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The last two pages of the project shall consist of two 8-1/2' x 11' sheets ... Photographs are not necessary nor encouraged (judges use black and white copies) 29 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • CTTC Awards Program
  • Fall 2005

CTTC/Refrigeration Awards
  • Programs Star Award
  • Milton W. Garland Award
  • Refrigeration Comfort Cooling Award
  • Technology Awards
  • Government Activities Award
  • Dan Mills Technical Award

Top Dog!
Chapter Programs Star Award
  • Purpose
  • The Chapter Programs Star Award recognizes
    excellence in chapter program endeavors.

Chapter Programs Star Award
  • Performance for the award is measured by
  • Planning for successful chapter programs
  • Increasing attendance at chapter meetings
  • Promoting special chapter programs

Chapter Programs Star Award
  • Eligibility Requirements
  • Must be a member of ASHRAE in good standing
  • Must be assigned to a chapter in the region (s)
    that submits his/her name
  • Must be CTTC Chapter Chair of assigned chapter
  • Must have attended CRC and CTTC Workshop for
    award year in the region where he/she serves as
    CTTC Chapter Chair

Chapter Programs Star AwardPoint Calculation
  • Eighty (80) Point Minimum Required for
  • Chapter Programs Evaluation Summary
  • 35 points
  • Accurate Annual Chapter Programs Schedule
  • 25 points
  • Regional PAOE Ranking
  • 20/15/10 points (Highest/Second/Third)
  • CRC CTTC Session Attendance
  • 20 points
  • Chapter Attendance Increase
  • 20/15/10 Points (21/15/10)

Chapter Programs Star Award
  • Schedule
  • Regional Competition Deadline Determined by RVC
  • Submission to CTTC Chair June 15
  • Society Entry Deadline September 1
  • Selection Date December 15
  • Society Presentation Annual Meeting
  • The 2004-05 Chapter Program Star Award was
    presented to Frank Heine of the Twin Tiers
    Chapter, Region I, at the June 2005 Annual
    Meeting in Denver

Milton W. Garland Commemorative
Award for Project Excellence
  • Milton W. Garland (1896-2000) was known as Mr.
    Refrigeration for his work in refrigeration
    systems for gold mines in South Africa and the
    ice cream factories in Philadelphia. In 1998, Mr.
    Garland was honored as the nations oldest
    worker. He was inducted into the ASHRAE Hall of
    Fame in 2003.

Milton W. Garland Commemorative

Refrigeration Award for Project Excellence
  • Purpose
  • The Milton W. Garland Commemorative Refrigeration
    Award recognizes a non-comfort cooling
    refrigeration application which highlights
    innovation and/or new technologies.

Milton W. Garland Commemorative
Award for Project Excellence
  • Schedule
  • Regional Competition Deadline Entries judged
    at CRC
  • Submission to Refrigeration
  • Committee Annual Meeting
  • Society Entry Deadline Annual Meeting
  • Selection by Refrigeration
  • Committee Winter Meeting
  • Society Presentation Annual Meeting

Milton W. Garland Award Eligibility
  • Mechanically produced low temperature utilization
  • Must be submitted within thirty-six (36) months
    of the initial operation date
  • Achieved some distinction
  • An Owners release is required
  • There must be an ASHRAE linkage to the nominee

Milton W. Garland Award - Submittal
  • Maximum of six (6) pages
  • The front cover shall be an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet
    containing the project name, the project
    location, the owners name, the designers name,
    and the chapter submitting.
  • The second 8-1/2 x 11 page shall contain no
    more than a two-paragraph overview of the project.

Milton W. Garland Award
  • Maximum of six (6) pages (Cont)
  • The next two 8-1/2 x 11 pages shall contain a
    description of the project typed in 12 point
    font. The page shall be double-spaced with 3/4
    left and right margins, and 1top and bottom
  • The last two pages of the project shall consist
    of two 8-1/2 x 11 sheets containing drawings,
    plans, schematics, or pictures assist Judges in
    understanding the project.

Milton W. Garland Award - Scoring
  • Complexity of Problem 20 points
  • Concept 30 points
  • Concept
  • Architectural Integration
  • Originality
  • Solution 50 points
  • Performance Criteria Achieved
  • Energy Effectiveness
  • Budget Restrictions
  • Ease of Maintenance
  • Discretionary Bonus Maximum 10 points

Refrigeration Comfort Cooling Award for
Project Excellence
  • Purpose
  • The Refrigeration Comfort Cooling Award for
    Project Excellence recognizes a comfort cooling
    refrigeration application which highlights
    innovation and/or new technologies.

