Title: Colonial North America Part II
1Colonial North America Pt. 2
- Reading
- Chapter 5 (read)
- Chapter 4 (review)
2Native America
- Adapted and changed.
- Incorporated
- Firearms
- Metal tools
- Learned to build log homes
- Engaged in fur trade.
- Developed a dangerous dependence.
- Continued to assert their independence.
- Played European powers against each other.
3Native America
- 1701 Iroquois
- British allies.
- Signed treaty of neutrality with French.
- Exploited vulnerabilities of two powers.
- Became a major power broker during the early
4Native America
- The South
- Maneuvered between the interests of
- England
- Spain
- France
- The West
- Acquired horses (Spanish).
- Enabled them to hunt buffalo herds more
efficiently. - Nomadic Plains hunters
- Arose as large numbers of Native peoples moved
onto the Plains during the 1700s.
5Native America
- Faced serious challenges
- Growth of British colonies.
- Westward push of English.
- Spread of European diseases.
6New Spain
7The Spanish
- New Spain (map next slide)
- Large Spanish speaking population.
- Capital Mexico City.
- Included modern day
- Florida.
- Fierce fights with English and Natives.
- Reduced presence to forts (ex St. Augustine).
- Established friendly relations with runaway
African slaves. - New Mexico.
- Isolated from New Spain (like Florida).
- Subsistence agriculture.
- Expanded as settlers followed the valleys and
8The Spanish
- French activity in the Mississippi Valley
- Caused Spanish to
- Create military posts on the fringes of
Louisiana. - Establish Franciscan missions among Natives of
Texas. - 1750
- Settlement of San Antonio had become the center
of a developing frontier providence (Texas). - Colonial outposts settled in modern Arizona.
- California
- Conversion of Natives to Catholicism.
- Subjecting them to Spanish rule.
- Putting them to work raising the subsistence
needed for a small civil/military establishment
(hold province).
9New France
10The French
- New France
- Used trade with local Natives and alliances to
establish - Colonies.
- Military posts.
- Settlements that extended from the mouth of the
St. Lawrence River through the Great Lakes, down
the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. - Placed missionaries/traders in Native communities
on Mississippi River. - Established communities of farmers all the way
down to Baton Rouge, Natchez, and New Orleans. - Grew wheat Sent to sugar plantations (map pg.
11New England
12New England
- Life in New England.
- Established Church.
- Puritan Congregations governed towns.
- Adult male church members were freemen of towns.
- Selected minister, voted on his salary, elected
local men to various town offices. - Little distinction between church and state.
13New England
- Life in New England.
- Puritan theology and life dominated.
- No religious freedom.
- Established a society where their version of good
theology would be supreme. - New England showing Old England how it should be
done. - King Charles II
- Act of Toleration 1661.
- Ordered an end to religious persecution of
dissenters in New England. - Religious freedom to dissenters (except
Catholics). - New England reluctantly accepted the Act.
- Protestant churches allowed to meet openly in New
14New England
- Challenges
- Residents left established towns to form new
towns. - 1730s
- Puritan communities had taken up most of the
available land of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and
Rhode Island. - Isolated areas left from local Native
populations. - Wampanoag, Narragansett, and Pequot.
- New England reached the limit of its land supply.
15The Middle Colonies
16The Middle Colonies
- New York
- Ethnically diverse population.
- Puritans, Baptists, Quakers, Catholics, Jews,
African Americans (slave and free). - New York City
- One of the fastest growing cities in Colonial
North America. - Still, the colony (overall) struggled to attract
new colonists. - Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland
grew faster. - Farmers/merchants exporting abundant produce
through the port of Philadelphia. - Church and government (two most important
institutions) - Colonial officials appointed justices of the
peace to provide judicial authority in the
country side.
17The Middle Colonies
- Property owning farmers
- Selected their own local officials.
- Communities were bound together by kinship and
economic relations between neighbors. - More loosely bound communities than in New
England. - Land was sold in individual lots.
- Farmers dispersed themselves.
- Villages gradually developed at crossroads (with
little/no planning).
18The Backcountry
19The Backcountry
- Mid 1700s
- Population moving west (map pg. 112).
- Backcountry of Pennsylvania Virginia.
- First great pioneer treks that would take white
pioneers into the continental interior. - Pioneers held no legal title to land (swatters).
- Delaware Shawnee lands.
- Viewed pioneers as a threat.
- Created tensions between English and Natives.
20The South and slavery
21The South and slavery
- Reading Chapter 4.
- Tobacco
- John Rolfe early 1600s.
- Set the rhythms of work and play in Chesapeake.
- Determined
- Where a planter would live and how he lived.
- Planting, tending, harvesting, and drying the
leaves took almost ten months out of the year
(late winter late fall). - Between time Caught up on chores.
