Title: Basic Research Needs to
1Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy F
Dr. John Stringer, EPRI, Chair
Dr. Linda Horton, ORNL, Co-Chair
Workshop October 21 25, 2002 Energy Bioscien
ces Follow-up Workshop January 13-14, 2003
2Dramatis Personae
- John Stringer (Ch) Linda Horton (VC)
- The Team Chairs
- John Ahearne
- Charles Baker
- George Crabtree
- Lutgard De Jonghe
- Mildred Dresselhaus
- Jan Herbst
- Marvin Singer
- Rick Smalley
- The Factual Document Team
- Roger Stoller, Claudette McKamey, Stan Hadley,
Tom Rosseel, and Barbara Ashdown
- The Planners, Organizers, and General Support
- Sharon Long, Tim Fitzsimmons and Harriet Kung
3BESAC Charge Language
Date June 18, 2001 From James Decker, then
Acting Director, Office of Science
To Geraldine Richmond, University of Oregon,
What are the 21st century fundamental scientific
challenges that BES must consider in addressing
the DOE missions in energy efficiency, renewable
energy resources, improved use of fossil fuels,
safe and publicly acceptable nuclear energy,
future energy sources, science-based stockpile
stewardship, and reduced environmental impacts of
energy production and use?
4Remarks by Secretary Abraham Brookhaven National
Laboratory June 14, 2002
The Department of Energy could well have been
called the Department of Science and Energy given
our contribution to American science. And the
reason we are so deeply involved in science is
simple. Our mission here at DOE as I have
stressed since becoming Secretary is national
security. And in my view, a serious commitment
to national security demands a serious
commitment to science, including basic research.
This commitment strengthens our energy security,
international competitiveness, economic growth,
and intellectual leadership. Moreover, if we
ever hope to leapfrog today's energy challenges
we must look to basic research.
I think it's clear. A nation that embraces basi
c research embraces a brighter future.
5The Reasons for the Concern
- Increase in world population
- Increase in individual expectation for Energy
world wide
- Current dependency on fossil fuels
- Finite resources of fossil fuels
- Need to extend time to exhaustion
- Need to develop new alternatives to lower CO2
6Fundamental Research for Energy Security
7Distinctions Among Four Social Conditions
International Collaboration Global RD, global in
global peace, global technologies
Annual GNP/capita
Amenities Education, recreation, the environment,
intergenerational investment
Basic Quality of Life Literacy, life expectancy,
sanitation, infant mortality, physical security,
social security
Survival Food, water, shelter, minimal health se
Annual kWh/capita
Source Chauncey Starr
8Trends in Per Capita Electricity Consumption
9World Population, 1850-2100
Source WEC/IIASA-Global Energy Perspectives to
2050 and Beyond
10A Possible Outline for a Workshop
Fossil Energy Petroleum Reserves Production
Issues Basic research needs Natural Gas
Reserves Production Issues Basic researc
h needs Coal Reserves Production Issues
Basic research needs Other (oil shale, tar s
ands, gas hydrates, etc.) Reserves Productio
n Issues Basic research needs Nuclear E
nergy Reserves Production Issues Basic
research needs
Renewable Energy Solar electric, solar photochemi
cal, and solar thermal Production Future pot
ential Issues Basic research needs Wind
Production Future potential Issues Basic
research needs Geothermal Production Future
potential Issues Basic research needs Biom
ass, biofuel, biofeedstock Production Future
potential Issues Basic research needs Hydr
oelectric Production Future potential Iss
ues Basic research needs Other (tides, ocean t
hermal, etc) Future potential Issues B
asic research needs
Hydrogen Sources Production Future potent
ial Issues Basic research needs Fusion E
nergy Issues Basic research needs Electr
ical Energy Production Energy sources Ge
neration, transmission, and storage
Current technologies Future technologies B
asic Research needs
Consumption Transportation On board energy sou
rces Current Future Primary fuel eff
iciency Current Future Basic researc
h needs Residential Energy sources Curren
t Future Efficiency Current Fu
ture Basic research needs Commercial Energ
y sources Current Future Efficiency
Current Future Basic research
needs Industrial Energy sources Current
Future Efficiency Current Future
Basic research needs
11Conversations with BESAC on the Workshop
The basic research community has focused on many
of the known problems in energy technologies for
many years the workshop should not rehash these
areas. Rather, the workshop should focus on n
ew, revolutionary basic research opportunities.
