Diversifiable Risks
  • Correspond to those risks, against which a
    country can increase the security factor by
    taking proper policies and programs.

Diversification Security
  • According to IEA, in 2030 fossil fuels would
    produce about 89 of worlds energy with the
    current rate.
  • This will be 2 above the corresponding figure at
    the beginning of the current century.
  • At present, major available energy resources are
  • Oil
  • Coal
  • Natural Gas
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Hydro-power

Diversification Security
  • Share of various energy resources in the world
  • (Source IEA)

Energy Production Factors
  • For a quantitative rather than a qualitative
    measurements we define two energy production

Qualitative Evaluation
Quantitative Evaluation 1. Comparison to Other
States 2. Position of Technology
Energy Diversification Factor
  • Primary Energy Supply in Various Countries
  • (Million Ton Crude Oil)

2002 2001 2000 1999 Country
2290.4 516.9 265.9 350.0 203.5 538.3 143 156.1 126.4 75.4 2253.9 517 266.4 248.2 193.9 524.2 134.5 149.6 119.7 71.6 2302.6 521.6 257.6 350.9 190.9 523.6 125.00 146.1 105.3 77.5 2242.3 516.4 255.1 244.4 178.5 502.1 121.7 140.6 90.1 71.0 US Japan France Canada South Korea India Iran Indonesia Saudi Arabia Turkey
10376.4 10150.1 9963.5 9711.6 Total World
Energy Diversification Factor
  • Percentage of Primary Commercial Energy Supply
    (Based on 2003 Statistics)

Oil Natural Gas Coal Nuclear Energy Hydro-power Country
39.7 49.2 36.1 33.0 49.8 32.8 41.8 50.3 54.9 42.9 26.6 13.6 15.1 27.0 11.4 7.8 56.0 29.9 45.1 25.4 24.9 22.2 4.7 10.6 24.1 53.6 0.5 17.6 __ 20.8 7.9 10.3 38.3 5.7 13.8 1.1 __ __ __ __ 2.6 4.5 6.5 23.5 0.7 4.5 1.5 2.1 __ 1.7 US Japan France Canada South Korea India Iran Indonesia Saudi Arabia Turkey
Energy Diversification Factor
  • To measure the diversification of various energy
    resources we define the energy diversification
    factor d as
  • Here
  • N is the number of energy resources,
  • xi is the percentage of the ith energy in the
    countrys supply.

Energy Diversification Factor
  • Calculated Diversification Factors for Countries

Energy Diversification Factor Country
3.0 3.1 3.4 2.3 3.4 4.6 5.7 4.0 6.0 2.9 US Japan France Canada South Korea India Iran Indonesia Saudi Arabia Turkey
Energy Diversification Factor
  • Canada with the smallest and Saudi Arabia with
    the largest diversification factors have
    respectively the most even and most uneven usage
    of energy resources.
  • Iran has a close d-factor to that of Saudi
    Arabia, showing its unreasonable situation.
  • Some states essentially have no capacity to
    produce some forms of energy, e.g. hydro-power in
    Saudi Arabia.
  • Hence, diversification in energy production
    schemes should be of the primary concern for Iran.

Energy Supply Risk Factor
  • From the energy supply security side, we can take
    quantitative measures too.
  • Energy supply risk factors are given relative to
    crude oil for Japan as
  • Liquid Natural Gas 1.94
  • Crude Oil 1.00
  • Coal 0.317
  • Nuclear Power 0.026
  • Unexpectedly, the risk factor for nuclear energy
    (in Japan) is much lower than other forms, being
    75 times less than LNG.
  • Jap. J. Political Sci. 5, 1 (2004)

Energy Supply Risk Factor
  • This remarkable difference can be due to Japans
    access to nuclear fuel cycle.
  • Therefore inability to access the peaceful
    nuclear fuel cycle will be a direct cause for
    increasing nuclear energys risk factor.
  • Of course, there are numerous political,
    regional, and global issues affecting this
  • In fact a precise evaluation of risk factors for
    every country requires a separate and detailed

Energy Supply Risk Factor
  • If we take zero risk factor for Hydro-power and
    equal factors for LNG and natural gas, then we
    can define the total energy supply risk factor e
  • where ri is the risk factor of ith energy.

Energy Supply Risk Factor
  • Calculated Energy Supply Risk Factors

Energy Supply Risk Factor Country
0.99 0.83 0.67 0.89 0.80 0.64 1.51 1.14 1.43 0.99 US Japan France Canada South Korea India Iran Indonesia Saudi Arabia Turkey
Energy Supply Risk Factor
  • India and France have the smallest energy supply
    risk factors
  • Cause
  • Major reliance respectively on nuclear and coal
    energies (low risk resources).
  • Iran and Saudi Arabia have the largest energy
    supply risk factors.
  • Cause
  • Heavy reliance on high risk energy resources
    (fossil fuels).
  • Although the geographical and local benefits of
    these two countries are not included in this
    estimation, however, several compensating issues
    should be considered in the long term as follows
    in the next pages.

