Title: Believing in Living Literature
1Believing in Living Literature
2"A teacher's most important role (in my humble
opinion) is first to teach the art of reading
then to foster a child's enjoyment of books."
Dick King-Smith
3What it means to "Live Literature"
4Children's Literature
- Backbone of the reading program
- Major source of content knowledge
- Can increase our understanding of ourselves
and our place in the world - Potential for transformative experiences
5Share children's literature to develop effective
readers and writers.
6Share literature to foster a life-long enjoyment
of books and reading.
7Living Literature Classroom
8Examining Beliefs
9What we believe and how we teach have long-term
effects on students.
If we believe all children will learn, then we
will teach differently.
10Do you believe that all children can learn?
A guided reading lesson with a deaf child
11Valuing Literacy
Some books are currently considered "dangerous"
for children. Understand why people may object
to certain types of reading materials.
12Teaching is a scholarly act
- Keep current with new children's literature
- Read and keep professionally active
- Learn the professional discourse (the terminology
of literacy)
13Goals for Living Literature
14Teaching children to read
15Teaching children to WANT to read
161. Surround children with literature instead of
just textbooks.
172. Allow students to teach others.
183. Allow students choice in their reading.
194. Provide opportunities for students to discuss
books with others.
20What we know about poor reading attitudes
- Generally, teenagers' interest in reading
declines. - Interest declines when reading is limited to
prescribed texts and quality literature is not
included. - Students in lower ability groups are usually not
motivated to read.
21Living Literature Principles
22Children learn what they live.
23Living Literature Framework
24Provide students with the best children's
25Design experiences that incorporate the six
language arts.
26Teachers use strategic and explicit teaching.
27Teachers encourage experimentation as children
respond to literature.
28Teachers use focused, specific feedback to
29Curriculum is integrated and inquiry based.
30- See the CD-ROM which came with this text for
- Tips for working with school public librarians
- Lists of professional print resources
- Organizations and their websites
- Professional journals and websites