Study in Germany Consultants in Hyderabad - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Study in Germany Consultants in Hyderabad


Global Education Consultants in Hyderabad,100% Scholarship guidance and admission guidance, finance assistance (Loan) and . Study in Australia consultants in Hyderabad . we provide Part time Job Assistance and accommodation for students who are going to Study in Australia only Contact no 8885566102/104 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Study in Germany Consultants in Hyderabad

Study Programmes A Brief Guide for International
Vienna, March 2017
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Editor and Publisher OeAD
Österreichische Austauschdienst-Gesellschaft
mit beschränkter Haftung. Austrian Agency for
International Cooperation in Education and
Research OeAD- GmbH 1010 Vienna
Ebendorferstraße 7 T 43 1/534 08-0 F 43
1/534 08-999 Head
Office Vienna FN 320219 k Commercial Court
Vienna DVR 4000157 ATU64808925 Responsible
for the content Eva Müllner Translation Mag.
Irmgard Schmoll Graphic Design and Cover
Design FH JOANNEUM University of Applied
Sciences Graz Bettina Hoffellner, Daniela
Bisail Illustration Daniela Bisail Printed
by one2print/DI Hans A. Gruber KG Produced and
financed with the support of the Federal
Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
Vienna 2017
Preface Welcome to Austria
In this publication you will find tables of the
degree programmes at the Austrian universities
and universities of applied sciences. Further
information about application requirements and
procedures is available from the institutions
mentioned in this brochure. General information
about Austria is available from the Austrian
representa- tive authorities (embassies,
consulates) and Austrian cultural forums1,
Austrian tourist offices2 and Austrian
commercial attachés3. Detailed information
concerning the opportunities in the field of
higher education in Austria can also be found
at (websiteofthe Austrian
Federal Ministry of Science, Research and
Economy), (com- prehensive
information about studying in Austria) or (all degree programmes in
Austria, incl. search for programmes taught in
English). The information from this brochure
along with numerous additional references and
links can also be found on the website of the
OeAD - Austrian Agency for Internatio- nal
Cooperation in Education and Research 1 2 3
  • Are you interested in studying in Austria?
  • Because of its rich cultural past and present
    Austria is cherished by people all over the
  • The varied landscape is of great importance for
    tourism, there are many skiing resorts in the
    summer there are lots of opportuni- ties for
    hiking and climbing or for water sports on the
    numerous lakes.
  • Other factors for a stay in Austria are the
    great social security, the economic stability
    and the great hospitality of the Austrians.
  • The Austrian educational system offers you a
    broad spectrum of educational opportu- nities.
    This is why Austria is an ideal place for
    studying and living.
  • This new edition of the Study in Austria
    brochure will provide a general overview and
    serve as a basic guide By providing information
    about entry and residence regulations, general
    conditions for admission and necessary steps to
    take after arrival in Austria we want to help
    you plan your studies in Austria.

Table of Contents
Preface Welcome to Austria
Higher Education Institutions in Austria
Universities and Universities of the Arts
Private Universities
6 6 7
Certificate University Programmes for Further
Education 7
Universities of Applied Sciences University
Colleges of Teacher Education
8 9
Studying and Residence in Austria Application for
Admission to Study in Austria Entry and Residence
10 10 11
Arriving in Austria The Stay 13 Accommodation 13
Registration 13 Health Insurance for Students 14
German Language and University Preparation
Courses 14 Working in Austria 15 Student
Ombudsman 17
The Costs of Studying in Austria Living
Costs Tuition Fees Scholarship Programmes
18 18 18 19
Tables Degree Programme Studies at the Austrian
Universities (Diploma, Bachelor Master
Programmes) Degree Programme Studies at the
Austrian Universities of the Arts (Diploma,
Bachelor Master Programmes) Doctoral
Programmes at the Austrian Universities and
Universities of the Arts Degree Programme
Studies at the Universities of Applied
Sciences (Diploma, Bachelor Master Programmes)
Addresses Universities Universities of the Arts
Medical Universities Private Universities Univers
ities of Applied Sciences University Colleges of
Teacher Education University Preparation
Programmes Diplomatic Academy of Vienna IST
111 115 116 117 118 121 122 122
Higher Education Institutions in Austria
Public Universities Apart from the traditional
comprehensive universities, which offer a wide
variety of disciplines, there are a number of
techni- cal and medical specialist universities
as well as a university centre for postgradu-
ate education. Austrias six universities of the
arts offer programmes in music, applied,
performing and fine arts as well as in the
visual arts and design. Though the common
language of instruction remains German, an
increas- ing number of programmes is offered in
English, see The total
number of students is 280,445 (of whom
international students 73,795). (Statistik
Austria 2015/16) Academic calendar The academic
year in Austria as a rule be- gins on October
1st and ends on September 30th of the following
year. It consists of ? winter semester (October
1st to January 30th), ? summer semester (March
1st to September 30th) and periods during which
no lectures are held (Christmas, semester and
summer breaks). (Exceptions from this schedule
are possible please enquire at the edu
cational institution of your choice.) for
addresses see appendix
Structure of study programmes In the last
decades the Austrian university system has
introduced the European threetier system of
degrees according to the Bologna
Process. Besides, the old twotier system still
ex ists in some subject areas and universities
(for example medicine). Bachelor and master
study programmes Most degree programmes are
divided into ? Bachelor programmes, which con-
clude with the degree of Bachelor. ECTS credits
180 (in special cases 240) ? Master programmes,
which require the successful completion of a
bachelor study programme and conclude with the
academic degree of Master. ECTS credits at least
120 Traditional diploma programmes These
programmes conclude with the award of a diploma
Magistra or Magister in most disciplines or
Diplomingenieur(in) for engineers. Duration 4
6 years. Doctoral studies (Dr. / PhD) Doctoral
studies are based on the successful completion
of diploma or master degree pro- grammes and are
conceived to demonstrate the ability of
autonomous research. Doctor- al programmes
conclude with the degree of Doktor/in or
PhD. The duration is at least three years
without the award of ECTS credits.