- This is a statement concerning the mission of
OBES at the time of the beginning of this task
- Deliver the scientific knowledge and
discoveries for DOEs applied missions advance
the frontiers of the physical sciences and areas
of the biological, environmental, and
computational sciences and provide world-class
research facilities and essential scientific
human capital to the Nations overall science
13Path to Attain Objectives
- Participation of Stakeholders
- As wide a constituency as possible
- Focus discussions to a limited number of
- Support, not duplicate, applied mission offices
of DOE
- Understand time scale of the objectives
- DOE Applied Missions Offices
- Academia
- National Laboratories
- Industry
- DOE Office of Science
- Over 100 people participated in the discussions
- DOE Applied Missions Offices 8
- Academia 27
- Federal Laboratories 39
- Industry 16
- DOE Office of Science 10
16Three Phase Process to Answer the Charge Phase I
- Select Chairs for Topical Groups
- Chairs Select Members of Topical Groups
- Topical Groups Prepare Recommendations for
Discussion and Development at Workshop
- Topical Groups Review and revise Draft Factual
- Deliverables From Phase I
- Group Recommendations for Research Directions to
be developed at the Workshop
17Define Topical Areas
- Fossil Energy
- 2. Distributed Generation
- 3. Nuclear Energy
- 4. Industrial, Residential, Commercial
- 5. Transportation
- 6. Renewable Energy
- Fusion Energy
- Energy Biosciences
- Crosscutting Research
18Topical Team Chairs
- Marvin Singer (DOE OFE) Fossil Energy
- John Ahearne (Sigma Xi) Nuclear Fission
- George Crabtree (ANL) Renewable and Solar
- Charles Baker (UCSD) Fusion Energy
- Lutgard DeJonghe (UCB) Distributed Energy, Fuel
Cells, and Hydrogen
- Jan Herbst (GM RD Center) Transportation
- Mildred Dresselhaus (MIT) Residential,
Commercial and Industrial Energy
- Richard Smalley (Rice U) Crosscutting
- John Stringer (EPRI) Energy Biosciences.
19Three Phase Process to Answer the Charge The
Workshop - Phase II
- Conduct Workshop
- Additional Members Added to Topical Groups to
Form Topical Teams
- Teams Develop Recommendations for Proposed
Research Directions
- Teams Prepare Supporting Statements for Their
Proposed Research Directions
- Prioritize Proposed Research Directions from all
Topical Groups
- Deliverables from Phase II
- Selected PRDs with Supporting Statements
20Introductory Presentations
- Overview of the Office of Science, James Decker,
Deputy Director
- Overview of the Office of Basic Energy Sciences,
Patricia Dehmer, Director
- Overview DOEs Office of Fossil Energy Programs,
Rita A. Bajura, Director, NETL
- Basic Research Needs in Support of Advanced
Nuclear Reactor and Fuel Cycle Technologies, R.
Shane Johnson, Associate Director for Advanced
Nuclear Research, Office of Nuclear Energy,
Science and Technology - Science Issues in the Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, Sam Baldwin, Chief
Technology Officer and Member, Board of
Directors, Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
21Marvin Singer, ChairDirector, Advanced
ResearchOffice of Fossil Energy(FE-25) US
Department of Energy
Fossil Energy
Topical Group
Extra Attendees
Armstrong, Tim ORNL Bockelie, Mike Reaction Eng.