Refrigeration Comfort Cooling
Award for Project Excellence
  • Schedule
  • Regional Competition Deadline Entries judged
    at CRC
  • Submission to Refrigeration
  • Committee Annual Meeting
  • Society Entry Deadline Annual Meeting
  • Selection by Refrigeration
  • Committee Winter Meeting
  • Society Presentation Annual Meeting

Refrigeration Comfort Cooling Award for Project
Excellence Eligibility
  • Mechanically produced cooling utilization
  • Must be submitted within thirty-six (36) months
    of the initial operation date
  • Achieved some distinction
  • An Owners release is required
  • There must be an ASHRAE linkage to the nominee

Refrigeration Comfort Cooling Award for Project
Excellence - Submittal
  • Maximum of six (6) pages
  • The front cover shall be an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet
    containing the project name, the project
    location, the owners name, the designers name,
    and the chapter submitting.
  • The second 8-1/2 x 11 page shall contain no
    more than a two-paragraph overview of the project.

Refrigeration Comfort Cooling Award for Project
Excellence - Submittal
  • Maximum of six (6) pages (Cont)
  • The next two 8-1/2 x 11 pages shall contain a
    description of the project typed in 12 point
    font. The page shall be double-spaced with 3/4
    left and right margins, and 1 top and bottom
  • The last two pages of the project shall consist
    of two 8-1/2 x 11 sheets containing drawings,
    plans, schematics, or pictures assist Judges in
    understanding the project.

Refrigeration Comfort Cooling Award for Project
Excellence - Scoring
  • Complexity of Problem 20 points
  • Concept 30 points
  • Concept
  • Architectural Integration
  • Originality
  • Solution 50 points
  • Performance Criteria Achieved
  • Energy Effectiveness
  • Budget Restrictions
  • Ease of Maintenance
  • Discretionary Bonus Maximum 10 points
  • Reasoning for Bonus

ASHRAE Technology Awards
  • Purpose
  • Local and international recognition of ASHRAE
    members for innovative designs
  • Communication of innovative designs to other
    ASHRAE members
  • Highlight technological achievements of ASHRAE to

ASHRAE Technology Awards
  • Schedule
  • Regional Competition Deadline May 15
  • Submission to CTTC Chair June 30
  • Society Entry Deadline September 1
  • Selection Date Early October
  • Society Presentation Winter Meeting

ASHRAE Technology Awards Categories
  • I. Commercial Building (New and Existing)
  • II. Institutional Buildings (New and Existing)
  • III. Health Care Facilities (New and Existing)
  • IV. Industrial Facilities (New and Existing)
  • V. Public Assembly Facilities (New and Existing)
  • VI. Residential Buildings (New and Existing)
  • Single Family
  • Multi-Family (Low and High Rise)
  • VII. Alternative or Renewable Energy Use

Chapter Technology Awards Competition
  • Recognizes local Members Outstanding Design and
    Innovation for Effective Energy Utilization
  • Form of Competition and Judging at the Chapter
    level can be set up by the local chapter
  • Chapter winners in each Category must complete
    Short Form Application and forward submittal to
    RVC for judging at the Regional level
  • Dates to be determined by RVC

Regional Technology Awards Competition Short Form
  • The short Form is Available on the ASHRAE Web
    site http//
  • Provide a Schematic Diagram 11 x 17 maximum
    and 2 page narrative. Gross and net building
    areas and brief narrative discussing the
    following criteria
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Indoor air Quality
  • Environmental Impact
  • Innovation
  • Operation Maintenance
  • Cost Effectiveness

Regional Technology Awards Judging
  • Chapter winners applications will be sent to the
    RVC for Regional judging. Regional judging is
    normally completed before the CRC
  • Regional Technology Awards winners in each
    category will be recognized at the CRC by the
  • The Winners at the Region level in each category
    will have time to prepare the Society Long form
    for Society Judging.
  • Society long form Applications must be sent to
    the RVC and forwarded to ASHRAE Headquarters
    prior to September 1, for preparation and
    distribution to Judging Panel

Society Technology Awards Submittal Requirements
  • Requirements are posted on the web
    page http//
  • 12 Page, 10 page narrative and 2 page Application
  • Must be an ASHRAE member or Associated Society
  • The Entrant, Property Owner and Engineer of
    Record Must sign the Application Form (one
    original and one copy)
  • The project must have been in operation one year
  • Must be submitted by the CTTC RVC by September 1
    to ASHRAE Headquarters

Society Technology Awards General
  • A System Schematic is strongly recommended (11x
    17 maximum for copying)
  • If a judging criterion is not applicable to the
    entry, a brief explanation should be provided.
  • Information should be clear and concise
  • Commercialized items and notations are to be
  • Photographs are not necessary nor encouraged
    (judges use black and white copies)

Society Technology Awards Judging Criteria
  • Energy Efficiency (15 Points)
  • Must Comply with ASHRAE 90.1 or ASHRAE 100
  • One years energy consumption data
  • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Thermal Comfort (
    15 Points)
  • Address the Standards 55 and 62 in the design
  • The Rate the Occupant complaints, if any
  • Objective measurements of ventilation, IAQ
  • Building pressure relationships for the order or
    IAQ control