Study Programmes 6 7
Private Universities Austrian private
universities offer innova- tive and high quality
education and provide students with personal
attention at the highest academic level.
Continuous internal and external evaluation of
teaching and re- search as well as active
promotion of the arts assure constant university
quality de- velopment. The Austrian private
universities refine exis- ting and establish new
degree programmes based on current and future
educational needs. Periodic external
re-accreditation reviews supplement internal
quality man- agement and provide graduates with
excel- lent chances for their future
careers. The Conference of Austrian Private
Univer- sities (OePUK) serves as official
represent- ative for its members both in Austria
and abroad. The curricula of the Austrian
private uni- versities as well as the academic
degrees awarded by them differ from university
to university. Inform
ation about these institutions and their
programmes is available on the web- site of the
Federal Ministry of Science, Re- search and
Economy ( and from the private
universities direct- ly. The number of students
is 10,202 (of whom international students
4,017). (Statistik Austria 2015/16)
Certiftcate University Program- mes for Further
Education Universitätslehrgänge Certificate
university programmes for fur- ther education
are the main form of con- tinuing education
offered at universities and universities of
applied sciences. An in- ternationally common
master degree (MA, MSc, MBA,... depending on the
discipline) is awarded when the certificate
university programme for further education is
com- parable to the respective master degree
programme with regard to admission con- ditions,
content and scope of the curricu- lum. Usually
these programmes comprise 90 to 120 ECTS
credits. Most programmes are part-time
programmes, therefore the duration varies from
one up to three or four years. In all other
cases the title Akademischer or
Akademische (Academic.) togeth- er with an
attribute characterising the field of the
certificate university programme for further
education may be awarded if the programme
comprises a minimum of 60 ECTS credits. An
overview of the courses on offer can be found
Universities of Applied Sciences
(UAS) Fachhochschulen (FH) Universities of
Applied Sciences offer their students
professionally-oriented higher education. This
is reflected in their curricula, which include
mandatory career-oriented practical training
units or job-based intern- ships. The number of
students per year and programme is limited, and
for this reason most of the programmes have an
entrance procedure, which has to be successfully
completed. UAS offer full-time and
extra-occupation- al study programmes.
Extra-occupational programmes are designed for
working stu- dents and take their specific
situation into account. For the completion of
all UAS pro- grammes a relevant thesis and an
examina- tion are required. The academic degrees
awarded are Bachelor and Master. In the
technical fields Master of Science or
Diplom-Ingenieur(in) (equiv- alent to a Master
of Science) are awarded. Graduates of UAS
masters programmes may enrol in doctoral
programmes at uni- versities. In line with the
Bologna Process Universities of Applied Sciences
have of- fered bachelors and masters
programmes since 2003.
? UAS bachelor programmes 3 years Bachelor UAS
master programmes 1 2 years Master
At present more than 600 UAS degree programmes
in areas such as Business, En- gineering and IT,
Social Sciences, Media and Design, Health
Sciences and Cultur- al Sciences are offered by
21 institutions (see list on page 82). About 80
degree programmes are offered entirely in
English. The total number of students is approx-
imately 48,051. 17 of the students go abroad
for a period of study or a professio- nal
Study Programmes 8 9
University Colleges of Teacher Education The 14
Austrian university colleges of teacher
education, nine state-run univer- sity colleges
as well as five private institu- tions, offer
qualifications and continuing further education
programmes for peda- gogical and especially
teaching professions. Range of studies Teaching
qualifications are established as four-year
(eight-semes- ter, workload 240 ECTS credits)
bachelor's (Bachelor of Education, BEd) and at
least one-year (two semester, at least 60 ECTS
credits) master's (Master of Education, MEd)
degree programmes. Master degree programmes with
teaching qualification for secondary schools may
only be offered in the form of a joint study
programme with one (or several)
universities. Public university colleges of
teacher edu- cation establish the following
degree pro- grammes
? Bachelor and master degree for teaching
qualification at primary level ? Bachelor and
master degree for teaching qualification at
secondary level (secondary school) ? Bachelor
degree programmes alone as well as bachelor and
master degree programmes for teaching
qualification at secondary level (vocational
Further information All Austrian University
Colleges of Teacher Education
t (in German only) Austrian Federal Ministry of
Education (BMB) (total number of
students 14,500 - 990 from abroad Statistik
Austria 2015/16)
Studying and Residence in Austria
Application for Admission to Study in
Austria You have to send the application and ne
cessary documents to the university, the
university of applied sciences (Fachhoch- schule
/ UAS) or the UAS degree pro- gramme
(applications submitted to the Austrian
representative authorities will be forwarded to
the educational institution applications must
arrive at the university on time, please bear in
mind that forward- ing may take some time
submission of the application at the
representative authority does not extend the
deadlines!). Many uni- versities offer a
registration of data via Internet and will
then send specific infor- mation to you via
e-mail. Closing dates/deadlines and necessary
requirements 1 At universities the closing dates
for applica- tion for the winter semester are
September 5th, for the summer semester February
5th. Further information about differing admis-
sion periods and admission procedures (e.g. for
study programmes with entrance ex- aminations),
general and specific universi- ty entrance
qualification and the necessary documents can be
found at,,
www.studienbe and on the website of the
university of your choice. University application
forms can be down- loaded from the universities'
websites or else the universities will send them
to you.
