Title: Irrigation with saline water: Opportunities, Limitations and Challenges
1Irrigation with saline water Opportunities,
Limitations and Challenges
1 Congreso de la Red Argentina de Salinidad
- Steve Grattan, Ph.D
- Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
- University of California, Davis
2Sierra Nevada Mountains
Low EC irrigation water (lt 0.1 - 0.5 dS/m)
3 Olive oil production and quality as influenced
by different quantities of applied water
High density (1,700 trees/ha) orchard of olive
Arbequina I-18 near Oroville, California
S. Grattan, M.Jo Berenguer, J. Connell, P. Vossen
and V. Polito
4 Growth of Olives at Different Irrigation
Application Rates
15 ET
40 ET
107 ET
89 ET
5Mechanically harvest olives in California
6Vegetative growth in relation to irrigation
Red 15 Orange 25 Yellow 40 Brown 57
Green 71 Grey 87 Blue 107
7Stem water potential in olive throughout season
8Mid season 25 June 2002
15 ET
40 ET
71 ET
107 ET
9Fruit Color
107 ET
15 ET
Optimum 40-70
11Irrigation level to optimize oil chemical and
sensory properties 33-40
- Total polyphenol levels oxidative stability
decreased with increased water - High level of pleasant fruitiness with both ripe
fruit and green character - Balanced bitterness and pungency
- Excess water resulted in bland oils
12Optimal Irrigation Management for High Density
Olive Orchard
- Optimize vegetative growth of young trees,
irrigate near Full Etc - Optimize oil production, irrigate 40-80 ETc
- Optimize oil quality, irrigate near 40 ETc
13Central Valley of California
Sierra Nevada (Granite rock low salts)
Sacramento Valley
San J
San Joaquin Valley
Coastal Range (Sedimentary rock high salts)
14Coastal Mountain Range
Sedimentary rock Marine origin Natural source of
salts and trace Elements (Na-sulfate B, Se, Mo)
15High saline water table in Californias San
Joaquin Valley
Clay layer
Saline water table
16Salinity Drainage ProblemsCalifornias San
Joaquin Valley
- About 250,000 hectares of salt-affected land
- Saline-sodic soils, high in B Se
- Growers must manage drainage on farm
17Salinity Drainage ProblemsCalifornias San
Joaquin Valley
- Drainage discharge prohibited after the
- Se toxicity in waterfowl found in mid-1980s
- (Kesterson Reservoir area)
18Sequential Reuse
Low saline water
Increasing salinity
Solar Evaporator
Salt-tolerant crops and forages
Traditional crops (non-saline)
19Challenges related to sodicity in addition to
Units mmol/L
20Salinity and sodicity impacts on crops
Läuchli and Grattan, 2009 (in press)
21Saline-sodic Water that Reduced Stand
- Cotton stands were reduced in plots that were
irrigated with saline-sodic water the previous
year (Shennan et al. 1995 Mitchell et al. 1995
Goyal et al. 1992)
Although cotton is relatively tolerant
to salinity, it is sensitive during
seedling emergence.
22EC, SAR and Infiltration
Saline-sodic water
23Search for salt tolerant forages
Desirable characteristics
High salt tolerance High biomass production High
forage quality
Forages in sand tanks at the US Salinity
Lab irrigated with either 15 or 25 dS/m
synthetic drainage water 2001-2002
US Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, CA
24Salt Tolerance Parameters
Forage Alfalfa Tall Wheatgrass
Threshold Ece (dS/m) 2.0 7.5
Slope () 7.3 4.2
Rating MS T
ECe 1.5 ECiw (Ayers and Westcot 1985)
Maas and Grattan, 1999
25Forage Production Potential
- Kikuyu Grass
- SW 9720 alfalfa JTWG Bermuda
- Salado alfalfa
- Narrow Leaf Trefoil
- Alkali Sacaton
- Duncan paspalum
- Polo paspalum
- Big Trefoil
1000 kg/ha dw
100 kg/ha dw
EC 25 dS/m at 5000 ºCday
26Organic Quality Evaluation
??? ??? ???
Neutral Detergent Fiber ???
? ? Digestible
NDF ??? ???
? Organic Matter
??? ???
? Gas Evolution
??? ???
? Metabolizable Energy ???
??? ? Evaluation
based on harvest 5 ??? excellent
? poor Robinson et al. 2003. Animal Seed and
Feed Technology
27Salinized Forages of Good to High Quality
- Both Alfalfa varieties
- Duncan paspalum, Narrow leaf trefoil,
- Bermuda grass, Jose Tall Wheatgrass, and
Polo paspalum.
Red Rock Ranch
Jose Tall Wheatgrass
28Overall Forage Quality
- When salinity influenced forage quality, it did
so positively. - High Mo and high S could cause Cu deficiency in
ruminants - All forages accumulated S to high levels ( above
the MTC of 0.4) - Se accumulated in forage but not to potentially
toxic levels
Grattan et al, 2004
29Salinity - Boron interactions in tall wheatgrass
- Cumulative shoot biomass at the end of the study
in relation to the electrical conductivity (ECe)
and boron (Be) in the saturated soil extract.
