The Growth of Democracy, 1824 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Growth of Democracy, 1824


New state organizations increased political participation and helped elect ... of the new popular democratic culture and system of national parties made up ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Growth of Democracy, 1824

Chapter 11
  • The Growth of Democracy, 18241840

Focus Questions
  • What was the role of Andrew Jacksons presidency
    in affirming and solidifying the new democratic
  • What part did the transportation revolution play
    in unifying the nation?
  • How was the basic two-party pattern of American
    political democracy established?
  • How did writers and artists and their audiences
    create a distinctive American cultural identity?

Martin Van Buren Forges a New Kind of Political
  • The son of a tavern keeper, Martin Van Buren
    lacked the aristocratic connections necessary for
    political advancement in New York.
  • Van Buren built a democratically controlled,
    well-disciplined party organization that brought
    him political power.

Continental Struggles over Popular Rights
  • In 1821, Mexico won independence from Spain.
  • Santa Anna was the strongest early president
    assuming dictatorial powers, but was in office
    when Texas and northern provinces were lost to
    the United States.
  • In Haiti, independence destroyed the sugar
  • The British Caribbean islands experienced
    numerous revolts leading to the abolition of
    slavery and the subsequent decline of the sugar
  • A revolt in 1837 by Upper and Lower Canada led to
    the union of the two regions to make the
    French-speaking population a minority.

The Expansion and Limits of Suffrage
  • Map Population Trends Westward Expansion, 1830
  • While the population of the United States more
    than doubled between 1800 and 1830, the
    trans-Appalachian population grew tenfold.

MAP 11.1 Population Trends Westward Expansion,
1830 Westward population movement, a trickle in
1800, had become a flood by 1830. Between 1800
and 1830, the U.S. white and African American
population more than doubled (from 5.3 million to
12.9 million), but the trans-Appalachian
population grew tenfold (from 370,000 to 3.7
million). By 1830, more than a third of the
nations inhabitants lived west of the original
thirteen states.
The Expansion and Limits of Suffrage
  • Map The Growth of Universal White Suffrage
  • In 1800, only white, male, property owners could
    vote in most states.
  • As new western states came into the Union,
    suffrage expanded.
  • By 1820 most of the older states had dropped
    property qualifications.
  • By 1840, 90 percent of adult white males could
  • Women and African Americans were barred from

MAP 11.2a The Growth of Universal White Male
Suffrage Kentucky was the first western state to
enact white male suffrage without tax or property
qualifications. Other western states followed,
and by 1820, most of the older states had dropped
their suffrage restrictions as well. By 1840,
more than 90 percent of the nations white males
could vote. But although voting was democratized
for white men, restrictions on free African
American male voters grew tighter, and women were
excluded completely.
MAP 11.2b The Growth of Universal White Male
The Election of 1824
  • Map The Election of 1824
  • The 1824 election marked an end to the political
    truce of the Era of Good Feelings. Four
    candidates ran for the presidency.
  • Though Andrew Jackson had the most popular votes,
    John Quincy Adams won as a result of the
    so-called corrupt bargain.
  • Hostile relations with Congress block many of
    Adamss initiatives.

MAP 11.3 The Election of 1824 The presidential
vote of 1824 was clearly sectional. John Quincy
Adams carried his native New England and little
else, Henry Clay carried only his own state of
Kentucky and two adjoining states, and Crawfords
appeal was limited to Virginia and Georgia. Only
Andrew Jackson moved beyond the regional support
of the Old Southwest to wider appeal and the
greatest number of electoral votes. Because no
candidate had a majority, however, the election
was thrown into the House of Representatives,
which chose Adams.
The New Popular Democratic Culture
  • A more popular form of politics was emerging.
  • New state organizations increased political
    participation and helped elect Andrew Jackson
    president. New techniques of mass campaigning
    encouraged increases in participation.

The New Popular Democratic Culture The Print
  • Table The Burgeoning of Newspapers
  • The print revolution was most evident in the
    growth of newspapers.
  • It also helped democratize politics by
    publicizing the new political pageantry.
  • Tightly-organized, broad-based political groups
  • Party loyalty among politicians and the public
    was stressed as politics became a feature of
    everyday life.