Attention In some study programmes, e.g.
architecture, biology, economy, infor- matics,
medicine, dentistry, psychology the university
may limit admissions ei- ther by introducing an
entrance examina- tion before admission or by
carrying out a selection procedure until two
semesters after admission (detailed information
is available from the universities
concerned). For many programmes proof of
proficien cy in German is necessary and should
also be included in the application documents,
if available (e.g. German examination with- in
the school leaving examination, lan- guage
course diplomas). See German lan- guage
courses on page 14. Foreign documents have to be
presented in the original (and in photocopy) and
have to be legalised 2. If documents are drawn
up in languages other than German, legalised
translations have to be added, translations done
abroad also have to be legalised.
1 The requirements for admission to Certificate
Univer- sity Programmes for Further Education
differ from course to course and should be
enquired about at the
individual courses. 2
Legalisation is done by the competent authorities
of the issuing countries and then by the
Austrian rep- resentative authority in that
country or after prior legalisation by the
representative authority in Austria of the
country of issue of the document by the
Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
(legalisation office) (only for original
documents). Documents from certain countries
either require only an apostille or no
legalisation at all. Detailed information is
available from the Austrian representative
Study Programmes 10 11
  • Entry and Residence Conditions
  • Nationals of EU and EEA member countries as well
    as Swiss nationals do not need visas or
    residence permits. When stay- ing in Austria for
    longer than 3 months (90 days) they, however,
    have to apply for a confirmation of registration
    (Anmelde- bescheinigung) at the residence
    authority (Landeshauptmann, Magistrat, Bezirks-
    hauptmannschaft) within 4 months of entry to
  • Other foreigners have, if they are stay- ing for
    longer than 6 months, to apply for a residence
    permit for study purposes (Aufenthaltsbewilligun
    g Studierender) 3 at the Austrian
    representative authority before entry to Austria
    after receipt of the notification of admission.
    The application will be sent to Austria and the
    decision has to be awaited in ones country of
    residence (therefore the application should be
    sub- mitted at least 3 6 months before the in-
    tended arrival in Austria).
  • Exception Applicants who are allowed to enter
    Austria without a visa (informa- tion about this
    is available from the Aus- trian embassies) may
    apply for and receive the residence permit from
    the residence authority once they are in Austria.

Universities of the arts and UAS degree
programmes have different application deadlines
and often do not require proof of the general or
specific university entrance qualification
instead, prospective students have to pass an
entrance examination or produce proof of
relevant professional qualification.
Information about the pre- requisites (these
differ from one institution to the other) is
available from the universi- ties of the arts,
the universities of applied sciences and UAS
degree programmes. If all prerequisites are met,
the education- al institution will send the
notification of admission or the invitation to
sit an en trance examination to the address
speci- fied by the applicant. Students may be
admitted as degree programme students or if
supplementary examinations are required and in
the case of certificate uni- versity programmes
for further education (Universitätslehrgänge)
as non-degree programme students. On arrival in
Austria students have to enrol in person with
the university or UAS degree programme.
3 For stays of up to 6 months maximum a visa C
for a maximum of 90 days or D (91 days to 6
months maximum) is sufficient, this, however,
can neither be applied for nor renewed in
If living with relatives or friends,
an Accommodation Agreement must be filled in
and enclosed with the application. Important
notice Entering Austria with a tourist visa
(visa C) is not recommended because with such a
visa you cannot apply for a residence permit in
Austria. A visa can- not be renewed in
Austria. For a renewal of the residence permit
an additional confirmation of the success- ful
course of study (Studienerfolgsnach- weis) is
necessary examinations equal- ling 8
hours/week or 16 ECTS credits per academic
year. For details see
  • The following documents have to be submitted
  • a fully completed and signed application form
    (available from the representative authority
    can also be downloaded from the Internet)
  • valid passport (must be valid
  • for the whole duration of your stay in Austria)
  • passport-sized colour photograph
  • (3.5 x 4.5 cm)

4. birth certificate
  1. certificate of good conduct
  2. health insurance for the period of entry to
    beginning of studies

Students with entrance examination If you have to
sit an entrance examination at an Austrian
university of the arts, the procedure for
students who may not enter Austria without a
visa will be the following 1. On the basis of
your application the university will issue a
conditional letter of admission (bedingter
Zulassungs bescheid). Together with the
conditional letter of admission and all other
necessary documents you have to apply for a
resi- dence permit at the competent Austrian
representative authority. Since the pro- cessing
of the application has to be awaited in your
home country you should apply at least three
months before the scheduled entrance
examination. Sufficient financial means and
accommodation have to be
(see Health insurance for students)
7. notification of admission of the
  • Austrian educational institution
  • proof of sufficient financial means to cover
    ones living costs for 12 months in advance (for
    students up to 24 years of age 491.43/month
    for students over 24 years of age
  • 889.84/month (these amounts contain the rent
    for accommodation of up to 284.32 in 2017),
  • savings bank book / account in Austria /
    declaration of guarantee of a person living in
    Austria / Traveller's Cheques
  • proof of accommodation
  • (rental agreement, accommodation agreement with
    a student hall of residence, assignment of the
    right of use accommodation). The issue of the

residence permit is subject to a fee (
6 For legalisation and translation of
120), additional fees may be applicable. documents
see page 11
Arriving in Austria The Stay
Study Programmes 12 13
Accommodation The Austrian Exchange Service
(OeAD) and the Austrian Student Union
(Österreichi- sche Hochschülerschaft / ÖH) offer
reason- ably priced accommodation for students.
