Title: Groundwater Modelling of Ganga Basin
1Prof. S. N. PandaHead, School of Water Resources
- Groundwater Modelling of Ganga Basin
Opportunities and Challenges
2Physiography and groundwater flow of Ganga basin
(Source Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India)
3Annual groundwater draft in comparison with net
annual availability in Ganga basin
(Source Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India)
4Annual replenishable groundwater in comparison
with annual draft in Ganga basin
(Source Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India)
5Schematic illustration for evaluating
stream-aquifer interaction
6- Problems with groundwater in the Ganga Basin
- Imbalance in groundwater draft
- Waterlogging and salinity in canal commands
- Groundwater pollution
7Types of Terrestrial Water
Surface Water
Soil Moisture
Ground water
8Movement of water through the hydrologic cycle
(Source usgs.gov)
9Effluent and influent streams
Gaining stream
Losing stream with shallow watertable
Losing stream with deep watertable
10Water Balance Concept
- The basic concept of groundwater balance is
- Input to the system - outflow from the system
change in storage of the system (over a period of
11Flow components for assessing groundwater balance
12Groundwater Balance Equation Considering the
various inflow and outflow components in a given
study area, the groundwater balance equation can
be written as Rr Rc Ri Rt Si Ig
Et Tp Se Og ?S
where, Rr recharge
from rainfall Rc recharge from canal
seepage Ri recharge from field
irrigation Rt recharge from tanks
Si influent seepage from rivers Ig
inflow from other basins Et
evapotranspiration from groundwater Tp
draft from groundwater Se effluent
seepage to rivers Og outflow to other
basins and ?S change in groundwater
13Groundwater Survey and Investigation
Water table contour map showing a local mound and
depression in water table and direction of
groundwater flow
14Flow net
Flow net technique for estimation of subsurface
horizontal flow
15Depth-to-Water Table Map or Isobath Map
16Groundwater Quality Map
17- Components of a Mathematical Model
- Governing Equation
- (Darcys law water balance equation) with head
(h) as the dependent variable - Boundary Conditions
- Initial conditions (for transient problems)
18General governing equation for steady-state,
heterogeneous, anisotropic conditions, without a
source/sink term
with a source/sink term
19Change in concentration with time
- is porosity
- D is dispersion coefficient
- v is velocity
20Model Grids
Finite Element Grid
Finite Difference Grid
21Modelling Process
22Opportunities and Challenges in the Ganga Basin
- Wide variation in climate from semi-arid to
sub-humid/sub-tropical regions - Large-scale spatial variation in
- Soil texture and land-use
- Type of aquifers and its properties
- Spatio-temporal variation in
- - meteorological parameters associated
with uncertainties - - groundwater recharge and discharge
components - Groundwater level monitoring is not being done
regularly and intensively - Setting up/optimising monitoring networks and
setting up groundwater protection zones - Groundwater resources too need to be planned and
managed for maximum basin-level efficiency. -
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25- Diversified geological climatological and
topographic set-up, giving rise to divergent
ground water situations - Excessive use of our rivers, are causing
downstream problems, of water quality and
ecological stress. - Climate change impacts directly on the
availability of water resources both in space and
time. - The precarious balance between growing demands
and supplies brings forth the importance of
maintaining quality of both surface and ground
26- Application of existing groundwater models
include water balance (in terms of water
quantity) - gaining knowledge about the quantitative aspects
of the unsaturated zone - simulating of water flow and chemical migration
in the saturated zone including river-groundwater
relations - assessing the impact of changes of the
groundwater regime on the environment
27State-wise distribution of the drainage area of
Ganga river
(Source Status paper on river Ganga, NRCD, MoEF,
28Soil types in Ganga basin
(Source Central Pollution Control Board,
National River Conservation Directorate (MoEF)
29- Data requirement for groundwater balance study
over a given time period - Precipitation
- River
- Canal
- Tank
- Water table
- Groundwater draft
- Aquifer parameters
- Land use and cropping patterns
30- Management of a groundwater system, means making
such decisions as - The total volume that may be withdrawn annually
from the aquifer. - The location of pumping and artificial recharge
wells, and their rates. - Decisions related to groundwater quality.
