Title: 3. The Writing Process for Upper-Elementary-Grade Writers
13. The Writing Process for Upper-Elementary-Grade
- Teaching 8-, 9-, 10 year-olds the Writing
Process - Read pages 12 13 to yourself
- JIGSAW Chapter 3 Each member reads two
sections to share with whole group - Pacing Materials
- Rehearsal for Writing
- Drafting
- Revision
- Editing
- Cycling through the Entire Process
A Guide to the Writing Workshop Grades 3-5
2Linking Reading and Writing
- Writers can start a story by describing the
setting. We can name the time and place, but we
can take this further as in - Lois Lowrys - Crow Call
3Linking Reading to Writing
- Writers use gestures, postures, and facial
expressions to show the emotions that our
characters are experiencing.
Predictable Problem Possible Solution
Writers feel stuck or have no ideas CHART that lists generating strategies posting directing students to them Talking conference get the writer talking edging the to a story, interrupt them your ready to go
Writers not writing with enough volume (stamina) Put a dot or in the margin (clear short term goal) Goal setting
Teacher dependency CHART teach task Partnership protocol - teacher can choose partner Rush with hands up clear from teacher expect get started on own, teacher not attend to hand right away
Talking not writing Practice, practice, practice, more clear productive, maintain tone/ silence signals
Writer with multiple ideas how to pick a seed idea CHART pin point
Use anchor texts for teachers Read alouds CHARTS
Sharing time, protect time, child want to share
5Patterns of Minilessons Patterns of Conferences
- Qualities of Good Writing Focus, Detail
Structure - Grades 6-8
6Patterns of Minilessons
- Share writing with a partner
- Blank book, time line, short mountain or boxes
- What is the meaning of my story?
- What do I want to concentrate on?
- What do I want the reader to leave with?
- Writing Revisit your writing pause, look at
the plan, see it as a movie see hear
Launching the Writing Workshop Grades 3-5
7The Patterns of Minilessons
- Connection
- Connect engage students
- Teaching Point name teaching point skill
(generate idea) strategy(ies) by (often a
series of steps) - Teaching
- Demonstrate often
- Active Engagement
- Link
- Restate teaching point connect to all writing
Launching the Writing Workshop Grades 3-5
8Patterns of Minilessons
- Share Lucys quote pg 55-56
- Adding details, surprising details
- Break up share components of a minilesson
(paper fold) - Connection (57-60)
- Teaching (60-64)
- Active Engagement (64-66)
- Link (67-68)
- VIDEO example
Guide to the Writing Workshop Grades 3-5 pg 55
9The Patterns of Conferences
- Conferences are essential
- Predictable architecture
- What are the main facets of each of the
following - Research phase
- Decision phase
- Compliment phase
- Teaching phase
10Conferring with Children
- What am I really, really trying to say?
- Does this draft capture what I want to say?
- What are you planning to do next with this
draft? - What do you think is especially strong in this
draft that you can build on? - Video example