Title: Securing A Career In Clinical Research Holds Promise
1Securing A Career In Clinical Research Holds
- In order to study clinical research, you will
need a degree in life sciences or medical
sciences which is a basic prerequisite. Pharmacy,
pharmacology, immunology, biochemistry, nursing
are some of the common life science degrees which
are necessary to be eligible for clinical research
2Clinical Research Career opportunities
The study of clinical research involves the study
of a systematic trial of a new drug which is
conducted on the human beings to determine its
safety and efficacy. We can in other words say
that Clinical research is that branch of medical
science that determines the safety and
effectiveness of devices, medications, treatment
regimens and diagnostic products intended for
human use.
3Clinical Research Jobs
- If you wish to opt for a Clinical Research Jobs
then they are available in many companies. In
order to take up this job, you will have to
consider many key factors -
- Big Demand and Supply Gap
- Booming Market
- Cross-cultural Exposure
- Easy Entry
- Good Career Prospects
- Increased Contacts
- Knowledge Intensive Jobs
- Marketability
4Thank you
For more Information- http//icriindia.in/clinic