Title: CSCW
- Juho Kim
- 2009-04-14
- CS376 Research Topics in HCI
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3Beyond Being ThereJim Hollan, Scott Stornetta
Average Rating 3.9/ 5 (N13)
4Needs Media Mechanism
5Asynchronous Anonymous Automatic archive
6Ephemeral interest groups
- Brothers et al. Supporting Information
Communication via Ephemeral Interest Groups. CSCW
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10Whats the value of Beyond Being There
11What are shortcomings and how can we overcome
12Eight Challenges for DevelopersJonathan Grudin
Average Rating 3.3 / 5 (N 11)
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14Do we really need groupware? Is the distinction
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16How did technological advancement influence the
design of groupware?
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18- Clive Thompson on Wired. Social sixth sense
19Can technology incorporate socially subtle issues
in designing groupware?
20Distance Matters Gary M. Olson Judith S. Olson
21Common ground Coupling of group
work Collaboration readiness Collaboration
technology readiness
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23Sociometer, MIT Media Lab
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25How can we motivate people to contribute more?
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27Distance matters vs. Beyond being there
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29What can we learn from the past success / failure?
30Additional Slides
31When in Rome, do as Romans do. But where is
32How can we cope with cultural differences? What
makes good cross-cultural design?