- Groundwater contamination by
- Hazardous industrial wastes
- Leachate from landfills
- Agricultural activities such as the use of
fertilizers and pesticides
31Groundwater Modelling
- The only effective way to test effects of
groundwater management strategies - Conceptual model Steady state model
Transient model - Processes
- Groundwater flow (calculate both heads and
flow) - Solute transport requires information on flow
(calculate concentrations)
32Model Design
- Conceptual Model
- Selection of Computer Code
- Model Geometry
- Grid
- Boundary array
- Model Parameters
- Boundary Conditions
- Initial Conditions
- Stresses
33Modelling Process
34General governing equation for transient,
heterogeneous, and anisotropic conditions
Specific Storage Ss ?V / (?x ?y ?z ?h)
Kx, Ky, Kz are components of the hydraulic
35- Types of Solutions of Mathematical Models
- Analytical Solutions h f(x, y, z, t)
- Numerical Solutions
- Finite difference methods
- Finite element methods
36Model Design
- Conceptual Model
- Selection of Computer Code
- Model Geometry
- Grid
- Boundary array
- Model Parameters
- Boundary Conditions
- Initial Conditions
- Stresses
37Managed Aquifer Recharge
38- Suitability of groundwater in increasing dry
season productivity in the coastal region of the
Ganga basin - How the recharge mechanisms can be used to reduce
salinity. - Climate change impact on groundwater.
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40Methods for groundwater recharge
41- Management of Excess Rainwater
- Mismatch between water supply and demand
- Rainwater conservation and recycling
- Multiple use of harvested water
- Management of stagnant water in lowland areas
42Rainwater Conservation
- a. Storage of rainwater on surface reservoir
- b. Recharge to ground water
- Pits
- Trenches
- Dug wells
- Hand pumps
- Recharge wells
- Recharge shafts
- Lateral shafts with bore wells
- Spreading techniques
43Methods of Rainwater Storage
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- Ideal solution to water problems in water stress
areas - Capture and storage of water in monsoon when
rainwater is abundant - More water will be available for summer use
- Rise in groundwater level - Improves declining
aquifers - May increase base flow to streams
- Mitigates the effects of drought
- Reduces the runoff which chokes the storm water
drains - Flooding of roads and low land areas are reduced
- Quality of water improves
- Soil erosion will be reduced
- Saving of energy per well for lifting of ground
water 1 m rise in water level saves about 0.40
KWH of electricity
46What is Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)?
- Managed Aquifer Recharge is
- The infiltration or injection of water into an
aquifer - Water can be withdrawn at a later date but also
left in the aquifer (e.g. to benefit the
Why Consider MAR?
- Allows storage of water in wet seasons
- Improvement in groundwater quality
- Allows increased use of groundwater from other
parts of the aquifer systems - To stop seawater intrusion in coastal areas
- To maintain or increase available water supplies
for use in agriculture, drinking water supply,
and industry
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51The point of origin of the Ganga, known as the
Gangotri (left) and Devprayag, the point of
confluence of the Alaknanda (from right) and
Bhagirathi (from left) to form the Ganga (right).
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53Ganga River Basin, India
- The river systems in India are grouped into four
broad categories - The Himalayan rivers
- The Peninsular rivers
- The Coastal rivers
- The Inland rivers
- The Ganga River (length 2525 km long catchment
area 861404 km2) is fed by runoff from - Vast land area bounded Himalaya in the north.
- Peninsular highlands and the Vindhya Range in
the south. - The states of Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh
and West Bengal, comprising 50 of the basin
area. - The basin spreads over four countries India,
Nepal, Bangladesh and China.
54Soil and rainfall (isohyetal) map of Ganga
Basin(Source Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India)
55Vegetation Types of Ganga Basin(Source
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government
of India)
56- Groundwater
- An important component of water resource systems
and source of clean water. - More abundant than Surface Water
- Extracted from aquifers through pumping wells and
supplied for domestic use, industry and
agriculture. - With increased withdrawal of groundwater, the
quality of groundwater has been continuously
deteriorating. - Linked to Surface Water systems and sustains
flows in streams
57Groundwater in Hydrologic Cycle
(Source physicalgeography.net)
58Dynamic Groundwater Resources of India
- Total replenishable groundwater in the country
433 BCM - 5,723 units (blocks, talukas, mandals, districts)
assessed - 15 over-exploited
- 4 critical
- 10 semi-critical
- Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan are overusing
their groundwater resources. - Andhra Pradesh has the highest number of
over-exploited units. - The agricultural (tube-well dependent) state of
Punjab has developed (usage compared to
availability) its groundwater upto 145. - Delhi is mining 170 of its groundwater.
- Countrywide percentage of groundwater development
is 58.
