Title: CH 8: The Process of Writing
1CH 8 The Process of Writing
- READ 321/322
- Dr. Schneider
2Objectives You will learn
- A variety of approaches to teach writing
- The stages involved in the process of writing
- What writers workshop entails
- How to teach bookbinding to students
- Different types of journal writing
- Different types of poetry how to teach it
- content of writing mini-lessons
- Ways to assess writing
3Starting questions
- What makes writing difficult? ??
- What makes writing enjoyable? ??
4Starting questions
- What makes writing difficult? ??
- No ideas
- Fine motor problems
- Spelling problems
- Difficulties organizing ideas
- Negative feedback
- What makes writing enjoyable? ??
- Positive feedback
- Good ideas as sense of how to put them on paper
- Good feeling about what effect words can have on
a paper/in print
5Two basic types of text
- Expository text
- 3 parts (IMC/S)
- Theme statement (I) outline
- Paragraphs with details examples (M)
- Final paragraph with conclusion summary that
links with theme statement/ hypothesis (E)
- Narrative text
- 3 parts (BME)
- Time Place (B)
- Characters (B)
- Problem that main character solves (action plot
with climax) ending in resolution (M) - Message (E)
63 basic types of texts
- (1) Expository text (prose non-fiction)
- (auto) biographies, certain journal writing
- Letters (friendly/business)- pen-pal, Research
report - (2) Narrative text (prose fiction)
- Stories (adventure, mystery, detective, play)
- Certain journal writing (
- (3) Poetry
- Free verse or end rhymes
- Different rules patterns (limerick, diamante,
concrete poetry)
72 approaches to teaching writing
- Traditional approach
- 1 topic for all students
- 1-shot assignment
- elements of writing taught as separate
unconnected skills (spelling, punctuation,
handwriting, text structure etc.)
- Process approach
- Rewrites are possible
- Prewriting activities precede drafting/writing
activities. These include revising and editing
with peer teacher support. It is completed by
post writing activities. - Student actively involved in choosing topics
- Writing skills taught within process of writing a
8Details about the 3 writing phases
- PRE-writing
- set up comfortable brainstorming writing
environment (time, place, materials- papers,
pencils drawing utensils) - get ideas to write about from observing
environment consciously - Get ideas to write about from different kinds of
books - Draw your ideas
9Details about the 3 writing phases
- PRE-writing
- Tell story, ideas to s.o. before writing
- Draw graphic organizer of ideas
- Free writing for 5-10 minutes to find ideas
- Collect as class keywords and spellings for
specific topic(s) in folder accessible to all. - Collect ideas, vocabulary, pictures, notes in a
folder, writing drawing paper.
10Details about the 3 writing phases
- Produce rough draft conference with T and/or
peers - Make check list about suggestions
- Revise text, edit and proof-read on your own and
with /for peers (includes reading text out-loud!) - Repeat revising editing process until satisfied
11Details about the 3 writing phases
- POST-Writing
- Sit in authors chair and read project to peers
- Bind texts as books or booklets for Authors
Fair - Mail letters off
- Display written works publicly (library, young
authors fair) - Perform written play
12Details about the 3 writing phases
- POST-Writing Book binding
- Staple book binding
- Ring book binding (at least 2 holes)
- Stitched book binding
- Library book binding (p. 292)
- Publishing going public with students(p.293)
- Nationwide contest
- Magazine Kids Magazine and Cricket
- Website publishing
13What to do with struggling writers
- Provide stress-free writing conditions
- Reduce distractions (items, sound, light)
- Allow for unusual writing places
- Assure that spelling, poor handwriting will not
be taken into consideration - Let student write on computer
- Provide quietness special corner, headphones,
earplugs - Extend time for final project due date
- Increase helpful conference times/dialogue
14What do with excelling writers
- Support steeper, up-ward learning curve
- Encourage more advanced research (details)
- Encourage focus on higher level vocabulary in
text - Encourage advanced technological resources for
final project (computer illustrations, graphs) - Provide/foster HOT tasks for content
- Encourage more advanced basic resources
(literature type, amount of reading, topic)
15Types of journal writing
- Reading Logs
- Writing Logs
- Learning Logs
- Simulated Journal entries
16Journal writing tips
- Never grade journal entries for content or for
writing style (conventions) - Provide comments that encourage further written
dialogue, further reading, further thinking - Respond to content and feelings in journals,
never grammar. - Keep journal yourself write with students in
17Teaching narrative writing
- Teach mini-lessons on story writing
- Beginning, middle, end
- Plot (conflict, climax, resolution)
- Setting (Place, Time)
- Character development(descriptors)
- Theme , the message of the story
- Role of narrator (first person, third person
omniscient or limited) - Revising/editing
18Teaching narrative writing
- Purpose of narrative writing
- Types of texts to write
- General stories
- Fairy tales
- Fantasy stories
- plays
- songs
19Teaching expository writing
- Types of texts to write
- Reports (history, arts, science, personal event)
- Recipe, greeting, thank you cards, magazine
article - Science/learning log about development of sth.
