Title: What
1Whats New in Quartus Prime v15.1?
- Quartus Prime Design Suite Product Details
- Customer Beta Registration Process
- Stratix 10 Early Access software
- Arria 10 Timing Model Update
- MAX 10 Update
- Quartus Hierarchical Design
- Timing Closure TimeQuest
- BluePrint
- SoC Embedded Features
- IP Cores
- First release of Quartus Prime Software Pro
Edition - Public Beta in v15.1
- Full speed grade performance improvement in both
editions - Arria 10 Default Flow 7
- Arria 10 High Effort Flow Physical Synthesis
13 - Public release of BluePrint Platform Designer
- Available in Pro Edition only
- New Synthesis Engine
- Expanded language (VHDL 2008 and SystemVerilog)
4Quartus Software Gets a Refresh
Web Edition
Lite Edition (LE)
Subscription Edition
Standard Edition (SE)
Pro Edition (PE)
5Do customers need to buy Pro Edition?
- In v15.1, Free of charge since Pro Edition is a
public beta - In v16.0, Pro Edition pricing will be effective
(May 2016)
Software Products List Price List Price List Price
Software Products Quartus II Subscription Quartus Prime Quartus Prime
Software Products Quartus II Subscription Standard Pro
Fixed New 2,995 2,995 3,995
Fixed Renewal 2,495 2,495 3,395
Float New 3,995 3,995 4,995
Float Renewal 2,495 3,295 4,295
ModelSim New 945 1,995 1,995
ModelSim Renewal 945 1,695 1,695
Effective with v16.0 Release
6Quartus Prime Licensing Availability
- What license do I need?
- Lite No license file required
- Standard Requires a Standard license (quartus
feature line) - Pro Requires a Pro Standard license
(quartus_pro quartus feature line) - How do I obtain a Pro Edition license?
- Employee license via MOLSON
- How can I provide my customer a Pro Edition
license? - 60-day Customer evaluation license via MOLSON
- Zero dollar order
- More details coming soon
7Which Edition Do I Need? (LE vs SE vs PE)
Feature Support Lite Edition Standard Edition () Pro Edition ()
Device Support CV, CIV, M10, MV, MII SV, SIV, A10, AV, AII, CV, CIV, M10, MV, MII A10 (S10 coming soon)
New Hybrid Placer ? ?
New Global Router ? ?
New TimeQuest ? ?
New Physical Synthesis ? ?
FastForward Compile EA 16.0
BluePrint ?
New Synthesis ?
Rapid Recompile Only 28nm ?
SignalTap Postfit ?
OpenCL (A10) Only 28nm ?
Incremental Optimization EA
Partial Reconfiguration EA
Hierarchical Design Flow 2016
Distributed Compile 2016
1. Targeted Device
2. Spectra-QProductivity Features
8Which Edition Do I Need?
- Pick the edition that supports the device you are
using - Lite Edition - CV, CIV, M10, MV, MII, AII
- Standard Edition - SV, SIV, A10, AV, AII, CV,
CIV, M10, MV, MII - Pro Edition - A10 (S10 coming soon)
- Use Standard Edition if you have
- an existing A10 design using Subscription Edition
- an active A10 design going to production in the
next 6 months - Use the Pro Edition if you have
- A new A10 design
- A design that requires features only available in
Pro Edition, for example Partial Reconfiguration,
OpenCL, and BluePrint
9What Other Features are in Each Edition?
Feature Support Lite Edition Standard Edition () Pro Edition ()
Qsys ? ? ?
IP Base Suite ? ?
Transceiver Toolkit ? ?
Multiprocessor support Talk Back ? ?
Rapid Recompile ? ?
SignalTap Talk Back ? ?
SignalProbe Talk Back ? ?
ModelSim Altera Starter Edition ? ? ?
