Title: Woodstock, Vermonts
1Woodstock, Vermonts North Universalist Chapel
Societys Hurricane Relief Trip 2005 to New
Iberia, Louisiana, to work with Southern Mutual
Help Associations Rural Recovery Task Force
2Orientation at Victors w/ Judy Herring Juanita
Judy was our primary contact with SMHA became a
good friend to us all.
3Lorna Bourg Sister Helen Vinton are the
inspiration behind Southern Mutual Help
4Our first day in the field. . . . doing
assessments on Lamas Street in Erath, Louisiana
5Seeing the Hurricanes Force in Esther
Intercoastal City
6The destruction was even found in cemeteries.
7Our Main Project Repairing the
Hurricane-Damaged Home of The Rossers Karen, Brad
and their seven adopted/foster children Terra,
Frankie, Lynn, Dasha, Derrick, Monika Tylor
8Cleaning the Mold tearing out rotted walls
9. . .and Rotted Floors. . .
10Haulin Pilin
Our first of several piles.
11But they kept taking our piles away (each time
with a bigger tractor).
12Many of us learned To use new tools. . .
13After tearing the rotted floors out, we replaced
them with new ones.
14At Last! the FEMA trailers arrived to be
followed by NUMEROUS inspectors.
15We put in the floor for the new kitchen (all new
construction must be 11 above sea level -- the
rest of the house is at about 8, so there will
be three steps up to the new kitchen from the
rest of the house).
16And later the walls and roof.
17As we returned to Vermont, we reflected on how
much there is that still needs to be done. . .
We hope many other volunteers will follow us in
the coming months and years to continue the work
of SMHAs Rural Recovery Response to rebuild
rural Louisiana better than it was before.
18 If your church or college is interested in
sending a team to volunteer, contactJudy
Herring atSMHA_at_SouthernMutualHelp.org
- If you are interested in making a contribution to
support this kind of work, visit SMHAs website
at - www.SouthernMutualHelp.org