Carling, Bob SNL/CRF Dogan, Cindy DOE/FE
Albany Gleeson, Brian Iowa State U./AMES Harda
ge, Bob University of Texas Nenoff, Tina SNL/Al
b Keith, David Carnegie Mellon Suuberg, Eric
Brown University Wang, Anbo VPI Wimer, John NE
Allison, Edie DOE/FE Caldeira, Ken LLNL Carim, A
ltof DOE-BES Cugini, Anthony NETL Myer, Larry
LBNL Ray, Doug PNNL Richards, Geo NETL White, C
urt NETL Winans, Randy ANL Woodward, Nick DOE-BE
22Lutgard DeJonghe, ChairProfessor of
CeramicsMaterials Science and EngineeringUnivers
ity of California, Berkeley
Distributed Generation
Topical Group
Extra Attendees
Garland, Nancy EE Liu, Meilin GIT Ogden, Joan Pr
inceton Pecharsky, Vitalij Iowa State/Ames Ross,
Philip LBNL Singhal, Subhash PNNL Turner, John
NREL Wheeler, Douglas United Tech. Williams, Mar
Adzic, Radoslav BNL Buchanan, AC ORNL Henderson,
David NE-20 Kelley, Dick DOE-BES Lutz, Andy SNL
Noceti, Rick NETL Suenaga, Mas BNL Tully, Fran
23John Ahearne, Chair Executive Director Sigma Xi
Scientific Research Society
Nuclear Energy
Topical Group
Extra Attendees
Bennett, Ralph INEEL Croff, Allen ORNL Gottschal
l, Bob DOE-BES Klein, Andy Oregon State Phase
I Assistance Goldner, Frank NE-20 Taylor, Joh
n Former EPRI Todreas, Neil MIT
Allen, Todd ANL-W Beitz, Jim ANL Mike Kassner,
Oregon State Millman, Bill DOE-BES Richards, J
ack Cal Tech. Versluis, Rob NE-20 Wirth, Brian L
LNL Weber, Bill PNNL
24Jan Herbst, Chair Materials and Processes
LaboratoryGM RD Center
Topical Group
Extra Attendees
Ahn, Channing California Institute of Technology
DebRoy, Tarasankar Pennsylvania State University
Eberhardt, Jim EE Grostic, Ed ORNL Hadaller, Ore
n The Boeing Company Hass, Kenneth Ford Motor Com
pany Heremans, Joseph Delphi Research Labs Sloan
e, Chris General Motors
Anderson, Iver AMES Baskaran, Suresh PNNL Duong,
Tien EE Kirchhoff, Bill DOE-BES Leesing, Paul I
NEEL McGurl, Gil NETL Miles, Paul SNL Morris,
Jamie AMES Ott, Kevin LANL Varma, Matesh DOE-
25George Crabtree, ChairSenior Scientist and
DirectorMaterials Science Division Argonne
National Laboratory
Renewable Energy
Topical Group
Extra Attendees
Baldwin, Sam EE Bullock, Morris BNL Cooke, John
ORNL Ingram, Lonnie Univ. of Florida Kazmerski,
Larry NREL Lewis, Nate Cal Tech. Mazer, Jeff EE
Nozik, Arthur NREL Sutula, Ray EE Tiede,
David ANL
Baker, Tom LANL Ginosar, Dan INEEL Gui, John
GE Kennedy, Mack LBNL Miranda, Amy DOE-EE Pala
dino, Joe NETL Weatherwax, Sharlene DOE-BES Zhu,
26Milldred Dresselhaus Institute Professor
Physics and Electrical Engineering MIT
Industrial, Residential, and Commercial
Panel Members Sam Baldwin (EE) Hylan Lyon (Marl
ow Industries) Gerald Mahan (Penn State U.) Anne
Mayes (MIT) Steve Selkowitz (LBNL) Jerry Simmon
s (SNL) Harriet Kung (BES) Aravinda Kini (BES)
Speakers Dr. Anil Duggal (GE) Dr. Jerry Simmons
(SNL) Prof. Woods Haley (UMN) Dr. Ron Judkoff
(NREL) Dr. Ertugrul Berkcan (GE) Dr. Dickson
Ozokwelu (DOE/EE) Prof. Vitalij Pecharsky (Ames/
Iowa State)
Panel Members with Phase I Task
Paul Alivisatos (UC, Berkeley)
Sam Bader (ANL)Terry Michalske (SNL)
27Charles BakerVirtual Laboratory for Technology
University of California, San Diego
Fusion Energy
Topical Group
Extra Attendees
Zinkle, Steve ORNL
Berk, Sam DOE-Fusion Jones, Russ PNNL Lindl, Joh
n LLNL McNight, Ron DOE-Fusion Rohlfing, Eric DO
Schoenberg, Kurt LANL Scott Willms LANL
Phase I Assistance
Abdou, Mohamed UCLA Bangerter, Roger LBNL Dahlbu
rg, Jill General Atomics Efthimion, Phil Princeto
Morley, Neil UCLA
28Rick Smalley, ChairProfessor of Chemistry Rice
Crosscutting Research
Topical Group
Extra Attendees
Bekey, Ivan Bekey Designs Boubour, Emmanuelle Ohi
o State Green, Art ExxonMobil Kwok, Kwan DARPA
Lavin, Gerry DuPont Fellow Mankins,
John NASA Marek, Reinnette Rice U. Shoham, Yora
m Shell Tester, Jeff MIT
All Topical Chairs Stringer, John EPRI Hor
ton, Linda ORNL