ModelSim Altera Edition Optional Optional Optional
DSP Builder Optional Optional Optional
Note Subject to change
10Quartus Prime Software v15.1 Higher Design
Performance ? Faster Timing Closure
1 Speed Grade Fasterwith Quartus Prime Software
11Quartus Prime Software v15.1 Higher Design
Performance ? Faster Timing Closure
1 Speed Grade Fasterwith Quartus Prime Software
12Quartus Prime v15.1 OS Support Plan
Windows 7 SP1 (64bit) Windows 7 SP1 (32bit) Windows 8.1 (64bit) Red Hat 5.10 (64bit) Red Hat 6.5 (64bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64bit)
Quartus Prime (All Editions) NIOS II EDS, DSP Builder Standard and Lite Editions Only
Stand-Alone Programmer NEW in 15.1
ModelSim-Altera (requires 32-bit libraries) Windows 8.0 Only
SoC Embedded Design Suite
Altera SDK for OpenCL
JNEye 32 and 64 bit
- Pro Edition is not supported on RedHat 5.10
- NEW support for a 32-bit stand-alone programmer
in Windows 7 - ModelSim-Altera officially supports Windows 8.0
only - For more information contact Michael Wenzler in
ACDS Central
13Quartus Prime Documentation
- Public Documents 15.1
- Quartus Prime Handbook (Standard Edition)
- GUI enhancements, PR changes, Qsys walkthrough,
new reports, RTL viewer changes, Auto
periphery/core optimization, BSYN, assignments - Quartus Prime Handbook (Pro Edition)
- All applicable Standard content, plus Intro,
migration, Spectra-Q engine, new GUI, new flows,
new assignments, new reports, new scripting,
SignalTap post-fit routing preservation - Altera Software Installation and Licensing
- Reflect changes to website and licensing for Pro
Edition - Quartus Prime Help
- Updated to document all new GUI
- Early Access Documents 15.1
- Stratix 10 Fast Forward Compile User Guide
- HyperRetiming, HyperPipelining, Fast Forward
Compilation, RTL Guidelines, Design Examples, GUI
reference, Glossary
14Customer Beta Registration
15Request Beta Software
- Log in to myAltera with your myAltera user name
and password - Click on Beta Software Request
16Register Your Customer
- Enter your customers email address
- Must be the same as their myAltera account email
17Click on the Email
- Click on the link in the email to download the
18Download the Customer Beta Software
- Log in to myAltera with your myAltera user name
and password - Click on Beta Software Download
19Download the Customer Beta Software
- Accept the Terms Conditions
- Only need to do it once for each Quartus version
- Download the required edition and device files of
the Quartus Prime software - Youre Done!
20Stratix 10 Early Access Software
21Whats Available for Stratix 10 Early Access in
- Quartus Prime Standard 15.1 Supports Fast Forward
Compile - Stratix 10 FMAX Performance exploration tool
using HyperFlex - Hyper-Retiming
- Hyper-Pipelining
- Hyper-Optimization
- 15.1 improvements over 15.0
- New Hyper-Optimization Advisor with step-by-step
instructions and optimization help - New performance increases through register chain
DSP, RAM block register placement - New GUI and tooltips for ease of use
- Not a full release for Stratix 10 support
- No IP (e.g. EMIF, transceiver) Support
- No Device selection, utilization, or pin
2215.1 Stratix 10 Early Access Software Flow
Report Predicted Stratix 10 Fmax Report how to
increase performance further
Design Entry (RTL)
Standard Arria 10 Compile
Fast Forward Compile
Same flow as 15.0 Fast Forward Compile
23 Stratix 10 Hyper-Optimization Advisor
- Advisor walks through Stratix 10 Fast Forward
Compile tools - Connects users to training documentation
- Teach users how to Hyper-Optimize their own
24Fast Forward Compile Support
- Access requires additional free license on top of
valid Quartus Prime Standard license - Request via 14nmEIP_at_altera.com for your customers
- Please ensure they have a valid subscription or
evaluation license first
- Documentation
- New Fast Forward Compile User Guide
- Integrates AN 714,715,716 and RTL design
guide/cookbook - New Fast Forward Compile Help Documentation
- Walk through video and training on altera.com
- Future releases of Fast Forward Compile post-15.1
will be built on Quartus Prime Pro Edition
25Arria 10 Timing Model Updates
26Timing Model Usage
27Arria 10 Timing Model v15.1 Update
- Derivative devices (480, 320/270, 220/160) reuse
architectural elements from primary devices
(1150/ 900 and 660/ 570) - Timing models of derivative devices inherit two
key benefits from reuse of architectural elements
that are silicon correlated in primary devices - Derivative devices are technically labelled as P,
but are much closer to F. Because, results from
silicon correlation of primary devices are built
into derivative devices timing models. - Skip P directly move from Preliminary to
Final. Or, benefit from much shorter P phase.