Diaz and Grattan, 2009
30Tissue Boron Concentration (mg/kg dry wt)
- Tissue B concentration at different stages of the
experiment a) 97 days after sowing, b) 174 days
after sowing, c) 254 days after sowing. Bars
represent means and standard deviation.
Diaz and Grattan, 2009
31Tissue Se Concentration
- Tissue Se concentration at different stages of
the experiment a) 97 days after sowing, b) 174
days after sowing, c) 254 days after sowing. Bars
represent means and standard deviation.
Diaz and Grattan, 2009
32Evaluation of forages irrigated with saline
drainage water containing high Se on ruminant
growth and health
Tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum var. Jose)
Creeping wildrye (Leymus triticoides var.
S. Benes, et al 2007 - present
33Tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum var.
Jose) Creeping wildrye (Leymus triticoides
var. Rio) --
Benes et al. 2002-2004 data
34Evaluation of forages irrigated with saline
drainage water containing high Se on ruminant
growth and health
S. Benes, S. Juchem, P. Robinson, P.
Chilibroste, P. Vasquez, M Brito and S. Grattan
(CSUF, INIA Uruguay, UC Davis)
35Blood Selenium (mg/L)
April May July
Aug Oct Nov
Recommended safe level
36Liver Selenium (mg/kg)
Forage P lt 0.001 ForageTime P lt 0.001
Recommended safe level
37Body weight change
April May
Oct Nov
38Assessing the Selenium Hazard for Grazing Beef
- Se in Blood, liver and muscle samples increased
in heifers over the irrigation season (both 2007
ad 2008) - and were above the recommended safe level
- No clinical signs of Se toxicity were observed
in the beef heifers in either year of grazing - Heifers gained weight and were otherwise healthy
at the end of 2007 and 2008 grazing seasons - Uncertainties regarding reproductive effects
Benes et al., 2009
39Salinity-B Interaction Study with Broccoli
Salinity Boron Salt type (Cl vs SJV)
Sand-tank system at the US Salinity Lab
Smith et al., 2005
40Low salt (EC 2 dS/m) High Boron (24 mg/L)
High salt (EC 20 dS/m) High Boron (24 mg/L)
41Broccoli Heads (fresh wt.)
Recent studies indicate that this effect is pH
42Salicornia bigelovii
- One of most salt-tolerant of vascular plants
- Oil in seeds high in polyunsaturated fat
- Young shoots eaten as salad supplement
Glenn et al., 1998
43Salicornia bigelovii field ET comparable to ETo
ECw 29 dS/m gt 25 mg/L B
Salicornia grown in Mendota, CA
44Performance of Salicornia bigelovii irrigated
with seawater and hyper-saline drainage water
Grattan et al., 2008
45Salicornia shoot biomass
46Cumulative ET and evaporation from both an
evaporation pan and irrigated buckets without
plants (i.e. bare surface treatment).
47Separating E and T from ET
Stable oxygen isotope composition
48Transpiration (T) was 78-100 of ET
- S. bigelovii grows well over the
- range of salinity treatments (19-52 dS/m)
- regardless of whether they were
- irrigated with hyper-saline DW or SW
Salicornia bigelovii
2. Evapotranspiration of this leafless plant
irrigated with seawater-strength drainage water
is nearly as high as non-stressed grass irrigated
with fresh Water. Most water lost as
transpiration. Effective at reducing drainage
3. Despite irrigation waters having 28 mg/L
boron, there were no indications of boron
toxicity (lt 150 mg/kg dry wt) and some evidence
suggests boron may be protective of salt damage
50What is the potential feasibility of irrigating
with saline-sodic drainage water containing high
B, Se and Mo?
- Long-term use of saline-sodic water (up to 10
years) has been feasible with certain crop
rotations - Soil salinity can be readily reduced by leaching
but concerns over long-term B accumulation in the
soil - Stand establishment can be reduced with proper
management (e.g. gypsum applications) - Se accumulation in crops and forages has not
shown to be problematic even in high Se areas
over the short term - Uncertainty of long-term effects of S and Se in
cattle (reproduction?) - High S and Mo in forages can reduce Cu
availability in ruminants but high S in itself
may be problematic over the long term
51What is the potential feasibility of irrigating
with saline-sodic drainage water containing high
B, Se and Mo? (continued)
- Some evidence that crops are more tolerant to B
when irrigated with SJV drainage water but
interaction is pH dependent - Tree crops (eucalyptus and pistachio) may show
less injury to B when irrigated with SJV drainage
water but are still sensitive to injury and
limits the reuse potential - More opportunities to study salinity-trace
element interactions with different crops and in
different environmental settings