Family Case Study Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Family Case Study Presentation


... cognitive and physical development is Trina's #1 health goal. ... Trina takes care of both Hailee and Ty while Tracy works at the Hair Salon they own next door. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Family Case Study Presentation

Family Case Study Presentation
  • Trina Boddez-Chiu and Tracy Cameron

Definition of a Home Visit
  • No-cost health education and social services
    assistance to infants and their families

The purpose of home visits
  • A source of support for mothers regardless of
    race/ethnicity or economic status
  • Link infants with a healthcare provider
  • Ensure that the family is coping well to the new
    addition in the family.
  • Increase parenting knowledge that will promote
    the well being of the infant

Home Visit 1- Engagement
  • I introduced myself and my partner and explained
    the home visit process with her.
  • I reassured her that her twin sister was welcome
    to join in on the teaching and that I would
    schedule our home visits to be worked around
    their other commitments.
  • Developed a trusting relationship.

  • I used the McGill model as a guideline and in
    particular the McGill models 5 inquiry

What is the family dealing with?
  • We discussed how the family is coping with caring
    for Hailee and Ty.
  • The family works together to take care of Hailee
    and Ty yet continue with their personal lives and
    other commitments such as their jobs.

What does the family want?
  • To optimize Hailee and Tys cognitive and
    physical development is Trinas 1 health goal.

How are they going about it?
  • The family organizes their time effectively and
    have are very supportive towards one another.
  • Trina takes care of both Hailee and Ty while
    Tracy works at the Hair Salon they own next door.
  • Their husbands are very supportive in helping to
    care for Hailee and Ty regularly and try to give
    Trina and Tracy breaks.
  • Their mother often drops by to help babysit
  • Their best friends daughter also helps to

What is their potential to develop and find
healthier ways of living?
  • The family has a very high potential because they
    motivated to do whats best for Hailee and Ty.

What resources are they making use of and what
others could be mobilized?
  • They have read books about child growth and
  • They visit the St. Albert Health Unit regularly
    for the childrens immunizations.

Calgary Family Assessment Model
  • I made an ecomap to assess external structure and
    context by depicting Trinas contact with larger
  • I assessed the quality of her relationships with
    family, friends, the neighbours, the church,work
    and health services.
  • I assessed them as sources of support.

Safety- assessment
  • They have started to lock cupboards and drawers
    in the kitchen.
  • They keep Ty away from the kitchen when they are
  • They have baby gates to prevent Ty from falling
    down the stairs
  • They keep only bamboo and plastic plants in the
  • They have baby monitors that will sound an alarm
    if the baby stops breathing.

Growth and Development Assessment
  • I assessed Hailee and Ty for the age specific
    milestones through discussion with Trina and
  • I also assessed them through observation.

  • They played music while Hailee and Ty were still
    in the womb and still play music from the radio
  • Trina uses speech techniques such as talking
    about everything Hailee does
  • Trina makes farm animals sounds with Ty
  • Trina sings many songs to Hailee and Ty

Solid foods Assessment
  • I assessed Tys eating habits according to Trina
    and Tracy by asking them questions about which
    foods hes already tried and his responses to

  • We collaborated and prioritized which four 4
    topics she would like me to teach her about. She
    would tell me her concerns and health goals and
    then I would ask her if she would like me to
    teach about a particular one.

  • Growth and Development
  • I used the child development chart and All about
    Me pamphlets from capital health to teach about
    the major milestones for Hailee and Ty.
  • I taught them about various toys and activities
    they could do with Hailee and Ty to help with
    growth and development regarding visual,
    auditory, tactile and kinetic stimulus that is
    categorized into appropriate age groups.

  • Safety
  • I taught them about the common injuries that
    occur at Hailee and Tys age group
  • I briefly talked about car seat safety but Trina
    said she would take them to the car seat
    inspection at the fire hall
  • I taught them about the hazards of things that
    could easily fall on Ty

  • I made and taught from a handout about sudden
    infant death syndrome
  • I talked to them about keeping poisons locked
    away and gave them a checklist as homework to see
    how many poisons there are in their home and to
    take action to locking it away.
  • I encouraged them to continue to take safety
    measures around the home and keep a watchful eye.

Application of the McGill Model
  • I encourage active participation.
  • I ask them which topic they would like to start
    with first.
  • I brought an interactive book so that I could
    role model some techniques used to facilitate
    speech and then I asked Trina since she was
    holding Hailee to do a return demonstration.

Application of the McGill Model
  • During the second home visit, I talked to them
    about keeping poisons locked away and gave them a
    checklist that I encouraged they do as homework
    to see how many poisons there are in their home
    and to take action to locking it away.
  • On the third home visit, I evaluated the
    intervention by asking them about it. They had
    done their homework and were surprised to find
    how many things were poisonous. They took
    measures to lock the poisons up.