All devices transitioned to Preliminary in 15.1
Device LE Count 15.0 15.1 16.0 16.1
1150/ 900 P P F F
660/ 570 P P P F
480 A P P F
320/ 270 A P P F
220/ 160 A P P F
Derivative Devices
Note Military grade devices are P status in
v15,1 v16.0, and go directly to F in v16.1.
28MAX 10 Update
29Whats new for MAX 10 in 15.1?
- General
- OPN updates
- C8 temp / speed grade OPNs added for device
support consistency - F variants removed
- Final Timing Models
- v15.1 10M04, 10M08
- v15.1 U1 10M40 and 10M50
- Final Power Model support (PPPA and EPE)
- v15.1 10M02, 10M04, 10M08, 10M16, 10M40, and
10M50 - v15.1 U1 10M25
- SEU Heart-beat indicator for EDCRC
- IP Support Advanced DDR3 feature support
- ECC (DDR3/2), Advanced Bank Management, Data
Reordering, Self Refresh, Auto Power Down,
Dynamic Input Buffer disable - Embedded IP and Software driver support
- NIOS Flash accelerator for operating from UFM
(was beta in v15.0) - 16550 UART Max 10 support
- I2C Master/Slave peripheral
- QSPI x1 support in Max 10 (Linux drivers)
30Quartus Hierarchical Design
31Quartus Prime with Spectra-Q
- New design database infrastructure
- Foundation laid for new hierarchical flows in
v16.0 and beyond - New database hierarchical infrastructure
- Fundamental infrastructure for Quartus Pro
- Significant upgrade to back-end tools and
algorithms - Unified high level design compiler
32LogicLock Plus Regions (in Pro Edition only)
- LogicLock Plus improves traditional LogicLock
- Includes new Routing Region constraints in 16.0
- Hierarchical flow use models in 2016
LogicLock Plus LogicLock
Quartus Prime Edition Quartus Pro Edition only Standard only
Assign Partitions to Regions Export Import partition into a Region No(Yes - using Spectra-Q -in 16.0/ 16.1) Yes (using Quartus Incremental Compile)
Constrain Placement to a Region Yes Yes
Constrain Routing to a Region No (Yes in 16.0) No
Edit, Delete, Modify Region Yes Yes
33Arria10 Rapid Recompile
- Quartus Prime now supports Rapid Recompile for
Arria 10 - Only in Pro Edition
- Up to 75 reduction in compile time with Rapid
Flow Speedup (Rapid Recompile versus Full Compile) Speedup (Rapid Recompile versus Full Compile) Speedup (Rapid Recompile versus Full Compile)
Flow Synthesis Fit Total
HDL Change 2.2x 2.7x 2x
SignalTap Changing Post-Fit tap points Not Applicable 3.6x 3.6x
34Targeted hold time optimization
- Early access support in v15.1 Pro Edition. No INI
variable needed, but does not include - Complete GUI support,
- Documentation support
- Targeted hold time optimization for Post-Route
Hold Fixup - Run after Implement, or after Finalize
- Previously Apply over-constraints and recompile
quartus_sh --implement
quartus_fit --post-routehold_fixup
35Beta Feature in Pro Edition Post Implement Hold
Hold Total Negative Slack (TNS) measured across
50 designs over broad end-application segments
Algorithm capable of fixing a lot of violations
Before Fixup
After Fixup
36Check Pointing
Beta support in v15.1 Pro Edition.