Thomas, Iran DOE-BES
29John Stringer, ChairEPRI
Energy Biosciences Research
Topical Group
Other Attendee
Mark Alper, LBNL Heinz Frei, LBNL Evan Hughes, E
PRI Laurie Mets, U. Chicago John Shanklin, BNL
Chris Somerville, Stanford U. Walt Stevens, BES
Lut De Jonghe, UCB
Linda Horton, ORNL
30Products of the Workshops
- The products of the two Workshops consisted of
four items
- A set of Proposed Research Directions (PRDs).
Altogether, 37 were produced.
- Supporting statements for each PRD, in the form
of a one-page Executive Summary and three pages
of detailed information.
- A list of General Research Areas, derived from
the PRDs. 10 of these were identified
- The Factual Document, summarizing the status of
energy supply and use.
31Proposed Research Directions
- Fossil Energy
- Reaction Pathways of Inorganic Solid materials
Synthesis, Reactivity, Stability
- Advanced Subsurface Imaging and Alteration of
Fluid-Rock Interactions
- Development of an Atomistic Understanding of High
Temperature Hydrogen Conductors
- Fundamental Combustion Science Towards Predictive
Modeling of Combustion Technologies
- Nuclear Fission Energy
- Materials Degradation
- Advanced Actinide and Fission Product Separations
and Extraction
- Fuels Research
- Fundamental Research in Heat Transfer and Fluid
32Proposed Research Directions
- Renewable and Solar Energy
- To Displace Imported Petroleum by Increasing the
Cost-Competitive Production of Fuels and
Chemicals from Renewable Biomass by 100-fold
- Develop Methods for Solar Energy Conversion that
Result in a 10-50 fold Decrease in the Cost to
Efficiency Ratio for the Production of Fuels and
Electricity - Develop the Knowledge Base to Enable Widespread
Creation of Geothermal Reservoirs
- Conversion of Solar, Wind, or Geothermal Energy
Into Stored Chemical Fuels
- Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy
- Fusion Energy
- Multiscale Modeling of Microstructural Stability
of Irradiated Materials
- Deformation and Fracture Modeling
- Plasma-Surface Interactions
- Thermofluids and Smart Liquids
- Plasma Aerodynamics
33Proposed Research Directions
- Distributed Energy, Fuel Cells, and Hydrogen
- Advanced Hydrogen Synthesis
- High Capacity Hydrogen Storage for Distributed
Energy of the Future
- Novel Membrane Assemblies (for Ion Transport)
- Designed Interfaces
- Transportation Research
- Integrated Quantitative Knowledge Base for
Joining of Lightweight Structural Materials for
Transportation Applications
- Vehicular Energy Storage
- Fundamental Challenges in Fuel Cell Stack
- Integrated Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Thermoelectric Materials and Energy Conversion
Cycles for Mobile Applications
- Complex Systems Science for Sustainable
34Proposed Research Directions
- Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Energy
- Sensors
- Solid State Lighting
- Innovative Materials for New Energy Technologies
- Multilayer Thin Film Materials and Deposition
- Energy Biosciences Research
- Energy Biotechnology Metabolic Engineering of
Plants and Microbes for Renewable Fuels and
- Genomic Tools for the Development of Designer
Energy and Chemical Crops
- Nanoscale Hybrid Assemblies for the Photo-Induced
Generation of Fuels and Chemicals
- Cross Cutting Research and Education
- Nanomaterials
- Preparing Tomorrows Workforce for the Energy
Challenge and Heightening the Publics
35Basic Research Directions
- Materials Research to Transcend Energy Barriers
- Energy Biosciences
- Research Towards the Hydrogen Economy
- Energy Storage
- Novel Membrane Assemblies
- Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Energy Conversion
- Energy Utilization Efficiency
- Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Actinide Chemistry
- Geosciences
36Three Phase Process to Answer the Charge
Phase III
- Coordinate/assemble results of Phases I and II