For details consult OeAD ÖH Youth hostels The
International Offices of the universities
provide help in finding private accommo-
dation. Registration In Austria it is compulsory
to register with the municipal authorities
(Meldeamt Ge- meindeamt, Magistratisches
Bezirksamt) within three working days of
entering the country. For this you need a
registra- tion form (Meldezettel, available from
the registration offices or from the Inter-
net), which must be completed by you and signed
by your landlord / landlady. (In youth hostels
and hotels this registration is carried out by
the management when you check in.) A change of
address also has to be reported to the
registration office with- in 3 working
days. Please do not forget to inform the
registra- tion office when you leave
Austria. Attention Nationals of EU/EEA countries
and Swiss nationals have to apply addi-
tionally for a confirmation of registration
(Anmeldebescheinigung) if they stay in Austria
for more than 3 months.
  • shown credibly, e.g. confirmation of alimo- ny
    payments of parents, preliminary rental
    contract, reservation of a room in a student
  • In case the Austrian authority approves of your
    residence permit application you can apply for a
    visa D to travel to Austria. The visa allows you
    to come to Austria to take part in the entrance
  • If you pass the entrance exam you have to
    provide the letter of admission (Zu
    lassungsbescheid / Aufnahmebestäti gung) and
    documents that prove sufficient financial means
    and accommodation to the competent Austrian
    residence autho- rity to get your residence
    permit. You have to pick up your residence
    permit in Austria within the validity period of
    your visa!
  • Students who may enter Austria without a visa
    may sit the exam without a visa and may apply
    afterwards for their residence permit in Austria
    within their visa-free stay (90 days).
  • Family members of students
  • In case of spouses or minors accompany- ing the
    student a separate application for each person
    must be submitted. Proof of adequate health
    insurance, accommo- dation in Austria and a
    separate document showing the financing of the
    stay in Aus- tria must be produced for the whole
    fam- ily ( 1,334.17 per month for couples,
  • 137.30 per month per child in 2017). Fam- ily
    members are not allowed to take up gainful
    employment in Austria.

Health Insurance for Students Students admitted
to an Austrian univer- sity or university of the
arts or UAS degree programme as regular degree
pro- gramme students may take out a com
prehensive health insurance with one of the
local public carriers (Österreichische
Gebietskrankenkasse). This insurance is only
available to Austrians and for- eigners who have
established a legal residence in Austria (and
fulfil several requirements regarding duration
of stu- dies, change of study programmes,
income, study programmes already completed).
Forms to apply for this insurance coverage are
available at the respective Gebietskran
kenkasse branch offices and the Austrian Student
Union (ÖH Österreichische Hoch-
schülerschaft). The insurance premium for this
coverage currently amounts to 56.74 (as of
2017) per month for students. Students can con-
sult all physicians who have a contract with the
Gebietskrankenkasse. Students from EU/EEA
countries who are in possession of a valid
health insurance in their home countries need
the European Health Insurance Card. Students
who do not meet these require- ments have to
take out insurance with private insurance
companies or the local insurance carriers
(Gebietskrankenkassen) themselves (higher
German Language and University Preparation
Courses The common language of instruction is
German, but an increasing number of programmes
is offered in English (about 12 of the degree
programmes at public universities in 2014).
Programmes taught in English, see In order to be admitted to
a degree programme you have to prove sufficient
knowledge of German. At some univer- sities you
need proficiency in German corresponding to
level B2, at others cor- responding to level C1
of the Common European Framework of Reference
for Lan- guages. There are different diplomas
that are accepted, e.g. the Österreichisches
Sprachdiplom Deutsch, Austrias officially
recognised examination system for Ger- man as a
foreign language with licensed examination
centres all over the world Please
enquire directly at the university or UAS of
your choice to find out whether or not the
certificate / diploma you hold is also accepted
as sufficient proof!
Study Programmes 14 15
  • Working in Austria
  • For students who are EU or EEA or Swiss
    nationals there are no restrictions concerning
    work in Austria as long as the fiscal and
    national insurance regulations are met.
  • Students from Croatia still need (probably until
    2020) a work permit before taking up gainful
  • Students from third countries need a work permit
    to work in Austria. The per- mit is to be
    obtained by the employer be- fore the student
    starts working. The work permit is granted for
    students in a bach- elor's programme and the
    first stage of a traditional diploma degree
    programme for up to 10 hours per week
    (presumably there will be changes in 2017), for
    students in a master's programme and the second
    stage of a traditional diploma degree pro-
    gramme and doctoral candidates for up to 20
    hours per week. Work in the field of science and
    research or on the basis of a contract for work
    and labour (self-em- ployment, Werkvertrag)
    (by which you are not fully employed and have to
    take care of your income tax and health insur-
    ance yourself) does not require a permit.
    Further information is available from the Public
    Employment Service (AMS, www. Please
    note that your stay in Austria cannot be
    financed exclusively by such employment! Your
    work must not compromise your studies.
    Non-compliance with these regulations may lead
    to expul- sion from Austria!
  • For details see

University Preparation Programmes Vorstudienlehrgä
nge of the OeAD In addition, many universities
offer the possibility to attend language courses
at the University Preparation Programmes
(Vorstudienlehrgänge) of the OeAD lo- cated in
Vienna, Graz and Leoben (ad- dresses see
appendix). By attending these programmes
students can prepare them selves for
supplementary examinations (e.g. in mathematics
or German ) which they have to take to be
admitted to a de- gree programme. Students can
also begin their studies without knowledge of
Ger- man and be admitted to university studies
after passing the supplementary examina- tion in
German (or other subjects). Other institutions
and organisations also offer a variety of German
language cours- es for foreigners. For more
information consult Campus Austria, the
association of Austrian language schools Campus
Austria Bauernmarkt 18 1010 Wien/Vienna
Further Information The Austrian Student Union
(Österreichi sche Hochschülerschaft / ÖH) is
the legal representative body of all students in
Aus- tria Social and cultural
institutions as well as the public transport
providers offer reduc tions for students. The
Austrian Student Union (Österreichische
Hochschüler schaft) informs students about
these re- ductions and provides information
about all matters concerning their studies. The
University Sports Departments (USI
Universitäts -Sportinstitut) offer a
c) In case your study plan recommends or
requires the proof of a vocational intern ship
(Berufspraktika) A vocational intern- ship is
an employment (practical training) which is
required by the study plan of an Austrian
educational institution with public status. In
this case you will not need a work permit but
your employer has to submit a notification
(Anzeigebestätigung) to the AMS (Public
Employment Service Austria) and the competent
authority for taxes (Ab gabenbehörde) at least
2 weeks before the beginning of the employment.