- Repaired buildings and equipment.
- Built new cabins and sheds.
- Cut timber and firewood.
- Social life Quick engagements and marriages.
22The South and slavery
- Search for a viable labor source
- Cheap enough to ensure profits.
- Indentured servants
- Poverty and despair drove them from England to
the Chesapeake as servants. - 1680s
- Economic recovery in England slowed the flow of
young Englishmen to the Chesapeake tobacco
fields. - England gained control over the African slave
trade. - Dramatic shift in tobacco labor
- Servants to slaves.
- Early 1600s Small number of Africans in
colonies. - Prior to 1660s status unclear (slave or
23The South and slavery
- 1660s (forward)
- Increasing number of African-Americans elicited
different (and harsher) treatment than white
servants. - Blacks became servants for life (i.e.slaves).
- Discrimination made into law.
- Racist attitudes and economic advantages of a
slave labor force to shape law. - Slave Codes.
- 1662 Virginia makes slavery hereditary.
- Ensured natural growth of slavery in the colony.
24The South and slavery
- How did slaves get to America?
- African slavers
- Armed with European weapons.
- Captured men/women.
- Marched to coast.
- Delivered them in chains to European ships along
the west coast of Africa. - Captives died on march. Other chose suicide.
- Middle Passage
- Nightmare of death, disease, suicide, and mutiny.
- Casualties included white crew
- Benin, West Africa White mans grave
25The South and slavery
- Loss of African lives far more dramatic.
- Slavers were breeding grounds for
- Yellow fever
- Scurvy
- Malaria
- Dysentery (bloody flux)
- Small pox
- Measles
- Typhus
- 18 of all Africans who boarded the slavers in
Africa died on the Middle Passage.
26The South and slavery
- Once in Americas
- Seasoning
- Adapted to their new lives as slaves.
- Had to do what they could to maintain culture and
dignity. - African American culture and sense of community
grew slowly. - Until 1720s.
- Many slaves worked alone (with slave master
family). - Worked in very small groups (2 or 3).
- Isolation made creation of distinctive slave
community difficult. - On larger plantations, constant new arrivals made
community development difficult.
27The South and slavery
- New arrivals
- Had to be taught English.
- Given time to adapt.
- Over time, a slave community was created.
- Wove together and reshaped African and European
traditions into an African-American culture.
28The South and slavery
- Early 1700s
- Chesapeake colonies
- Biracial society.
- African Americans and European Americans lived
with very different expectations and constraints. - Planters (with slaves)
- Lived well off tobacco.
- More modest farmers
- Impossible to compete with planter elite.
- Poor Virginia Marylanders moved west.
- New immigrants avoided plantation society
(coast/piedmont). - Merchants/craftspeople avoided costal Chesapeake.
- Few towns/cities.
- Lacked a sense of community life.
- Chesapeake remained rural.
29The South and slavery
- The lower South
- Rice.
- Created a plantation society.
- Dominated by the wealthiest colonists.
- South Carolina and Georgia.
- Cultivation of Rice
- Depended on slave labor from the start.
- 60 of S.C. population were slaves (mid 1700s).
- Slaves concentrated on large plantations.
- Little to no contact with white society.
- Developed Creole culture.
- Languages mixed with basic English African.
30The South and slavery
- Forms of resistance
- Distinctive language, religion, family,
community a form of resistance. - Work slowdowns.
- Fake sickness.
- Property theft.
- Damaged property.
- Runaways.
- Slave masters feared revolts.
- Believed some slaves would prefer freedom.
- Feared slavery would cost them their property and
31The South and slavery
- Rumors of slave revolts constant.
- Many plots existed only in the slave master's
mind. - To reduce likelihood of revolts
- Armed patrols to police roads and woods.
- Searched for runaways.
- Searched for slaves up to no good.
- Some rebellions did occur
- Few successful.
- Stono Rebellion
- Twenty (or so) slaves gathered at the Stono River
(near Charleston). - Seized guns, gunpowder, headed south.
- White militias from Charleston put an end to the
rebellion. - Rebels killed, captured, executed.
- South Carolina enacted tough slave codes.
32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
34Film, Prince Among Slaves
35Population Growth Social Class
- British Colonies
- Period of growth 1700s.
- Grew faster than New Spain or New France.
- Why?
- Higher birth rates.
- Lowering mortality rates.
- Immigration.
- French/Spanish limited immigration.
- English encouraged immigration.
36Population Growth Social Class
- Trans-Atlantic migration
- Created ethnic diversity.
- English.
- Africans Came as slaves.
- Scots.
- Irish.
- Germans.
37Population Growth Social Class
- British North America
- Upper-class made up of
- Large landowners
- Merchants
- Prosperous professionals
- Wealthy planters lived very comfortable lives.
