Title: Dia 1
1Idea behind central storage of global content or
the WiMantic database
Semantics go one direction only The direction of
the arrow means uses relation, meaning that
Local Wikis can see (and use) the WiMantic
content, but the WiMantic content cannot see,
and especially not use the semantic data stored
in the Lokal Wikis. Within the WiMantic there
are however pointers stored to synonym terms in
the local Wiki, thus implementing the global
dictionary function as well. Everything combined
at one place. No redundancy.
Stored in WiMantic
Term Car Semantics Thing used to move
WiMantic Database, 10M articles
Local German
Auto Semantics Sache verwendet, um Leute zu
Local French
Voiture Semantics Chose employée pour déplacer
des personnes
How does it work?
Text automatically Translated with Yahoo Babel
Representation of global definitions (semantics
knowledge) is done by 1. Using automatic
translation of text out of the WiMantic database
towards local wikis, 2. Referencing to items in
the Wimantic database from local wikis, The
Wikimantic database is always leading for the
global semantics (conflicts). Advantages -
Financially (Global) business case is estimated
to be at least several billions of dollars /
euros. - Maintenance at one place instead of
all local Wikis - Modern Bableism is
avoided (see article Improving Global
Understanding and Communication) - Mechanism
boosts translation tools improvement. - Mechanism
boosts debabling languages in a global manner,
see language purification article as well. - Far
more energy, time, etc. is left for really
important work (define new concepts, share
knowledge, improve communication and
collaboration, and, very important further
development and innovation of the Wiki concept).
Better to have one definition thoroughly defined,
than having the same concept defined 25 times, at
a more abstract level and partly not
consistent Important note Automatic
translations should be checked on a incidental
base, and in the beginning at least with every
change, to check whether semantics are translated
correctly. Semantics go over form translators
do not produce very sophisticated language
currently, this is not a problem as long as the
semantics are correct (it must though not be too
heavy to read a translated text).
Global definitions (semantics) are stored only