Society Technology Awards Judging Criteria
  • Innovation (15 Points)
  • The Uniqueness of the design innovation and new
    technologies and how that is key to building
  • Operation and Maintenance (15 Points)
  • Building Commissioning process
  • Cost Effectiveness (15 Points)
  • One Year data demonstrating the performance of
    the design
  • Payback periods, cost savings

Society Technology Awards Judging Criteria
  • Environmental Impact (15 Points)
  • Global Climate Change gases, elimination of CFC,
    reduction in waste discharge and other
    environmental items
  • Quality of Presentation (5 Points)
  • Charts and graphs
  • Simple easy to read schematics
  • Page numbers

Typical Problems with Technology Award Submittals
  • Do not contain one years operating data
  • Short Form submitted to Society competition
  • Claims not substantiated
  • Ventilation rates do not meet ASHRAE standards
  • No payback figures
  • No IAQ discussion of occupant comfort or
  • Innovation claimed but not really innovative
  • Presentation does not meet submittal guidelines
  • Maintenance and Operations not discussed

Judging Schedule for Society Technology Awards
  • ASHRAE Headquarters reviews projects and sends
    copies to the judges in early October
  • The 7 to 9 Society Judges meet normally in mid
    October to review projects and select the winners
  • Winners are notified in November
  • The First place Winners are presented at the
    Plenary Session of Societys Winter Meeting
  • The winners may also present a poster of their

Recognition For Technology Award Winners
  • ASHRAE Technology Award winners are recognized by
    there peers as being innovative and capable of
    achieving a high level of competence.
  • Winners of the competition are featured in the
    March 2005 issue of the ASHRAE Journal
  • The Engineering Award of Excellence, presented
    for an outstanding project, was awarded to
    Frederic Genest of the Montreal Chapter at the
    2005 Winter Meeting.
  • Good Luck!

Government Activities Award
  • Purpose
  • Stimulation of Effective Participation by ASHRAE
  • Chapters Involvement with State, Provincial
    and/or Local Governments
  • Application
  • Standard Cover Page
  • Narrative Section
  • Chapter Government Activities Plan
  • Documentation, Publicity, etc.
  • Deadlines
  • Submission of Chapter Application to Regional
    Vice Chair
  • May 15, Regional Judging to take place by June 30
  • RVC Submission of Regional Winners to ASHRAE
  • Due prior to September 1

Government Activities Award
  • Schedule
  • Regional Competition Deadline May 15
  • Submission to CTTC Chair June 30
  • Society Entry Deadline September 1
  • Selection Date Early October
  • Society Presentation Annual Meeting

Government Activities Award Report Judging
Section I
  • Cover Page
  • Executive Summary of Significant
    Accomplishments/Innovative Developments 10 points
  • Written Government Activities Plan of Action 15
  • Description of Activities to be Accomplished 15
  • Conclusions/Summary 15 points
  • Quality/Appendices Detailing Activities 20
  • Maximum 75 Points

Government Activities AwardActivities Judging
Section II
  • Identify government entities 200 points
  • Briefings to government entities 200 points
  • Provide ASHRAE position documents 200 points
  • Service on code committees
  • or government bodies 125 points
  • GA chapter meeting 100 points
  • Chapter liaison/advisor to
  • governmental committees 200 points
  • Maximum 1400 points

Government Activities Award Presentation
  • The GA award is presented at the Societys Annual
    Meeting during the Honors and Awards portion of
    the Plenary Session
  • The Chapter officers responsible usually accept
    the Chapters Award
  • The 2004-05 Award was presented to the Cleveland
    Chapter, Region V, at the 2005 Annual Meeting in

Dan Mills Technical Award
  • Purpose
  • The Dan Mills Technical Award
  • is endowed in the memory of
  • Dan Mills of the Memphis Chapter.
  • It Recognizes a Chapter CTTC Chair
  • who excels in meeting goals of the CTT
  • Committee

Dan Mills Technical Award
  • Schedule
  • Submission to RVC June 1
  • Society Entry Deadline June 1
  • Selection Date Annual Meeting
  • Society Presentation Annual Meeting

Dan Mills Technical Award
  • Guidelines
  • Application includes a standard transmittal
    letter, narrative section, criteria print sheet
    and relevant documentation
  • Candidate must be an ASHRAE Member in good
    standing, assigned to nominating chapter, must be
    CTTC Chapter Chair, and must have attended CRC in
    chapters region
  • Each region may submit one entry
  • The CTT RVC will select the best nominee to
    forward to CTTC
  • The 2004-05 Award was presented to Rejean Blais
    of the Montreal Chapter, Region II, at the 2005
    Annual Meeting in Denver
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