- Persuasion paper
- Cause/effect paper
- Interview summary
- Film report
- Letters (formal, informal)
- biography
20Teaching expository writing
- DemonstrationT models steps (research,
note-taking, outlining, writing, proof-reading - Joint activitySsT in group write non-fiction
together - Supported writingT supports individually with
guiding questions/outlines - Independent writing ST researches takes notes
writes following modeled steps
21Teaching expository writing
- Step up to Writing Strategies (Auman, 2003)-see
extra sheets - Make text writing more multisensory, less
threatening and more explicit in organization of
thoughts- more than webs - Color coded sentence strips (laminated) help sort
thoughts into arguments, their support and
beginning and end part information. Smaller cards
are used to provide transition words.
22Teaching poetry writing
- Types of poetry to write
- Concrete poetry,
- form poetry (haiku, diamante, limerick, couplet)
- Free verse
- Acrostic poetry
- Others on separate sheet
23What is the purpose of poetry writing?
- relieve stress, emotions, sort ideas
- experiment with figurative elements of language
- Write/communicate without confinement to sentence
structures from day one of new language learning
experience on - Communicate emotions, points of views regarding
current politics, events (see freedom writers
deported from their countries or thrown into
prison) - Other
24Teaching poetry writing
- Ways to teach poetry
- Read to students a lot of samples exposure
- Let students share favorite poems
- Memorize poems
- Read poems in groups in exaggerated rap-like
speed and intonation that matches content
regardless of time of origin then compare to
another way to read it understand through
performing poetry in theatrical speech , not
discussing it
25Teaching poetry writing
- Ways to teach poetry
- Regular choral speaking groups take turns
reading different parts of poem -. Fluency - Students illustrate poems they have copied
- Copy a favorite poem into personal favorite
sayings book. - Writing own poetry following no model or some
guidelines given by teacher see extra sheet
26Teaching poetry writing
- Reduce any existing barriers by
- Writing a poem collectively
- Showing students that poems do not have to rhyme
- Letting students read many poems, select
favorites and express/share why - Reading poems aloud to others
- THEN start writing their own and going through
several revision processes
27Assessing writing performance
- There are various ways to be used
- Several measures should be taken to assess
performance skill overall, not just one - Progress must be taken into consideration
- Teacher-pupil conference
- Teacher observations (kidwatching)
- Anecdotal records
- Student journals
- Student self-evaluation
28Assessing writing performance
- LA portfolios (p. 321)
- 6 Traits of Writing Rubrics or others
- 1-5 scale with categories
- Development of ideas and content
- Organizational structure of paper
- Voice how writer speaks to reader
- Word choice
- Sentence fluency
- Conventions of writing (spelling) (www.nwrel.org)
- Web-site to create rubrics http//rubistar4teache