- Check pointing in Quartus Pro
- 1) Saves compile time by 20 with Inner loop
compilation flow - First, iterate with 3-corner STA
- Next, run finalize for HS/LP optimization and
4-corner STA/ASM - 2) Faster timing closure with intermediate
Post-plan Post-place timing analysis - Planned ? estimated clock delays (no data delays)
- Placed ? uses placers estimated data delays
TimeQuest menu Netlist ? Create Timing
Netlist Command line quartus_sta
37More Check Pointing Features in Pro Edition
- Per-stage reports available
- Stages Map, Plan, Place, Route, Finalize
Plan data available before PR
38Timing Closure TimeQuest
39Periphery-Core Optimization Standard and Pro
- Early place route for paths between periphery
core - Previous releases required detailed wire or delay
window constraints - Determines delay window automatically
- Prioritizes, and commits routing for these paths
over others - Optimizations summarized in Fitter Report
ZATION Can be applied globally (Advanced Fitter
setting) or to particular entities Auto Will
pre-place route P2C/C2P paths with tight
windows On Optimizes all identified paths, Off
Prevents any optimization
40Multi-corner Visualization (Q15.1)
- Easy switch between timing corners
- Generate reports across all corners
- Not just in GUI, in scripts too
- Summary reports available
- One list of worst-case paths from all corners
41Hierarchical Reports Visualization tool (Q15.1)
Click to run report_timing to see details of paths
The worst-case slack and the number of paths
from/to that point of the hierarchy
Click /- to drill down the hierarchies
Click a link to rerun the report to/from that
42Clock-Domain-Crossings Verification
- Quickly verify paths that are deemed asynchronous
transfers/clocks - Validate paths affected by set_clock_groups SDC
command. - Run report_exceptions -report_clock_groups
- Adds a section of the report for each
set_clock_groups - Summary and detailed-paths-list views are
44Whats New in BluePrint in Quartus Prime v15.1?
- Accessing BluePrint
- Quartus Pro
- BluePrint publicly visible from the Quartus Tools
menu - No license or INI required to run BluePrint
- Quartus Standard
- INI hidden version of BluePrint available for use
in Quartus Standard - INI will be provided only to existing A10
customers unable to migrate - BluePrint will not be available in Quartus
Standard after 15.1 - Major user interface improvements
4515.1 BluePrint Features - Package View
- Package view updated based on user/field feedback
- Styled to look like PinPlanner, pin special
functions added as tool tips, option to enable
bank colors, flip between package top/bottom
4615.1 BluePrint Features - Reports Improvements
- Improve user experience using BluePrint reports
- Updates to BluePrint backend and GUI report
widget (RPWQ) - Several new reports have been added to BluePrint
including Clocks Report - Reports are hyperlinked to allow integrated
selection with floorplans
47and many more usability and GUI improvements
- Blueprint flow now directly accessible from the
home screen - Flow steps are buttons, and design/progress info
updated dynamically during planning - More integrated selection
- Selection of design element in design tree will
- Select associated location graphical views
- Show information in info property viewfor both
design element and location - Selection of location in graphical view will
- Select associated design element in design tree
- Show information in info property viewfor both
design element and location - Double-click Placement column to zoom-to
- Selection history
- Available via forward / back buttons on info
property view - Mouse rollover
- Rollover in design tree highlights locations,
