Title: Automated People Movers
1Advanced Transit Options
- Automated People Movers
- Bus Rapid Transit
- Larry Miller, P.E. - LeaElliott, Inc.
2Automated People Movers (APMs) What is an APM?
- Family of Fully Automated Driverless Transit
Systems - Exclusive Right of Way / Guideway
- Proprietary System Designs Not Interchangeable
- Varying System Characteristics Facility Designs
- A Continuum of Systems
3Advantages of Automated Transit
- More Efficient Allocation of Labor Costs
- Shorter Headways, Less Waiting
- Better Able to Match Capacity to Demand
- Shorter Station Platforms
- Can Have Same or Improved Safety
Automated versus Manual Operated Train Comparison
4Types of APM Systems
- Cable-Propelled
- Self-Propelled
- Small and Medium Sized
- Large Sized
- Monorail
- Emerging Technologies
Self-Propelled Monorail
Self-Propelled Large
Self-Propelled Small/Medium
5Cable-Propelled APMs Typical Characteristics
- Fully Automated Driverless
- Cable Propelled
- 10 - 120 Passengers / Car
- Rubber Tire, Steel Wheel, Air or Cable Suspended
- Fixed Train Length, 1-4 Cars, 40 to 160 feet long
- Usually Short Shuttles (Under 1 mile)
Doppelmayr Prototype
Las Vegas (Doppelmayr)
Narita Airport, Japan (Otis)
Detroit Airport (Otis)
6Small and Medium Sized Self-Propelled Typical
- Fully Automated or Driver Operated
- Electrically Self-Propelled
- 15 25 Passengers per Car
- Rubber Tire
- Bottom Supported
- 1 - 7 Cars per Train, 40 to 240 feet
- Longer Distance / Higher Speed than Cable
AirTrain Newark (Bombardier)
Jacksonville DPM (Bombardier)
Las Colinas (Bombardier)
Clarian Hospital, Indianapolis Schwager-Davis)
7Large Self-Propelled Typical Characteristics
- Fully Automated or Driver Operated
- Electrically Self-Propelled
- 40 100 Passengers per Car
- Rubber Tire / Steel Wheel-Rail
- Bottom Supported
- 1 - 6 Cars per Train, 40 to 240 feet
- Longest Distance / Highest Speed
Lille, France (Siemens-Matra)
Dulles AeroTrain (Mitsubishi)
DFW SkyLink (Bombardier)
AirTrain JFK (Bombardier)
8Large Self Propelled Monorails
Tokyo Monorail (Hitachi)
Kita-Kyushu Monorail (Hitachi)
Las Vegas Monorail (Bombardier)
9Emerging Technologies
Linimo, Nagoya, Japan (CHSST)
System 21- ¼ Scale Prototype (Futrex)
CyberTran Prototype
10Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) What is BRT?
- According to the FTA,
- BRT is a flexible, high performance rapid
transit mode that combines a variety of physical,
operating and system elements into a permanently
integrated system with a quality image and unique
identity. - Not your typical bus ride think rapid transit
- BRT applies more to the functionality and
performance of the system than the actual vehicle
technology - BRT can be applied to activity center circulators
and line haul systems - BRT vehicle can travel anywhere there is
pavement, creating opportunities for single-seat
rides - No two BRT systems are the same
11Types of BRT Systems
- Unguided in Mixed Traffic, Express or Reserved
Lanes - Mixed or Reserved Lanes
- 0.5 to 1-mile Stop Spacing
- Existing or Upgraded Stops
- Express Service
- Stops at Major Activity Centers and Transfer
Points - Guided on Dedicated Lane
- Express Service with Types of Guidance
- Mechanical Guidance
- Optical
- Magnetic
- Mix of Guided and Unguided
12BRT Vehicles
- Manually Driven or Attended if Unguided
- Electric, Clean Diesel, CNG, LNG, Fuel Cell or
Hybrid Propulsion - Single and Articulated Vehicles with Rubber Tires
- Low Floor Vehicles Commonplace
- 20 to 90 Passengers per Vehicle
- Vehicles 28 to 61 feet long
- Conventional and also Sleek Styling to provide a
high-end image both inside and out
MetroRapid, Los Angeles
Silver Line, Boston
Phileas, Eindhoven, Netherlands
13BRT Other Key Features
- Raised Platforms at Stops, or Low-floor Buses
- Passenger Amenities
- Multiple-door Boarding
- Signal Priority
- Advanced Public Information Systems