- Celebrated social mobility.
- Class system was open.
- The entrance of newly successful planters,
commercial farmers, and merchants into the upper
class was common.
38Population Growth Social Class
- British North America
- Large lower class.
- Slaves
- Servants
- Poor families
- 40 of total population.
- Strong middle class.
- ½ might have been classified as middle class.
- Majority were landowning farmers of small to
moderate means. - There were also artisans, craftsmen, and small
shopkeepers. - Enjoyed standard of living higher than the great
majority of people in England.
39Colonial Politics
- Early 1700s
- British government assumed that a decentralized
administration would best accomplish its goals in
the colonies. - Majority of colonies
- Administered by royally appointed governors.
- Exceptions
- Connecticut and Rhode Island.
- Still held charters.
- Taxation handled locally through elected
assemblies. - Assemblies elected by white men with property.
40Religion in Colonial Society
- End of the 1600s
- New intellectual movement arose in Europe.
- The Enlightenment.
- Emphasized the pursuit of knowledge through
reason and refused to accept ideas based on
religion or tradition. - Argued that reason, not revelation or church
tradition, was the true path to knowledge. - French thinkers
- Voltair, Rousseau, etc, were the central figures.
- Agreed on one major point Nature could provide
for all human wants.
41Religion in Colonial Society
- In the British Colonies
- Only the elite had access to the books/essays
written by enlightenment leaders. - Drawn to two aspects of Enlightenment thinking
- Deism
- Social Contract
42Religion in Colonial Society
- Deism
- The belief that God created the universe so that
it would operate on the basis of logical, natural
laws, without divine intervention. - Denied
- The existence of miracles.
- The need for prayer.
43Religion in Colonial Society
- Social Contract
- John Locke
- Political essays
- Essay Concerning Human Understanding
- Two Treatises of Government
- Argued that humans have certain natural rights
that could not be given away nor taken from them. - Unalienable rights.
- Right to own ones self.
- Right to own ones labor.
- Right to own property.
- In exchange for protection from government people
agreed (social contract) to obey the laws.
44Religion in Colonial Society
- According to Locke
- The government receives its authority from the
people it governs. - Government cannot claim a divine right to rule.
- The people express their will in the government
through elected assemblies. - The government is obligated to (1) Protect its
citizens and (2) Serve the interest of the
people. - If government fails to do these two things
- The people have the right to rebel.
45Religion in Colonial Society
- Deism
- Attracted few ordinary colonists.
- However, many colonists were impressed by the
growing religious diversity. - Religious toleration as a practical option.
- NOT religious freedom.
- No colony allowed Catholics to vote or hold
office. - Some colonies made it a crime to deny the
Trinity. - Established churches went unchallenged
- In the South (Anglicanism)
- In the North (Congregationalism)
46Religion in Colonial Society
- While religious diversity was growing
- The number of colonists who were indifferent to
matters of religion was also growing. - Women very involved in religious matters.
- Men usually too caught up in their place in the
economy. - Preaching considered too intellectual.
- 1720s Most colonists expected very little from
the churches.
47The Great Awakening
- Charismatic preachers.
- Denounced obsession with wealth.
- Condemned the sinfulness and depravity of all
people. - Warned of eternal hellfire.
- Praised the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
- Revival that sprung from this preaching The
Great Awakening.
48The Great Awakening
- New preaching style
- Arrived in the colonies during the 1720s.
- Two travelling preachers
- William Tennent
- Denounced local churches for their lack of
devotion to God. - Established Log College train fiery preachers
to spread revival throughout the colonies. - The revival spread throughout communities.
- Jonathan Edwards
- New England congregation
- 1734 Introduced revival.
- Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
49The Great Awakening
- George Whitefield
- Greatest awakening preacher.
- Former friend of John Wesley.
- Anglican Church (Church of England).
- Separated over Calvinism.
- Came to colonies in 1740.
- Large crowds gathered to hear him preach.
50The Great Awakening
- Challenges to the Great Awakening
- Many ministers turned over their pulpits to
awakening preachers. - Many ministered angered by the criticisms of
their preaching. - And by the suggestion that they were not true
Christians. - Opponents
- Counterattacked.
- Old Lights (Congregationalist)
- Old Side (Presbyterian)
- Supporters
- New Lights (Congregationalist)
- New Side (Presbyterian)
Charles Chauncy
51The Great Awakening
- Awakened believers
- Left traditional churches.
- Joined Baptist, Methodists, or Presbyterian
Churches. - The Great Awakening
- Increased strife and tensions in colonies.
- Spurred the growth of higher education.
- New Colleges Princeton and Rutgers.
- Old Colleges Harvard and Yale.
- A sense of protest that would lay the foundation
for the American Revolution.