59Annual replenishable groundwater in comparison
with annual draft in Ganga basin
60- Ground Water and Surface Water Interaction
- Ground water and surface water contained in the
hydrological system are closely interrelated - The studies examines the processes of ground
water flow generation and estimation of ground
water discharge including ground water discharge
to rivers (base flow) - In a ground water basin, it is common to identify
several aquifers separated either by less
permeable or impermeable layers
61- the upper aquifer is recharged through the bed
and banks of the river. The lower aquifer is
recharged through the intervening aquitard - finite difference equations describes the
response of the aquifer system to applied
stresses - quasi three-dimensional model simulates a ground
water system having any number of aquifers
62- The studies on the ground water/surface water
interrelationship made it possible to solve a
number of important scientific and practical
problems - to estimate base flow and, therefore, sustained
low river discharges of different probabilities - to estimate the ground water contribution to
total water resources and the water balance of
regions - to evaluate quantitatively the natural ground
water resources for determining the prospects of
their use within large areas and as a component
of the safe ground water yield
63- The methods for estimating the ground water
discharge of the upper hydrodynamic zone are
fairly well developed as compared to deep
artesian aquifers and their contribution to
surface runoff
64- Seawater Intrusion
- A natural process that occurs in virtually all
coastal aquifers. - Defined as movement of seawater inland into fresh
groundwater aquifers, as a result of - higher seawater density than freshwater
- groundwater withdrawal in coastal areas
65- Sea Water Intrusion
- In the coastal margins of ground water basin, the
lowering of water level or potentiometric head
results in the intrusion of sea water - Inland gradient for saline intrusion result from
pumping at rate higher than the recharge to the
ground water basin - wedge-shaped intrusion occurs as sea water is
approximately 1.025 times heavier than fresh
66- Field surveys (geophysical and geochemical
studies) can only reveal the present state of
seawater intrusion but can not make impact
assessment and prediction into the future - Mathematical models are needed for these purposes
- Ghyben-Herzberg relation is a highly simplified
model - Dynamic movement of groundwater flow and solute
transport needs to be considered - A density-dependent solute transport model
including advection and dispersion is needed for
the modelling
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68- Ground Water Pollution
- Restoration to the original, non-polluted state
of polluted ground water is more difficult than
surface water - Geologic and hydrogeologic setting along with
magnitude of the pollution hazard for a specific
incident must be evaluated. - Movement of contaminants and its control largely
depends on the hydrogeologic environment - Processes of migration and alterations present in
ground water are also present in the unsaturated
69- Remedial action can be classified into three
broad categories - Physical containment measures, including slurry
trench cutoff walls, grout curtains, sheet
piling, and hydrodynamic control - Aquifer rehabilitation, including withdrawal,
treatment, reinjection (or recharge), and in-situ
treatment such as chemical neutralization and
biological neutralization - Withdrawal, treatment and use
70- use of models provide more appropriate and
rigorous method for integrating all the available
data together - It evaluates the response of the aquifer system
to a contamination event - The models are derived from the expression of the
flow and transport processes in terms of
mathematical equations - Equations are solved by incorporating appropriate
parameter values and boundary conditions
71Seawater Intrusion
Before extensive pumping
After extensive pumping by many wells
Pumping causes a cone of depression and draws the
salt water upwards into the well.
72- Groundwater
- An important component of water resource systems.
- Extracted from aquifers through pumping wells and
supplied for domestic use, industry and
agriculture. - With increased withdrawal of groundwater, the
quality of groundwater has been continuously
deteriorating. - Water can be injected into aquifers for storage
and/or quality control purposes.
73- MANAGEMENT means making decisions to achieve
goals without violating specified constraints. - Once contamination has been detected in the
saturated or unsaturated zones, requires the
prediction of the path and the fate of the
contaminants, in response to the planned
activities. - Any monitoring or observation network must be
based on the anticipated behavior of the system. - The tool for understanding the system and its
behavior and for predicting the response is the
model. - Usually, the model takes the form of a set of
mathematical equations, involving one or more
partial differential equations. We refer to such
model as a mathematical model. - The preferred method of solution is the
analytical solution.
74- For most practical problems we transform the
mathematical model into a numerical one, solving
it by means of computer programs.
75What is a model?
- Any device that represents approximation to
field system - Physical Models
- Mathematical Models (Analytical and Numerical)
- Modeling begins with formulation of a concept of
a hydrologic system and continues with
application of, for example, Darcy's Law to the
problem, and may culminate in a complex
numerical simulation.
