Title: The Sport of Mush by Sherry Shahan
1The Sport of Mushby Sherry Shahan
2- 8 According to the selection The Sport of
Mush, which sentence explains why sled dogs
wear booties? - A. Booties keep the dogs feet warm.
- B. Booties help to identify dogs on the teams.
- C. Booties protect dogs feet from ice and
snow. - D. Booties prevent dogs from slipping on the
IA17 Make connections (cause and effect) within
a text (Reading GLE 2.3.1)
3- 9 What is the meaning of the word precautions in
paragraph 10 of the selection The Sport of
Mush? - A. Expedition boots
- B. Careless actions
- C. Safety measures
- D. Smooth trails
IC 14 Interpret vocabulary critical to the
meaning of the text (Reading GLE 1.3.2)
4- 10 Which statement is the most important
conclusion that may be drawn from the selection
The Sport of Mush? - A. Cold weather is necessary in order to
compete successfully in a race. - B. Mushers require good food in order to
compete successfully in a race. - C. Sled dogs require great care in order to
compete successfully in a race. - D. Proper clothing is necessary in order to
compete successfully in a race.
IT19 Evaluate reasoning and ideas/themes related
to the text (Reading GLE 2.4.1, 2.4.5)
5They Dont Bark, You KnowBy Keri Dearborn
6- 11 Which comparison from the poem They Dont
Bark, You Know is an - example of a simile?
- A. Creak of a sled to dog feet
- B. Ice crystals to frozen air
- C. Quiet winter to breath
- D. Sun to a stone
LA05 Demonstrate understanding of literary
elements (genres story elements such as plot,
character, setting stylistic devices)
and graphic elements/illustrations (Reading GLEs
2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.3)
7- 12 What is the authors purpose for writing the
poem They Dont Bark, - You Know?
- A. To tell about the dangers of riding a dog
sled - B. To describe the beauty of riding a dog sled
- C. To persuade the reader to ride a dog sled
- D. To explain how to ride a dog sled
LT08 Analyze authors purpose and evaluate
effectiveness for different audiences (includes
fact/opinion, authors point of view, tone,
and use of persuasive devices) (Reading GLEs
2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4)
813 How might the selection The Sport of Mush
and the poem They Dont Bark, You Know be
useful to someone who is planning to become
a musher? Include two details from the selection
The Sport of Mush and two details from the
poem They Dont Bark, You Know in your
answer. __________________________________________
IT20 Extend information beyond text (make
generalizations beyond the text to a broader idea
or concept, draw conclusions, or
apply information to other texts or situations)
(Reading GLEs 2.4.1, 2.4.5)
9(No Transcript)
10- Text-based details include, but are not limited
to - From the poem
- Rails slide over the frozen trail
- Boots break through icy crust
- Creak of the sled
- Padding of dogs feet
- Rhythmic roar of own breathing
- Quiet of mid winter
- White landscape stretches to meet the pale sky
- Sun skips across horizon
- Sherbet colored clouds
- Distant mountains
- Icy crystals form in nostrils
- Cheeks sting in the frozen air
- Vastness of the frontier
- From the selection
1113 How might the selection The Sport of Mush
and the poem They Dont Bark, You Know be
useful to someone who is planning to become
a musher? Include two details from the selection
The Sport of Mush and two details from the
poem They Dont Bark, You Know in your answer.
It tells you that (K) ice crystals form from
nostrals and (L) cheeks sting from cold air. In
the selection it says (AA) your dogs have to wear
booties (BB) it helps if you feed them on flat
pans so it makes it look like the ground.
1213 How might the selection The Sport of Mush
and the poem They Dont Bark, You Know be
useful to someone who is planning to become
a musher? Include two details from the selection
The Sport of Mush and two details from the
poem They Dont Bark, You Know in your answer.
In the Sport of Mush you also learn (AA) they
need to wear booties (BB) dogs eat of the ground.
In the selection They Dont Bark You Know when
you become a musher be prepared to have (K) icy
1313 How might the selection The Sport of Mush
and the poem They Dont Bark, You Know be
useful to someone who is planning to become
a musher? Include two details from the selection
The Sport of Mush and two details from the
poem They Dont Bark, You Know in your answer.
It is a good idea to (OO) talk to your dogs, so
they know whose voice is calling them. It is good
to (AA) make booties for your dog so they dont
get cut so snow doesnt get betwen ther tows. You
should (II) bring snacks for your dogs becaus the
dogs can burn up to 10,000 calories a day. Note
all three details are from the selection.
1413 How might the selection The Sport of Mush
and the poem They Dont Bark, You Know be
useful to someone who is planning to become
a musher? Include two details from the selection
The Sport of Mush and two details from the
poem They Dont Bark, You Know in your answer.
The student response earns zero points. The
response includes no text-based details.
15- 14 How are the dogs at feeding time in the
selection The Sport of Mush - and the dogs in the poem They Dont Bark, You
Know different? - A. In the poem they are noisy in the
selection they are silent. - B. In the poem they are silent in the
selection they are noisy. - C. In the poem they jump and lick in the
selection they are asleep. - D. In the poem they are asleep in the
selection they jump and lick.
IA16 Compare and contrast information between
and within texts (Reading GLEs 2.3.1, 2.4.6)
1615 Both the selection The Sport of Mush and
the poem They Dont Bark, You Know show how
cold weather affects the sport of sled dog
racing. Provide one detail from the poem and one
detail from the selection that support this
idea. ____________________________________________
IA17 Make connections (cause and effect) within
a text (Reading GLE 2.3.1)
17(No Transcript)
18Text-based details may include, but are not
limited to Selection A. Dalton wears a heavily
insulated parka / a beaver ruff lines his
hood. B. Blizzards can wipe out trails/Dalton got
lost. C. Dalton puts heat packs in his gloves and
long underwear. D. Dalton has expedition weight
boots. E. Dalton wears socks if its minus 30
degrees/doesnt have to wear socks unless its
minus 30 degrees. F. Dogs wear booties/need 8
booties per dog. G. Dogs often have to be sent to
vet due to injuries. H. Dogs burn up to 10,000
calories a day. I. Main meals require hot water
to thaw food/takes lots of snow to make hot
water. J. Dogs have to eat off of flat
pans. Poem AA. Rails slide over frozen
trail. BB. Boots break through icy crust of
snow. CC. Rhythmic roar of your own breath DD.
Ice crystals form in the mushers nostrils. EE.
Cheeks sting.
1915 Both the selection The Sport of Mush and
the poem They Dont Bark, You Know show how
cold weather affects the sport of sled dog
racing. Provide one detail from the poem and one
detail from the selection that support this idea.
In the poem (DD) ice crystals form in nostrils
(EE) cheeks string in the frozen air. In the
selection (C) Dalton puts heat packs in his
gloves and in the pockets of his long underwear.
2015 Both the selection The Sport of Mush and
the poem They Dont Bark, You Know show how
cold weather affects the sport of sled dog
racing. Provide one detail from the poem and one
detail from the selection that support this idea.
In They Dont Bark You Know (CC) you can hear
your own breath.
2115 Both the selection The Sport of Mush and
the poem They Dont Bark, You Know show how
cold weather affects the sport of sled dog
racing. Provide one detail from the poem and one
detail from the selection that support this idea.
The student response earns zero points. The
response contains no text-based details.