Application of the McGill Model
  • I focused on their strengths.
  • One of their biggest strengths is their
    motivation to help Hailee and Ty. In the initial
    assessment they told me that they read a book
    that tracks growth and development on a weekly
    basis so I felt that handouts would be
    appropriate since I felt they would read them.

Application of the McGill Model
  • I collaborated with my home visit clients by
    helping them identify and prioritize topics that
    would be good for teaching.
  • I collaborated with my them in the
    implementation stage. I suggested various
    implementations and they decided which ones they
    would like to try. I tried not to force anything
    on them.

Application of the McGill Model
  • I asked them some of the things they do to
    already facilitate speech and cognitive
    development. I also asked what safety measures
    have they already implemented and which foods is
    Ty currently eating.
  • I focused on health promotion.

Application of the McGill Model
  • I empowered by home visit clients to take action
    in preventing injuries around the home and in the
    betterment of their childrens growth and
    development physically and cognitively.
  • I used my knowledge base to be a health resource
    for my home visit clients. I taught them about
    their topics of choice but I also had the
    opportunity to provide information about other
    topics of concern such as teething, dental
    hygiene, and prevention of ear infections.

Application of the McGill Model
  • I focused on the family rather then just one
    person. I made the interventions applicable to
    both Trina and Tracy and encouraged them to talk
    to their husbands about some of the interventions
  • I also promoted family activities

Calgary Family Intervention Model
  • The family had started to baby proof the home and
    knew of many of the recommended safety measures
    however there were still some safety hazards.
  • I encouraged that they implement the safety
    measures as soon as they can especially since Ty
    was already very mobile.

Calgary Family Intervention Model
  • By giving them information about the seriousness
    of safety hazards, giving them homework to see
    for themselves the safety risks around the home
    and providing encouragement they seemed to really
    take control of the situation and put safety
    measures into action.
  • Thus I helped them realize that child safety is a
    serious matter which affects family functioning
    in the behavioral domain.

Evaluation Techniques
  • I evaluated my teaching by asking them about if
    they did the activities I suggested in the
    previous visit.
  • I also evaluated my teaching by assessing the
    changes they have made since my last home visit.

Evaluation Techniques
  • I also evaluated my teaching by asking them to
    fill out evaluation forms I made.
  • On the evaluation forms there is a rating system
    as well as a written portion for feedback on
    things I could have done differently.
  • I also evaluated my teaching through self

  • I feel that my overall performance was good. I
    really enjoyed creating a effective nurse client
    relationship and being a health resource for my
    home visit clients.
  • I could improve on assessing my home visit
    clients better before teaching. Next time I will
    ask them before I start what they are currently

Teaching Techniques
  • I made summary handouts and made the color
    coordinated the font according to the category
    and I added pictures relating to the topic to
    keep my home visit clients attention.
  • I asked them if they had any questions about the
    topics afterwards.
  • I ask them if they have any questions or concerns
    in general that I can try to answer.

Teaching Techniques
  • I specified my teaching towards the age groups of
    Hailee and Ty to help with time management as
    well as make the teaching presently applicable.
  • I provided additional All about Me pamphlets as
    a resource for future reference.
  • I provided the capital health website at the
    bottom the summary handout so they could refer to
    it for further information in the future.

(No Transcript)
Communication Techniques
  • I sat across from them so that I could make eye
    contact and create enough personal space between
    the clients and myself.
  • I talked clearly and paused if they stopped to do
    something. I asked them if it would be alright if
    I continued when they had something to do that
    was time consuming.

Communication Techniques
  • I actively listened to my home visit clients
    stories and responses to my questions.
  • I used encouraging responses to praise them for
    what they were doing right.
  • I used summarization so I could recap on the main

Taking from experience
  • The nurses that Ive worked with have used the
    McGill model in the way they have each focused on
    health promotion and have used their wealth of
    knowledge to be a health resource for the client.
    This is a role that Ive played in my home
  • In clinic,the nurses assess what the client
    already knows about the diseases that are being
    vaccinated so they dont teach the client
    something they are uninterested about.

Self Evaluation
  • I will improve on time management. I will predict
    how much time each topic will take beforehand so
    I can plan the flow of the home visit better.
  • I will improve on evaluation of my teaching. I
    will ensure that I get feedback each time from
    the client, my partner in addition to self

  • Clark, M. Olson, J. (2000). Nursing within a
    faith community Promoting health in times of
    transition (pp. 83-90). Thousand Oaks, CA Sage.
  • Leeseberg Stamler, L., Yiu, L.(2005).
    Community health nursing A canadian
    perspective. Toronto Prentice Hall

  • Potter, P. S., Perry, A. G. (2001). Canadian
    fundamentals of nursing (2nd ed.). (J.C.
    Ross-Kerr M.J. Wood, Canadian Eds.) Toronto

  • By Grace Han
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