Title: Diapositive 1
1UK - USA - France comparison between
1. Introduction to publishing Anne Garnier
2. Literature Marie Bourboulou
3. Childrens books Cécile Petit
4. Comic strip Aymeric Jeanson
31. Introduction to publishing
- Where to find out about publishing ?
- Publishing glossary
4Where to find out about publishing ?
- The most important categories of publishing
- To find out about UK publishing
British Council www.britishcouncil.org/ism-ukpub
lishing.htm Publishers Association
www.publishers.org.uk Bookseller Magazine
www.thebookseller.com Bookinformation
www.bookinformation.co.uk Publishingnews
- To find out about US publishing
Association of American Publishers
www.publishers.org Publishersweekly
www.publishersweekly.com Bookwire
www.bookwire.com Frenchpubagency
www.frenchpubagency.com International Publishers
Association www.ipa-uie.org
- The most important book fairs in the US and in
the UK
London Book Fair www.lbf-virtual.com BookExpo
America www.bookexpoamerica.com
5Publishing glossary
1 front cover
2 fore edge
3 back cover
4 binding
5 raised bands
6 spine
6Publishing glossary
- The people who work in publishing
- Quizz on publishing vocabulary
To bind
DTP (Desktop)
Portrait / Upright
(Dust) Jacket
To pass for press
- Miscellaneous hypertext links
How a book is made www.harperchildrens.com/hch/pi
Publishing glossaries www.publishers.org.uk/paweb/
paweb.nsf/pubframe!Open http//liberlibri.chez.t
71. Introduction to publishing
2. Literature
- Virginia Woolf
- Paul Auster
- Charlotte Brontë
3. Childrens books
4. Comic strip
8Virginia Woolf
9Paul Auster
10Charlotte Brontë
11Shakespeare 1
12Shakespeare 2
13Conan Doyle
14Agatha Christie
15Philip Roth
16Helen Fielding
17Dan Brown
181. Introduction to publishing
2. Literature
3. Childrens books
- Sticker Book
- Picture Book
- Novel
4. Comic strip
19Children / Sticker Book
- Maisys Christmas Cest Noël, Mimi!
- Lucy Cousins
20Children / Picture Book
- I will never not ever eat a tomato Beurk les
tomates! - Lauren child
21Children / Novel (Hard cover)
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry
Potter et lordre du Phoenix - J. K. Rowlling
22Children / Novel (Paperback)
- Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone Harry
Potter à lécole des sorciers - J. K. Rowlling
231. Introduction to publishing
2. Literature
3. Childrens books
4. Comic strip
- Finding safety in flight
- A literary ghetto
- Evolution and development
24Finding safety in flight
- English comic strip a very despised genre
- No facilities in the United Kingdom
- An emergency to migrate to the USA
25A literary ghetto
- Global differences a minor genre
- The american notion of supply for comics
publishers - The great problem of freelance publishers
26Evolution and development
- A general evolution graphic novel and
trade paper back - The creation of publishing stocks
- France an Eldorado for comic strip authors !