associated design elements (and descendants) in
graphical views - Rollover in info properties view highlights
locations, associated design elements (and
descendants) in graphical views
48SoC Embedded Software
- SoC EDS 15.1 has incremental improvements and bug
fixes. - Improved productivity with A10 SoC FPGAS
- Supports A10 SoC FPGA Quartus Prime workflows
- HW Libs available
- Baremetal example for A10 SoC FPGAs
- Golden Hardware Reference Design for Quartus
Prime - Improvements to DS-5 AE
- Install multiple DS-5 AE on same host
- Other updates
- Cygwin Embedded Command Shell upgraded to version
2.0.1 - Angstrom RootFS upgraded to v2014.12
- ARM baremetal gcc toolchain upgraded to gcc
version 4.9.2
50Hardware Libraries HWLIBs
- QSPI modified to enable alternate QSPI Flash
devices for all SoC devices - Full Arria 10 SoC HWLIB in 15.1 SoCEDS
- New FPGA Mgr, ECC Mgr, Clock Mgr, Reset Mgr
- All fully tested on Arria 10 SoC
- Customer beta available September 21
- UEFI Bootloader now provided for non-GPL option
instead of Minimal Preloader (MPL) due to larger
OCRAM - Also makes use of Arria 10 SoC HWLIBs
51Linux and U-Boot
- Latest stable kernel v 4.2
- LTSI (Long Term Support) kernel v3.10 until the
end of the year. LTSI v 4.1 starting Q1 2016 - U-Boot v2014.10
- Yocto Project v1.7 /Angstrom Distribution 2014.12
until the end of the year - Yocto Project v1.9 /Angstrom 2015.12 starting Q1
52SoC Software Virtual Platform Schedule At-a-Glance
Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May
S-10 SoC VP w/Linux
Additional Production Releases every 2 Months
S-10 SoC VP w/ Linux
Initial Production Release
S-10 SoC VP w/ Linux
Beta Release (Limited features)
A-10 SoC VP w/ Linux
Production Release (Dual Core, USB, I2C, QSPI
Linux Host)
A-10 SoC VP w/ Linux
Beta Release (Limited features)
53New IP Features
- General IP productivity improvements
- Completed/validated out of the box IP evaluation
- New Example Design GUI
- Dynamically generated out-of-the-box evaluation
- IP infrastructure updates
- New synthesis engine
- New IP upgrade status bar in Project Navigator
- EMIF Debug Toolkit features upgrade
- Individual IP Updates
- EMIF, PCIe, Ethernet, etc.
55Example Design Productivity Improvements
- Dynamically generated and configurable hardware
example designs embedded in IP Parameter Editor
GUI - Available for EMIF, 40G-100G Ethernet, PCIe, 10G
Ethernet, and JESD204B - Can be targeted to predefined devKits
- Altera Debug Master Endpoint (ADME) GUI Update
56IP Infrastructure Improvements
- Quartus Prime Pro uses new synthesis engine
Spectra-Q - This new engine uses industry standard Verilog
configurations - A new library scheme for standalone IP has been
introduced to avoid ambiguous entity definitions - IP licenses are forward and backward compatible
- Pro license will mirror standard version license
- IP Upgrade will block the compilation of IP
generated using Quartus II or Quartus Prime
Standard - Users will be able to automatically regenerate
their IP
57IP Integration Improvements
- IP upgrade notification added visual indication
in Project Navigator to notify users of required
and recommended upgrades - Required IP upgrades Red
- Recommended Yellow
58Individual IP Upgrades
- PHYLite
- Hybrid Memory Cube Controller (HMCC)
- PCI Express
- Interlaken
- SerialLite III
- Ethernet
- JESD204B
- New DSP FEC Cores
59EMIF Debug Toolkit Enhancements
- Improved Debug and Diagnostics
- 2D Eye Diagram for EMIF Debug Toolkit
- DDR4 and QDRIV
- Improved API for On-Chip Debug Toolkit
- Automated memory ODT sweep
- Driver-margining
- Configurable Traffic Generator 2.0 New GUI
options - Flexibility to enable broader traffic patterns
