Title: Virtualizing Network I/O on End-Host OS
1Virtualizing Network I/O on End-Host OS
- Takashi taka Okumura
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Pittsburgh
2Whos taka?
- Working with Dr. Mosse'
- Semantics-aware Control of Medical Network
- Virtualization of network I/O on end-host OS
3(No Transcript)
4Network Control on End-host OS
- Traffic Management tool for system
administrators - Privileged Instructions
- Lack of Resource Protection Model
- Static Configuration
- Flat Queue Structure
- It is Traffic Management model for
5The Traffic Control model limitsnetwork control
- Why dont we have a standard API even for
bandwidth control?? - Why do we need to be a root, just to control its
own traffic?? - Why cant we realize access control
per-application basis on Unix?? - Why cant we use Extension Header of IPv6, for
existing applications?
Dummynet, IPFW, ALTQ, PF, LARTC, etc...
Dummynet, IPFW, ALTQ, PF, LARTC, etc...
6What can we do ?
7Fundamental Problem
Dissociation of Resource Management model and
Network Control Model
8CPU Resource Management
nice renice
9Network Resource Management
Virtualization of Network Interface!!
10Hierarchical Management
Flexible Control Granularity
11Example 1 netnice
pid 1234
netnice 1234 512Kbps
12Example 2 sh
ftp ftp.freebsd.org _at_2Mbps
13Various Controls throughhierarchical
Priority Queuing
Independent Packet Schedulers
14Integration of QoS and Security Control
BPFlibpcap Compatible
15The almighty primitive for network control
- Various Controls in a single framework
- Resource Protection
- Sophisticated API
- Integration of Network Control
- Bandwidth Management
- Queuing Control
- Firewall/Packet Filter
- Packet Capture
17India Gate, Bombay (Mumbai)
18Why did Taka go to India?
- Loves Indian Food!
- To collaborate with Indian Hackers!
19Netnice ORGan Opensource Project
- Kernel Development - Porting
- Application Development - Porting
- (Research Division discussed later)
20Kernel Development
- FreeBSD 4 97
- Linux 50
- NetBSD 70
- OpenBSD 80
- FreeBSD 5 90
- MacOS X 5
- Windows 1
We want Alpha/Beta testers!!!
- Firewall Builder
- Netnice Daemon
- 3D-tcpdump
- Apache module
- inetd
22Firewall Builder for Netnice
- Firewall Rule Builder GUI
Root VIF
23Scripting Network Control
24The Netnice Daemon netniced
Wireless Network
- 3D Network Analysis/ Visualization Tool
26Apache mod_netnice
cat /etc/inetd.conf ftp tcp ftpd -l telnet
tcp telnetd _at_32K/sec shell tcp rshd _at_32K/sec
inetd _at_1Mbps
Configuration of services and their resource
should be integrated
28Got bored?
29Existing Primitives
- Traffic Management tool for system
administrators - Privileged Instructions
- Lack of Resource Protection Model
- Static Configuration
- Flat Queue Structure
- Each primitive has particular objective, and had
control application just for that particular
30Hierarchical Virtual Network Interface
- Generic OS service for end-host oriented network
control - Serves as a programming construct
- Works for a variety of purposes
- Extends the limit of end-host oriented network
control - But, we need to extend the limit, much more...
- Architecture
- Compiler
- Algorithm
- Operating System
- Artificial Intelligence
- Dynamic Extension of Protocol Stack by Virtual
Machine technology
34Protocol Stack Virtualization
- Compiler for High-performance Firewall
36Firewall Instrumentation
- Distributed Caching and Traffic Control Algorithm
for Fermi FS
38Distributed Caching and Traffic Control
L1 Buffer
L2 worker
On-line Jobs
1 job / 396ns
n 96
Distributed Hash Table (P2P) technology?
39Operating System
- Coupled Scheduling Mechanism for CPU and Network
40CPU Scheduling Network Control
- High Priority Jobs
- Higher Network Priority
- Lower Priority Jobs
- Lower Network Priority
41Artificial Intelligence
- Traffic Control based on Semantics analysis of
on-going communication
42Semantics-Aware Medical Network
- Needs for better fairness, safety, and security
- ex) Resource contention between traffic for...
- Emergency Case (such as Acute MI)
- Common cold
43Semantics Aware Medical Network
- Each node understands traffic semantics and
controls packets accordingly
44Straightforward Approach
- Hop-by-hop routing
- Packet Dropping
- Encripted Payload
- Stateful Inspection
- What if we analyze the traffic semantics at the
intermediate nodes?
45Cooperation of End-nodes and Intermediate-nodes
- Hop-by-hop routing
- Packet Dropping
- Encripted Payload
- Stateful Inspection
- Hop-by-hop routing
- Packet Dropping
- Encripted Payload
- Stateful Inspection
- What if the end-nodes attach semantics
information they analyze onto each packet?
46Fairness by Agent model
We may realize fair and efficient
semantics-aware network...
- What if we prepare fair agents, and let the
end-users select one for semantics analysis?
47To realize such a technology,we need an end-node
- which allows analysis of flows at flexible
granularity and active control of them just
48? / /