History and Anthology of English Literature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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History and Anthology of English Literature


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Title: History and Anthology of English Literature

History and Anthology of English Literature
  • Mickey Xu

  • The Victorian age English Critical Realism
  • Background
  • The Novels of Critical Realism
  • The Poetry of the Victorian AgeThe Prose of
    the Victorian Age

  • Background Social and Cultural
    Background 1. Victorian Literature all the
    writings produced during the period from
    18371901 when Queen Victoria ruled over England.
    2. The Early Victorian Period(1832--1848), a
    time of troubles. The Mid-Victorian
    Period(1841--1870), a time of economic prosperity
    and religious controversy. The Last Period
    (1870--1901), a time in which the Victorian
    values decay. 3. Social background
  • 4. Cultural background5. The Women Question

  • Literary Characteristics
  • 1. The Victorian novelists were primarily
    concerned with people in society and with their
    relation to other people.
  • 2. Prose was also an important literary form
    in this age. Famous historians, critics and
    essayists abounded. Thomas Carlyle, Matthew
    Arnold, John Ruskin.
  • 3. Great Poetry were also produced. Lord Alfred
    Tennyson and Robert Browning.

  • Critical Realism
  • Term In Victorian period appeared a new
    literary trend-critical realism. English critical
    realism of the 19th century flourished in the
    forties and in the early fifties. It found its
    expression in the form of novel. The critical
    realists, most of whom were novelists, described
    with much vividness and artistic skill the chief
    traits of the English society and criticized the
    capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint.
    The greatest realist of the time was Charles
    Dickens. Other novelists who adhered to critical
    realism were Charlotte and Emily Bronte,
    Elizabeth Gaskell, George Eliot and Thomas Hardy.

Charles Dickens
  • Charles Dickens
  • Life ?Dickens was bron in 1812 at Portsmouth,
    where his father was a clerk in the Navy Pay
    Office. At four, his family moved to Chatham,
    where he studied in a day-school.
  • ?In 1821, the family bankrupted and they moved
    into the Marshalsea Prison, London. At 12,
    Dickens had to work twelve hours a day in an
    underground cellar at a blacking factory in
    London. The miserable life there left an
    everlasting, painful brand on the boys mind.
  • ?When he was 15, he became a lawyers clerk. He
    visited the British Museum Library, filling up
    the gaps in his education by reading. The work at
    the lawyers office afforded him the basis of a
    confirmed opinion of the law of England. Then he
    became a Parliamentary reporter for newspapers.
    Thus Dickens got a first-hand knowledge of the
    parliamentary government of it as an instrument
    for wielding and disguising the power of the
    upper classes.
  • ?The rest of his life is a story of writing. In
    1870, he died suddenly.

  • WorksDickens Novels---The First
    Period(1836--1841) fun, high spirit, and a
    tendency even to literary boisterous
    play-----alternating sometimes with spells of
    sentimentality. Naïve optimism.---The Second
    Period (1842--1850)-----a transitional period
    when his naïve optimism about capitalist society
    was thus profoundly shaken.

  • ---The Third Period (1851---1870) novels in
    this period are much darker in content which
    showed the novelists loss for English bourgeois

  • Distinct features of his novels 1. Character
    sketches and exaggeration2. Broad humor and
    penetrating satire.
  • 3. Complicated and Fascinating Plot 4. The
    power of exposure

  • Analysis of Major Characters
  • Oliver Twist
  • He is a saintlike figure. As the child hero
    of a melodramatic novel of social protest, Oliver
    Twist is meant to appeal more to our sentiments
    than to our literary sensibilities.

  • Nancy
  • As a child of the streets, Nancy has been a
    thief and drinks to excess. The narrators
    reference to her free and agreeable . . .
    manners indicates that she is a prostitute.
    Nancys moral complexity is unique among the
    major characters in Oliver Twist.
  • In much of Oliver Twist, morality and
    nobility are black-and-white issues, but Nancys
    character suggests that the boundary between
    virtue and vice is not always clearly drawn.

  • Fagin
  • He is ugly, simpering, miserly, and
    avaricious. Constant references to him as the
    Jew seem to indicate that his negative traits
    are intimately connected to his ethnic identity.
    However, Fagin is more than a statement of ethnic

  • Themes
  • The Failure of Charity
  • Purity in a Corrupt City

  • Thackeray, William Makepeace(181163)
  • ? English novelist, b. Calcutta, India. He is
    important not only as a great novelist but also
    as a brilliant satirist.
  • In 1830, Thackeray left Cambridge without a
    degree and later entered the Middle Temple to
    study law. In 1833 he became editor of a
    periodical, the National Standard, but the
    following year he settled in Paris to study art.
    There he met Isabella Shawe, whom he married in
  • ? ? Thackerays eldest daughter, Anne, Lady
    Ritchie, was also an author
  • ? He died in 1863.

  • Works
  • --Vanity Fair, a masterpiece, published in
    1847-48 in monthly parts. The sub-title of the
    book, A Novel Without a Hero, emphasizes the
    fact that the writers intention was not to
    portray individuals, but the bourgeois and
    aristocratic society as a whole.
  • The title was taken from Bunyans Pilgrims
    Progress. In this novel Thackeray describes the
    life of the ruling classes of England in the
    early decades of the 19th century, and attacks
    the social relationship of the bourgeois world by
    satirizing the individuals in the different
    strata of the upper society.
  • --Pendennis (1849-1850)
  • --Henry Esmond (1852) and The Virginians
    (1859), both are historical novels.