- Dynamic configuration to adjust patterns without
regeneration or recompilation - Configuration via EMIF Debug Toolkit (GUI or Tcl
60EMIF Upgrades
- New features and protocols
- Hardware verified
- DDR x4 LRDIMM Added backside DB buffer
calibration - QDR II QDRXtreme
- QDRIV Pushed performance from 800 MHz to 1066
MHz - Abstract PHY new GUI option
- Targets 3-5x improvement in simulation time (w/
existing driver traffic) - Maintain latency efficiency of existing skip
cal simulation - External bus will not have visible activity
- Note Only subsequent simulations will see
speedup - First simulation runs skip cal sim to cache
calibration settings (and ends after calibration) - Subsequent simulations will read calibration
cache and invoke faster Abstract PHY sim - Non-destructive Calibration require INI
- Adds refreshes during calibration to maintain
DRAM contents - Not currently supported for HPS EMIF
61Hybrid Memory Cube Controller (HMCC) Upgrades
- XCVR ADME and new out-of-the-box hardware example
designs - Arria 10 timing closure
- 12.5G _at_ E1 with 10 margin (with seed sweep)
- 10G _at_ E2 with 15 margin (with seed sweep)
- Support MTAPS (Multi Transaction All Packet Size)
- Up to 4 port access to HMC IP interface
- Enables full bandwidth utilization
- Full width core only
- 1 link (16 Lanes)
62Dynamic Reconfiguration of PHYLite
- Timing analysis of dynamic reconfiguration of
PHYLite - User selects algorithm type and TimeQuest
analyzes accordingly - Hybrid timing analysis approach of SV and A10
EMIF - Easy for us to document, and for customer to
understand and use
63PHYLite Debug Kit Example Design
- APIs for customers to tweak PHYLite dynamic
configurations - Provide customers a design that works on HW
- NIOS-II connected to PHYLite design
- NIOS controls the reconfiguration knobs
- Easier for customers to debug and control PHYLite
reconfigurability feature - Include C functions or APIs to modify PHYLite
configurations - C code running on the NIOS-II
- Main program that tests modifying the delay chains
64LVDS Dynamic Phase Shift (DPS) Example Design
- Allows customers live control over the PLL clock
shifts in an LVDS design through a flexible TCL
script interface - Applications
- RX Non-DPA capture debugging
- Repeatedly shift the capture clock until best
operational phase is found - C2P/P2C timing debug
- Try different core clock phase shifts to debug
suspected timing failure - Example TCL script is provided
- Applies a phase shift to a demo clock every 5
seconds - Demo clock can be scoped to see that the script
is functional - Code Sample
65PCI Express Performance Productivity
- New PCI Express IP features for Arria 10
- Data Mover (aka DMA) enhancements
- Now 8-bit tag field available up to 256 tags
available - Higher of tags yields higher throughput
- Added RX buffer completion monitor capability
- Rootport use extended to 256-bit AVMM interface
(preliminary) - PCIe Link Inspector tool available to simplify
debug (preliminary) - SR-IOV PF / VF support bumped up to 4 PF / 4K VF
- Early access enabled via hidden parameter file
Service Request (SR). - Hardware example design support (push-button
generation!) - Numerous configurations covered (user interface,
generation, lane width) - Hardware platform Arria 10 FPGA Development Kit
- New easy-to-use PCI Express GUI
66PCI Express IP GUI Snapshot
Panels for simplified flow navigation
Easy configuration
67Interlaken / Interlaken Look-Aside Expanded
- Interlaken MegaCores (50G and 100G)
- Altera Debug Master Endpoint (ADME) support added
to Interlaken - Arria 10 devices access to Native PHY, XCVR and
other PLLs - User now has additional access points to perform
test and debug - Hardware example design support (push-button