Please note
The internship can only be started, if
there wide range of opportunities for practising
are no objections on the part of the AMS. sports
at reasonable prices.
Study Programmes 16 17
Student Ombudsman For general questions and
individual prob- lems related to studying or
doing research at Austrian universities,
universities of applied sciences or university
colleges of teacher education and for other
aspects of student life in Austria (entry and
residence requirements, housing, etc.) a central
stu- dent ombudsman office (Ombudsstelle für
Studierende) is available for Austrian as well
as international students. Students can consult
the webpage (www. or
address in- dividual enquiries or complaints to
this of- fice. Cases are dealt with free of
charge and in full confidentiality.
Ombudsstelle für Studierende Mail address
Minoritenplatz 5 Office Herrengasse 16 1014
Wien/Vienna Toll free telephone Mon Fri 9 am
4 pm T 0800 311 650
Study Programmes 16 17
Researchers in Motion EU
RAXESS Austria
The Costs of Studying in Austria
Living Costs In the following table you will find
an esti- mate of the monthly living costs for
stu dents (in euros). These figures only serve
as a guideline and cannot be seen as binding.
Under accommodation costs a place in a student
hall of residence has been used as the basis of
? Degree programme students (ordentliche
Studierende) from third countries who possess a
residence permit for students 726.72 euros per
semester (from the first semester but ment
during the additional enrolment
Accommodation (including heating and electricity) Food 400 250 400 250 no increased tuition fees in case of pay- period). All other degree programme
(excluding luxuries and tobacco) students from third countries (espe-
Studies and personal requirements (books, culture, recreation) 300 cially those who have a residence title other than a residence permit student (Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studieren- der) or belong to a specific group of cially those who have a residence title other than a residence permit student (Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studieren- der) or belong to a specific group of
Total per month 950 persons) 363.36 euros per semester persons) 363.36 euros per semester
(after the tuition fee-free period). Details see
at ? The
student union membership fee (ÖHBeitrag) is
19.20 (2017) per semester and is compulsory for
all students. An exemption from paying tuition
fees is possible in special cases (e.g.
for participants in exchange programmes and
university partnerships, students from the least
developed countries). Students from other
developing countries and Central and Eastern
European reform countries may be exempted or
apply for a full or partial refund of the
tuition fees according to the universities own
Tuition Fee regulations as of the summer
semester 2013 Universities and Universities of
the Arts ? Degree programme students (ordent-
liche Studierende) who are nationals of an EU or
EEA country and who exceed the scheduled
duration of their bachelor or master or
doctoral/PhD programme or a section of their
diploma degree programme by more than two
semesters 363.36 for each semester. If the
tuition fees are paid during the additional
enrolment period, they increase by 10.
Study Programmes 18 19
Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) are
entitled to charge tuition fees. For more
details please contact the institution of your
choice directly.
? Franz Werfel Grants for young univer- sity
teachers of German language and Austrian
? Richard Plaschka Grant for doctoral students
(pre-doc) and university lecturers (post-doc) in
the field of his- tory who are primarily
occupied with Austria-related topics.
Other Higher Education Institutions In the case
of Certificate University Pro grammes for
Further Education (Univer- sitätslehrgänge),
Private Universities University Colleges of
Teacher Education the tuition fees differ from
one institution to the other and should be
enquired about at the individual institutions.
? APPEAR Austrian Partnership Programme in
Higher Education and Research for Development,
2015 2020 for doctoral studies only for ADC
(Austrian Development Cooperation) key regions
and priority countries in the South. ERASMUS in Higher Education Join
more than 6,000 Erasmus students who study or
do a traineeship in Austria every year! Erasmus
is the European flag- ship programme for
education, training and youth, involving 33
programme coun- tries as well as global partners
for certain activities. Students may apply for a
study abroad period or for a traineeship of up
to 12 months per academic cycle. Appli- cations
have to be addressed to the home university.
Funding for students from Erasmus partner
countries (third coun- tries worldwide) is
available under specific conditions. In addition
to grants for stu- dents, the programme provides
support for teaching and training activities of
HEI staff. Erasmus also provides funding for
school education, vocational and adult
Scholarship Programmes Various scholarship
programmes are of- fered by Austrian
organisations. Please notethatthere are hardly
any scholar- ships for an entire study programme
in Austria. Please note that most grant /
scholarship pro- grammes do not permit gainful
employ- ment in Austria!
Unilateral Scholarship Programmes With a number
of unilateral scholarship programmes the
Republic of Austria pro- vides the possibility
for foreign students, graduates, post-docs and
university teach- ers to study or carry out
research work at Austrian universities. The most
important of such scholarships are the
following ? Ernst Mach Grants (all fields of
CEEPUS Students, post-graduate students and
teachers from the countries participating in
CEEPUS (Albania, Bosnia and Herze- govina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, the
Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldo- va, Montenegro,
Poland, Romania, Ser- bia, Slovak Republic and
Slovenia) have the opportunity to come to
Austria in the framework of institutional net
works (or as Freemovers).