  • The comparison between Dickens and Thackeray
  • Thackeray portrayed the upper half, whose
    parasites, snobbery, greed and cruelty formed his
    chief theme, and the pictures in his novels are
    accurate and true to life. Both of them are
  • Thackeray is also a satirist.
  • Thackeray is inferior to Dickens in imaginative
    and creative power.

Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855)
  • Charlotte Brontë
  • English novelist
  • Birth April 21, 1816
  • Death March 31, 1855
  • Place of Birth Thornton, Yorkshire, England

  • 1847 Published the novel Jane Eyre
  • 1849 Published the novel Shirley, a story set
    during anti-industrial riots that took place in
    the final years of the Napoleonic Wars
  • Brontë's first novel, The Professor, was turned
    down by numerous publishers, and she eventually
    withdrew the book. It was finally published after
    her death in 1857.

  • Analysis of Major Characters
  • Jane Eyre
  • The protagonist and narrator of the novel,
    Jane is an intelligent, honest, plain-featured
    young girl forced to contend with oppression,
    inequality, and hardship.

  • Edward Rochester
  • Janes employer and the master of Thornfield,
    Rochester is a wealthy, passionate man with a
    dark secret that provides much of the novels

  • St. John Rivers
  • St. John Rivers is a foil to Edward
    Rochester. Whereas Rochester is passionate, St.
    John is austere and ambitious.

  • Theme
  • Love versus Autonomy

  • Emily Bronte (1818-1848)
  • Emily Brontë lived an eccentric, closely
    guarded life. She was born in 1818, two years
    after Charlotte and a year and a half before her
    sister Anne, who also became an author. Her
    father worked as a church rector, and her aunt,
    who raised the Brontë children after their mother
    died, was deeply religious. According to
    Charlotte Brontes description, Emily was clever,
    benevolent, but very stubborn Stronger than a
    man, simpler than a child, her nature stood

  • Analysis of Major Characters
  • Heathcliff -  An orphan brought to live at
    Wuthering Heights by Mr. Earnshaw, Heathcliff
    falls into an intense, unbreakable love with Mr.

  • Catherine is free-spirited, beautiful,
    spoiled, and often arrogant.
  • Edgar--Edgar is born and raised a gentleman.
    He is graceful, well-mannered, and instilled with
    civilized virtues.

  • Themes
  • The Destructiveness of a Love that Never

  • Goerge Eliot
  • Scenes of Clerical Life her first three stories.
  • Adam Bede her first full length novel, Eliot's
    first experiment with the type of new fiction
    that she pioneered
  • The Mill on the Floss rural life
  • Silas Marner rural life
  • Romala a historical novel
  • Felix Holt English politics
  • Middlemarch her masterpiece
  • Daniel Deronda the best work in Eliots opinion.
  • Major Themes
  • Honor
  • Love

  • Eliot's realism stems from her tendency to
    avoid caricature and stereotype, instead creating
    complex and ambiguous characters whose faithful
    representation makes them not only believable,
    but difficult to pigeonhole. Her novels are
    attempts to analyze the subtleties of the human
    mind, rather than just plot structures (like many
    of her contemporaries). This allows Eliot to
    present human situations as they really occur,
    reproducing the mental and physical aspects of
    people's actions.

  • Lord Alfred Tennyson
  • Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), English poet
    often regarded as the chief representative of the
    Victorian age in poetry. Tennyson succeeded
    Wordsworth as Poet Laureate in 1850.
  • Among Tennyson's major poetic achievements is
    the elegy mourning the death of his friend Arthur
    Hallam, "In Memoriam" (1850).

  • The patriotic poem "Charge of the Light
    Brigade", published in Maud (1855), is one of
    Tennyson's best known worksIn the 1870s Tennyson
    wrote several plays, among them the poetic dramas
    Queen Mary (1875) and Harold (1876). In 1884 he
    was created a baron. Tennyson died at Aldwort
    on October 6, 1892 and was buried in the Poets'
    Corner in Westminster Abbey.

Robert Browning (1812-1889)
  • Robert Browning (1812-1889)
  • Robert Browning was born in Camberwell, a suburb
    of London. Young Robert spent much of his time in
    his father's private library of 6000 volumes in
    several languages. The chief source of his
  • Robert did not become recognized as a poet, until
    after Elizabeth's death in 1861. After which, he
    was honored for the rest of his life as a
    literary figure.
  • Below is a picture of Robert Browning's grave. He
    is buried in Westminster Abbey, in Poet's Corner.

  • Works and Achievement
  • --The Ring and the Book, the longest and
    perhaps the greatest work of Browning.
  • --He and Tennyson were the two most important
    poets of the Victorian Period.
  • -- He introduced a new form to English
    poetry, the dramatic monologue.
  • --praised as a gallant, courageous and
    high-hearted figure, well-known for buoyant

  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)
  • Elizabeth Barrett was born at Coxhoe Hall,
    Durham, England. Elizabeth's father disapproved
    of the courtship and engagement. In 1846,
    Elizabeth and Robert were secretly wed. Soon the
    couple ran off to Italy where Elizabeth's health
    improved. She continued to live in the villa of
    Casa Guidi for the remainder of her life.
  • In 1861, Elizabeth Barrett Browning died at the
    age of 55. Her son, born 1849, and husband
    returned to England after her death.

  • Works
  • The Battle of Marathon
  • translation of the Greek tragedy Prometheus
  • The Cry of the Children
  • Sonnet from the Portuguese
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