- Expand Information
- Follow up meeting on biological opportunities in
energy research
- Prepare Report, Including Appendices
- Summary of workshop activities and proposed
research directions for each topic
- Factual documentation
- Deliverables from Phase III
- Report to BESAC
37Materials Research to Transcend Energy Barriers
- Many of the technological barriers related to
energy hinge on improved materials. This theme
appeared in nearly half of the PRDs.
- Nanomaterials
- Materials Degradation
- Composite Materials
- Materials Fabrication Issues
- Advanced Materials and New Materials
38Energy Biosciences
- Biomimetic approaches to solar energy capture and
generation of fuels and chemicals
- Using emerging knowledge in functional genomics
and molecular technology to develop plants
optimized to produce fuels and chemicals
- Development of biocatalysts
39Research Towards the Hydrogen Economy
- Hydrogen production high-temperature splitting
of water thermochemical splitting harnessing
light for photovoltaic splitting.
- Atomistic understanding of hydrogen conductors
for fuel cells
- New hydrogen storage concepts
40Energy Storage
- This is of great importance for the development
of transient renewable resources such as wind
or solar energy
- Photoconversion of renewable substrates to liquid
or gaseous fuels
- Phase transitions in materials for energy
41Novel Membrane Assemblies
- This is of great importance for gas separations
enabling lower cost fossil-based hydrogen
- Needed for fuel cell operation in the 200o
600oC range
- Basic research needed that will support the
establishment of a fundamental understanding of
the relationship between membrane structure and
42Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Heterogeneous catalysis underlies a number of the
concepts proposed for new directions in energy
production and utilization
- Research needed to establish detailed
structure-function relationships to allow the
development of a predictive capability for new
process concepts and materials design
43Energy Conversion
- Basic research to support advances in diagnostic
tools to advance combustion science and lead to
predictive models for design and real-time
operation control. - Multi-phase fluid flow and heat transfer effect
of nanophase dispersions
- Improvements in conversion efficiency of solar
devices problem is rapid decay of photogenerated
- Fuel cells for transportation and distributed
- Significant improvements in thermoelectric
- A major opportunity is lighting. Science
underlying solid state lighting, with
light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
- New light-emitting materials nitride-based wide
band-gap semiconductors and polymer-based organic
electronic materials
- Research needed to allow viable use of biomass
energy using marginal land, limited water
supplies, and low fertilizer use
45Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Actinide Chemistry
- Expansion of the nuclear option for electricity
generation will probably require fuel
- Fundamental research is needed to understand the
fuel cycle and the chemistry of the associated
- Research on the extraction of uranium from
seawater offers the possibility of a large
increase in the fuel resource
- Geosciences underpin the discovery of new fossil
fuel resources, the utilization of hard-to-access
reserves and the storage of carbon dioxide.
- Research in subsurface imaging
- In-situ alteration of fluid/rock interactions
- Development of understanding of wave-propagation
and scattering in complex heterogeneous media
- There is no single solution to the problem of
assuring a secure energy future for the U.S.
- Problems that must be addressed are truly
- This means that research will require the
coordinated participation of investigators with
different skill sets.