FIGURE 11.2 The Burgeoning of Newspapers
Newspapers have a long history in the United
States. Even before the American Revolution, the
colonies boasted 37 newspapers (see Chapter 6),
and within little more than a decade, that number
had nearly tripled. Toward the end of the
century, however, the number of newspapers
expanded rapidly, by 1835 numbering more than 30
times that of 1775.
Politics, abetted by the publication of
inexpensive party newspapers, was a great topic
of conversation among men in early
nineteenth-century America, as Richard Caton
Woodvilles 1845 painting Politics in an Oyster
House suggests. SOURCERichard Caton
Woodville,Politics in an Oyster House, 1848.The
Walters Art Museum.
The Election of 1828
  • Map The Election of 1828
  • In the 1828 election, Jackson triumphed as his
    supporters portrayed the contest as a struggle
    between democracy and aristocracy.
  • His victory showed the strength of the new
    popular democratic culture and system of national
    parties made up of a coalition of the North,
    South, and West.

MAP 11.4 The Election of 1828 Andrew Jacksons
victory in 1828 was the first success of the new
national party system. The coalition of state
parties that elected him was national, not
regional. Although his support was strongest in
the South and West, his ability to carry
Pennsylvania and parts of New York demonstrated
his national appeal.
A Popular Figure
  • Jackson symbolized the personal advancement that
    the frontier offered.
  • His inauguration brought out a mob of
    well-wishers whose unruly behavior led critics to
    fear that this was the beginning of the reign of
    King Mob.

Andrew Jackson was only sixty-one when he was
elected president in 1828, but his lined face and
white hair, captured in this early daguerreotype
by Matthew Brady, perhaps explain why Margaret
Bayard and others referred to him as the old
man. SOURCEMatthew Brady.CORBIS/Bettman.
A Strong Executive
  • Jacksons Democrats created a national coalition
    that transcended sectional identity.
  • Jackson was a strong executive who consulted with
    the Kitchen Cabinet, largely ignoring his
  • Jackson strengthened the presidency by using the
    veto more frequently than had all of his
    predecessors combined.
  • His most famous veto of the Maysville Road Bill
    of 1830 was a defeat for western rival Henry Clay.

The Nations Leader versus Sectional Spokesmen
  • Regional spokespeople included
  • Daniel Webster for the East
  • John C. Calhoun for the South and
  • Henry Clay for the West.
  • Jackson overrode sectional interests and had
    national appeal.

Two Great Sectional Leaders. The years of
Jacksons presidency were also notable for
the prominence of regional spokesmen, among them
John C. Calhoun, who spoke for the South and
slavery, and Henry Clay who spoke for the West
but whose national ambitions were thwarted by
Jacksons greater appeal. Clays great personal
charm is captured in this 1824 portrait,
contrasting with Calhouns dour expression in the
later photograph
The Nullification Crisis
  • Constitutional ambiguity, sectional interests,
    and the states rights issue caused political
  • The 1828 Tariff of Abominations elicited a
    strong reaction from South Carolina. Southerners
    argued that the tariff was an unconstitutional
    effort to enrich the North at southern expense.
  • John C. Calhoun wrote a defense of the doctrine
    of nullification claiming states could refuse to
    enforce laws they deemed unconstitutional.
  • South Carolina nullified the 1833 tariff and
    threatened to secede.
  • Jackson considered South Carolinas action
    treason and passed the Force Bill.
  • Henry Clay engineered a compromise tariff that
    ended the threat of civil war.

Indian Removal
  • Map Southern Indian Cessions
  • Jackson embraced the policy of Indian cession of
    their lands and removal west of the Mississippi
  • The five civilized tribes of the South were most
  • Even though the Cherokee had adopted white ways
    and accepted white culture, Jackson pressed for
    their removal.
  • Jackson defied the Supreme Court ruling in favor
    of the Cherokee.
  • The Cherokee removal was called theTrail of
  • The Removal Act of 1830 was strongly opposed by

MAP 11.5 Southern Indian Cessions and Removals,
1830s Pressure on the five major southern Indian
peoplesthe Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws,
Creeks, and Seminolesthat began during the War
of 1812, culminated with their removal in the
1830s. Some groups from every tribe ceded their
southern homelands peacefully and moved to the
newly established Indian Territory west of
Arkansas and Missouri. Some, like the Seminoles,
resisted by force. Others, like the Cherokees,
resisted in the courts, but finally lost when
President Andrew Jackson refused to enforce a
Supreme Court decision in their favor. The
Cherokees, the last to move, were forcibly
removed by the U.S. Army along the Trail of
Tears in 1838.
Internal Improvements
  • By 1850, rivers, canals, road, and railroads tied
    the nation together.
  • The transportation revolution dramatically
    reduced travel times and connected people to the
    outside world.
  • States provided more funding for roads, canals
    and railroads than the federal government.

Legal Support for Private Enterprise
  • The Supreme Court fostered economic growth by
  • asserting federal power over interstate commerce
  • encouraging economic competition by denying
  • State laws enabled businesses to protect
    themselves by granting charters of incorporation.