An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Pro- gramme
lasts between 1 2 (Master's) years. A minimum
of three European higher education institutions
(EU, EEA, FYRoMacedonia or Turkey) are actively
in- volved. Students need to study at least at
two different European higher education
institutions. Universities from Erasmus partner
coun- tries (third countries worldwide) may par-
ticipate in the consortium of an Erasmus Mundus
study course and host EM stu- dents for one
semester. Internships in en terprises and at
research institutions are possible,
too. Depending on the country of origin and the
duration of the programme the students can
receive a scholarship of up to
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degrees Erasmus
Mundus offers a fulltime schol arship for
excellent students from all over the world who
have successfully applied for an Erasmus Mundus
Master's Course or an Erasmus Mundus Joint
Doctorate Programme.
Study Programmes 20 21
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Pro- grammes with
Austrian Participation for the winter term
2016/17 ? ASTROMUNDUS Astrophysics (University
of Innsbruck, coordinator) ? MARIHE Research
and Innovation in Higher Education (Danube
University Krems, coordinator) ? Media AC
Media Arts Culture (Danube University Krems,
coordinator) ? DCLead MSc Digital Communication
Leadership (University of Salzburg,
coordinator) ? EMGS Global Studies A European
Perspective (University of Vienna, partner) ?
EMLE European Master in Law and Economics
(University of Vienna, partner)
? 4CITIES Unica Euromaster in Urban Studies
(University of Vienna, partner) ? CARTO E JMD
Cartography (Vienna University of Technology,
partner) ? EUCOMOR Erasmus Mundus Master of
Comparative Morphology (VetMed Vienna, partner)
... and additionally for the winter term
2017/18 ? MScEF Master of Science in European
Forestry (BOKU, partner) ? EMMIR European
Master in Mi- gration and Intercultural
Relations (University of Graz University of
Salzburg, partner)
Aktionen There are three bilateral Aktionen be-
tween the Slovak Republic, the Czech Re
public, Hungary and Austria providingscho-
larships as well as project-oriented sup- port. Joint Study Programmes The
universities have funds for Joint Study
Programmes, university partnerships and
short-term study grants abroad at their dis-
posal. For detailed information about these and
other scholarships consult the online scho
larship database maintained by the
Degree Programme Studies at the Austrian
Degree Programme Studies at the Austrian
Universities Diploma, Bachelor Master
Degree Programme Studies at the Austrian
Diploma, Bachelor Master
University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of Innsbruck University
of Salzburg Vienna
University of Technology Graz University of
Technology University of Leoben
Univ.1 of Natural Resources Vienna
Univ.2 of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU 3
(Economics/Business) Vienna University of Linz
University of
Klagenfurt Medical University
Vienna Medical University Graz
Medical University Innsbruck
1 University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences, Vienna 2 University of Veterinary
Medicine Vienna 3 WU (Vienna University of
Economics and Business) Degree programmes and
their speciftcations Studien mit ihren
Spezifikationen A African Studies Afrikanistik
? ?
BA African Studies BA Afrikanistik
MA African Studies MA Afrikanistik Agriculture
BA Agricultural Sciences BA Agrarwissenschaften
MA Agricultural Food Economy
MA Agrar- Ernährungswirtschaft
MA Agricultural Crop Sciences
MA Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften
MA JDP European Master in Animal Breeding
? ?
Genetics (EMABG)
MA Livestock Sciences MA Nutztierwissenschaften
MA Organic Agricultural Systems
MA Sustainability in Agriculture, Food
Production Food Technology (JMP)
Ancient History Classical Studies Alte
Geschichte Altertumskunde
BA Ancient History Classical Studies BA Alte
Geschichte Altertumskunde MA Ancient History
Classical Studies
? ?
? ? ?
MA Alte Geschichte Altertumskunde
Ancient Studies Altertumswissenschaften BA
Ancient Studies
BA Altertumswissenschaften
Applied Business Administration Angewandte
Betriebswirtschaft BA Applied Business
? ?
BA Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft
BA Economy Law BA Wirtschaft Recht
Study Programmes 24 25
  • ? Curriculum of the study programme available
    (Bachelor or Master programme)
  • ?- -? in co-operation with
  • Diploma degree programme
  • Secondary School Teacher Accreditation (SSTA)
  • ? Individual study programme DDP Double degree
    programme JDP Joint degree programme JMP Joint
    master programme
  • Degree programmes and their speciftcations
  • Studien mit ihren Spezifikationen

University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of Innsbruck University
of Salzburg Vienna
University of Technology Graz University of
Technology University of Leoben
Univ.1 of Natural Resources Vienna
Univ.2 of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU 3
(Economics/Business) Vienna University of Linz
University of
Klagenfurt Medical University
Vienna Medical University Graz
Medical University Innsbruck
MA Applied Business Administration MA Angewandte
Betriebswirtschaft MA Economy Law
MA Wirtschaft Recht MA International Management
? ?
Applied Cultural Studies Angewandte
BA Applied Cultural Studies BA Angewandte
Kulturwissenschaft BA Cultural Studies (JDP)
BA Kulturwissenschaften (JDP) MA Applied Cultural
MA Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft MA CREOLE
Cultural Differences
Transnational Processes (DDP) Applied
Angewandte Geowissenschaften
BA Applied Geosciences BA Angewandte
Geowissenschaften MA Applied Geosciences
MA Angewandte Geowissenschaften Archaeology
? ?
BA Archaeology BA Archäologien
MA Archaeology MA Archäologien
Architecture Architektur
? ? ? ? ? ?