- Basic science skills have to be complemented by
awareness of the overall nature of the problem,
and with knowledge of the engineering, design,
and control issues in an eventual solution.
- It is necessary to find ways in which this can be
done while still preserving the ability to do
first-class basic science
- The traditional structure of research, with
specific disciplinary groupings, will not be
- This presents great challenges, and also great
- A major program should be funded to conduct a
multidisciplinary research program to address the
underlying fundamental knowledge that must be
developed to address the issues involved in
providing a secure energy future for the U.S. - This program must be ensured of a long-term
50Recommendation (continued)
- The Department of Energys Office of Basic Energy
Sciences is well-positioned to support this
initiative by enhancement of their already
world-class scientific research programs and user
51In the first century C.E., Manilius remarked in
Astronomica, i. 104, of human intelligence
Eripuitque Jovi fulmen viresque tonandi.
Which, as we all know, means And snatched fr
om Jove the lightning shaft and the power to
52James Baldwin (1924 1987) If we do not now d
are everything, the fulfillment of that prophecy,
re-created from the Bible in song by a slave, is
upon us God gave Noah the rainbow sign No more
water, the fire next time!
53Do not all charms fly At the mere touch of cold p
hilosophy? There was an awful rainbow once in hea
ven We know her woof, her texture she is given
In the dull catalogue of common
things. Philosophy will clip an Angels wings, C
onquer all mysteries by rule and line,
Empty the haunted air, and gnomed mine
Unweave a rainbow, as it erewhile made
The tender-persond Lamia melt into a shade.
John Keats (1795 1821)
55The Global Viewpoint
- EPRI believes that we must aim at a minimum level
of 1,000 kWh per capita per year to achieve
acceptable levels of literacy, health, and
security. - The world-wide average in 1950 was 400 kWh this
has risen to 2,100 kWh in 2000, and is predicted
to be 6,000 kWh per capita in 2050
- The achievement of these levels, with the
universal foundation level of 1,000 kWh,
represents a major challenge.
56Electric Power Production in the USA (2000)
- Net Generation 3,800 billion kilowatt-hours
- In 1973, 1,861 BkW-h
- Total population in the US 285.4 million
- Per Capita generation 13,315 kW-h per annum
57Carbon Intensity of World Primary Energy,
Carbon Intensity (tC/toe)
Carbon Intensity of
Wood 1.25
Coal 1.08
Oil 0.84
Gas 0.64
Source National Academy of Engineering, 1997
58U.S. Competitiveness - Technology Opportunities
Energy Intensity
toe 103GDP
Electricity ()
tons of oil equivalent
59Generating Electricity with Coal
- A little more than half of the electricity
generated in the USA comes from coal-fired
Rankine cycle plants
- Electricity generation is responsible for about
35 of the anthropogenic CO2
- However, the coal-fired generating stations are
large fixed sources, and it is likely that they
will be targeted for remedial actions
60Electric Power Production in the USA (2000)
- In units of BkW-h
- coal 2,000 53
- natural gas 600 16
- nuclear 754 20
- hydroelectric 279 7
- renewables 84 2
- (Quantities dont add to 100 because of
61(No Transcript)
62(No Transcript)
63(No Transcript)
64Coal Production in the USA
- In 2000, total coal production in the US was
1.075 billion short tons (0.976 billion tonnes)
- This is the seventh year in a row that coal
production has exceeded 1 B short tons.
- The coal consumption by the electric power sector
in 2000 was 0.983 B short tons.
- This corresponds to the production of 2.280
billion short tons of CO2 (2.069 billion tonnes)
- The density of supercritical liquid CO2 is 0.9
(water is 1.0) coal is somewhat greater.
(Source Monthly Energy Review U.S. DOE)
65Generating Electricity with Coal
- Approximately 1200 coal-fired power plants in the
US greater than 50 MW(e)
- Earliest dates from 1940, most recent about 1987.
Majority built in the period 1952 - 1975
- Overall net efficiencies (coal pile to busbar) of
current units typically in the range 34 - 37
oldest plants somewhat less.
- Best efficiency ever achieved in the US was 42
by the Eddystone plant.
