Title: Todays Agenda
1Todays Agenda
- Why do this paper?
- How do I do this paper?
- Turning your question into a thesis
- Citation
2Whats driving your paper?
- You need to choose a question about a topic that
you truly want to have answered. - Choose your question carefully.
3Did Cleopatra really sleep with her own brother?
- Did that capture your attention? Choosing a
question that you want to answer will be the
pathway to your thesis and supporting details. - About Cleopatra Probably not, but historians
are pretty sure her mom and dad were brother and
4Getting Started
- Pre-write to get a footing in the topic
- Think about what you already know that you can
contribute to this paper. - Then use the list of sources Dr. Hendley has
provided to wade around in the available
information to answer your question.
- Take notes sparingly as you read and write in
phrases dont try to write whole sentences - Focus your reading on answering your question.
Remember, your job is to gather information to
make a new point, not just to copy other peoples
words. - Read a number of paragraphs, then summarize them
in your own words. If a quotation strikes you as
well said or interesting, copy it word for word
and put quotation marks around it in your notes - You need to recognize when you have copied
- If you get an insight of your own, as you are
reading, stop and write about it.
6Once youve got your feet under you
- Its time to think about how to make the point
your own.
7Writing a Thesis Statement
8A Thesis Statement is
- the anchor for your paper
- one or two sentences that make a DIRECT STATEMENT
about the subject of the paper - what your slant on the subject is going to be
- a debatable statement.
9A Thesis Statement is NOT
- An announcement of your intentions.
- I am going to prove to you that . . .
- A fact.
- Ancient Egypt was in the Middle East.
- Listing and numbering workstry it!
- While I love movies as much as ever, the
inconvenience of going out, the temptations of
the theater, and the behavior of some patrons are
reasons for me to wait and rent movies on video. - (Now you can easily divide the three sections of
the thesis into paragraphs or groups of
paragraphs covering each separate main idea.)
- Get your major points in order
- Write a DRAFT of your entire paper, without
notes, from memory - Then you can begin to incorporate your sources
and research into the paper - Consult your notes. Which sources relate to your
main points? - Now you can write to persuade (use your facts for
supporting details) - FORGET fancy words and long sentences.
12Consider how your ideas fit together logically.
An alterative to outlining is mapping out the
main points.
14After getting the bones in order, you can
insert the supports.
The Plague was an inevitable product of the
system of economics and government of England.
Major Point ! Explain economic system
I have a source for this! Ill use Smith p. 99
I can use the Chartok and Yagelski sources here.
Hierarchy -- Serfdom
15Tried and true trio
- Three ways to present information from sources in
a research paper - DIRECT QUOTE too often overused, it should be no
more than 15 of the paper - Do quote memorable phrases and strong statements
of opinion by authorities - PARAPHRASE putting someone elses ideas in your
own wordsin about the same number of words - SUMMARY take a substantial amount of material
and condense it - Summary is not selection and copying
16What in the world is citation anyway?
- With all of the above, direct quotes,
paraphrasing and summarizing, you should be
using footnotes and/or endnotes - SOURCES are CITED for 2 reasons to tell readers
where your information comes from and to give
credit to the writers from whom you have borrowed
words and ideas
- Your paper is YOUR intellectual property
- You research other peoples ideas (THEIR
intellectual property) and then develop your own
ideas about others research - When you use your sources ideas in your paper
with proper citation, you are legally BORROWING - Without proper citation, this is considered
theft, sometimes even criminal theft, in other
18What in the world is citation anyway?
- AVOID dropping quotations into the text without
warning. Instead, provide clear signal phrases
As Kevin Hansen has noted.. - Not only do you report on what others have said
about your topic, but you also add your opinion
of their perspectives
19Details on footnotesFor History Departments in
- www.styleease.com/
- This one will cost you 35 bucks, but basically,
you fill in the blanks, and the citation is done
for you. - http//www3.wcu.edu/blethen/style.html
- This one is cheaper (free), and it gives you the
6 basic rules of Turabian style. - But then you have to do this ..
- Click on the link at the bottom of the page
(Turabian Format)
20Details on footnotesFor History Departments in
- This is a neat little mini-course spelling out
for you how to cite many types of sources, both
in the footnotes and bibliographybooks, journal
articles, etc., right down to how many spaces to
indentRemember, Dr. Hendley allows only one
Internet source that has to be pre-approved. - Lastly, go to www.bedfordstmartins.com/online/cite
7.html1 - and you will see how all this fits into the body
or end of a paper. It also shows you how to
smoothly tie those quotes and paraphrases into
your finished product.
21Details on intellectual property
- Paraphrasing and direct quotes
- ParaphrasingRe-state in your own words and the
best way is to use totally different vocabulary
than the author does - Direct quotesYou must copy down word for
wordchanging just one word could be construed as
22Details on intellectual property
- See this website for excellent examples of each
- http//www.oneonta.edu/academics/lss
- Go to General Information on Writing link
- Then Hunter College link
- The Documented Essay/ Research Paper Guides to
- Research and Writing from Sources
- Quotation, Paraphrase Plagiarism
23Oh, yes, the duh theory!
- A good THESIS is anything a rational person could
argue with, or against, or whatever - Movies can be good entertainmentDUH! Whos
going to argue with that? But what about this? - Braveheart is the best movie ever
- Do you see?
- The deal here is that you dont announce--
- Instead you state
24Oh, yes, the duh theory!
- DONT make an ANNOUNCEMENT The subject of this
paper is marriage-- - ARE YOU ASLEEP YET?
- DO make a STATEMENT that is arguable , perhaps
even provocative A honeymoon is perhaps the
worst way to begin a marriage. - WHOA GOT YOUR ATTENTION?
25Thesis is the real deal
- Use transitional words and phrases work nicely to
delineate those main ideas - Meanwhile, equally important, specifically.all
can signal an important new idea