The Bank War
  • Chartered in 1816, the Second Bank of the United
    States was a quasi-private institution.
  • The Second Bank acted as a currency stabilizer
  • encouraging the growth of strong and stable
    financial interest and
  • curbing less stable and irresponsible ones.
  • Eastern merchants found the bank a useful
  • Western farmers and speculators feared the Bank
    represented a moneyed elite.
  • Jackson vetoed the bill when Clay and Webster
    pushed for early re-chartering.

Jackson's Reelection in 1832
  • In the election of 1832 Jackson soundly defeated
    Henry Clay.
  • After his victory, Jackson withdrew federal
    deposits and placed them in pet banks.
  • Jackson claimed that he was the direct
    representative of the people and could act
    regardless of Congressional opinion.

In this political cartoon, Jackson destroys the
Second Bank of the United States by withdrawing
government deposits. As the Bank crashes, it
crushes the director Nicholas Biddle (depicted as
the Devil), wealthy investors (with moneybags)
and the newspaper editors (surrounded by paper)
who opposed Jackson on this issue. SOURCELibrary
of Congress.
Whigs, Van Buren, and the Election of 1836
  • The Bank called in commercial loans, causing a
  • Jacksons opponents founded an opposition
    partythe Whigs.
  • The new party lost the 1836 election to Martin
    Van Buren.

The Panic of 1837
  • The death of the Bank led to feverish speculation
    and the Panic of 1837.
  • The depression that resulted led to great
    hardship giving the newly formed Whig Party its

This contemporary cartoon bitterly depicts the
terrible effects of the Panic of 1837 on ordinary
peoplebank failures, unemployment, drunkenness,
and destitutionwhich the artist links to the
insistence of the rich on payment in specie (as
Jackson had required in the Species Circular of
1836). Over the scene waves the American flag,
accompanied by the ironic message, 61st
Anniversary of our Independence. SOURCEPanic of
1837 cartoon,The Times. Courtesy of the Library
of Congress.
Whigs and Democrats
  • Democrats
  • Organized to elect Jackson to presidency in 1828
  • Party spoke for Jeffersonian democracy,
    expansion, and the freedom of the common man
    from interference of the government of financial
  • Its power base lay in the rural South and West
    and among northern urban workers

Whigs and Democrats
  • Whigs
  • Organized in opposition to Jackson in early 1830s
  • Heirs to Federalism, they favored strong role for
    national government in economy and supported
    active social reform
  • Its power base lay in the North and Old
    Northwest among voters who benefited from
    increased commercialization and among southern
    planters and urban merchants

The Campaign of 1840
  • Map The Election of 1840
  • In the election of 1840 Whigs portrayed their
    candidate, William Henry Harrison, as a humble
    man happy to live in a log cabin.
  • The Whigs won a sweeping electoral victory in a
    campaign with 80 percent voter turnout.

MAP 11.6 The Election of 1840 The Whigs triumphed
in the election of 1840 by beating the Democrats
at their own game. Whigs could expect to do well
in the commercializing areas of New England and
the Old Northwest, but their adopted strategy of
popular campaigning worked well in the largely
rural South and West as well, contributing to
Harrisons victory.The Whigs choice of JohnTyler
as vice presidential candidate, another strategy
designed to appeal to southern voters, backfired
when Harrison died and Tyler, who did not share
Whig principles, became Americas first vice
president to succeed to the presidency.
The Whig Victory Turns to LossThe Tyler
  • The Whig triumph was short-lived as Harrison died
    a month after his inauguration. Vice-President
    John Tyler assumed office.
  • A former Democrat, Tyler vetoed a series of bills
    calling for a new Bank of the United States,
    tariffs, and internal improvements.
  • The Whigs were unable to bridge the gap between
    North and South.

Popular Cultures and the Spread of the Written
  • Steam-powered presses, the transportation
    revolution, and the telegraph helped facilitate a
    communications revolution.
  • Newspapers and almanacs fostered popular culture.

Creating a National American Culture
  • An intellectual movement was stimulated by
    eastern societies and journals.
  • Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, and
    especially Ralph Waldo Emerson created a
    distinctly American culture.

Artists and Builders
  • Artists such as Albert Bierstedt and George Caleb
    Bingham drew upon dramatic themes from the
    American landscape and lifestyles.
  • Neoclassical remained the architectural style for
    public buildings.
  • Balloon frame construction enabled Americans to
    build homes at a rapid clip.

Asher Durand, a member of the Hudson River School
of landscape painting, produced this work,
Kindred Spirits, in 1849, as a tribute to Thomas
Cole, the schools leader. Cole is one of the
figures depicted standing in a romantic
wilderness. SOURCECourtesy of The New York
Public Library.
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