BA Architecture BA Architektur
MA Architecture MA Architektur MA Building
Science Technology
Art History Kunstgeschichten
Degree Programme Studies at the Austrian
Universities Diploma, Bachelor Master
University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of Innsbruck University
of Salzburg Vienna
University of Technology Graz University of
Technology University of Leoben
Univ.1 of Natural Resources Vienna
Univ.2 of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU 3
(Economics/Business) Vienna University of Linz
University of
Klagenfurt Medical University
Vienna Medical University Graz
Medical University Innsbruck
Degree programmes and their speciftcations Studien
mit ihren Spezifikationen
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
BA Art History BA Kunstgeschichte
MA Art History MA Kunstgeschichte
MA Theory of Art MA Kunstwissenschaften
Astronomy Astronomie
? ?
BA Astronomy BA Astronomie
MA Astronomy MA Astronomie
B Bioinformatics Bioinformatik
BA DDP Bioinformatics MA Bioinformatics
? ?
Biology Biologie
? ? ? ?
BA Biology BA Biologie
MA Anthropology MA Anthropologie MA Biology
MA Biologie
? ? ?
MA Botany MA Botanik
MA Ecology Ecosystems
MA European Master in Comperative Morphology
MA Evolution Biology MA Evolutionsbiologie ? MA
Genetics Developmental Biology
MA Genetik Entwicklungsbiologie
MA in HumanAnimal Interactions
MA Microbiology MA Mikrobiologie
MA Molecular Biology MA Molekulare Biologie ?
MA Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology
Immunobiology MA Molekulare Mikrobiologie,
Mikrobielle Ökologie Immunbiologie
Study Programmes 26 27
  • ? Curriculum of the study programme available
    (Bachelor or Master programme)
  • ?- -? in co-operation with
  • Diploma degree programme
  • Secondary School Teacher Accreditation (SSTA)
  • ? Individual study programme DDP Double degree
    programme JDP Joint degree programme JMP Joint
    master programme
  • Degree programmes and their speciftcations
  • Studien mit ihren Spezifikationen
  • MA Molecular Cytobiology

University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of Innsbruck University
of Salzburg Vienna
University of Technology Graz University of
Technology University of Leoben
Univ.1 of Natural Resources Vienna
Univ.2 of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU 3
(Economics/Business) Vienna University of Linz
University of
Klagenfurt Medical University
Vienna Medical University Graz
Medical University Innsbruck
Developmental Biology
MA Molekulare Zell- Entwicklungsbiologie MA
Environmental Protection
Biodiversity Management
MA Naturschutz Biodiversitätsmanagement MA
Ecology Biodiversity
MA Ökologie Biodiversität
MA Ecology Evolutionary Biology
? ?-
MA Ökologie Evolutionsbiologie
MA Plant Sciences MA Pflanzenwissenschaften
MA Behavioral Physiology
MA Verhaltensphysiologie
MA Behaviour, Neuro Cognition Sciences MA
Verhaltens-, Neuro- Kognitionswissenschaften ?
MA Zoology Zoology / Animal Biology MA Zoologie
Zoologie / Tierbiologie
? ?
Biology Environmental Ecology (SSTA) Biologie
Umweltkunde (Lehramt)
BA Biology Environmental Ecology (SSTA)
? ? ? ? ? ?
BA Biologie Umweltkunde (LA)
MA Biology Environmental Ecology (SSTA) MA
Biologie Umweltkunde (LA) Biomedical Engineering
BA Biomedical Engineering MA Biomedical
? ?
Biomedicine Biotechnology Biomedizin
BA Biomedicine Biotechnology BA Biomedizin
Degree Programme Studies at the Austrian
Universities Diploma, Bachelor Master
University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of Innsbruck University
of Salzburg Vienna
University of Technology Graz University of
Technology University of Leoben
Univ.1 of Natural Resources Vienna
Univ.2 of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU 3
(Economics/Business) Vienna University of Linz
University of
Klagenfurt Medical University
Vienna Medical University Graz
Medical University Innsbruck
Degree programmes and their speciftcations Studien
mit ihren Spezifikationen
MA Biomedicine Biotechnology MA Biomedizin
Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering Biotechnolo
gie Bioprozesstechnik
MA Biotechnology MA Biotechnologie
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (SSTA) Bosnisch/Kroatisch
/Serbisch (Lehramt)
BA Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (SSTA)
? ?
BA Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch (Lehramt)
MA Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (SSTA) MA
Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch (Lehramt) Business
Administration Betriebswirtschaft
BA Business Administration
? ?
BA Betriebswirtschaft
MA Business Administration
? ?
MA Betriebswirtschaft
Business Education (also SSTA)

Wirtschaftspädagogik (auch für Lehramt)
MA Business Education MA Wirtschaftspädagogik ?
Business Informatics Wirtschaftsinformatik
BABusiness Informatics BA Wirtschaftsinformatik
? ?
MABusiness Informatics
MABusiness Informatics MAWirtschaftsinformatik?
? ?
MA JMP Digital Business Management
Business Information Management
Betriebliches Informationsmanagement
Business Law Wirtschaftsrecht
? ?
BA Business Law BA Wirtschaftsrecht
MA Business Law MA Wirtschaftsrecht
Study Programmes 28 29
  • ? Curriculum of the study programme available
    (Bachelor or Master programme)
  • ?- -? in co-operation with
  • Diploma degree programme
  • Secondary School Teacher Accreditation (SSTA)
  • ? Individual study programme DDP Double degree
    programme JDP Joint degree programme JMP Joint
    master programme
  • Degree programmes and their speciftcations
  • Studien mit ihren Spezifikationen

University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of Innsbruck University
of Salzburg Vienna
University of Technology Graz University of
Technology University of Leoben
Univ.1 of Natural Resources Vienna
Univ.2 of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU 3
(Economics/Business) Vienna University of Linz
University of
Klagenfurt Medical University
Vienna Medical University Graz
Medical University Innsbruck
MA Law Business for Engineers MA Recht
Wirtschaft für Techniker/innen
? ?