generation!) - All 4 configurations covered
- 8 x 6.25 Gbps, 24 x 6.25 Gbps, 12 x 10.3125 Gbps,
12 x 12.5 Gbps - Hardware platform Arria 10 Transceiver Signal
Integrity Development Kit - Customizations continue to roll in for Arria 10
- Interlaken / Interlaken Look-Aside customizations
for Arria 10 available through Non-Device PEP
process - Simply file a Non-Device PEP Submission Form
- Located on Molson
- https//go.altera.com/extranet2001/products/ip/ipe
68SerialLite III Streaming
- Two separate cores now available in the IP
Catalog - One supports Stratix V / Arria V GZ, other
supports Arria 10 - Throughput optimization by reducing to one cycle
between bursts - Helps improve throughput reduces overhead
- Reset scheme changed to synchronous
- Enhanced implementations improve the elimination
of potential indeterminate behaviors - Entering and exiting of reset is synchronous
- Transparent to existing and new customers
- Demonstration designs on Altera Molson
- Link to Arria 10 (ES2) SerialLite III Streaming
configurations - 24 x 12.5 Gbps (Arria 10 FPGA Development Kit)
- 12 x 12.5 Gbps (Arria 10 Transceiver Signal
Integrity Development Kit)
- 1 / 2.5 / 10G MAC PHY
- New IP demonstrated 46 area improvement and 54
latency improvement over legacy 2.5G IP. - 2.5G Ethernet offers 2.5x bandwidth performance
over 1G with dynamic reconfiguration. No changes
to physical system i.e. wires, devices, etc. - Unified 1588 features for 10/40/100 G MAC IP
- Timing closure
- 10 margin on A10 mid speed production
- Low Latency 10G and 40G/100G new out-of-the-box
hardware example designs
- Support up to 13.5 Gbps for Arria 10
- Arria V SoC new out-of-the box example design
- ARM based control plane
- Dynamically generated example design
- Includes NIOS-based control plan design
71New Altera FEC IP Cores - Overview
- New HSRS (High-Speed Reed-Solomon)
- 10Gb/s 400Gb/s
- High-throughput and compact, for example 100Gb/s
_at_ lt9K ALM - New LDPC (Low Density Parity Check)
- DVB-S2 encoder
- WiMedia 1.5 encoder/decoder
- DOCSIS 3.1 decoder
- GSFC-STD-9100 decoder
- New BCH (Bose, Chaudhuri and Hocquenghem)
- NAND Flash
- Up to 25 Gb/s throughput
- Supports UMTS LTE
72Forward Error Correction Applications
73Video IP Interfaces
- RX_format for 6G/12G-SDI redefined to have each
stream reports its own detected rx_format. - For example, when receiving 2160p60 in 12G-SDI,
all 4 streams are expected to report 1080p60 - Improved jitter tolerance when receiving SD-SDI
- New out-of-the-box hardware example design for
multi-rate - DisplayPort
- Resolution up to 4Kp60
- MST. 1, 2, 3 and 4 streams on Stratix V and Arria
10. MST 2 streams on Arria V - HDMI
- Resolution up to 4Kp60
- Both progressive and interlace
- HDMI mode and DVI mode
74Video and Image Processing Suite
- End of life IPs (reminder)
- Clipper IP (replaced by Clipper II)
- Test Pattern Generator IP (replaced by Test
Pattern Generator II) - Pushed out 3-release plan 4K/UHD IP updates
- Quartus Prime support
- Standard version supported
- Pro version is not supported (POR for 16.0)
- Device support
- Arria 10 support continues on limited IP subset
only - See user guide for details
Altera video and image processing suite 4K/UHD
support to be demonstrated at IBC 2015 (Stand
75Additional Resources
76Looking for More Information?
- Whats New in 15.1 Training coming soon on
MOLSON - Migrating to Quartus Prime Software - Pro Edition
Training - Spectra-Q Training (ASU)
- BluePrint Training (ASU)
- Customer BluePrint online training (Link)
- Please visit the Spectra-Q page on MOLSON for
more information on - Spectra-Q
- Partial Reconfiguration
- BluePrint
- Spectra-Q Synthesis
77(No Transcript)