Energy Supply Risk Factor
  • Iran has huge natural gas reservoirs, but this
    would not help to attain a more reasonable energy
    supply risk factor

Pressure drop in many oil fields and the
necessacity of gas reinjection
Very low internal prices, encouraging unreasonabl
e consumption
Limitations in Long-term Usage of Natural Gas
Heavy subsidies paid, encouraging Illegal trade
Global limitations in usage of fossil fuels due
to flower-house emissions
  • In general, countries having large energy
    diversification factors (i.e., uneven usage of
    resources), have large energy supply risk factors
    too. In both cases Iran has almost the worst
  • There are three inter-related solutions for Iran
  • Diversification of Energy Resources
  • Development of Low Risk Technologies
  • (Coal, Hydro-power, and Nuclear Power)
  • 3. Maximum Utilization of Renewable Energies

  • Hydro-power
  • Iran has not yet fully developed its hydro-power
    capacities. Through the completion of existing
    projects, the share of this clean energy form
    would increase.
  • Within 9 months the total installed capacity of
    hydro-power plants would exceed 6007MW, which
    constitutes 18 of total countrys electricity.
  • After completion of current projects during the
    next twenty years, the total capacity of
    hydro-power plants in Iran would reach 11,584.4MW.

  • Karon-3 Dam

  • Jiroft Dam (Illustration of Spillway)

  • Natural Gas
  • Currently, European Union is considering Iran as
    the best alternative for Russia to import natural
  • From another point of view, exports of national
    reservoirs such as natural gas and oil, in their
    crude form, results in destruction of many
    economic potentials as well as very low surplus
  • Perhaps the best way to deal with this, is to
    keep the exports and therefore exchange with
    money to minimum, and replace it with the imports
    of science and technology, in the
    infra-structures of energy production with high
    efficiency, nuclear energy, renewables, and
    collaboration in the nuclear fusion research.

  • Coal
  • Current estimations show that only 50 of the
    countrys coal can be used for total required
    electricity over the next 30 years.
  • Irans Electricity Development Organization has
    the first coal plant with the Clean Coal
    Technology in Tabas, close to the Mazino coal
  • If the share of coal from the total energy supply
    is one-third of the current total value, then
    internal coal mines would last for about a

  • Nuclear Power
  • Atomic Energy Organization of Iran initially
    planned in 1977 for a minimum of 9000MW and
    maximum 19800MW nuclear power according to
    country needs and consultation with Stanford
    Research Institute.
  • 2x1200MW reactors in Bushehr and 1800MW plants in
    Ahwaz were planned.
  • After the revolution, contracts were
    unfortunately stopped. However Bushehr plants
    would be ready for operation at reduced capacity
    in 2 years.

Bushehr reactors under construction
  • With the completion of Irans hydro-power
    projects within the current year, energy
    diversification and supply risk factors would
    improve to 4.3 and 1.29, respectively, which show
    a much more favorable situation.
  • Completion of Bushehr nuclear plants, Tabas coal
    plants, and all remaining hydro-power projects
    should be done in about 15 years. In this case,
    the energy diversification and supply risk
    factors would reach 3.5 and 1.09, respectively,
    which represent a situation quite comparable to
    developed states.

  • Current Status of Energy Factors and Their
    Expected Values in Future
  • For comparison, the Energy Diversification and
    Supply factors respectively for France and the
    United States are 3.4 and 0.99.

Factor Current Value Mid-2006 2020
Diversification d-Factor 5.7 4.3 3.5
Supply e-Factor 1.51 1.29 1.09
  • Renewable energies require heavy initial
    investment and small energy production
    capacitites, which limit their usefulness.
  • Considering all political aspects and the serious
    enviornmental issues involved with nuclear
    fission, the best remaining choice for energy
    production is the peaceful and clean NUCLEAR
    FUSION technology.

Summing Up
  • Not only diversification in energy resources of
    developing countries has direct relationship to
    their energy supply security, but also it is a
    condition for sustained development as well.
  • Developed countries with stable economies enjoy
    favorable diversified energy production among
    various resources and rely on low-risk energies.
  • Nuclear energy, contrary to the serious political
    difficulties during the construction have never
    been, at least up to now, affected by external
    problems after operation.

Summing Up
  • From both energy diversification and supply
    security views, there is a one-to-one
    correspondence. In general countries with large
    d-factors (less diversified) have large e-factors
    (less reliable situation) too.
  • In both cases Iran is the most critical state.
  • Through completion of hydro-power, coal, and
    nuclear projects, Irans energy factors would
    come close to the figures for developed countries.

  • Thank You for Your Attention
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