- Capacity factor approximately 65 or so.
66(No Transcript)
67Generating Electricity with Coal
- The Rankine cycle boils water to form superheated
steam, which is then expanded through a turbine
which in turn drives a generator.
- At the exhaust of the steam turbine, the steam is
condensed and the water is returned to the
boiler the pressurization of the working fluid
is achieved with the water pumps.
68Generating Electricity with Coal
- Most of the Rankine cycles in the US are
subcritical the critical point for water is
- 647.29 K (705.47 F)
- 22.089 Mpa (3208.2 psia)
- Subcritical steam conditions
- 811 K (1000 F) 16.55 Mpa (2400 psia)
- Supercritical steam conditions
- 811 K (1000 F) 24.1 Mpa (3500 psia)
69Generating Electricity with Coal
- The efficiency of a heat engine is related to the
Carnot efficiency
- µc (Tmax - Tmin) / Tmax (T in Absolute)
- So, for the steam conditions given before, and
assuming a condenser temperature of 290K, µc
- Actual efficiency for a Rankine cycle is closer
to µR 0.35
70Generating Electricity with Coal
- Recent studies in the US, Japan, and Europe have
examined the possibility of increasing the
maximum steam temperature. The major limitation
is related to the available materials for the hot
components. 920 K is regarded as attainable
above 1020 K is not. - µR, 920 0.40
- µR, 1020 0.45
71The Kenosha Plant
- 300 MW(e), Appalachian coal, 35 efficiency.
- 3,000 tonnes coal per day
- 270 tonnes ash per day
- 6,960 tonnes CO2 per day
- 305 tonnes CaSO4 per day
- 2,400,000 tonnes cooling water per day
- (1 tonne CO2 2.27 tonnes CaCO3)
72The Magnitude of the Problem
- As will become clear later, the current objective
is to capture the CO2 as a pure gas, which is
then compressed to form a supercritical liquid
this is then pumped to a storage site. - Supercritical CO2 has a density lower than water
coal has a density higher than water.
- So the volume of the CO2 is more than twice that
of the coal that was mined!
73The Overall Options
- If we are to achieve these national and global
goals, with the additional requirements for
global sustainability and national strategic
security, together with a reduction in global
anthropogenic CO2 emissions, it is obvious we are
faced with major challenges. - The options are
- Decarbonization of fuels
- Moves to non- CO2 emitting options
- Capture and sequestration of CO2
- In fact, all these options must be pursued!
74Decarbonizing the Fuel
- Obviously, an important direction for the
industry is to continue decarbonizing the fuel,
which amounts to continuing to increase the H/C
ratio. - Current preferred direction increasing the
natural gas/coal ratio.
- Two paths for this
- Use natural gas for all new power that would
have used coal
- Replace existing coal-firing with natural gas
75Substituting Natural Gas
- U.S. Usage of Natural Gas in 2000 in units of
billion cubic feet
- Total 22,775
- Residential 4,943
- Commercial 3,332
- Industrial 9,581 (3,500 of this to generate
- Utilities 3,043
- If all electricity were generated with natural
gas, this last figure would be 31,528
76Generating Electricity with Natural Gas
- The Brayton Cycle is that which is used by
combustion turbines
- The working fluid is the hot combustion gas,
which is compressed, and expands and cools
through a turbine.
- The turbine drives the compressor, which works on
the inlet combustion air generally the
appropriate increase in the pressure of the fuel
is dealt with separately. - The remaining energy in the gas following driving
the compressor drives the generator
77Generating Electricity with Natural Gas
- The combustion turbines first used by the utility
industry were liquid fuel-fired.
- Liquid fuels can be stored on site relatively
- They are expensive but the capital cost of the
turbine, and its footprint, are small.
- A combustion turbine is capable of very rapid
start and ramp-up.
- Accordingly, these turbines were used for peaking.
78Generating Electricity with Natural Gas
- The efficiency of the simple-cycle combustion
turbine is not particularly high.
