Title: The end of DROP
1The end of DROP
The beginning of your new life!
- Continuation of M-DCC Benefits
- Medicare Benefits
- FRS - Health Insurance Subsidy (HIS)
- M-DCC Subsidy (IRHBS)
- Sick Leave and/or Vacation Settlement
- Distribution Options
- FRS DROP End Confirmation
- Reemployment after Retirement
3Continuation of M-DCC Benefits
- Health - United Healthcare (UHC)
- HMO - Network only
- POS - In Out of Network
- PPO - Out of Florida Service Area
- Dental - CIGNA
- DHMO - In-network services only
- PPO - In and Out of Network services
- Term Life - Canada Life Insurance
- Twice annual Base Salary (up to lowest 100)
- 0.76 per 1,000
4Continuation of M-DCC Benefits
5Medicare Basics
6Medicare Basics
7Florida Retirement System Health Insurance
Subsidy (HI)
- Lifetime Benefit
- Extra payment added to monthly retirement
(Assistance to offset health insurance cost) - 5.00 per each year of FRS service up to maximum
of 150 (does not include the DROP years) - Qualifications must have health insurance,
Medicare or Tricare coverage. - Retiree must apply for benefit within 6 months of
retirement. FRS mails the HIS 1 form to retirees
home address.
8 M-DCC Individual Retiree Health Benefits Subsidy
- Coverage
- Applicable only for Employee Single coverage to
offset cost of health insurance coverage only. - Seven years Maximum or upon Medicare entitlement
(age 65) - Eligibility
- 30 years of FRS service or age 62 and
- 10 years of service with the College
- Formula
- 50 for first ten years of employment
- Plus an additional 2.5 for each year above the
ten years up to a maximum of premium
9Sick Leave SettlementFaculty and Classified Staff
- Formula
- 50 - the first 10 years of M-DCC service
- 1.5 - each year above 10 years
- Average Final Comp. (AFC) highest 3 years of
service - Payment
- Up to maximum of AFC
- Balance of all SICK days (SIFC, SIFN, SIFO)
- 50 of AFC Paid within 30 days of final payroll
- Remaining balance paid one year later
10Sick Leave SettlementFaculty Bank Points
- Bank Point Balance will be paid at the rate such
points were earned. - Paid within 30-days of final pay (Aug. 9th.)
Subject to tax withholdings. - Final check will be available at the campus
Bursars office for pick up. Picture ID
required. - Payroll Services - x72751
11Sick Leave SettlementAdministrators
- Formula
- 50 - the first 10 years of M-DCC service
- 1.5 - each year above 10 years
- Average Final Comp. (AFC) highest 3 years of
service - Payment
- Up to maximum of AFC
- Balance of SIFN and SIFO
- 50 of AFC Paid within 30 days of final payroll
- Remaining balance paid one year later
- Personal Leave
- 4-days (Included in Sick leave balance, they are
not additional days.)
12Distribution Options for Sick Leave Terminal
- Defer a portion of the sick leave terminal pay to
a Tax Shelter Annuity (TSA) 403 (b) plan. - Savings advantage
- Pre-Tax savings
- Up to 12,000 (Max.IRS limit)
- Additional 2,000 (age 50)
- Special Catch-up 3,000 (consult financial
advisor to determine eligibility.) - Additional sick leave terminal pay is subject to
tax withholdings. -
13Enrollment RequirementsTSA Accounts
- Contact a TSA provider and complete the required
forms, available online at - www.mdcc.edu/hr/forms
- Tax Sheltered Enrollment form
- For a list of TSA providers, visit the website
http/mdweb1hr/TSAlist.pdf - Return the TSA application and enrollment forms
to Human Resources Jenny Zablah ext. 7-2046.
14Accrued Leave
- Flex Days
- 2-days (Use it or Lose it)
- Vacation Days
- Up to 62 days (max.)
- Includes days paid upon DROP entry
- Paid at Current Daily rate of pay
15Accrued Leave - (cont.)
- Professional Staff Accrued Leave (PSAL)
- MDCC will pay actual days accrued during the
fiscal year of retirement up to 75 hours (10
days) - All other PSAL days must be used as leave or they
are not paid. - Paid at daily rate of pay.
- Payment
- Within 30 days of final pay
- Final Check will be available at the Campus
Bursars Office for pick up. Picture ID required.
16Tuition Waiver
- Matriculation, student services fees and
application fee. - Courses selected must be prepaid
- At the completion of the term, individuals may
apply for refund through the Accounts Receivable
Dept. at Kendall Campus by submitting - copy of their course transcript showing the grade
(s) received for the course (s).
17Tuition Waiver (cont.)
- The maximum number of credits that will be
reimbursed to the retirees and their dependents
are as follow - Six Credits for Fall
- Six Credits for Spring
- Six Credits for Summer (A B Combined)
18FRS DROP Termination
- DP - Term Form
- No FRS employer services for 30-days
- DP PAYT (Selected Payout Method)
- Option 1 Lump Sum Payment (less 20 Tax)
- Option 2 Direct Rollover (Pre-Tax rollover of
- entire balance)
- Option 3 Partial Lump Sum and rollover the
- remaining amount.
- Financial Institution receiving rollover
completes the - bottom portion of DP-PAYT form.
- Forms must be Notarized and returned to FRS.
19Reemployment After Retirement
- 1st Calendar month of retirement
- ANY WORK CANCELS retirement.
- All DROP/retirement benefits lost
- No restrictions on private employment
- One month begins at effective date of retirement
20Limited Exceptions
- 2nd through 12th month of retirement
- Adjunct Instructors limited to work 780 hrs.
- 72 points 6 classes for the first year
- Any other FRS work (Part or Full Time) will cause
suspension of retirement benefits (FR-23) - After 12 months of retirement
- No restrictions
- Reactivate Retirement Benefits (FR23a)
21After You DROP
- At the end of each month
- FRS mails check to your home address
- Tax Withholdings subject to Federal income tax
- Cost of living adjustment (COLA) 3 each Fiscal
Year (July 1st.)
22FRS - Required Documents
- EFT - Direct Deposit 30 45 days to set up in
the FRS retired payroll - HIS-1 form Health Insurance Subsidy (within 6
months) - Tax withholding election forms
23- To obtain information about
- your retirement benefits contact
- Division of Retirement Customer Service
- (850) 487-4856
- Website www.myflorida.com/frs and clicking on
Online Services.
24For more information regarding Benefits, please
25Do they look familiar? They will soon end DROP
Jeanette Drake Beverly Andrews Catherine
Lumbley Jeffrey Lee Tonie Toney Peter
Lindblom Roger Wadsworth James "Larry"
Steed Robert Bird