77Line diagram of the Ganga with major tributaries
(Source Status paper on river Ganga, NRCD, MoEF,
78- Importance of ground water flow models
- Construct representations and helps understanding
the interrelationships between elements of
hydrogeological systems - Efficiently develop a sound mathematical
representation - Make reasonable assumptions and simplifications
- Understand the limitations of the mathematical
representation and interpretation of the results
79- Groundwater models can be used
- To predict or forecast expected artificial or
natural changes in the system. - To describe the system in order to analyse
various assumptions - To generate a hypothetical system that will be
used to study principles of groundwater flow
associated with various general or specific
80- Processes to model
- Groundwater flow
- Transport
- Particle tracking requires velocities and a
particle tracking code. calculate path
lines - (b) Full solute transport requires velocites
and a solute transport model. calculate
81- Processes we need to model
- Groundwater flow
- calculate both heads and flows (q)
- Solute transport requires information on flow
(velocities) - calculate concentrations
Requires a flow model and a solute transport
82Modelling Process
- Establish the Purpose of the Model
- Develop Conceptual Model of the System
- Select Governing Equations and Computer Code
- Model Design
- Calibration
- Calibration Sensitivity Analysis
- Model Verification
- Prediction
- Predictive Sensitivity Analysis
- Presentation of Modeling Design and Results
- Post Audit
- Model Redesign
83- Mathematical model
- Simulates ground-water flow and/or solute
fate and transport indirectly by means of a set
of governing equations thought to represent the
physical processes that occur in the system. - (Anderson and Woessner, 1992)
84General 3D equation
2D confined
2D unconfined
Storage coefficient (S) is either storativity or
specific yield. S Ss b T K b
85Groundwater flow is described by Darcys
law. This type of flow is known as advection.
Linear flow paths assumed in Darcys law
True flow paths
The deviation of flow paths from the linear Darcy
paths is known as dispersion.
Figures from Hornberger et al. (1998)
86In addition to advection, we need to consider two
other processes in transport problems.
- Dispersion
- Chemical reactions
87advection-dispersion equation
groundwater flow equation
88advection-dispersion equation
groundwater flow equation
89Flow Equation
1D, transient flow homogeneous, isotropic,
confined aquifer no sink/source term
Transport Equation
Uniform 1D flow longitudinal dispersion No
sink/source term retardation
90Flow Equation
1D, transient flow homogeneous, isotropic,
confined aquifer no sink/source term
Transport Equation
Uniform 1D flow longitudinal dispersion No
sink/source term retardation
91Conceptual Model A descriptive representation of
a groundwater system that incorporates an
interpretation of the geological hydrological
conditions. Selection of Computer Code Depends
largely on the type of problem(Flow, solute,
heat, density dependent etc. along with 1D, 2D,
3D) Model geometry It defines the size and the
shape of the model. It consists of model
boundaries, both external and internal, and model
grid. Grid In Finite Difference model, the grid
is formed by two sets of parallel lines that are
orthogonal. In the centre of each cell is the node
92- Boundaries
- Physical boundaries are well defined geologic and
hydrologic features that permanently influence
the pattern of groundwater flow (faults, geologic
units, contact with surface water etc.) - Hydraulic boundaries are derived from the
groundwater flow net and therefore artificial
boundaries set by the model designer. They can be
no flow boundaries or boundaries with known
hydraulic head.
93- Model Parameters
- Time, Space (layer top and bottom), Hydrogeologic
characteristics (hydraulic conductivity,
transmissivity, storage parameters and effective
porosity) - Initial Conditions
- Values of the hydraulic head for each active and
constant-head cell in the model.
94Calibration and Validation
- Calibration parameters are uncertain parameters
whose values are adjusted during model
calibration. - Typical calibration parameters include hydraulic
conductivity and recharge rate. - Model validation is to determine how well the
mathematical representation of the processes
describes the actual system behavior.
95- Groundwater Flow Models
- (Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Ground-Water
Flow Model) - When properly applied, MODFLOW is the recognized
standard model. - Ground-water flow within the aquifer is simulated
in MODFLOW using a block-centered
finite-difference approach. - Layers can be simulated as confined, unconfined,
or a combination of both. - Flows from external stresses such as flow to
wells, areal recharge, evapotranspiration, flow
to drains, and flow through riverbeds can also be
96- Other Models
- MT3D (A Modular 3D Solute Transport Model)
- FEFLOW (Finite Element Subsurface Flow System)
- HST3D (3-D Heat and Solute Transport Model)
- SEAWAT (Three-Dimensional Variable-Density
Ground-Water Flow) - SUTRA (2-D Saturated/Unsaturated Transport Model)
- SWIM (Soil water infiltration and movement
model) - VISUAL HELP(Modeling Environment for Evaluating
and Optimizing Landfill Designs) - Visual MODFLOW (Integrated Modeling Environment
for MODFLOW and MT3D)
97- Several methods to control saline intrusion
- Reduction of ground water extraction
- Artificial recharge by spreading
- Physical barrier
- Mathematical modelling of unsteady flow of saline
and fresh water in aquifer