- This is because, at least in part, there is a
practical limit to the ability to recover the
energy in the gas once the pressure and
temperature have fallen below certain values at
which the gas, nonetheless, still contains
significant energy. - This can be recovered by a bottoming cycle the
most common of which is a Rankine cycle
79Generating Electricity with Natural Gas
- The combination of two or more cycles like this
in an energy conversion process is called a
combined cycle (CC).
- From a Carnot efficiency point of view, one is
still only concerned with the overall input and
output temperatures the CTSTCC combined cycle
uses the ability of a CT to use high inlet
temperatures, and the ability of the ST to
recover energy at low outlet temperatures. - But practically, since the departures from Carnot
are different for the two cycles, the cross-over
point becomes important.
80Generating Electricity with Natural Gas
- Newer plant in the US have been fired with
natural gas.
- While there are Rankine units fired with natural
gas, most of the new units use combustion
turbines (the Brayton cycle)
- The most recent development has been to use
Rankine steam cycles in combination to recover
the sensible heat in the turbine exhaust.
- In the most recent units, these have achieved
efficiencies as high as µCC 0.59
81Is There Enough Natural Gas?
- Depends where it comes from.
- If bacterial routes to generation of natural gas
from carbon, or even carbon dioxide, prove to be
viable, then perhaps yes.
- However, at the present rate of discovery, the
competition for the gas available, and political
uncertainties, the situation over the next twenty
years looks very dicey. - IGCC costs are very sensitive to the fuel costs
- 75 of the life-cycle costs are related to fuel
costs at present prices!
82Is There Enough Gas Distribution Infrastructure?
- This is a difficult question - the answers you
get depend on who you ask.
- A more important issue may relate to the
dynamical response required of the distribution
system to accommodate the variation of
electricity demand. - It will also depend on the distribution of the
gas sources related to the distribution of
electric generating plant. It might seem that
this would not be an issue, because the users are
essentially the same, but its not so simple.
83Capture and Sequestration of CO2
- This topic has been very extensively covered.
- The currently preferred option for fossil-fuel
fired heat engines is to develop a method to
generate an exhaust gas stream which is
essentially pure CO2. - This is then sequestered in a stable reservoir,
such as an isolated aquifer, a spent oil well, or
the deep ocean.
- We have been looking at permanent sequestration
by mimicking natural processes.
84Sequestration Options
85Carbon Dioxide Where do we put it?
Carbon dioxide ocean disposal options
(Adapted from Fujioka et al, 1997)
(Adapted from Fujioka et al, 1997)
87Sink Capacity
88CO2 Capture and Sequestration Options
- Enhancement of Natural Sinks
- CO2 Capture
- CO2 Reuse/Storage
- Geological Storage
- Deep Ocean Disposal
- Pipelines -- Corrosion/Safety
- Monitoring Procedures (applies to all above)
89CO2 Capture
- Membranes
- Amines
- O2 Enhanced Combustion
- Physical Adsorbents
- CO2 Hydrates
90Establishing RD Programs
- Japan
- RITE (Research Institute of Innovative Technology
for the Earth) established in July 1990
- About 50 million USD per year in direct
- IEA Greenhouse Gas RD Programme
- Established 1991
- Currently has 17 members plus 7 sponsors
- US
- Pre-1998, only about 1.5 million per year
- Budgets show significant growth starting in 1998
91The Sleipner CO2-Injection Project
92The Sleipner CO2-Injection Project
93Natural CO2 Sequestration
- 60 million years ago, the CO2 concentration in
the atmosphere was 7,000 ppm!
- One can identify at least three natural
sequestration processes
- Coalification
- Terrestrial weathering
- Marine carbonate formation
94Natural Sequestration
- Weathering
- MgSiO3 CO2 ? MgCO3 SiO2
- Marine Carbonate
- Ca2 CO32- ? CaCO3
- CO2 H2O ? CO32- 2H
95Energy/Carbon and Global Sustainability
- Limit-Breaking Technologies
- Advanced nuclear, fuel cell, and renewable
- Electricity/hydrogen infrastructure
- Carbon sequestration
- Advanced sensors and controls
- Advanced materials
- Micro-miniaturization of processes