MA Taxation MA Steuerwissenschaften
Byzantine Modern Greek Studies Byzantinistik
BA Byzantine Modern Greek Studies BA
Byzantinistik Neogräzistik MA Byzantine
Modern Greek Studies
MA Byzantinistik Neogräzistik
C Catholic Religion (SSTA)
Katholische Religion (Lehramt)
BA Catholic Religion (SSTA) BA Katholische
Religion (Lehramt) MA Catholic Religion (SSTA)
? ? ? ? ? ?
MA Katholische Religion (Lehramt)
Catholic Religious Education Katholische
BA Catholic Religious Education BA Katholische
? ? ?
MA Catholic Religious Education
? ? ?
MA Katholische Religionspädagogik
MA Advanced Theological Studies
MA Theologische Spezialisierung
Chemistry Chemie
? ?- ?
BA Chemistry BA Chemie
BA Biological Chemistry
? ?- ?
MA Chemistry MA Chemie
MA Biological Chemistry MA Biologische Chemie ?
MA JMP Biological Chemistry
Degree Programme Studies at the Austrian
Universities Diploma, Bachelor Master
University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of Innsbruck University
of Salzburg Vienna
University of Technology Graz University of
Technology University of Leoben
Univ.1 of Natural Resources Vienna
Univ.2 of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU 3
(Economics/Business) Vienna University of Linz
University of
Klagenfurt Medical University
Vienna Medical University Graz
Medical University Innsbruck
Degree programmes and their speciftcations Studien
mit ihren Spezifikationen Chemistry (SSTA)
Chemie (Lehramt)
? ? ?
Chemistry (SSTA) Chemie (Lehramt)
Chemistry (SSTA) Chemie (Lehramt)
Civil Engineering Bauingenieurwesen
BA Civil Environmental Engineering BA Bau-
BA Civil Engineering Infrastructure Management
BA Bauingenieurwesen Infrastrukturmanagement
BA Civil Engineering Industrial Engineering BA
Bauingenieurwissenschaften u. Wirtschaftsingenieu
rwesen MA Civil Engineering
MA Bauingenieurwissenschaften
MA Environmental Engineering
MA Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
MA Civil Engineering
MA Bauingenieurwesen
MA Civil Engineering Constructive
Engineering MA Bauingenieurwissenschaften
Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau MA Civil Engineering
Transportation MA Bauingenieurwissenschaften
Umwelt Verkehr MA Geotechnical Hydraulic
? ?
MA Industrial Engineering Civil Engineering
MA Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
Bauingenieurwissenschaften MA Infrastructure
MA Infrastrukturmanagement
Classical Archaeology (see also
Archaeologies) Klassische Archäologie (siehe auch
Study Programmes 30 31
  • ? Curriculum of the study programme available
    (Bachelor or Master programme)
  • ?- -? in co-operation with
  • Diploma degree programme
  • Secondary School Teacher Accreditation (SSTA)
  • ? Individual study programme DDP Double degree
    programme JDP Joint degree programme JMP Joint
    master programme
  • Degree programmes and their speciftcations
  • Studien mit ihren Spezifikationen

University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of Innsbruck University
of Salzburg Vienna
University of Technology Graz University of
Technology University of Leoben
Univ.1 of Natural Resources Vienna
Univ.2 of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU 3
(Economics/Business) Vienna University of Linz
University of
Klagenfurt Medical University
Vienna Medical University Graz
Medical University Innsbruck
BA Classical Archaeology BA Klassische
Archäologie BA Classical Archaeology
Archaeology of
the former Roman Provinces BA Klassische
Provinzialrömische Archäologie
MA Classical Archaeology
MA Klassische Archäologie
MA Classical Archaeology Archaeology of the
former Roman Provinces MA Klassische
Provinzialrömische Archäologie
Classical Oriental Studies Classica et
Orientalia BA Classical Oriental Studies
BA Classica et Orientalia
MA Ancient History Ancient Oriental Studies
? ?
MA Alte Geschichte und Altorientalistik
MA European Master in Classical Cultures
Classical Philology Klassische Philologie
BA Classical Philology BA Klassische Philologie
? MA Classical Philology (Greek)
MA Klassische Philologie (Gräzistik) MA Classical
Philology (Latin)
MA Klassische Philologie (Latinistik) MA Latin
Philology of the Middle Ages
Modern Times MA Lateinische Philologie des
Mittelalters der Neuzeit MA Ancient History of
Literature, Mind
Reception MA Antike Literatur-, Geistes-
Rezeptionsgeschichte Classical Philology Greek
Klassische Philologie Griechisch
Degree Programme Studies at the Austrian
Universities Diploma, Bachelor Master
University of Vienna
University of Graz
University of Innsbruck University
of Salzburg Vienna
University of Technology Graz University of
Technology University of Leoben
Univ.1 of Natural Resources Vienna
Univ.2 of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU 3
(Economics/Business) Vienna University of Linz
University of
Klagenfurt Medical University
Vienna Medical University Graz
Medical University Innsbruck
Degree programmes and their speciftcations Studien
mit ihren Spezifikationen
BA Greek BA Griechisch MA Greek MA Griechisch
? ?
Classical Philology Latin Klassische Philologie
BA Latin BA Latein
? ?
MA Latin MA Latein
Cognition Sciences Kognitionswissenschaft
MA Middle Eur
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